Sleep Keeper

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Sleep Keeper Page 26

by Wilcox, April

  Screams and chaos clamored all around. I popped open my eyes in bewilderment. The ominous sky was hazy and threatening. Dark grey clouds gathered overhead and gave a menacing rumble. The piney air was masked by a strange pungent scent that made me gag. I felt a wave of nausea and reached out to steady my balance, leaning onto a tree trunk for support. For the first time, the looming trees felt daunting and I yanked away my hand with a shudder. A high-pitched shriek from deeper in the forest pierced my ears. I sprinted toward the cries and dogged behind a tree. I gasped at the horror before my eyes.

  There were thirty or forty men in combat, with more dead on the ground. I watched the battle, trying to decipher the scene among the commotion. I scanned the faces, looking for Orion.

  The first person I recognized was the source of the squeal, Stella. I watched in awe as she danced through the air and took down grown men with great speed. Her sword whipped through the air swiftly during her acrobatic display; I could barely keep track of her.

  Several feet away stood Leyland. To watch him fight was frightening. There was a flash of wild in his eyes and a hint of satisfaction smeared across his mouth. His massive body mixed with a raw anger, made the scene around him look more like a massacre than self-defense. I squeezed my eyes tight and looked away.

  “Orion, watch out!” Apollo shouted.

  I whipped around and saw Orion wince as he fell to his knees with his hands pressed against a fresh gash on his side. Apollo raced by and took down another who was standing behind Orion.

  “Orion!” I cried.

  I quickly covered my mouth, but it was too late. Two men nearby heard my wail and looked over.

  “Alexis, No!” Orion bellowed.

  He attempted to stand but tumbled back down. Apollo knelt down beside him.

  The two men growled and leaped forward like wild dogs. Unarmed, I shielded my stomach and face, knowing it was too late to run. In a blur, Stella pushed me aside and I fell to the ground. I rushed to my feet just in time to see the men lying dead on the ground.

  “Stay back, hon,” she directed and raced back into the forest; her golden curls bounced elegantly behind her.

  Orion sprinted over and pulled me back, hovering defensively in front of me.

  “Oh no, are you hurt?” I cried as I ran my hands across his torn shirt.

  “I’m fine,” he answered. “You shouldn’t be here.”

  “But I saw you hurt,” I stammered.

  “Apollo - he has the gift of healing, like our child.”

  “He healed you? And you never thought this family trait was important to tell me?”

  “There’s no time to explain right now. We need to get you out of here before…”

  A bolt of lightening flashed by in a powerful hum and struck a nearby tree. Sparks shot into the air and we ducked for cover, both running in opposing directions. The tree caught fire and was engulfed in flames within seconds. A deafening crash of thunder rattled my chest and sent my heart rate into overdrive. The fire quickly spread along the brush and sent two more trees ablaze. The clouds grumbled another warning as we peered into the forbidding sky.

  Leyland froze and stared in terror at the blazing trees. He dropped his weapon and grasped his head with his hands, tugging fervidly at his hair. His mouth hung in dismay while his mind sent flashback from his past he tried so desperately to forget.

  “Raina!” he screamed and dashed toward the fire.

  “Leyland, no!” yelled Orion, and he bolted after him.

  Orion yanked back Leyland’s shoulder, “What are you doing?!”

  Leyland turned and swung at Orion. Orion dogged his attack and punched him across the jaw. Leyland staggered back a few steps and Orion hit him again. Leyland didn’t budge. He whipped his head back around and charged Orion, slamming into him with such force that Orion flew several feet into the air. He crashed into the ground at the same time that Apollo appeared behind Leyland. Apollo smacked the back of Leyland’s head with the hilt of his sword. He crumbled to the ground, unconscious. Apollo helped Orion to his feet.

  “Thanks. You know I had him,” Orion asserted.

  “Oh I know,” Apollo replied with a wink then ran after the last standing rival.

