Confessions, Volume 1

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Confessions, Volume 1 Page 2

by Miranda Forbes

  What happened was that Fudge caught me. Not peeping, but she wasn’t just the dirty one, she was the clever one and all. I always tried to get there early, and take a long way around so they wouldn’t figure out that I was always around, but she did. How, I don’t know, but one day as I’m walking through the dunes she’s waiting there, sitting on the grass in her bikini, just like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth.

  Maybe I gave a start or something when I saw it was her, but she knew, ’cause she had this odd look on her face, like accusing but excited too. Then she comes right out with it. “Hello, you little pervert.” Course I pretended I didn’t know what she was talking about, but she tells me to shut up, then goes on. “I know you look at us sunbathing. I’ll do you a deal. You stop it and never tell anybody about our place, and I’ll –”

  She made sign with her hand, like she was calling somebody a wanker. I knew what she meant, but I thought it was a trick or something, and when I got my cock out she’d scream rape. I didn’t know what to say anyway, and just stood there like a prat, until she got down to the path I was on. I just let her, and believe me, she was no innocent. She just pushed me back against the bank, made a quick check to make sure nobody was about, and unzipped me. Once she’d started to touch I wasn’t going to stop her, because she really knew what she was doing. She got my balls out too, cupping them and weighing them just like she used to do with her tits, and wanking my cock at the same time.

  I just took it all in. She’d gone down kneeling, and I love it when girls do that, with my cock right in front of my face as I started to get hard. She was horny about it too, not like some girls, but weird too, calling me a pervert and a dirty old man and saying things like “I bet you like to see my boobs, don’t you, you dirty bastard” and sure enough, out they come, for me to look at and then are wrapped around my cock, so I’m titty fucking her while she’s calling me a pervert and a filthy pig and every bastard under the sun. She really got off on it too. Before long she’d forgotten all about just tossing me off. She’s got my cock in her mouth and she she’s squeezing my balls like she’s trying to milk me dry, only when I try to touch one of those gorgeous big tittles she slaps my hand. It was too late anyway, cause another second and I’d come in her mouth. She swallowed the lot, then looks up with this big smile and says “That’s the deal. No peeking, but if you’re here tomorrow, just maybe you’ll get more.” I was there tomorrow, which is when I learnt she was really called Becky, although nowadays I generally just call her the Mrs.

  JERRY — Wolverhampton

  Coming on Command

  My thing is making girls come. Okay, so what? Most guys like to give their girls pleasure, but this is a bit different. I like to do it so they can’t stop it happening, and best of all I like to do it in public.

  I like it anyway, the way they just lose it and start to moan and scream, the way their thighs go tight and their pussies and bums squeeze, the way they lose control and start talking dirty or begging for my cock. It’s all great, and I love to watch a girl masturbate or lick her until she makes it, or bring her off while I fuck her, but none of that is as good making her do it when she can’t stop it happening and there are people around to watch.

  The easiest way is to take a girl who likes to be told what to do out dogging. Sammy was like that, my little blonde. She got off on me making her do stuff, and the ruder the better. We used to go out to dogging sites, out near the Essex coast, especially this one big car park where you might get as many as twenty, even thirty men and maybe five or six cars with action. I’d give the signal and put Sammy’s seat down, then order her to kneel on it and stick her bum out towards the windscreen so everybody got a good view. I’d make her pull her top up to show her tits and leave it like that, maybe play with them for a bit, then push down her jeans and knickers at the back to show everybody her bum and pussy. That used to get to her like nothing else, because she loved to think of all the men seeing every single bit of her body, but my kick came from making her frig off in front of them, sometimes with her fingers, sometimes with this little silver vibrator she had, and sometimes I’d do it for her, but it was always all the way, until she’d come and they’d all seen. I especially liked the way her bumhole used to wink when she got there, and I even put that on video so she could see.

