Forgiveness and Second Chances

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Forgiveness and Second Chances Page 12

by Ancelli

  He left the kitchen and entered his room. He searched in his drawer and found a small box and opened it. It was a diamond heart pendent. There was an engraving on the back that said “My heart is where you are.”

  “She broke my heart again.” Closing the box, he threw it in his trash and walked out.

  Alanie watched her dad throw the necklace in the trash. After he left, she sneaked in to his room and picked the box up out of the trash, placing it in her book bag.

  “Alanie, let’s go!” She ran to the door.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Days had passed and Malanie couldn’t eat or sleep. She was missing him so badly. Not hearing from Alanie made it worse.

  She called him from a blocked number, just to hear his voice. When she heard his deep, sexy sound, she got goose bumps.


  She remained silent.

  “I know there is someone on the line. I can hear you breathing,” Jeremy said.

  She hit the disconnect button. “I love you.”

  Her phone rang, making her jump. She answered, a bit shaky. “Hello?”

  “Malanie, it’s Stefanie.”

  She closed her eyes, a bit disappointed. “Yes?”

  “I’ll be bringing Alanie over on Friday. Jeremy said you hadn’t seen her in a while, and she wants to see you.”

  She jumped out of her chair. “What? He’s letting her see me?”

  “I guess you really don’t know Jeremy.” That hurt. “Because if you did, you would know he would never keep you away from your daughter.”

  “I just thought—”

  “Well, you thought wrong. Look, Malanie you hurt him really bad, and he’s not the same man. He hardly smiles, unless Alanie is around.” Malanie could hear her baby giggling in the background. “Your words hurt him more than you’ll ever know.”

  “I didn’t mean to hurt him.”

  “But you did. You insinuated that he would hurt his daughter.”

  Malanie gasped. “I never said that. I would never—”

  “You said, I quote, ‘I’ll make sure Alanie is safe’.”

  “Stefanie, I didn’t mean it like that. I was rattled that day.”

  “Whatever, Malanie. I’ll drop her off at six. Please be waiting downstairs.” She disconnected.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Jeremy’s command had been informed of the allegations against him, but they kept it all under wraps until the outcome of the investigation and the DNA test.

  He sat in his office, just staring at the computer screen. He was tired of all the calls he’d been receiving where no one answered.

  Derrick walked in with a big smile on his face. “I have good news!”

  He just observed his friend, and didn’t ask what.

  “The DNA test results are in and you weren’t a match.”

  “I knew that. I didn’t fucking touch her.” He slammed his fist on the desk.

  “Calm down.”

  “Briana almost fucking cost me my career and my daughter, Derrick. I’ve worked hard to be where I am, and you tell me to calm down.”

  “I understand. If I were in your place and she cost me Stefanie and Eric, I don’t know what I would do.” He sat in front of Jeremy’s desk. “The Master at Arms interrogated her here on base, and she broke down and told them the truth. She was drunk and went home with some dude she didn’t know. She is being transferred out, and demoted for making false accusations.”


  “Now you can go back to your lady, and tell her you have proof it wasn’t you, and you can go back to being yourself again.”

  “Fuck Malanie.” he stood. “She didn’t even give me a chance. She didn’t believe me. I don’t need a woman like her. I need a woman who will stand by me no matter what. Not run at the first sign of trouble.”

  “You need to see things from her perspective. We don’t know what Luis told her.”

  “Don’t fucking defend her to me. She threw what happened in the past in my face, after telling me over and over it was forgiven.” He took a deep breath. “She looked me in the eyes and said I raped her, and then she had the nerve to imply that I would hurt my daughter. I will never forget those words.”

  “Talk to her.”

  “Remember, she has a restraining order against me. I’m done with her. The only thing that ties us together is Alanie. I will never keep them apart, not for her, but for my daughter. She’s suffered enough.

  Chapter Thirty

  “Mom!” Alanie cried, running across the parking lot. “I’ve missed you!” She ran into her mother’s arms, hugging her.

  “I’ve missed you, too.” She took her hand in hers, waved at Stefanie, and the two of them entered the building.

  “Daddy said you went out of town on business. Where did you go?” she asked.

  “Boring,” she said, trying to avoid answering. “How was your game?”

  “I made a goal. Daddy was so proud, but he wasn’t yelling like he usually does.”

  “I’ll be there next game, yelling my lungs out for you.” She chuckled.

  They entered the elevator.

  Alanie squeezed her hand. “Mom, Daddy still loves you. I miss us being together as a family.”

  She didn’t answer as they walked out of the elevator and into her condo. She took her daughter to her new room.

  She covered her mouth in excitement. Malanie had redesigned her guest bedroom into any girl’s fantasy. The walls were painted pink and baby blue, her favorite colors, and she had a computer, dolls, and a flat-screen TV.

  “Mom, thank you.” She hugged her tight.

  They stayed in her room, discovering all her new gadgets. “Can we watch a movie?”

  Malanie turned on the TV while Alanie popped popcorn. In the middle of the movie, Malanie feel asleep on her daughter’s lap.