  Orion jogged over toward me, but before he made it, his arms and legs flailed outward, as if he was struck in the back. His body lifted high into the air. His muscles were taut as he bellowed in pain. I turned and saw that the other three were in the same position; all suspended in mid-air, bodies scattered underneath them. There was no one else left standing that I could see, but I didn’t need to see him to know who was behind this.

  “Erebus!” I roared and took several steps forward.

  Erebus stepped out of the haze and swaggered toward me. His haunting eyes bore through my soul and sent sheer waves of fear. I did not look away.

  “Leave her alone!” cried Orion through clenched teeth.

  “It’s not him you need to worry about,” said a familiar voice from the shadows.

  “Jeremy!” I gasped, as Jeremy joined Erebus’ at his side. “What… how…” I stuttered.

  “Speechless? Well that’s a first,” Jeremy sneered.

  He strolled closer and I backed away. His wounded arm was wrapped in a cast. Deep purple bruises encased his dark beady eyes.

  “What’s wrong… nervous?” he prodded as he continued closer.

  “Just admiring your new look,” I provoked in a shaky voice.

  “Oh don’t worry, you’ll be matching soon enough,” he hissed.

  “You touch her and I swear I’ll torture you!” shrieked Orion.

  Jeremy ignored his threat and walked directly under him. I was petrified of his imperious demeanor, but wasn’t going down without a fight, and Jeremy knew that. I squared my shoulders and forced a fierce scowl on my face. My standoff amused Jeremy, however Erebus was growing restless.

  “Quit fooling around and finish her,” Erebus growled.

  “Not yet, I want to bask in this moment of victory,” Jeremy took a deep breath and exhaled sharply, “Now I’m ready.”

  His face twisted in a wicked grimace. He picked up a dagger from one of the fallen men. I scanned my surroundings for a weapon. The only thing nearby was a thick branch, roughly three feet long. I picked it up and held it out in front of me.

  Jeremy was amused by my lack of weaponry and charged forward. I anxiously held my position until he was unbearably close and then swung the branch at the dagger as I leaped backwards. The branch hit his arm and slowed his assault, but didn’t stop the blade from slice across my stomach before it fell out of his hand. I cried out in pain and grabbed my wound with one hand. It didn’t feel very deep. I quickly returned to my defensive stance just as the pain in my stomach ceased with a hot sensation.

  Before I could react, Jeremy punched the side of my face, sending a shooting pain across my head. I stumbled over, disoriented. I tried to shake it off but the left side of my head burned in protest. Through my ringing ear I heard the others outrage at his attack.

  He reached down and grabbed the knife, pulling his arm back to strike. It was all happening too fast for me to react. I remained on the ground staring at the image of his face twisted in pure hate. As the blade came down in what seemed like slow motion, I felt something wrap around my shoulders. Then in a blink, I appeared fifty feet away.

  Jeremy was baffled by my disappearance and twisted around, searching for me.

  I felt something release me but when I turned around, nothing was there. I looked back at Erebus from across the way and saw a figure appear out of thin air.

  “Mom?” I whispered.

  She appeared ten feet behind Erebus with her arms stretched out in front of her. Within seconds, a deep bang roared through the forest. Blood spattered from Erebus’ chest. He fell to his knees, gasping for air and clawing at the small hole in his chest.

  Orion, Stella and Apollo crashed to the ground. The moment his feet hit, Orion soared over to Erebus. He drew his sword
and with a swift swing, Erebus’ head tumbled to the ground. His decapitated body tumbled over as it spewed out blood.

  I turned away and began to vomit. Stella ran over and put her arm around my shoulder. My stomach was spinning from the adrenaline and violence. Orion rushed over and pulled me into his arms. Even now, his touch was soothing and I used all my remaining strength to hold it together. I looked back at Erebus’ corpse, but Mom was nowhere in sight.

  “Jeremy!” I cried.

  Stella and Apollo searched the nearby forest, but he was nowhere to be found.

  Leyland groaned and began to regain consciousness. “What happened? What’d I miss?”

  I shook my head and buried it back into Orion’s warm chest.

