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Sleep Keeper

Page 2

by Wilcox, April

  A few feet away lay a creek; it’s water rushing past in a natural berceuse that crashed against the boulders beneath. As beautiful as it was to see and hear, that wasn’t what caught my attention. He was sitting on a boulder with his shirtless back toward me. The sun glimmered off his sun-kissed skin, outlining the curves of every muscle.

  I paused, unsure if I should approach or keep running. I took a deep breath, which came out more like a gasp. He turned his head over his shoulder. Our eyes connected and a surge of excitement shot through my chest. My heart started to race, even though I held my breath. It must have caught up from my run. His eyes were hypnotic, holding me in limbo. I couldn’t tell from this distance their color but they looked right through my soul and held me in a trance. I felt exposed, embarrassed, and excited all at the same time.

  This feeling was new to me. I wanted to look away but I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. His light-brown hair looked almost blonde in comparison to his tanned skin. His face had sharp distinctive features that must have been sculpted by an angel. He flashed a bright welcoming smile as he ran his hands through his thick wavy hair. I realized I was smiling a crocked smile in return, without meaning to. He was beautiful.

  I shifted, too awestruck to move forward. My heart thumped hard in my chest. I fidgeted with my clammy palms trying to force the words out of my open mouth. My mouth went dry and my top lip momentarily stuck to my teeth as I tried to spit out a hello. I stood there with my mouth parted like an idiot.

  “Alexis,” he confirmed in a voice that made my stomach flutter. It was a semi-deep baritone, but more sweet and mellow… with the slightest touch of a gravelly tone.

  My body vibrated with elation yet a strange sense of serenity washed over me. In that moment, nothing else mattered - just him and me.

  He opened his mouth to speak again and I took a step forward.

  Instantly, it was dark and the alarm clock was blaring, “beep beep beep!”

  I rolled over to my side in confusion.

  “Beep, beep, beep!” continued the alarm.

  Mitchell poked my shoulder several times with a groan until I reached over and hit the off button. Six o’clock in the morning.

  I couldn’t believe that was a dream. It felt so real. A second ago I would have sworn I was somewhere else. I peered around the dim room, still unsure of my surroundings. My pulse felt normal, not the nervous flittering a few moments before.

  I closed my eyes again and the dream came back to life in my mind. I could make out every detail of the scene… the rushing water… the forest… his eyes…

  My breath deepened.

  I snapped open my eyes.

  Wow – that was an intense dream.

  I felt embarrassed for my reaction and shook away the thought. I crawled out of bed. My body felt heavy as I moved. I shuffled toward the shower.

  The day turned out to be a typical one. Sophomore classes at the university were not very exciting. I tried to pay attention in class, but images of the dream kept sneaking back in. The strangeness of the forest… the heightening of my senses… it was surreal. I became even more tired now just thinking about how great I felt in the dream. Or maybe it was the boring lecture.

  Two hours later I was in my next class and quickly lost interest. I thought more about the dream. I could recall every detail. Usually when I dream I never saw the eyes, and the faces are always a blur once I wake. I couldn’t remember them that well in reality, to be honest. Yet in this dream, I could. And I could still smell the sweet, piney aroma in the air. And I could still see the rich colors of the forest. And I felt my body vibrate as if it was calling me back, tugging on me to return.

  I closed my eyes and smiled as I looked up at the picturesque sky. And my dream guy… well, not my dream guy… the guy of my dreams… I mean from my dreams, from my DREAM!

  Get a grip Alexis, you have a boyfriend!

  Committed women don’t fantasize about other men, real or not. I’ve never in my life fantasized about another man. It was wrong.

  Stop thinking about him!

  But eventually my mind took me back. I visualized his sharp eyes and glistening skin. The way his lips moved when he spoke my name, as if he had been waiting there for me.


  I could hear it as clear as a bell. My stomach swam as I thought about him saying my name again. I focused on his mouth… those perfect lips. I parted my lips. My heart was racing.

  “Reminiscing about last night with Mr. Birthday boy, are we?” Mandy said with a wink as she took a seat next to me.

