Beautiful Girl: Modern Beauty and Beast (Happy Ever After Standalone Series) (Happy Ever After Standalone Novel Series Book 2)

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Beautiful Girl: Modern Beauty and Beast (Happy Ever After Standalone Series) (Happy Ever After Standalone Novel Series Book 2) Page 11

by Kailin Gow

  My tongue darted out and I was licking her until she was moaning. After giving one breast so much attention, I moved to the next, sucking on it and then lightly biting it until she moaned again.

  “I dream about feasting on you and…” I kissed her stomach and made my way between her legs to the honey pot I wanted to lick and eat. I sank in and licked, sucked, and ate ravenously until she was grabbing my hair with one hand and saying, “More, Callum, more!”

  “You touching me here,” I moved up to her and kneel in front of her so she can grasp my hard dick in her hand. “Pumping me with your hand…”

  I moved her hand back and forth on my dick so she could get in the rhythm. From the way she touched me I could see that she may be a virgin, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t ambitious and eager when it came to claiming what she wanted. How the hell did I get so lucky that it would be me in this spot? Mason didn’t deserve her, I thought. Then I quickly put him out of my mind, as this was my moment to connect with this exquisite creature and take her body to the moon and back.

  “I dream of you taking me in your mouth and sucking on me hard, harder than you’ve ever suck on a popsicle,” I groaned as she switched from pumping my dick to licking it with her hot tongue. “Oh Charisma, you are so good at this. A natural sex goddess.”

  She kissed my dick before she opened her sweet mouth to pulled me in and began sucking hard on it.

  “Oh God, woman,” I cried out, trying to keep from shaking. I almost came when I saw her wrap her beautiful mouth around me.

  Then her hands started to veer my body toward her, my hard-on so big and thick from my excitement. “Take me,” she said. It was barely audible, yet I heard it so clearly and felt it through her body language.

  “You’re sure? You really want to?” I asked. I wanted to, but I couldn’t be the beast she’d thought I was—I had to show her that what she needed was most important to me.

  “Callum, damn it, take me. I’ve waited so long for this…to find the right one, and I want it to be you.” Again, simple and direct. A woman who knew what she wanted was so sexy.

  “Are you sure?” I asked again.

  She licked me and looked up at me. “I’m sure, Callum. Stop hesitating and give me what I want.”

  Fuck she was so sexy. She was a tigress in bed…wild and full of passion. But at work, she was a porcelain beauty.

  I was overwhelmed with emotions as I touched Charisma, my touch turning more intimate. The woman I’d fell in love with in such a short amount of time had just offered me her greatest gift—her virginity.

  “I dream of fucking you, making love to you, and making you full and satisfy…” My hand slid down her belly and my fingers entered into her wet and eager pussy. I could feel her muscles pulsating in eager anticipation turning me so hard that it almost ached. Such intensity and desire to be with someone had never happened to me before, and knowing that she wanted me fulfilled me completely.

  “I’m ready, take me,” she said, her hips jutting upward.

  I stared right into her magnificent eyes and went on top of her, watching her every reaction and emotion as I slowly slid myself into her, feeling the warmth and tightness of her beautiful gift to me. My movements were slow in case they hurt, but she looked at me with anticipation and then relief, arching her back and closing her eyes as I thrust into her, unable to remain slow. It was urgent and I moved faster and faster, unable to slow down or stop what I’d started. I was out of control in the most amazing way and there was nothing to ruin that. My body was dictating what I’d do simply by the way her body responded. I wanted to see her have her first orgasm ever from a cock and didn’t want to miss a single detail of it.

  “I love you,” I said, plunging into her over and over again gently and then faster.

  I closed my eyes briefly because the pleasure was so great but when I opened them, I saw it, the overjoyed, mad crazy look in her eyes and the way her body was moving toward mine like it couldn’t get enough. She gasped and her muscles tightened, releasing the juices of her pleasure, as she shook and cried out in pleasure.

  Seeing her in such ecstasy in the peak of her orgasm, I came too, completely in sync with her, still pumping in and out of her to prolong the pleasure. We were one, together as one, in pleasure and pain. But mostly pleasure. It was a good sign, a sign that what we’d done was right and good…and meant to be. She was mine, and I was hers.

  I rolled off of her and leaned over, gently kissing her breasts and enjoying her lumbered breath and hearing the pounding of her heart. She tasted so good and she was slightly sweaty, which turned me on even more. I bent and kissed her lips before lying down next to her, my fingers looking for her fingers to hold. I wanted to hold onto her, to keep touching her. She was my woman. My love of my life.

  There was nothing that Charisma could do that would make me love her less. I knew it was too soon, but I wanted to tell her that I wanted her with me for the rest of my life…that I love her like I’ve never loved anyone before… but she completely surprised me before I could get any of my words out by saying, “Guess that just about takes the fun out of showing off your conquest of the virgin to your friends.”

  What did she mean by that? She wasn’t a conquest, she was someone I loved, someone I was willing to do anything for, and on her terms. “What?” I asked.

