Forgiveness and Second Chances

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Forgiveness and Second Chances Page 14

by Ancelli

“I mean my period. I went to the doctor’s.” There was silence on the phone. “Are you still there?”

  “You’re pregnant?” She was about to answer, when he began yelling. “Yes! Yes! Baby, I’m so happy!”

  She sighed. “Jeremy, I’m not pregnant.”

  “But you said you were late.”

  “I got my period today.”


  “You sound disappointed.”

  “A bit. I wouldn’t mind having a baby.”

  “For real?”

  “Yes, Can I talk to Alanie?”

  “Let me go get her,” she said, getting up.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you more.” She gave the phone to her daughter. “Dad’s on the phone.”

  Alanie grabbed it. “Daddy, I miss you…”

  Malanie stepped out of her room and into Jeremy’s. She got into the bed, holding her stomach. A few hours later she felt movement on the mattress. Alanie had joined her in bed.

  “Mom, goodnight. I love you.” She put her arm around her.

  She kissed her forehead. “I love you too.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Malanie walked into her office after the morning meeting. As she sat, she saw the blinking light on her phone, signaling she had a message. She grabbed the phone and listened. She began to smile. She couldn’t believe it. Tears ran down her cheeks. She placed the phone back in its cradle, and she stared at her engagement ring.

  “Oh God, I love him so much.”

  Then she picked up the phone again and dialed.


  It was one o’clock in the morning by the time Jeremy strolled into the house. He was home two weeks early. He placed his bags near the front door and walked to Alanie’s room, but she wasn’t there. Closing her door, he entered his bedroom, and there they were, sleeping in his bed. My girls. Malanie was turned on her right side, with her hand on her stomach and Alanie’s feet were one way and her hands were above her head. How can she sleep like that?

  He strolled over and climbed into bed next to Alanie, and fell asleep.


  “Daddy! You’re home!” Alanie jumped up and hugged him.

  She scared the living shit out of him. Malanie gazed at him. “Welcome back.”

  “You don’t seem surprised,” he said, gazing back at her.

  “I felt you last night, but I knew you had to be tired.” She caressed his chin. “I’ll make us breakfast.” She got out of the bed and went to the bathroom.

  They sat down for breakfast together as a family. “This is how it should be,” Jeremy said, taking a bite from his piece of bacon. “Us.”

  “Yes, Mom…move in,” Alanie said, finishing her orange juice.

  Malanie just stared at them, not saying anything.

  “Maya’s mom is picking me up for practice.” She grabbed her gym bag. They heard a car horn from outside and she ran out. “Bye, love you guys.”

  Jeremy grabbed Malanie by the waist. “Please say yes.” He kissed the side of her neck. “How long is this engagement going to be?” He picked up her ring finger and kissed it.

  “Hopefully not too long….” She turned in his arms. “You tell me.”

  “I’ve been waiting for you to set the date.” He kissed her nose.

  She grabbed his hands and placed them on her stomach. “We don’t have to wait any longer. You’re it for me.”

  “You’ve always been it for me, now and forever.” He rubbed her stomach. She wouldn’t let him take his hands off. “Big wedding or small?”

  “Just you, Alanie, and me.”

  “Okay….” He kissed her lips, trying to pull his hands away.

  “No…leave them there.” He looked at her, a bit curious, but obeyed. Her eyes were filled with tears.

  “Baby, don’t cry.”

  A tear escaped. “I’m pregnant.”

  He looked at his hands on her belly, and back at her. “You’re…pregnant?”

  “Yes.” She giggled, looking at his expression. He had a big grin on his face.

  “I thought you said—”

  “I did, but the doctor called me and said I was pregnant. He said some women still get their periods in their first trimester.”

  He picked her up. “Oh God, I’m so happy…. A baby.” He put her down on the ground and moved her hair from her face. “My second chance. I get to see our baby grow, everything I missed with Alanie.” He picked her up again. “I can call the base chaplain. We could be married today. Just say yes,” he pleaded.