  I snapped open my eyes and blinked back to reality. Class was over and students were shuffling out the door.

  “Umm, uh,” I stammered, completely abashed. “He liked the watch. Thanks for going with me to pick it out.”

  “Told you I have exquisite taste,” she chirped, shifting her thick blond locks over her shoulder with a twist of her hand.

  She toyed with her hair all the time. I doubt she was aware how often she did it.

  I began gathering my stuff. “I never doubted you. Well, maybe a little,” I teased as I rose from my chair.

  She stuck out her tongue and flashed a big smile. She ran her hands down her skirt to smooth it out, then checked her makeup in her compact mirror, stroking her fingers through her hair a few more times.

  “You look great,” like always, I reassured her.

  Mandy ignored the compliment, probably used to receiving them. We walked together to the other side of campus. I’d known Mandy Meyers since second grade. She was a member of the small group Mitchell and I hung out with in high school. Easy enough to get along with, but she was not really the type for deep conversation. She was more concerned with her looks than anything going on around her, not that I blamed her. If I was 5’10” with a size 2 waist and ample breasts, I might stare at myself in the mirror more too. But I was blessed with a scrawny physique at a stature of 5’3”.

  We arrived at the gym lockers and dressed for our match. We were teammates on the school’s tennis team and were playing doubles against a competing university this afternoon. I’d only been playing tennis since my freshman year of high school, not like Mandy who started when she was seven. But I picked it up fairly easily and it landed me a scholarship. The best part of tennis for me was the competition – the win. It gave me a high I couldn’t find anywhere else.

  After a successful game, Mandy and I headed to the campus lounge to celebrate our victory over blended mochas. It was a ritual we indulged in; at least until we hit 21 which will likely transform into martinis.

  “So my sister is having a party Saturday at her house for Emma’s birthday if you and Mitchell want to stop by,” Mandy invited.

  “Is your niece four already? Wow, time sure flies,” I responded.

  “Tell me about it! Her husband is already hinting about having a second one! She can barely handle one, but you know men… he’s looking forward to having a son,” she laughed, and sipped on her drink. “Robert will be there,” she continued.

  “Wow, you are still dating Robert? What’s it been, three months? A record for you,” I teased. “Sure, we would love to come,” I answered, trying a little too hard to sound sincere. “What time?”

  “Three o’clock.”

  “Great, we’ll be there.”

  I finished my drink and glanced down at my watch. “I better head out. I’m going to my mom’s tonight for dinner. I promised I would cook and I still need to prepare.”

  “Okay darling. You have a nice night and I will see you later.”

  An evening of grocery shopping, cooking, and cleaning at Mom’s then I finally made it home. Mitchell was sound asleep by the time I crawled into bed at eleven. My upcoming exams and unfinished papers were swimming in my mind. I pulled the covers over my head and took in deep breaths, trying to relax. It didn’t take long in the darkness for my mind to wander to last night’s dream.

  I visualized the forest and quickly melted into the sof
t bed. I took another deep breath as I recalled the unique scent held in the air. Wiggling my toes, I could almost feel the grass under my feet. I concentrated on the details as my body became numb.

  With a flash, a bright light replaced the darkness. Even though my eyes had yet to focus, I recognized my surroundings. That satisfying sweet scent flooded my nose. I felt a wave of both excitement and tranquility. A thick fog lifted from my mind. My new sense of self was uninhibited and free. I blinked several times and focused my eyes onto the bright and beautiful dream world.

  The sun peeked through the treetops of an endless forest. A blanket of thick grass lay at my feet. I caught a hint of the moist pungent scent from the moss-covered gargantuan trees that towered above. Wildflowers sprinkled the ground, casting a rainbow of colors. The painted sky slowly turned above. I reached my hand into the air and could almost touch it.

  Something flashed out of the corner of my eye. It paused a few inches away from my shoulder. I leaned in closer, mouth parted slightly, trying to identify the exquisite creature. Smaller than a golf ball, its long delicate wings fluttered faster than those of a hummingbird. Only a glance, but I could almost swear it resembled a human. Before I could blink, it flew behind a tree and disappeared.

