Confessions, Volume 1

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Confessions, Volume 1 Page 4

by Miranda Forbes

  And that was that, Miss Prissy, only maybe not quite so prissy after all.

  ED — Paris

  Too Good to be True

  Lucie was one of the prettiest and sexiest girls I’d ever been out with, but after just a few days I knew it wasn’t going to work. I like a girl to be mine, if you know what I mean. I’m not some kind of jealousy freak who goes after ex boyfriends or anything, but when I’m with a girl I don’t look at other girls or flirt and I expect the same in return. Lucie could never be like that. Maybe she was just too lovely, and too wild. She had the classic French look, very petite, with dark hair and a face full of mischief, with great big, dark eyes, a mouth like a rosebud and a tiny nose with freckles either side, perky tits and a pert bum. Not surprisingly a lot of men fancied her, but she seemed to know everybody, so that we’d be walking down the street or having a coffee on the pavement when some random bloke would stop to talk to her, kiss her, maybe hug her, all of which she’d return with the same warmth. Not that she was bad to me, because a lot of them would try to cut me out but she’d always do the introductions and always say I was her boyfriend. She liked to go to these clubs too, really wild places where it was even worse. There were even some guys who seemed to think it was okay to greet her with a slap on the bum, and it was after I threatened to hit one of them that we had our first row. She just couldn’t see it. As far as she was concerned I was the one she went to bed with at the end of the day and that should have been enough. I wasn’t having it and laid down the law. She agreed, but I still didn’t feel comfortable, and when I met Heather I told Lucie we were finished.

  Heather was everything Lucie wasn’t, English for a start, in Paris for work, like me. I work for an investment bank and although I work hard, I have plenty of time, and money, to enjoy myself. She was tall and blonde and quite busty, which I like and I’d never really been satisfied with Lucie’s tiny pair, however firm and perky. Unfortunately it didn’t last with Heather either. She was ready for commitment, a family, the works, and I wasn’t. So that was that, no girlfriend, and to be really honest I felt I could do with a break, although I knew I’d be after the first cutie who gave me the eye.

  And they did. I’d been in Paris over a year, and I knew the girls were a bit less precious than in England, but I was not expecting a completely gorgeous brunette to sit down at my table at my favourite place in the Avenue de Suffren and ask if she could buy me a drink. Not me buy her a drink, but the other way around! It’s quite close to the Eiffel Tower, and my first thought was that she was a pro and I’d misheard what she’d said. I was going to give her a polite refusal, but the waiter was right by our table and before I could say anything she’d ordered a white wine for herself and another beer for me. I thought she was trying to take me for a ride and it must have shown in my face, because she quickly reassured me and then told me she knew Lucie.

  I wasn’t quite sure how things stood with Lucie, because I’d finished it by email and she hadn’t replied, but the girl seemed friendly and she was gorgeous. I was still a bit cautious, but it was hard to keep it up with her chatting away in this soft, husky voice that seemed to go straight to my cock. She was called Mirella and she was a Brazilian student studying languages. I thought that might explain things, if she was broke and knew there was a single guy on a good salary to be had. That was just fine by me, and she was flirting so openly it was obvious what she wanted.

  I took it easy, insisting on paying for the drinks when the bill arrived and asking if she’d like to come back to my apartment, with the obvious implication that it would be for a bit of afternoon delight. She accepted, and the rest of the afternoon was like something out of a wet dream. She was a big girl, maybe an inch shorter than I am, and while I reckoned her chest had had a bit of silicone assistance it was certainly impressive. She was completely cool about it too.

  You know how most girls like to pretend it’s all chocolates and flowers even when they’re getting really dirty? Mirella wasn’t like that. She knew what men like and was only too happy to provide, at least for as much as she wanted to give. We’d barely got through the door before she’d slipped the top of her dress down, asking quite frankly what I thought. I thought plenty, and I told her so. She had quite dark skin, mixed maybe, like a lot of Brazilians, and very smooth and soft, with a lovely smell, like cocoa butter or something. Each tit was a heavy, round ball, very firm, and topped by a dark, stiff nipple.

  She said I could touch and I took one in each hand, feeling how big they were and rubbing my thumbs over her nipples to get her horny. At that she pulled my head in, between them first, then putting my mouth to each of her nipples in turn. By then I was rock hard, but when I tried to pull her dress further down she stopped me and told me, straight out, that I couldn’t fuck her but she was going to give me the best blow job I’d ever had. A lot of girls don’t like to put it all out on the first date, so for all that she’d been so horny with me I didn’t complain.

  It was the best blow job of my life and all.

  She did me in an armchair, down on her knees between my legs with her lovely big tits out. A lot of girls don’t like to kneel to man, but there was no bullshit with Mirella. She really worked on it, and she obviously didn’t just like cock, she loved it. Just from the look in her eyes as she unzipped me I could tell it was as big a treat for her as it was for me, and she didn’t hold back at all. She took out my balls as well as my cock, kissed them and took them in her mouth, one by one, which was almost too much. Once she’d got my cock in her mouth she was still playing with my balls, and gently tugging on my shaft.