  Alanie studied her mom, seeing the bags under her eyes. She caressed her face. “Don’t be sad, Mom. I’ll make it all better.”

  She dug in the mother’s purse, found her cell phone, and dialed a number.


  “Hi, Mrs. Johnson, it’s Alanie.” She smiled, knowing that her grandmother must be surprised.


  “My mom needs you. She’s sad.”

  “Why do you think that?” her grandmother asked, concerned.

  “They think I don’t know, but my parents broke up. She’s been crying, and I think she needs her mom, like I did.”

  “Oh baby, you’re so sweet. I can’t make it right away, but I promise I will try to make it better. Alanie, thank you for thinking of me.”

  “Bye, grandma.”

  She hung up, kissing her mom’s cheek. “I want you around all the time.”


  “Happy Birthday!” Alanie started singing, waking Malanie up bright and early.

  Her eyes fluttered open. “You remembered.”

  “Well, Daddy reminded me,” Alanie said, giving her a card she’d made by hand. It was a big, heart-shaped card, which she’d bedazzled.

  Malanie took it and gave her a hug. “Thank you.” She opened it and read it.

  For my lovely mom,

  I wish you the best birthday ever.

  Roses are red violets are blue

  Thank God I found you.

  You are the sunshine,

  That lightens up my day.

  I love you Mom


  A tear rolled down her cheek. “Thank you, this means so much to me….”

  Alanie got off the bed and searched through her book bag, then handed her two gifts. “This one’s from me and this one’s from Daddy.”

  He sent me a gift.

  “He got it for you months ago.”

  She opened Malanie’s gift first. She covered her mouth with her hands. “It’s beautiful. When did you take this?” she asked, looking at a framed picture of Jeremy, Alanie, and herself.

  “We took it at my birthday party. Open Daddy�
�s gift,” she said, excited.

  She placed the frame down and opened the other box. She gasped. It was a gold chain with a diamond heart pendant. “ I can’t accept this.”

  “He wanted you to have it. Read the back.”

  Malanie turned it and read the engraving. My heart is where you are.

  Alanie took it from her, and placed it around her neck. “It looks beautiful.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  “You fucking bastard!” Briana slammed his office door. “You told me nothing would happen to me. You were supposed to protect me.”

  He laughed. “You got what you wanted. They’re no longer together.”

  “He will never forgive me now. The deal was we both would get what we wanted, but it seems I got the bad end of this deal.”

  “Not my fault.”

  “I was sent to Captain’s Mast, busted down, and I’ve been reassigned to another command,” she yelled.

  He stood. “Look, Briana, you approached me after the restaurant incident, or did you forget that? You wanted revenge and I helped you get it. It’s up to you to get him back. Go tell him you made a mistake. I don’t fucking care.”

  “My career is over because of you!”

  “No, sweetheart, it’s because of you. Your ass went to the hospital, did a rape kit, and what did they find?” he asked sarcastically. “Sperm in your funky pussy, and guess what? It wasn’t his. You were supposed to get him to sleep with you, not somebody else. So, sweetheart, no matter what I tried to do, it wouldn’t have worked.”

  “Don’t patronize me, Luis. My pussy wasn’t funky when you were all up in it, huh?

  I’m going to make you pay for what you made me do. I could’ve destroyed that man’s career and reputation.”

  “I don’t give a fuck about him. All care about is having Malanie back.”

  “What? No, if I can’t be happy, neither will you.”

  He took long steps toward her and wrapped his hands around her throat. “If you open your big mouth, I’ll kill you.” He squeezed his hands around her neck.

  Carmen was about to knock when she overheard her cousin threatening a woman.

  “No one will know we set him up. Not Jeremy and especially Malanie. She’ll finally be mine.”

  Carmen backed away, but not soon enough. Briana had opened the door, and they both looked at her.

  “Carmen, come in,” he said, escorting Briana out. “Think of what I said.”

  She passed the woman, remembering her from her lunch with Malanie.

  He closed the door. “What are you doing here?”

  “What, I can’t come visit my favorite cousin?” she asked, not being able to look him in the eye.

  “Carmen, if you heard any part of that conversation you better keep it to yourself, or you’ll regret it, too.”

  She looked at him square in his eyes. “I didn’t hear anything. I needed your help with this ticket.” She pulled a piece of paper from her purse. He is crazier than I thought.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Weeks had passed and Malanie took some time off from work, to wallow in her sorrows.


  “Malanie, it’s been over a month since the agreement. Did you forget? You’re supposed to be with me. Stop making excuses.”

  “I was out of town on business.”

  “You’re here now, and I want to see you.”

  She remained silent.

  “Next Friday, we’ll eat dinner at that nice cozy restaurant on Phillips, then we’re going to my house to make sweet love. If not, I’ll be arresting your ex. I’ll see you soon.”

  She hung up without saying another word. “Fuck you!” she yelled, throwing the phone.


  Malanie lay in her bed in her pitch-black room, under her sheets. Suddenly there was a bright light, making her uncover her face. She looked at her visitor, surprised. “Mom!”