  I walked closer to the tree. It wasn’t like any tree I had seen before. The bark was covered with dark veins protruding through its skin. I ran my fingers across its thick texture, following webbed moss down its trunk. The moss was soft yet prickly. As I examined the intricate lacing, my body began to tingle. Like a switch, I suddenly became aware of the life in the forest. Colonies of insects were busy at work on the ground nearby. Birds high above launched into a melodic trill. I held very still and listened to their song. Something small and furry tickled my leg as it scurried past in a blur. It dove into the protection of the nearby shrubs. I giggled and looked around for more. It was all very strange. I wanted to see them all - the insects, the reptiles, the animals, everything. I was drawn to them. I felt like a part of them - connected to every life here, every creature and every tree. I was part of a whole intertwined universe.

  I explored the forest, examining everything with an eager eye. I was a child seeing it for the first time. I continued on, until I entered a break in the trees. A meadow lay hidden in its folds. It was roughly four acres wide and scattered with tiny yellow wildflowers. On the far end of the meadow was a single cabin. Something metallic shimmered and I instantly recognized him.

  He was standing near the porch with a large ax in hand. With a smooth steady swing, he split a log in two. My curiosity intensified. I moved closer. Beads of sweat rolled off the carved muscles on his shirtless back. His moist skin caught the sun’s rays and made his body appear to glow, like the radiating light of an aura.

  I eagerly crossed the field toward him. He looked over as I approached and set down the ax. His physique was extraordinary. Watching his tone body stride confidently forward made me suddenly very nervous.

  He stopped in front of me with a wide grin. His lips were shaped to perfection with defined outlines that formed a predominate v at the top. My stomach tightened. I tried to talk but nothing came out. I stood there, speechless, starting at his chiseled chest. I had a sudden urge to reach out and run my fingers down his wet skin. I bet it was firm and smooth. Warmth spread from my gut down my body, enveloping my thighs… suddenly chagrined by my thoughts, I stared at the ground, still remaining silent, like an idiot.

  “Hi,” he finally spoke, with no hint of impatience.

  “Hi!” I blurted out, and then tried to focus on his face where my eyes belonged.

  It was my dream after all, I should be able to look where I pleased and think what I wanted, but unfortunately I was just as bashful in my own dreams as I was in reality. These feelings of lust were all too new to me.

  “I’m Orion. Orion Nellis,” he introduced and extended his hand.

  “Alexis Hartwell,” I smiled, reaching out, excited in anticipation of his touch.

  He took my hand into his and my heart nearly stopped.

  Oh Alexis get a grip!

  He gingerly turned my hand over, and placed a kiss on its back. His lips were warm and soft. My stomach swam with butterflies and I felt lightheaded. I tilted my head up and met his gaze. His hazel eyes started off a lighter shade of brown around the iris, followed by beams of amber that melted into pools of blue and green. Their rich colors appeared to be moving, like a powerful whirlpool sucking me in deeper. They were stunning.

  “Pleasure to formally meet you, Alexis… although I have seen you before in a dream,” he said.

  I chortled. “That’s ironic.”

  “How so?” he asked.

  “Considering… this is a dream.”

  His tilted head and half smile indicated he didn’t understand. Such an innocent expression, I couldn’t help but smiled again.

  “Right now… this is all a dream,” I explained, waving my free hand through the air. Orion still held my right hand and I was in no hurry to reclaim it.

  “I’m quite certain this is not,” he chuckled. “Do you feel like you are dreaming?” He traced a finger gently over my hand sending tingling warmth up my arm and through my chest.

  “Uh, um, what?” I stuttered. “I mean, um, no.”

  Nothing about it felt like a dream. It felt more real than being awake. If it was a dream, why did I feel like I had so much control? Why was I shying away, instead of acting out my infatuation? It isn’t flirting if it’s a dream. Then why did I feel like I was cheating on Mitchell by just touching his hand?

  “But I have a real life… or a different life… where I have lived for a long time… like, my whole life,” my words spilled out as equally confusing as my thoughts.