  That was good, and I’ve done it with other girls too, but it’s never the best because it’s just in front of a load of dirty old wankers. They just lap it up, and the girls know they love it, so where’s the edge? Better than that, which I’ve only done a couple of times, is to make a girlfriend masturbate at a party. Obviously you need somebody who’s up for it, but the other people who’re there don’t need to know that. One time was with Sam and we’d set it all up with a group of mates. Sometimes we used to play strip poker, only normally it didn’t go that far, maybe bare tits or a guy having to strip off, but not much more. This time we set it up carefully, with Sam bluffing a guy called Neil who reckoned himself when it came to poker. She wouldn’t back down, and we both knew he wouldn’t, so when all her money’s in the middle of the table she starts offering forfeits, first her bra, then her panties, then to give him a lap dance, and at last to masturbate in front of all of us. She lost, just like we’d arranged it, but she really played it up, acting embarrassed and trying to get out of it before finally stripping off and spreading herself out in a chair. She took ages, pretending she found it hard to get off with everyone watching, but really enjoying herself, teasing her tits and pussy, stroking her belly the way she liked to, putting her fingers in and licking them, all the while getting gradually more and more turned on, until at last she lost control completely and rolled herself up in the chair, her arsehole on show as well as her pussy and she rubbed herself to a really noisy orgasm. I took her upstairs to the straight after and fucked her over Neil’s bed.

  The second time was maybe even better, because it wasn’t sorted out in advance and I wasn’t going out with the girl who did it, even though without me there it would never have happened. She was called Ella, and she was a real firebrand, you know, one of these girls who’s dead sure men think women always need to be led and will do anything to prove otherwise. We’d been drinking a good bit at a party in Fulham, and the conversation had got around to how women are more precious about their bodies, or that was what two of the guys there were saying anyway. Ella wasn’t having it, and I saw my chance. I told her to put her money where her mouth was and strip off. She came right back, telling me she would if I would. I stripped off, and after a bit of backchat and trying to get out of it, so did she, because there was no way she was going to back down. I didn’t really think it would go any further, but I had to give it a try and started saying all she’d showed was that she could follow a man’s lead. She was not happy about that, but when I suggested she prove it by frigging off in front of everybody you should’ve seen her eyes pop. I played it cool, saying I’d do it if she didn’t have the guts, and when she told me to stop being a filthy bastard I just gave this little shrug, like I’d proved my point and wasn’t interested any more. That stung her, and it took me another half an hour but I got her in the end, flat on her back in front of the fireplace, playing with her pussy and tits until she made it, and boy did she scream. And another thing, when her knickers came down she was absolutely soaking, so I reckon she’d been horny more or less from the start.

  Both those times were really good, but the girls were getting themselves off, so it wasn’t really like they couldn’t help it. There’s another trick of mine, maybe not quite so dirty, but good. I used to do it with Sammy. When your car needs petrol, find some excuse to get her to use the pump, then come up behind her and take over, with your arms around her so she can’t get away, your hands on the lever and the hose between her legs. She’ll probably struggle a bit once she realises what you’re doing, but once you get the pump going she’s not going to fight that hard. The vibrations are something else
, and if you’ve gut the hose pushed right up tight against her pussy it’s like she’s got a giant-sized vibrator between her legs. Once I’d got Sammy used to it she couldn’t get enough. Every time we needed to fill up she’d be straight out of the car and she’d take the pump in this provocative way, with her bum just stuck out a little, like she was posing. I’d get a grip on her and push the hose tight in between her legs, then turn the flow on. Sometimes she’d make it, sometimes she wouldn’t, but at the very least it would leave her badly in need of sex, so badly I’d generally have to take advantage of the state she was in before we got home, parked up somewhere quiet, or once or twice in a dogging car park so she’d know she was being watched while she got her fucking doggy style with the seats laid back. I tried the same with a few other girls as well, and like with Sammy sometimes they made it, sometimes not, but it always turned them on. That’s the only drawback with petrol pumps. You have to stop once the tank is full, but the state it leaves the girls in I’m not sure it’s such a drawback after all.

