Sleep Keeper

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Sleep Keeper Page 8

by Wilcox, April

  “Sounds perfect,” he responded.

  “Great. I have lunch planned already. Leave it all to me,” I tried to recover, hoping he wouldn’t figure out I had forgotten.

  “I love you, baby,” he proclaimed with bedroom eyes.

  Guilt washed over me as I thought of Orion. I was such a terrible person. Here was my faithful and loving boyfriend who would do anything to make me happy, and I was lusting over another.

  “I love you too,” I answered, and placed my arms around his neck for a hug.

  He kissed my neck softly.

  “I better finish my breakfast and shower if you want to get the day started,” I rushed, trying to avoid any intimacy.

  “Um… Okay… I’ll go let you get ready. I have another surprise for you later tonight,” he said with a wink and walked out of the bedroom.

  “I look forward to it!” I sang, trying to sound excited; but all I wanted to do was go back to sleep.

  I ate the entire breakfast, faster than my stomach wanted. After I showered and dressed, I strolled into the kitchen to pack for our picnic. I glanced out of the kitchen window and spotted Mitchell outside, pulling the kayaks from the condo’s garage and tying them onto the rack of his SUV. I rummaged through the fridge and cupboards looking for a decent picnic idea. I managed to find enough ingredients to whip up some sandwiches, salad, fruit and bottled water. I searched the closet and found a beach bag that fit all the items needed for the picnic.


  I met Mitchell outside and we headed off to the lake for our date.

  The drive wasn’t long, yet we cruised down the road in silence. Mitchell wasn’t much of a talker these days and there wasn’t anything I felt like talking about either. The silence didn’t bothered Mitchell, but I hated it. I enjoyed talking, but it was hard to have a one-way conversation.

  My mind was elsewhere anyhow as I gazed out the window watching the city pass by. We stopped at a light and I watched a little girl crying at the street corner as her mom shouted for her to hurry and yanked her arm across the street. On the other side of the street, there was a teenager sitting outside of a café talking on his phone. An older gentleman slowly walked by, limping with his cane. He looked through our window as he passed our vehicle. His eyes were tired and lonely.

  I looked back over at Mitchell. His face was innocent. His dark brown hair was swaying gently in the breeze, a perfect compliment to his smooth beige skin. He ran his hand through his hair and down his neck. He was quite attractive. The light turned green and we continued our drive.

  Not long later, we arrived in Folsom. We turned into the entrance for the lake and watched the scenery change from city to nature. Scraggly trees and dry brush parched by the summer heat outlined the calm blue water. We pulled into the parking area and I helped Mitchell unload the kayaks. He carried my kayak to the shore and I hauled the life jackets and ores. On our second trip, Mitchell grabbed his kayak while I gathered the picnic bag and stowed it away in the waterproof storage container in my kayak.

  I walked into the water to push the kayak far enough off the shore to climb in without scraping the bottom. Autumn was near and the air was still warm, but the water felt like ice. I shivered as the cold water washed over my legs. I hurried into the kayak and, with one firm push away from the shore, glided across the water.

  I paddled out further onto the lake. The surrounding echoes of barking dogs and kids’ playful screams soon faded and were replaced by the hush of a gentle breeze. I looked upon the clear blue sky and watched several hawks circling above.

  I glanced backward and saw Mitchell close behind. He was much stronger so I knew that in a less than a minute he would pass me by. I paddled faster trying to pick up speed to widen the gap between us. His victory was inevitable, but a smidgen of competitiveness overtook me. I tightened my muscles and paddled hard. It didn’t do much use. Not more than a minute later, Mitchell’s smiling face glided past effortlessly, with a chuckle.


  I kept paddling hard to catch up to him, but he slowly floated farther ahead. I finally stopped paddling, out of breath, and watched as Mitchell floated away. The momentum of the kayak along with the current of the water continued to carry me at a decent speed. I relaxed and enjoyed the ride down the peaceful lake. I leaned to one side and stared into the water. My refection was all I could see in the dark water below. I dipped my hand into the water and felt the cold current pushing back.