  She giggled. “What about two weeks from now? I’m not going anywhere….”


  “I promise, I’ll never leave you again.” She kissed him one more time and left the kitchen.

  He waited until she was out of sight and picked up the phone to call the chaplain.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Two weeks later

  When Malanie woke up, she gazed into three sets of eyes: her mother, Carolyn, and Stefanie.

  “Wake up, sleepyhead,” Stefanie said.

  Her mother held a beautiful ivory dress in her hands. “We don’t have much time, your groom is waiting for you.”

  She sat up. “What’s going on?”

  Stefanie looked at her. “You’re not that dumb.” She giggled. “Jeremy planned your teenage dream wedding.”

  She covered her mouth with her hands, looking at the dress. “He remembered. I drew that dress for him over a decade ago.”

  Carolyn sat on the bed. “My brother remembers everything about you. Get up!”

  Malanie got up and did her morning ritual, and came back into her bedroom. “We don’t want to keep my prince charming waiting.” She sat and Stefanie did her hair and make-up.

  Her mother gave her something old. “These earrings were your grandmother’s, and I know she would want you to have them.” She helped her put them on.

  Carolyn gave her something borrowed. “This bracelet was given to me by Jack, and I want you to wear it today,” she said, tearing up. “He loved you.”

  Malanie got up and hugged her tight. “I loved him, too.”

  Stefanie gave her something blue. “You know me—I’m naughty.” She handed her a lacy set: of blue panty, bra, and garters. They all laughed.

  There was a knock on the door and Mrs. Wood entered. “Good morning, ladies. I just came for a second. She walked up to Malanie and handed her something new. “Malanie, I just wanted to say thank you.” She hugged her with tears in her eyes. “I have to leave. Jim is waiting for me.”

  Malanie couldn’t believe it. She opened the gift and her jaw dropped. It was a pearl and diamond necklace. “This is beautiful.”

  By the time she was finally dressed, Alanie entered in a spaghetti-strapped ivory dress. “Wow, Mom!”

  She strolled over to Alanie and hugged her tight. “You look so grown. I love you.”


  The chapel was decorated with white and pink roses, with pink rose petals on the aisle. She’d always said she wanted a simple wedding.

  Jeremy stood at the altar with Derrick by his side.

  “Dude, don’t be nervous. She’ll be here.”

  “I know. I can’t help it,” he said, rubbing his hands together.

  He took a deep breath when he saw his Dad, Malanie, and Alanie at the end of the aisle. His girls looked stunning.

  Bless the Broken Road by Rascal Flatts started playing and Jeremy grabbed the microphone.

  Everyone was shocked when he commenced singing. Malanie began walking up the aisle. Everyone stood.

  Once she was at his side, he grabbed her hands in his and continued singing to her.

  She couldn’t control her emotions. “That was beautiful. Thank you,” she said, as tears ran down her face.

  They stood in front of the chaplain. Hand in hand they exchanged their vows, promising to love one another.

  While the chaplain said his final words, Jeremy cupped Malanie’s face with his hands.
With his fingers, he wiped her falling tears and mouthed, “I love you.”

  He knew his own eyes must be shining with tears of his own. “Thank you for giving me a second chance.” She gazed into his hazel eyes, so filled with love.

  “You may now kiss your bride.” The chaplain looked over at Jeremy.

  He leaned down and gave her a gentle kiss, but when her tongue met his lips, he couldn’t resist. The kiss soon turned passionate as their tongues met for the first time as husband and wife. He slowly pulled away, and smiled. “You are my past, present and future.”


  Jeremy entered the venue first, standing at attention in his military dress uniform.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you Mr. and Mrs. Wood,” Derrick announced. Stefanie beamed from her spot by his side.

  Jeremy grabbed hold of his daughter and new bride and together they went to the dance floor, waiting for the music to start.

  “I want to watch you dance,” Alanie said, stepping off the parquet.