  It was after I split up with Sammy that I started to get into bondage. This girl called Naomi, who I met at the gym, introduced me to it one night, because she wanted her wrists tied to her bedposts while I fucked her. I was only too happy to oblige, and too pissed and horny to do any more than give her a good seeing to, but what she’d asked for gave me an idea. The next time we met I told her I’d tie her up and she willingly agreed, only this time I did it properly, with her wrists and ankles tied securely to the bed posts and her spread-eagled naked on the bed, only instead of giving her a good hard fucking, which was what she was into, I frigged her off, taking my time until I’d made her come, and only then climbing on top. She howled the house down at first, so loud I had to stuff her knickers in her mouth and tie them off with a spare piece of rope to shut her up, but afterwards she admitted she’d loved it and for the rest of the time we were together she couldn’t get enough.

  The problem was she was married, to a boring arse of a solicitor who thought she needed to see a shrink to get rid of her love of being tied up. She’d been, the shrink had listened to her for three sessions at a couple of hundred quid a shot, then on the third he’d tied her hands behind her back with her tights, spanked her bottom and fucked her on his couch. He didn’t charge for that session, and after that she told her husband she was cured and got her kicks elsewhere. That just goes to show, if you wife’s kinky, make the best of it and don’t moan.

  One of the guys she went with was some sort of bondage guru she’d met on the net. He could tie her up so tight she couldn’t do more than wiggle her toes, or put knots in places so that every little movement was like being given an erotic massage, only all over at the same time. She learnt a few of the techniques and passed them on to me, and if I could never get the hang of the fancy stuff, by the end any girl I tied up wasn’t going anywhere, and she probably was going to come.

  My favourite was a sort of harness, tied so that it enclosed the girl’s body but didn’t restrict her arms, with flat plaques of rope over her nipples and a big knot right in the middle of her pussy so that it would rub on her clit as she walked. The idea was it could be worn all day, but it showed through unless she was wearing a winter coat, which was how I used it on my next girlfriend, Sophie. Sophie was a little curvy thing, all bum and tit, great for getting off over and ever so willing to please. She had a bit of a hang-up about her weight, although I thought she was sex on a stick, and used to try and compensate by being a dirty bitch. That was something I was not about to put a stop to, especially when it came to being my plaything for kinky experiments to make her come.

  I put her in the harness one day in the winter and took her out walking, through the local park where there were lots of people about. With Naomi she used to take ten, maybe fifteen minutes before she’d come, but either I hadn’t tied it quiet right or Sophie was less sensitive, because she took ages. It turned her on all right, until she was wriggling in her panties and begging me to take her back to the flat for a good fucking. I wouldn’t do it, because I loved to see her squirm, so I made her keep walking, all the while getting more and more turned on, until she couldn’t stop herself from wriggling her hips to try and make it happen. When it hit her she went down on her knees, gasping and sobbing and calling me a pig, but later she admitted it was the best orgasm she’d ever had. It was good for me too, not just from the way she reacted, but because at least five people were watching when she came, and afterwards, with her kneeling on the bed and her hands tied behind her back while she sucked me off with her bum bare and a vibrator stuck up her hole, that’s what I came over.

  I had a great time with Sophie. She wasn’t quite like Sammy, who got off on being given orders, but she was always willing to try and once she was turned on there was no stopping her. She used to like toys as well, and we’d go into the sex shops in the city centre to look for new stuff. Some of it cost a bit, and one time I asked the guy behind the counter if he’d give us fifty per cent off if she did her business in front of him. I hadn’t asked her, and she went bright red, but she did it, with her skirt up and a vibrator pushed down the front of her knickers while she brought herself off and he watched. That was great, even better than when he offered to let us have our stuff for free if I’d make her give him a blow job in the back. She didn’t need telling, because that was just the sort of dirty stuff that got her off, as long as she was the centre of attention and felt desirable. Apparently he came all over her tits and said they were the best he’d ever had, which she seemed to like.