  I returned upright and paddled again at a steady pace. Mitchell slowed down and entered a small cove ahead. He turned back and waved for me to join him. When I arrived, the shallow water of the cove was clear enough to see brown trout scurrying along the rocks below. We floated through a narrow entrance near a gathering of ducks that didn’t budge with our presence. I watched one of the ducks dip into the water and popped back up, looking as smooth and dry as before. We floated under the canopies of trees and vines that shaded us from the sun. Birds chirped from the shoreline trees. A lizard ran across the rocks.

  We made our way under a narrow walking bridge. I spotted a large grassy opening that looked perfect for our lunch so we pulled over at the shore. I stepped out of the kayak into the cool water and grabbed the picnic bag out of the compartment. Mitchell pulled the kayaks closer to shore while I spread out a blanket across the scattered leaves and setup our meal.

  “Wow, this looks great, Alexis,” Mitchell complimented as he sat on the blanket next to me.

  I was impressed with myself too; the presentation made it appear like I actually put some effort it. We enjoyed the nice surroundings as we ate our lunch.

  “I’m so lucky to have you, babe,” Mitchell said intensely.

  I felt the heavy weight of his affectionate stare.

  “Me too,” I muttered, looking up at the pale blue sky.

  It was a clear day without a cloud in sight. No colors painted across the horizon, just a dull baby blue. I inhaled a deep breath and scanned my surroundings. Even now, with this picture perfect moment, I felt like something was missing… I missed the forest. I missed the vibrant trees and the purple sky. I missed the energy of the wildlife flowing through me. I could see and hear life surrounding me now, but I didn’t feel it. I also missed the smell and the taste of the pristine air. And I missed... no… don’t do that!

  I looked over at Mitchell and felt shameful for almost ruining this moment. I tried to focus on the present. I needed to get that place and him out of my mind! I lie across the blanket and let the sun soak into my skin. I stretched my arms under my head and closed my eyes, listening to the songs of the birds nearby. The bright sun left an orange glow under my eyelids and my body relaxed.

  The orange glow quickly darkened. I opened my eyes to a painted sunset with soft gray clouds floating by. Deep red, yellow and orange streaked the sky and mirrored in the ocean below. The silhouette of the cliffs was carved in the distance. The sand of the beach sparkled like a thousand tiny diamonds scattered across the shore. The view was breathtaking as I sat on the beach staring into the twilight.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” Orion whispered.

  I turned toward my right. He was sitting directly next to me. “Yes, breathtaking,” I answered, meeting his stare.

  He softly chuckled but didn’t look away - holding my gaze with his hazel eyes that held similar features of the sky.

  “Dusk is my favorite time of day,” he admitted.

  “Mine too,” I agreed.

  That wasn’t true until this moment.

  “I didn’t expect to see you here,” he said.

  “I didn’t expect to be here either. I’m actually outside at the lake with Mit...” I stopped myself and bit my lip in guilt - guilt for being with Mitchell. “I can’t stay long…” I continued, peering down at the sand.

  I ran my fingers through the tiny grains and watched them delicately fall.

  “I understand,” he answered, without asking for an explanation.

  I felt shameful. I didn’t
dare look up.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” he said, breaking the awkwardness. He reached for my hand and I accepted the invitation.

  “So am I,” I replied and flashed a genuine smile.

  The guilt washed away and was replaced by a deep yearning. I tried to bury it back inside and focus on the exquisite view. We watched the sunset side-by-side, hand in hand.

  The sky grew darker and time slowly ticked away. Soon the sun made its final departure, leaving a bright moon above that lit up the sky and shimmered off the water like a sea of dancing candles. I knew my time was almost up and wondered how long Mitchell would let me sleep.

  I shifted my body toward Orion and he followed without hesitation. His skin was radiant as it reflected the moon’s glow. He brushed my hair over my shoulder as he studied my face. My heart raced at his touch. My mouth slightly parted as I focused on his lips and wondered how sweet they’d taste.

  I gazed into his eyes, which were fixed precisely on mine. I wondered if he noticed I was staring at his lips or if he could sense how badly I wanted him. I knew it was wrong, but the urge was too strong to resist. He brushed his hand against my cheek and cupped the side of my face. I leaned into his touch.