  She smiled and repeated it, adding, “Think about it for a second.”

  I did and then I finally understood. Charisma had initiated our soiree, knowing that I’d never presume that I could have her precious gift. Well, I’d gladly surrender bragging rights about her virginity, especially if I could replace them with bragging rights about her being the love of my life—my one and only, my destiny.

  “Charisma,” I said gently, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but what we did just now, it was the most precious thing to me. I love you. I want to make love to you. And I’m sincere about being with you more than anything.”

  Chapter 17


  Today wasn’t Charisma’s day to be at Beast Companies, which made it the perfect day for me to go and pay a little visit to Mason. I made up a doctor’s appointment for an excuse so she wouldn’t question why I wasn’t by her side at the office. There were a few things that we were going to clear up and I didn’t need to have anything ugly unfold in front of Charisma. I could tell he was behind the untrusting thoughts that Charisma had about me and upon further reflection, it was likely something he said that made her mention that entire conquest thing about her virginity. He could be a ruthless piece of shit sometimes, no doubt about it.

  “Mr. Beast,” Mason’s secretary Vivian said, clearly shocked. “Can I help you?”

  “I’m here to see my brother,” I said walking past her and toward Mason’s office.

  “He’s on a…” She didn’t finish because my hand was already on the door to his office and I opened it up and walked in. He was on a call and my abrupt entrance startled him.

  “Jim, I’ll call you back in a few,” Mason said. Then he hung up and leaned back in his black leather chair, looking at me analytically, the tips of his fingers now pressed together. “Callum, this is quite the surprise. Quite unnecessary, a call would have been sufficient.”

  “What I have to say to you needs to be said face to face, man to man,” I said.

  “Now that’s rich,” Mason said, giving a snide chuckle.

  “How could you do it? That’s what I want to know,” I said.

  “Do what?” he asked, looking genuinely perplexed.

  “Put such deceitful thoughts about the type of man I was into Charisma’s mind,” I said. I could feel my body shaking and I had to remember to keep my anger in check.

  “Me? I’d hardly need to do that. She saw the type of man you are, Callum, and what an embarrassment you are to this family with the way you behave.”

  “You said that she’d better watch out or I’d seduce her,” I said, seething now. My fingers hurt from clenchin
g my fists and trying to control my urge to lunge right over that desk and smack Mason across the jaw.

  “Isn’t that true, though? You’d love to have a conquest like a virgin, especially with a woman as beautiful as Charisma. She deserves better,” Mason said.

  She did deserve the best, but my brother was wrong. “There is no way in hell that I’d ever manipulate her that way, Mason.”

  “I can see it now, the way you and your frat brothers would laugh about it, thinking it was something,” Mason said.

  “They’re your frat brothers, too, Mason.”

  “We’re not tight the way you are so don’t bother trying to pull that shit, Callum. It isn’t going to work with me.”

  “Well, this accident has changed a lot. I don’t hang out with any of those guys anymore. I’m a new and better man. I’ve changed. I care deeply about Charisma.”

  “You may be able to convince others of that, but not me. I know you too well, and I’ve known you too long,” Mason said snidely. “The only person you care about is yourself.”

  “You don’t know me at all, brother. You may want to be the big shot around here, but let me remind you that Father still wanted me to run this company, not you, and I would be right now if it wasn’t for the accident.”

  “Oh, the accident that killed him?” Mason asked. I saw the snicker in his eyes and he knew his words would sting me. He was being a cold son-of-a-bitch, for certain.

  “I will be running this company sooner than you know,” I said. I would do whatever it took to show that I was a good man for Charisma—as smart in the business world as committed to her pleasure in bed.

  “Running it into the ground, maybe. Look, Callum, this has been nice, but now I’ve got to get back to the real world and run a business. So, if you’ll excuse me.” He got up to walk over to his credenza.

  Unable to stop myself, I lunged toward Mason and sent him reeling backwards into the wall. What an arrogant jerk! “Listen here, Mason. You’d better give Charisma up. I know she’s nothing more to you than arm candy and a pretty woman who might be a trophy wife and hang on every word you utter. She deserves more than that. She’s brilliant, funny, so kind, and incredibly sexy…” I didn’t have to say another word, because I watched as Mason’s face grew dark with jealousy. I’d got him.

  “Why Callum, you surprise me. You sound like a man in love.”

  “I am. I care so deeply for Charisma that I’d walk away from everything—even this just to have her. That’s how much I love her. I would treat her like a queen, and be her servant. So, Mr. CEO, the question is, would you ever do that? I doubt it.”

  “So, you’re saying that if I step back, you’ll give up your rightful position as heir to Beast Company?” Mason asked.

  I saw his eyes come alive with calculated plans and measures, practically drooling at the idea. “I would just to have her. How about you, little brother, would you?”

  Mason didn’t answer me, but he didn’t need to. He thought I was unobservant and stupid, not business savvy, but I knew more than he thought I did. Money spoke with my brother way more than anything else, and I was going to use that to my advantage.