  “We’ll take care of this mess, just get her out of here,” offered Apollo.

  Orion nodded and I transported us to the beach. I needed to get away from the forest scenery for a while. The sunshine returned and quickly dissolved every inch of grey from the dark clouds. The sweet smell of the salty air and the sound of the crashing waves calmed my nerves and told me I was home.

  “It’s over, my love,” Orion assured as he stroked my hair.

  “I pray that’s true,” I whispered.

  “I don’t understand what happened. Who was that?” Orion questioned.

  “Mom,” I muttered. The reality of it hadn’t quite sunk in.

  “Your Mother?” Orion repeated in shock.

  “My family has secrets too,” I replied.

  “What did she do to him?”

  “She shot him.”

  Orion’s perplexed expression summoned me to continue.

  “With a gun,” I added.

  That same blank stare peered back at me.

  “It’s a… weapon. When you pull the trigger, a small explosion shoots out a metal bullet at a high speed that penetrates your victim, leaving a gaping hole in its place.”

  “Wow, I think we need to ramp up our weaponry,” he replied.

  “No!” I quickly rebutted. “I’ve seen it… once you go down that path, the destruction will spread and consume this world. Please, let it be.”

  A warm smile spread across Orion’s cheeks.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You always know just want to say,” he teased.

  I smiled in return. We sat on the beach in silence and watched the picturesque sky.

  “We should go help the others,” I suggested.

  “No, they’ll be fine,” he responded and pulled me into his arms.

  I woke in the morning to the howling wind. I sat up in bed and peeked at the clock, 7:08 A.M.

  Oh great… late for work already on this dreadful Monday morning. My head danced with a million questions from last night; I couldn’t possibly go to work today. My first priority was Mom. I picked up the phone and dialed her number. It rang and rang with no answer. I jumped out of bed, threw on some clothes and brushed my teeth. I was searching for my keys when my stomach scolded me and demanded that I eat. As I was making a snack, there was a knock on my door. I peered through the peek-hole… Mom! I flew open to door and wrapped my arms around her.

  “Mom, thank God you’re all right!” I held on for a long moment, and then finally let her go.

  “You’re probably waiting for an explanation,” she asked.

  I threw my hands in the air, “Well, of course I am, Mom!”

  She sauntered to kitchen and I impatiently followed.

  “I was at home, sitting on the couch when I had another vision. I was standing in a forest. I could smell death around me. I heard screaming and saw Jeremy stabbing you with a knife over and over,” she winced and turned away.

  Tears beaded in her eyes. She wiped them away and continued.

  “Then, I was back at home. I tried to call you, but you didn’t answer. After all this time I recognized that forest and knew I had to go back to that forsaken world to warn you. I wasn’t sure if I remembered how, but it came back to me. I concentrated on the scene of my vision…” she looked back down, “… you know the rest.”

  “You can control it that easily?” I asked.

  “Can’t you?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “And where did you get a gun?”

  “A few months back, when the visions of him first returned, I was scared and bought one. Last night, I thought it might be useful so I loaded it and put it in my jacket pocket.”

  “You can bring things with you?” I stuttered. “I… don’t know what to say.”

  I was surprised and proud of her for coming to my rescue. Even more so, I was impressed at her ability to cross the lines between the worlds with ease. Over the past few weeks, I was staring to realize that the division between the worlds wasn’t only in the mind. It wasn’t as black and white as I had originally thought. I wondered if she could teach me how to control my entrance into that world the way she could. The possibilities that would open… the chance to see Orion whenever I pleased. My mind began to wander toward a brighter future.

  “Alexis? Are you okay?”

  It was probably not the right time to ask her.

  “Sorry, Mom… I’m just… forever grateful to you,” I placed my hand on hers.

  “Anything for my daughter,” she beamed.

  “But there’s still one more thing - Jeremy,” I spoke carefully, trying to measure her reaction to my inquisition.

  “Oh, yes, what happened to Jeremy? After I shot him, I searched for Jeremy, but couldn’t find him,” Mom responded cautiously.