  The bright sun stung my eyes. I snapped them closed again and rolled over to my side with a groan. I slowly cracked open my eyelids and saw Mitchell a dozen feet away studying something on the ground. I sat up, blinking several times, trying to focus on the bright light of my world.

  Wow, that was intense.

  A new wave of guilt mixed with disappointment hit me as I thought about what I almost did.

  What’s wrong with me? I can’t believe on my anniversary I’m fantasizing about another man. I’m a selfish awful person!

  As I scolded myself, Mitchell strolled by and joined me on the blanket. He leaned in and kissed me. I couldn’t make my lips move against his. I don’t think he noticed.

  “Do you want to head back out on the water?” he asked.

  “Yes!” I answered, probably a little too eagerly.

  We packed up our things and headed back onto the lake. After an hour of paddling and floating on the water, we made our way to the shore where we started. I helped Mitchell pack the SUV and tie the kayaks to the rack. While driving home, I turned on the radio, turned up the volume, and sang along to the tunes, attempting to drown out my cynical thoughts. It worked fairly well and my not-so-hot singing amused Mitchell.

  Back at home I jumped in the shower while Mitchell hung the kayaks in the rafters of the garage. The shower gave me a much-needed second wind. Mitchell walked into the bathroom just as I turned off the water. He handed me a towel, delaying a little too long for his own sake. He slapped me on the butt when I passed by and gave me a wink. I giggled at his winking attempt, which looked more like he had something caught in his eye. He stripped off his clothes for his turn at the shower. I watched him undress. I couldn’t help but compare his average figure to Orion’s muscular build.

  Stop it!

  I quickly turned and walked out of the bathroom, catching Mitchell’s smirk as he noticed me watching him. Thank God he couldn’t read my mind. I walked into the bedroom and picked out a lilac dress. It was slim-fitted with square low-cut top and slender straps. I sat the dress on the bed while I finished getting ready. I straightened my hair and applied my makeup. When I was finished, I slipped on the dress… it fit good, hanging mid-thigh.

  Mitchell walked into the room and paused. “Wow, you look gorgeous,” he admired, with eyes that looked like he meant it.

  “Thank you, sir,” I responded and twirled around to show off my new dress.

  He was entertained by my display. “I’ll be ready shortly,” he said and disappeared into the bathroom.

  I put on my high heels that didn’t get much use and transferred my essentials to a fancier purse. Shortly after, Mitchell emerged from the bathroom looking sharp. He strode over toward me, put his arms around my waist and kissed me firmly. He smelled good… familiar… and I kissed him back this time.

  “I love you, baby,” he smiled.

  “Love you too Mich,” I replied.

  “You ready to go?” he asked, with a wide grin.

  I tried to duplicate his excitement and followed him toward the garage. Mitchell held the door open for me as I climbed into the car.

  His first surprise was a horse and carriage ride through the fabulous 40s of East Sacramento’s charming neighborhood. The ride ended at an elegant restaurant in the heart of downtown. Great food and music by candlelight brought back fond memories from our high school days. I was reminded of the carefree fun and excitement we used to have together, before my dad died and life somehow became complicated. I wondered if we could go back to those times. It sounded simple in theory, but in reality I would wake up tomorrow with the same stress and problems as I did this morning. For now, I enjoyed the evening and was glad I was there.

  We drove home later that night to the soothing sounds of smooth jazz. Mitchell pulled the car into the garage and came around to open my door. I stumbled trying to get out and he caught my arm, preventing the fall.

  I opened the front door and gasped at the illuminating glow of what looked like a hundred candles stretched throughout the condo.

  “Mitchell, how did you do this?” I asked in amazement. I was thoroughly impressed.

  He cocked his head, “I didn’t do this. You didn’t?”

  “Very funny,” I smirked, and continued to walk down the hall.

  Mitchell grabbed my arm hard and yanked me back behind him. “I swear Alexis, I didn’t do this.” His wide eyes darted around the room as he reached for the light switch on the wall.

  Click… click… click.