  Orion appeared amused at my attempted explanation.

  Pondering the moment, I took a deep breath and smelled the air. I felt the oxygen enter my lungs and flood through my veins with each breath. I scanned the forest and everything held clarity. I felt the life of the forest moving inside of me.

  “I have never felt more alive,” I whispered.

  “Where do you come from?” Orion asked.

  “I was going to ask you the same thing,” I responded. “Um, I don’t know… Earth?”

  Laughing, he released my hand. I was both relieved and disappointed.

  “This is Earth,” he announced.

  This is not my Earth…

  “Come, I’ll show you around.”

  He took my hand again and led me behind his house. He probably could have led me anywhere and I’d follow along in a trance. When I noticed he stopped, I looked up. A sandy beige beach and deep blue ocean stretched across the horizon. Foamy waves lapped gently against the shore.

  We crossed the rest of the meadow and through the sand. I dipped my feet into the break, allowing the tepid water to wash over them. An array of varicolored fish swam a few feet ahead.

  “This is amazing,” I gasped.

  Orion seemed pleased by my excitement and opened his mouth to speak.

  The ground shifted from underneath me and I suddenly became dizzy. I reached out for him to steady my fall. Everything went black. For a moment I felt panic. I scrabbled for him; afraid I was losing him. My chest filled with anxiety.


  I peeled my eyes open to the bright morning sun shining in through the shutters. My heart rate was calm and my emotions subdued. I blinked several time, confused. I was lying in bed in the quiet room.

  I sat up in a daze. I swear I was literally right there a moment ago… and in a blink, it was gone. A dream. It was all just a dream. How strange that I jumped back into the same dream from the night before. Not exactly the same dream, but similar - the forest, the painted sky, the scent in the air, and of course, him. Orion. A smile snuck in as I remembered his dazzling eyes and how my skin tingled when he touched me.

  A noise in the kitchen reminded me that my dream was over and reality was calling. The clock confirmed that I had slept f
or quite a while, although my tired body disagreed. I crawled out of bed and sauntered to the kitchen.

  “Morning sleepyhead,” greeted Mitchell as I walked down the hall. He was perched at the breakfast bar reading the Saturday paper.

  “Morning,” I grumbled, as I tried to dismiss my previous thoughts.

  The scent of the fresh brewed coffee called my name. I let out a yawn and poured a cup.

  “Are you still tired? You slept for a long time.”

  “I know… I hope I’m not coming down with something,” I groused and took a sip of the hot coffee. The warm liquid felt good sliding down my throat.

  “You tossed and turned all night. Did you have a nightmare?”

  “Umm, no…” I stuttered. I stared down at the counter, avoiding eye contact.

  “How about I make you some breakfast? Maybe that’ll wake you up,” he offered and headed to the stove.

  “That sounds good, thanks.” I took over his newspaper at the breakfast bar. “Oh, I forgot to tell you, Mandy’s sister is having a birthday party for Emma this afternoon and has invited us.”

  “Hmmm, a birthday party for a baby… the highlight of my day!” he jeered sarcastically.

  “She’s four Mitchell, hardly a baby. I thought you’d be excited,” I teased.

  “Mind if I skip it? I’m really not into the whole kid-party scene. Plus, today’s a perfect day for a hike.”

  “Um, sure, that’s fine,” I muttered, slightly disappointed.

  Mitchell had been skipping out on most gatherings involving our old friends these days. As much as I liked our solo activities, I had been trying recently to get us more involved with other couples. It would be nice to show up with my boyfriend by my side. What would two hours be out of his day?

  “Great,” Mitchell answered.

  “Great…” I repeated, unenthusiastically.

  He didn’t seem to notice.

  I drove from the toy store to Emma’s party in a daze. I couldn’t get last night’s dream out of my mind. I kept replaying every scene over and over like an obsession. I couldn’t stop thinking about that guy. I had never had those feelings of pure infatuation and lust before - clearly a figment of my fantasy, and I great one at that. I tried to shake it off and think about something else, anything else… but I kept going back to him - Orion.


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