  She used her tits too, wrapping them around my cock and jiggling them about as well as letting me titty fuck her and licking my knob, rubbing her nipples on my balls and shaft too. She really knew what she was doing, doing stuff like kissing my knob and suddenly sucking it into her mouth, and running her tongue up and down the extra sensitive bit on the underside of my foreskin.

  It took all my willpower not to spunk over her inside the first minute, but I was determined to make it last. So was she, pacing herself and teasing by doing something to take me to the edge and then pulling back to give me a show of her boobs, but always coming back to my cock. I’d heard the term cock worship before, but while I’d known plenty of girls who liked to suck this was the real thing, as if she was in love with my cock and couldn’t get enough. She even asked me if I’d like to spunk in her mouth or over her face and tits, and no girl has ever done that for me before.

  I chose her face and tits, because I wanted to see how she’d look with that pretty, bold face and those huge titties all spattered with spunk. She went for it, coming up close and grinning and laughing as she took turns to toss my cock and rub it over her tits. I couldn’t hold, not for long, not with her gripping my cock like that and tugging up and down while she rubbed my knob over her nipples. I did it, all over her tits and in her face, with her holding me and wanking like crazy, and deliberately aiming so my spurts would go all over her, and if I’d never known a girl who loved cock so much then I’d never known a girl so loved spunk so much either.

  She really got off on making a mess of herself, using my cock to rub what I’d done over her face and tits, even licking bits off her nipples and using her fingers to scoop it up, then sucking them clean and all the while with her eyes looking right into mine. She sucked my cock clean too, and swallowed like a good girl should. Even though I’d just come I really enjoyed the show, and would have got hard for her again as soon as I could if she’d wanted me to.

  She didn’t, but before she left she told me three things, that she was a virgin and her pussy was out of bounds, that she didn’t want a relationship but would like to meet again, and that I had a lovely cock. All that was fine by me. As she was Brazilian she was presumably a Catholic and wanted to get married still a virgin, although the way she sucked cock her future husband was never going to believe she was innocent
. I didn’t want a relationship either, but I wasn’t about to turn down the prospect of regular, no-strings blowjobs, and I’d already figured out that she thought I had a lovely cock.

  The next day I could scarcely believe it had happened, but it had, and just the memory of that blowjob kept me going all week. I even saw Lucie, and if she was a bit distant she didn’t have a go at me or anything, so I mentioned that I’d met a friend of hers and got a smile back, like she was happy for me. That surprised me, but you never can tell with women and I decided that perhaps she’d been keen to end it and was pleased things had gone the way they had.

  I was hoping to see Mirella at the weekend, but when I phoned her number all I could get was her voicemail. She had mentioned something about going away, although not immediately, so I wasn’t all that surprised. I did go to my usual place on the Saturday lunchtime, hoping she might come past and getting fairly horny just watching the girls go by. One was particularly fine, a sassy little black girl, very slim, with a little round bum perched on the longest legs I’d ever seen and barely covered by her little black dress, which was tight on her waist and chest but loose at her thighs so that you thought all it needed was the tiniest puff of wind and she’d be showing her knickers, if she had any on.

  I watched her walk one way, and she seemed to be looking for a house, which gave me plenty of opportunity to admire her legs. Once she’d gone a little way she turned back, still looking, and then came into the cafe, spoke to the barman and came over to my table, smiling and asking if I was indeed Edward. I told her she’d got it right and offered to buy her a drink. She was called Samara and she was Mirella’s flat-mate. Mirella was out of town, but had sent her with a message, apologising for not being there for me and asking if Samara would do instead.

  She said all this quite casually, and when she’d finished there was a wicked little smile on her face. I was astonished, but if that was their idea of good manners I wasn’t going to turn her down, not in a hurry. Then she leans forward and whispers into my ear, telling her friend had said I had a lovely cock and that she’d like to suck it.

  I nearly came in my pants. Five minutes I’d known her and she was offering to suck me off, and there was more too. When we’d got back to my apartment she told me she was going to strip for me. She sat me down in the same armchair as before, kissing me as she unzipped my trousers and pulled out my cock and balls, every bit at ease as Mirella but if anything even more skilled. She was more patient anyway, giving me a little suck just to get me going and then walking over to the kitchen with her cute little bum wiggling behind her. She fetched me a cold beer, took a swallow and then went down on me again, only with her mouth full of ice-cold Chimay. I took the bottle as she sucked, and I swear I was crossed-eyed with pleasure.