  “I don’t know. He appears to be missing,” I replied and studied her face.

  She kept a composed expression, “That’s terrible news.”

  “Yes, terrible. I guess it’s not over after all,” I dejected.

  “I wouldn’t worry about him sweetheart. Sometimes things have a way of working out,” she answered as she patted my hand gently.

  “What do you mean?” I queried.

  She shrugged her shoulders and curled down her lips in an ignorant manner. I remained quiet and studied her face. I wondered if Mom helped him escape. Maybe she brought him back to this world? Or she did something with him so he couldn’t hurt anyone again. Maybe Jeremy came back to this world and fled on his own. Or was he was able to stay in that world? Given whom both of his parents were, the possibilities were endless.

  Her face gave me no clues and we spoke no more on the topic. Mom thought it would be good for us both to get out of the condo. After a quick “pregnancy emergency” call into work, Mom and I spent the remainder of the day together – pedicures, a movie, and then dinner. After we parted, I climbed into my car to head home, but there was something still left unfinished. I drove by Jeremy’s apartment.

  My stomach sank when I spotted his car parked outside. I was unsure what to do next. I didn’t expect to see it there. I knew I shouldn’t go in there alone and unprotected, but I couldn’t bring myself to drive away. I threw the car into park and sat outside of his apartment, waiting.

  An hour went by when Anna emerged from the apartment. I stiffened in my seat with my eyes glued at the door. She turned back to lock the door behind her. She stomped across the parking lot pavement and I jumped out of my car after her.

  “Anna,” I called.

  She turned toward me with tired eyes. “Alexis?” She curled up her nose. “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to see Jeremy.”

  “Well, he’s not here,” she shot back and began to walk away.

  I grabbed her shoulder. “When will he be back? Do you know where he is?”

  She shrugged it free. “He’s not coming back. I came home last night and found a note on the door. Says he left and ain’t coming back.”

  “A note? Can I see it?”

  She flashed a look of disgust, “What the hell’s it to ya?”

  I didn’t respond.

  “Besides, I burned it. Screw him!” She turned and stomped away.

  I returned to my car and waiting the remainder of
the night to validate if what she said was true. Besides several runs to the Quick Mart for snacks and bathroom break, I managed to stay awake and parked in front of his apartment for most of the night. In the early morning light, with no sign of Jeremy, I drove back home in defeat.

  Chapter 18

  Twenty yards ahead stood a deer, drinking from a gentle brook. His lean body was a smooth grayish-brown color with white painted around his eyes, on his nose, across his stomach and under his tail. He lifted his head and looked in my direction. His antlers were smooth and pronounced. I remained still, admiring his beauty. I took a step closer and he leapt behind a tree just as something whizzed past. In his place was an arrow protruding from the trunk of a nearby tree. The deer disappeared into the forest. I turned around toward the source of the attack.

  “Orion?” I huffed in surprise.

  “Alexis!” he hollered from the nearby brush.

  “So you’re who scared away our buck,” accused Apollo from behind him.

  “Don’t go blaming her for your bad shot,” teased Orion.

  “You guys were trying to kill that deer?” I cried.

  “Gotta kill it before we eat it!” laughed Apollo.

  I cringed at the idea. I could see Orion smiling at my innocence from across the way. He jogged over and leaned down for a kiss.

  “Hi beautiful,” he smiled.

  “Beautiful? Oh yeah right, I’m huge! At least it will be over any day now. Speaking of which, I finished moving the last of my things from the condo. Mom will be happy I’m back at home, I’m sure,” I ran my hands across my belly and let out a deep sigh.

  Mitchell’s parents weren’t too happy hearing the baby wasn’t his. I didn’t tell them that I wasn’t sure. I probably should have – it was selfish of me not to, but every time they called I thought of Mitchell. I wanted that life behind me. When I offered to move out of their condo, they quickly agreed.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “I wish you could be there - when the baby’s born,” I pouted and stared at a twig lying in the dirt.


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