  One toy we got was a remote-controlled vibrator. I suppose it worked something like a car alarm or a walkie talkie, because up to about half a mile I could use the remote control to turn it on or off, which controlled a vibrating love egg she would wear down her knickers. She loved it when we used it close to home, and it did make me feel good, just to have that much control over her. The only problem was that I had to be close to see her come and she preferred not to know when it was going to happen, so while it was good it wasn’t the best. I went a bit far in the end. She had a job in the city, and used to sit in on important meetings, I made her wear the egg one day and told her I’d switch it on when the train started to get near our local station, so she would come with all the commuters around her. Instead I went in myself, stood underneath the windows of her office and then turned it on. She wasn’t best pleased about that, and while there was a lot of other shit going on I think that was what put our relationship on the slide.

  I had a bit of a gap after Sophie, one or two one-night stands and one or two girls I’d tie up so they could get their rocks off, but nothing serious. What I did do was improve my bondage skills, until I could not only tie a girl so she was completely helpless but do it fast and, if I had to, undo her just as fast. That’s useful, because it means you can take risks you wouldn’t be able to otherwise, or at least it is if you’ve got the right girl.

  Leonie was the right girl. I met her at one of the bondage classes, where she was saying it was all too detached for her taste and she wanted something more down to earth. Down to earth I could give her, and that evening I tied her up on my bed and used a vibrator on her until she’d come three times and was so high on sex she let me put it up her bum. I’d never done that before, and it felt good, especially when I used the vibrator on her a fourth time and she came with my cock in her hole. That felt like I was being milked up her arse, and by the time she finished I had been.

  It was all a bit different with Leonie. She knew as much as I did, maybe more, and she knew a lot of friends who were into the same sort of stuff. It was great to meet people who understood me, because I’d always felt a bit of a lone pervert, for all that most of the girls I’d been with loved what I did. With Leonie and her friends it was different, really easygoing, and we even had a few foursomes, with other couples and sharing the girls. That was great, especially the night we tied Leonie and a girl called Claire head to tail
and made them lick each other out before we’d let them go. Not that they needed much encouragement.

  It was Claire’s boyfriend, Dave, who taught me a new trick, how to spank a girl to orgasm. More than one of my exes had liked her bum slapped, but I’d never really been into the whole spanking thing. Dave showed me that nearly as much went into it as bondage, and one night, to prove his point, he spanked Claire in front of us until she came. Now that was worth seeing. She was a pretty little thing, with not much tit to speak of but a lovely round bum, nice and cheeky. He did it with her over his knee, her skirt lifted up and her knickers pulled down, which was how he liked her, and spent the best part of an hour slowly warming her up until her bum was pink all over. She was already moaning when he started to smack over her pussy, using firm, even slaps that got gradually faster. Her moans rose in time to the spanking, getting louder and more excited, until she finally went into orgasm, and for all my experience I don’t think I’ve ever seen a girl so powerless to stop what was happening to her.

  I had to try it with Leonie, only I wanted to do it with her tied up and gagged as well. It took a bit of practice, and I had to do it in my own style, but eventually I worked it out. I had her tied in a great position, kneeling down over a stool with her thighs tied to the legs so that she couldn’t close them, her hands behind her back and her body lashed to the top of the stool. That left her bum stuck right up, and wide open, with everything showing and available to me, while she was at just the right height to put my cock in her mouth or her pussy, even up her bum, whatever I wanted, but first I was going to beat her to orgasm.

  Dave had spanked Claire, but I found I got better control using a riding whip with a particularly broad end, just the right size to smack the sensitive area around Leonie’s pussy and arsehole. It stung a lot more too, or so she said, which made it easier to get her bum nice and hot before getting down to the real business. She was great, squirming and gasping through her gag as I whipped her, crying out and shaking her head for the pain, but never once asking me to stop, and getting more and more turned on. It took me about half an hour to make her come, and when she did the contractions of her body were so hard she nearly had the stool over. That had me going with a vengeance and I took full advantage of her, first in her mouth once I’d pulled the gag out, then up her pussy and finishing off all over her well whipped bum.


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