  Nothing happened. We stared at each other in confusion. Something wasn’t right. A surge of adrenaline shot through my veins.

  “You really didn’t do this?” my voice wavered as I whispered.

  I knew the answer but prayed I was wrong.

  “No!” he whispered harshly.

  I suddenly felt confined in the narrow hall; the romantic setting transformed to creepy. Simultaneously, we scanned our surroundings for our intruder.

  “Stay here,” Mitchell ordered as he bolted toward the living room.

  “Mitchell, no! Don’t go in there!” I pleaded and grabbed for his arm.

  He pushed me back, placed his finger across his lips with a stern face, and then disappeared quietly down the hall. Reluctantly, I obeyed and remained standing in the hall… alone and frightened… watching the shadows shifting in the flickering candlelight.

  The floorboards creaked and I jumped in fright. I flipped around, my heart was pounding out of my chest, but there was nothing there. My body was pumped on full alert. I remained in the hall flipping my head left to right…. back to forward. I felt vulnerable and exposed just standing there. It was eerily quiet and I couldn’t hear Mitchell in the other room. It reminded me of standing behind that rock, waiting for Draco’s attack. I grew more worried with each passing second in the silence until the building panic was cut off - a sharp pain hit my throat.

  My body was pulled back against his chest as something violently dug deeper into my neck, cutting off my air supply. I tried to gasp but couldn’t catch a breath. Instinctively, I threw my hands against my throat and clawed frantically at the object. It felt like a thick type of wire. It was pressed so tightly against my flesh that my digging fingers only tore at the surrounding skin. My head throbbed and my eyesight blurred as I desperately tried to free my neck. His body pushed tighter against mine, dragging me around the room as I tried to get a grip with my feet. One of my heels snapped and I slipped, spreading the pain from my head through my entire body. Another charge of adrenaline burst through. I felt renewed energy as I fought for my life.

  Diverting my attempt to free my throat, I reached back and clawed at the face of my attacker. I felt his flesh and the warm blood under my nails as I sliced open his face. He let out a grimacing yelp and
lost his grip.

  I took a deep breath and instantly started to choke. My windpipe was angry from the assault. I sucked in several small breaths before my head flooded with pain once again as the wire dug back into my neck. I reached for my throat again, but quickly changed my strategy. I curled up my left hand and dodged to the right, using all my force to ram my fist into my intruder. Luckily, my aim was spot-on as he grunted and buckled over, releasing his hold entirely.

  I took another deep breath and gagged. My burning throat was rebelling against me. I used all the strength I had to try to flee. Still bent over, I staggered forward and managed to take a few short steps until he twisted his hand in my hair and yanked me to the ground.

  Before I could scream, I saw Mitchell fly over me in a blur and tackle the intruder to the ground. Still gasping for air, I climbed to my knees and watched as Mitchell wailed profusely on him. I tried to scream but my throat was on fire and nothing came out.

  I force my body upright and rushed over to Mitchell, grabbing the Maglight from my nightstand drawer for a weapon. I leaped behind Mitchell whose hands were wrapped around the intruder’s neck. Mitchell’s face was twisted in a rage that I have never seen before and somewhat frightened me. My eyes meet the intruders and I froze.

  “Stop Mitchell, don’t kill him!” I choked out, as I recognized Jeremy frantically grasping at Mitchell’s arms.

  “Stop Mitchell, stop!” I demanded and tried to pull him off of Jeremy.

  Mitchell’s grip loosened and Jeremy slid away, trying to escape. Mitchell pounced back on him and continued to punch him until Jeremy’s arms fell limp to the ground.

  “That’s enough, Mitchell. He’s out,” I said firmly and yanked on his shoulder.

  Mitchell ceased his attack but did not retreat - waiting to make sure Jeremy was really unconscious. He remained on top of him. He was breathing so heavily I could hear him huffing. His hands were trembling and the blood shimmered off his knuckles from the candlelight. A few moments later, Mitchell snapped out of the trance. He jumped to his feet surprisingly fast and wrapped his arms around me, lifting up my entire body. He squeezed me tightly causing me to gasp for air. He sat me back down and examined me for injury.


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