  Chapter 18


  I would never admit it to him, but Callum’s challenge had given me some interesting food for thought. When push came to shove, did I really have the potential to put a relationship above business? I wasn’t entirely certain about it, and I had no idea if I could really love Charisma enough to do that, because she did deserve that. However, not with Callum, damn it! He was no good for her and he may be trying to change now, but there was no way that he’d changed that much in such a short amount of time. I didn’t buy it. But what was his game? Maybe he was just stupid enough to buy his own sales pitch.

  What had been made quite clear was that a competition was on for her affections, Beast against Beast. Who would win? Frankly, Charisma probably deserved better than either of us with how we were being so possessive of her, but she was just too exquisite and beautiful to not see it through and seriously evaluate the long term potential. A woman like that just didn’t come around every day—smart with business and life, as well as tied together in a pretty package. I wanted her…badly, especially after our weekend together on Catalina. It hit me hard the morning after I had a taste of her. I was in love with her. I didn’t want to scare her off or pressure her so soon after to go all the way with me the next night so I held back, which wasn’t typical of me. I’d never hold back on getting what I wanted, but with Charisma, I was scared. I was scared to make the wrong move.

  Callum said that if he had Charisma that’d he’d treat her like a queen. I’ll admit, I felt a bit deceived by Charisma, not letting me know that they’d grown as close as they had. Had she been playing both of us? If she had, she’d done a good job. That just didn’t make sense, though. She seemed different than that. I also thought, if she really loved me and wanted to be with me, would she expect me to choose her over business? Would she ever be able to choose me over her mother’s business? These questions remained unanswered no matter how much I delved into them, and I wanted to find out the truth. I had to know, and more importantly, I had to get her away from Callum before he sabotaged me in some way.

  I picked up my phone and pulled up Charisma’s contact information.

  Me: Charisma, hi beautiful, how are you?

  I knew she had a busy day, but I hoped that she was available just enough to get my text. I waited for what seemed like an eternity, but was only five minutes in real time.

  Charisma: Hi there. I’m great—busy—how about you?

  Me: Thinking of you. Wondering if you were available tonight? I’d love to take you to dinner.

  Charisma: Sure, that would be great. What time?

  Me: I’ll pick you up at 7, if that works.

  Charisma: No, I’ll be downtown at a meeting, where can I meet you?

  Me: Flash. Know where it is?

  Charisma: Yes, see you then. Have to run.

  All these unwelcomed second guesses flooded my mind, thanks to Callum and his unwelcomed visit. Was she really at a meeting downtown or did she just not want me to pick her up at her home and have Callum see? If that was the case, I had a bigger challenge on my hands than I’d thought I did. Well, I had to put it out of my mind, because that night I had to do something very important, seemingly urgent now. I had to see if Charisma and I truly had potential and if she was someone that I could put above all else and love unconditionally.

  I loved Beast Company with this commitment that was hard to explain to someone, especially someone who didn’t have a family business that they were excited about seeing live on through them, and becoming a part of their legacy. I’d always felt that way about the business and it had consumed me, but the second I saw Charisma, a part of me that I didn’t know existed was also consumed. I lusted after her and craved her completely—from her smile to her smart comebacks to our talks about meaningful topics, not just shallow things.


  Not able to concentrate, I’d arrived at the restaurant early, making sure that Charisma and I could secure a table in a quiet back corner. I wanted her all to myself and to have nothing interrupt our time together from the moment I saw her on. I felt nervous, too, hoping that the right words would just come to me on that night. It felt like so much was riding on it and I knew it was pressure I’d put on myself, but I was just overrun with desire, both for Charisma the person and Charisma the physical object.

  Enjoying a martini to take the edge off, I had my back to the bar so I could keep an eye on the front door of the restaurant. At 7 PM precisely, Charisma walked in, looking drop dead gorgeous. She was wearing chic straight black pants, a black lace top and flat pointed shoes, which was unusual, but the way she carried herself made me feel like a bit of drool might escape the corner of my mouth. She was my prey and I was a savage beast. But she was limping?

  I waved and walked right over to her.

��s wrong? Are you okay?” I asked, placing my hand on her elbow as I reached down and kissed her cheek. I lingered there for a moment, intoxicated by her inviting scent.

  “I twisted my ankle yesterday, but I’m fine. It’s just a bit tender, especially after being on it all day,” Charisma said, kissing my right cheek. Her hair brushed against me, making me feel like I’d been kissed by a seductive wind.

  The woman could probably seal any deal she wanted to in life just by looks alone and I wasn’t so sure that I’d be an exception to that rule.

  “Well, would you rather eat at my apartment?” I asked. If she would have said yes I would not have complained.

  “No, don’t be silly. I’m starving, anyway,” she said. She looked at me and smiled and I was so drawn in, but also filled with questions. If there would have been a tasteful and tactful way to do it, I would have grilled her about Callum, but there wasn’t. So, I’d just have to focus on our undeniable chemistry and see where it took me.


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