  She soon got up, filled the glass she’d been holding with beer and stepped back into the middle of the room. She didn’t bother with music, and she’d not dance so much as flaunt herself, but she was good. Like Mirella, she knew how to please a man, with no arty-farty stuff and lots of bum and tit. She was a tease too, taking for ever before her dress came down off her shoulders and keeping her tits covered with her hands even when it had. She was nice up top as well, not as big as Mirella, but firm and shapely, each one a good handful of firm black flesh topped by tiny nipples that were even darker. She had a lovely bum too, and she really made the best of it, first flirting with her dress to make it come up and show off the little white panties and slices of firm black bum cheeks beneath, then slowly wriggling it down over her hips, a bit at a time, only to stop, and a bit more, until at last she pulled it up instead and tucked it up into its own waistband. Her bum looked better still in just panties, small and tight and round, good enough to lick, and when she began to ease those little white panties down the same way she had her dress I was sure I was going to pop.

  She must have realised, because she tucked the panties down under her cheeks to give me a last show of her sexy little bum and then came swaying over to get down on her knees and take me back in her mouth. Her skill was the deep throat, taking my cock right in deep until you wouldn’t have thought she could breathe, and when she came up again telling me I could fuck her mouth and not to worry about making her gag. That’s another offer you don’t get from girls very often, and I made the best of it, taking her by the hair and giving that pretty black face a good hard fucking, my cock pumping in and out between those luscious, painted lips until at last I couldn’t take it any more and spunked up down her throat. Like Mirella, she swallowed, and like Mirella she was well pleased with herself and content with having pleasured me. I offered her a lick in return, mainly because I was keen to get to grips with that tight black bum, maybe even tongue her bumhole, but she said no, giving me the same reason as her friend had. She also told me I had a lovely cock and said she’d be back.

  So that was how it stood, two gorgeous Brazilian girls, not girlfriends and not wanting to be, but regular suck buddies. They made it plain that I had to respect their boundaries, but that wasn’t a problem, especially after the third incident. I suppose every man likes the idea of having two girls at the same time, especially if they’re into each other, but not many get it. I hadn’t, not then, so when Mirella and Samara turned up at my flat together the following weekend I thought the best I could hope for was for one of them to take me into my bedroom for my blowjob while the other stayed outside.

  There was none of that. I’d barely sat them down with a drink each and Samara says she wants to see my cock again, with Mirella nodding agreement and saying how big I am and how much she enjoyed sucking me, and this in front of each other. You don’t get that in England, or in France. At least, I hadn’t, but these two were up for it, more than just up for it, eager for it.

  Anything to please a lady, so I unzipped and pulled out my cock and balls, the way they seemed to like it, asking for them to get their tits out in return. They both responded without a second thought, Mirella pushing down the tight red dress she was wearing and pulling off the lacy black bra underneath, and Samara peeling up her red and white striped top to show them bare. Both their nipples were already perky, and my cock was getting that way too. They asked me to let them watch me get hard and I obliged, slowly teasing myself erect, and before I was halfway there they’d began to play with each others’ tits. It was for real too. They were getting off on each other, but that didn’t stop them putting on a show at the same time, making sure I could see as they felt each other, kissing as they touched each others tits, then taking turns to suck on the hard, dark nipples.

  Soon I was rock hard, and they started to get really horny with each other, in a tangle on the sofa with their hands all over each others bodies, bums as well as tits and their mouths locked together. I was going to spunk, and I’d have been content with that, but Mirella suddenly pulled back and gave Samara a playful little slap on the hand, telling her friend that they were neglecting me. I told them I didn’t mind, but Samara answered straight out that she didn’t want to miss out on my cock and that Mirella was right.

  They crawled over to me, tits swinging under their chests and bums stuck up, and if what they’d done before had been good, this was wild. It was like they were desperate too. They pulled down my trousers first, then both of them set to work. They just could not get enough of my cock, taking turns to suck and lick while the other dealt with my balls or wanked me into her friend’s mouth, Samara even licking my arse while Mirella sucked me, and all the time sharing cock-flavoured kisses and touching up each others’ tits.

  Like before, it took all my willpower to hold back, and as it was I didn’t last all that long. With Samara’s tongue in my arsehole and my cock in Mirella’s mouth while they showed off playing with each others’ tits it was more than I could stand. I came in Mirella’s mouth, only for her to jerk back after the first spurt and deliberately take the rest in her face, and there was plenty. She kept her mouth open, but it didn’t all g
o in, one long streamer landing across her eye and down her cheek, then another catching her on the nose, so that as she finally pulled back she was left with a pool of white stuff on her tongue, her face streaked with it and a blob hanging from her nose.

  I was spent, but they weren’t. Samara came up from licking my arse and to my amazement they began to share my spunk, first Samara licking it up off Mirella’s face and then both of them sharing their mouthful with their lips just touching as they rolled what they had in their mouths back and forth. I have never, ever seen anything so horny, not outside of a hardcore porno movie.

  That was what got me thinking, that maybe the two of them were pros after all, only not streetwalkers but porn stars. It still seemed odd that they’d be so into me, but it did explain their behaviour. Not that I cared, because good sex is good sex and they’d both made it perfectly clear that our relationship would be casual. I didn’t actually want to get with either of them on a permanent basis either although I couldn’t quite figure out why. The sex was great, don’t get me wrong, but it was hard to imagine myself doing ordinary stuff with either of them, let alone introducing them to my mates and business colleagues.


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