  Amazed by Lonestar started playing. Jeremy and Malanie began to dance their first dance as husband and wife.

  “You remember everything,” Malanie said, clasping her hands behind his neck.

  “Yes. You described your dress, the church, and the reception. You always said you wanted a small, intimate wedding.”

  “I remember it was the first time you kissed me. We talked about our adult dreams.”

  He smiled. “It was in my room. We were supposed to be studying.”

  “Ever since then, I’ve dreamt about this day, when we could finally declare our love in front of everyone, the people who supported us and the people who didn’t.”

  “The day I met you, I knew you were the one. I’m amazed by you.” He leaned down and kissed her soft lips.

  She whispered against his mouth. “Thank you for making my dreams come true.”

  They became one on the dance floor. He began singing Amazed in her ear, making her cry.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Jeremy, Malanie and Alanie, were seated in the waiting room at her Ob/Gyn, waiting to be called in. They wanted Alanie to be involved in everything concerning her baby brother or sister. Malanie’s baby bump was starting to show.

  “I can’t wait to see him.” Alanie said, touching her mom’s belly.

  “Me too,” Jeremy said. “I missed a lot with you.” He grabbed their daughter’s hand.

  “Mrs. Woods,” the receptionist called, handing her a gown.

  Malanie changed and climbed on the bed, with Jeremy’s help. He and Alanie were next to her, excited to see the baby.

  The doctor came in with a smile. “Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Woods, it’s nice to see you guys again.” He looked at their daughter.

  “This is Alanie.” She smiled.

  “Nice to meet you. Are you ready to see your baby brother or sister?” he asked, sitting next to her.

  Alanie nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  “Okay, let’s see.”

  The nurse lifted Malanie’s gown and spread the gel on her stomach. Malanie closed her eyes, remembering baby Annabelle. The doctor placed the wand on her stomach and the baby’s heartbeat sounded out, loud She opened her eyes and looked at the screen. There he was, her tiny baby.

  “Look at that,” the doctor said, pointing, taking extra time to explain things, making sure Alanie understood.

  Jeremy smiled. “Beautiful…. Doc, is everything okay with the pregnancy?”

  “He means after the placental abruption,” Malanie said.

  The doctor pointed at the screen. “This is the placenta and it looks healthy, no tearing at all. Right now everything looks great, but I’ll keep checking.”

  “Is it a girl or boy?” Alanie asked.

  “You want to know?” The doctor looked at Malanie and Jeremy.

  “Yes, but we want it to be special,” Jeremy said, kissing his wife’s forehead.

  “Can you write the sex on a piece of paper and place it in a envelope?” she asked the nurse.

  “That’s so sweet,” the nurse answered. “I will.”

  When the doctor checked for the sex, all three of them turned their faces. “Don’t cheat.”

  Jeremy chuckled, playing in Alanie’s hair.

  “I didn’t.” She laughed.

  “All done. We’re 99.99% sure of the sex.”

  The nurse cleaned Malanie up, and the doctor said, “See you next month.”

  “Mom, that was so awesome. Wait until I tell my friends.” Alanie giggled into her phone as she dialed one of her friends.

  Jeremy helped her up. “I love you, baby.”

  She touched her belly. “We love you, too,” she said with a little sadness in her voice. “It seems surreal.”

  “What does?”

  “I’m too happy. It usually doesn’t last.”

  He leaned her chin up, caressing it. “Lanie, everything is going to be okay. I’m here now, and this pregnancy will be joyous. I promise.”

  She hugged him tight. “I hope so.”

  “It will.”


  They went out to dinner at a cozy, Italian restaurant. The envelope containing the sex of the baby was placed in the middle of the table.

  “That’s nasty, mom.” Alanie said, watching her mom put cinnamon on her spaghetti and meatballs. “Your cravings are really nasty.”

  “It’s delicious. You should taste it,” Malanie said, taking a big fork full of spaghetti into her mouth. She offered some.

  “Nope, have fun with that.” Alanie took a bite from her lasagna.