  “Why is your room so dark?” her mom asked, fixing the curtains.

  “Close them and please leave,” she said, giving her mom a dirty look.

  Mrs. Johnson stared at her daughter. “No, you need to get up and stop feeling sorry for yourself.” Her mom began cleaning up clothes off the floor.

  “Please leave, Mother!” Malanie yelled.

  She kept studying her daughter, wondering when was the last time she hugged, kissed, told her thank you for everything she’d done for me, even after everything that had been done to her. She sat at the foot of her bed. When was the last time I said I love you.

  “Why are you here?”

  “Because you need me. You need me to finally be your mother.”

  “I need you for what?”

  “She called me and said you needed me.”

  “I don’t need you and who called you?”

  “My granddaughter. Malanie, your daughter knows you’re hurting and it’s hurting her seeing her parents in pain. She’s a very smart girl for her age. She knows.”

  “I didn’t know.”

  “I know I’ve made mistakes raising you, and for that I’m forever sorry, but you never turned your back on me and I’m not going to do it to you now. You need someone to talk to, to listen and not judge and that’s me. I won’t judge you, I promise. What happened?”

  Malanie lowered her head. “Jeremy.”

  “What about Jeremy? You seemed to be happy these last couple of months. You told me it was because of your daughter and him. I know you think I hate him, but I don’t. I just thought he was a rich, spoiled, white kid trying to use you. He became so protective of you, and that was my job. I know I did a poor job of showing it, but back then I was so messed up, and now because of you sending my to rehab and therapy, I’m working on my past demons.” She took her hand. “I see it now. He makes you happy.”

  Malanie burst out crying. “I love him.”

  “Then why are you hurting each other? Tell him how you feel.”

  She wiped her tears. “I can’t.”


  She paused. “I need to get this off my chest. Mom, promise you won’t say a word.”


  Malanie told her mother the full story, everything that had happened at the police station, the charges. She mentioned how Luis had threatened her.

  “Honey, you need to call the police.”

  “No. If I do, he’ll have Jeremy convicted of something I know he didn’t do.”

  Her mom grabbed her hands. “You’ve always trusted Jeremy. You trusted him with what was most precious to you, your child. I think you two can get through this. Tell him the truth, tell him you sacrificed yourself for him.”

  “I can’t take that chance. I’ve hurt them too much already. Alanie can’t lose her father because of me.”

  Her mother held her while she cried herself to sleep. “I love you, baby, and I’m going make this right if it’s the last thing I do.” She quietly left her daughter’s apartment.


  “Come in,” Jeremy yelled, still annoyed by any little thing.

  Mrs. Johnson entered his office.

  He glared at her, arching his eyebrow. He didn’t have time for this lady’s attitude.

  “May I?” She pointed at the seat in front of his desk.

  He didn’t answer, but she sat down. “How did you get on base?”

  “I have my connections.”

  “Mrs. Johnson, to what do I owe this visit?” he asked in a stern voice, leaning back in his chair.


  “Ma’am, I don’t want to talk about your daughter. We’re over. You should be happy,” he said, taking a sip of water. “Now if you’ll excuse me.

  She didn’t move a muscle. “I can’t be happy when my child is suffering.”

  He chuckled sarcastically. “She’s suffering because she wants to…. She left me.”

  “Not because she wanted to.”

  He glared at her, surprised.

  “She made me promise not to tell anyone, but her happi
ness means more to me than her being mad at me. It won’t be the first time, and she’ll get over it.”

  “Where was this kindness eleven years ago?”

  She took a deep breath. “Let me get everything out before you blow up.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He was intrigued to hear her story.

  She stared at him. “Control yourself,” she warned. “My daughter has never stopped loving you since the age of fifteen, and I think she will never be able to. I disliked you at first because yes, you were white, and I didn’t think you were good enough for my black daughter, but then I saw a change in her. She was happier, full of life.” She sighed. “Then I hated you because I thought you were taking her love away from me. Before you came along it was just us. I always came first to her, until you. I know I didn’t pay her much attention but I always knew she would be there. When her dad divorced me and my other kids abandoned me, she stayed with me.”

  “Ma’am, I didn’t try to take her from you.”

  “I was in a bad place back then. I know she confided in you.” She swallowed hard, clutching her hands. “We had a huge argument. I hit her and kicked her out of my house. I hadn’t seen her for months, and she only came home to ask me if I had seen you, and I told her no. She disappeared again and then appeared almost a year later. Malanie’s eyes were lost and empty. She was so skinny. Her clothes were torn. My heart dropped to my stomach and I rushed her to the hospital. She was dehydrated and starving. My baby went through all of this because of me, and that’s when she told me she did indeed have a baby. I just couldn’t lose her again and I kept quiet about your dad and you.” She took a deep breath, “I paid the private investigators off so they couldn’t find you.”

  He was angry, but also felt sorry for her.

  “I’m so sorry. Because of me, Alanie missed out on ten years with her mother.”


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