  Jeremy stared at his girls. They’d come a long way. He finally had what he wanted. He finished his chicken Alfredo and grabbed the envelope.

  Malanie smacked his hand. “Not yet. We’re not finished.”

  “Don’t talk with your mouth full, Mom. Nasty! She giggled.

  “I just want to know if it’s a boy.”

  She placed her fork down. “Okay, Alanie. Open it.” He passed the envelope.

  She wiped her hands, grabbed it, and opened it. She read to herself first. She smiled and looked at them. “It says I’m going to be a big sister.”

  They both stared at her. “We already know that.”

  “Say it’s a boy,” Jeremy said.

  “I’m having a baby….” She giggled. “Sister!”

  Jeremy took the note from her and read it. “You’re having a baby girl.”

  “Are you disappointed?” Malanie asked.

  “No, I’m happy. All I want is a healthy baby.” He took both her hands in his.

  “A baby sister…. Yes.”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Saturday morning

  Alanie was at soccer practice and Jeremy had to go into work for a bit. Malanie was on the couch, watching TV, eating, when the doorbell rang. She struggled to get up. Her stomach was huge. She finally pushed herself up, wobbled to the front door, and opened it.

  Standing in front of her was a beautiful, dark-skinned woman. She looked like a model, reminding Malanie of Naomi Campbell. She must’ve been about five feet nine.

  “I think I have the wrong house,” the woman said, about to back away.

  “Who are you looking for?” Malanie asked.

  “Jeremy Wood.”

  She didn’t like the way his name rolled off her lips. “You have the right house, but he’s not here right now,” Malanie answered, feeling a bit insecure. Who the hell was this?

  The woman didn’t even ask permission to enter, and she passed by her. “I’ll wait for him, if you don’t mind.”

  She stared at her, dumbfounded, wanting to scream “yes I mind!”, but decided against it. “No.” She shut the door.

  The woman walked to the living room and had a seat, giving Malanie the eye. “I guess you’re his babysitter or maid?”

  Offended, Malanie looked down at herself. She was dressed in a muumuu dress, her big belly poking out. She wore a rag around her head. Yes, she could see why a per
son would think so . “Something like that.”

  “Aren’t you going to offer me something to drink?” the woman said, crossing her legs together. That was something Malanie couldn’t do anymore.

  “Nope.” She sat, putting her swollen feet on the ottoman, and ignoring the woman, continued watching TV.

  “So, how is Alanie doing?” She asked.

  Malanie swallowed a piece of carrot. How did she know Alanie? “She’s great.”

  “Is she still a spoiled brat?” she asked, searching in her purse.

  Malanie’s eyebrows arched. “Huh?”

  “I always told Jeremy he spoiled her too much. She needed more discipline. I mean, she’s a great little girl, never got in trouble, but that’s not everything.”

  Malanie just glared at her, controlling her temper. This lady just walked into her house and now was talking about her daughter. “She gets disciplined enough, and I don’t appreciate you coming in here and talking about Alanie.”

  “I’m sorry if I offended you in any way. Maybe she’s grown up.” Her composure changed. “Where’s the restroom?”

  “You don’t know?” she asked sarcastically.

  “It’s my first time in this house. The décor needs a bit more color,” she said, looking around.

  Oh God, this woman was getting on her nerves. When she moved in, she’d bought some of her stuff along. “It’s the first door on the right.”

  She stood, taking her purse with her, and entered the bathroom.

  Who is she? What does she want with my man? Whoever she is, she’s taking a long time.

  She heard the front door open. “Honey, we’re home….” Jeremy yelled, acting like Ricky Ricardo from I Love Lucy.

  Alanie came around the corner, and hurriedly sat on the ottoman, feeling her mom’s belly. “Hi, Faith.” She rubbed, but the baby didn’t move.

  Jeremy entered the room in his Navy working uniform, looking stunning like always. The blue camouflage made the blue rays in his eyes shine.


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