TANYA_Trouble With a Capital T

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TANYA_Trouble With a Capital T Page 21

by Taylor Lee

  She almost choked when Ryker spoke. His voice was rough, raspy. “I want you to take that off, Tanya. But I want you to turn around when you do and bend over as you take it off so that I can see your gorgeous ass in all of its glory.”

  Surprised that her shaking legs held her up, Tanya did as she was told. Turning her backside to him, she bent over, knowing that the lewd position showed every inch of her curvy hips and ass. His low groan was her reward. Turning slowly and knowing that her cheeks had to be as flushed as they felt, she forced herself to look at him. His narrowed gaze and the slight tinge of moisture on his upper lip sent a tsunami of sensation to her vagina. Horrified at the sudden moisture she felt surging between her legs, she covered her bare mons with both of her hands. To her surprise, he rose to his feet, shaking his head.

  “Uh-uh, Tanya. Don’t even try to cover yourself.” Moving closer, he said, “Tanya, I want you to touch yourself. Put your fingers inside your luscious pussy.”

  When she hesitated, not knowing how she could possibly do something so outrageous, he shook his head and added, “Do it, baby, then tell me, are you as wet as I think you are?”

  Stunned that she was even considering complying, she was horrified when she reached between her legs and felt the moisture flowing there. When she slammed her eyes shut and slipped her fingers inside her dew-covered folds, he drawled, “Are you wet, baby, deliciously wet?”

  Not able to hide her surprise, she nodded and whispered, “Yes . . . yes I am.”

  “Oh, darlin’, that’s good. So very good. Now, baby, I want you to put your fingers in your mouth and suck on them.”

  Knowing that her body had to be as flushed as her face at his shocking order, she met his intense gaze. When he nodded to her, flicking a commanding hand, she closed her eyes, then put her fingers in her mouth and sucked on them.

  Sensing his presence beside her, his low, groaning query would have brought her to her knees if he hadn’t reached for her. Pulling her next to him, his murmur was soft, insistent. “Tell me, sweetheart, do you taste as sexy as you smell?”

  When she nodded tentatively, unable to look at him, he murmured, “Hmm, let me see if I agree.” Past the point of being surprised at his erotic overtures, Tanya could only moan when he held her close to him and slid two searching fingers into her weeping vagina. Withdrawing them, he noisily sucked on them. “You’re right sweetheart, your sensual dew tastes extraordinary, like the sweetest, sexiest honey in the world. And, darling, you smell as sweet.”

  Chapter 28

  Ryker did his best to contain his lust. He didn’t want to frighten her. He had to force himself not to lay her out on the floor, strip off his jeans, and fuck her. He didn’t know when he had ever wanted a woman as much or as fiercely as he did the flushed, trembling woman clinging to him. He’d been stunned when she’d taken him on. When he gave her the choice of standing before him and taking off all of her clothes or him taking her over his knees and spanking her bare ass, he’d assumed she would throw one of her tantrums and storm out of the room. He was prepared for her outraged reaction. What he wasn’t prepared for was when she rose to her feet, her chin in the air, and pointed to a spot on the floor and asked dismissively, “Is this where you want me to stand?” It was all he could do to respond nonchalantly, “It’ll do.”

  As far from nonchalant as he’d ever been, he’d sat back in his chair, certain that it was a ruse. A way for her to put distance between them and then make a break for it. He’d seen her eyeing the door and could almost see her mind scoping out an escape plan. Frankly, he’d hoped that she would run. Chasing after her, he’d have her in his arms in seconds and less than a minute later he’d have her over his knees, preparing to turn her gorgeous ass flaming red. After which he’d strip off the rest of her clothes and then take her as hard and as deeply as he’d ever taken a woman. But that didn’t happen. What did would become one of his all-time favorite jerk-off triggers.

  Pointing that saucy chin in the air, she’d drawn herself up to her full height and reached for the hem of her tank top. Only the faint flush on her cheeks and the fact that she’d closed her eyes telegraphed her apprehension. Seeing her nervously bite down on her puffy lips, his cock jerked in response. As she dragged the tank over her head, revealing her black lace–covered breasts, his eager staff came to full attention. He’d seen this much of her bodacious body at the bunkhouse. But then his focus had been on how he was going to take down—in the most vicious way he could—the four hideous men surrounding her. Meeting her anxious gaze, he was surprised to see fear. When she protectively smashed her hands against her breasts and flushed a deeper, embarrassed red, he understood.

  Knowing that he fully intended to castrate Bramford Courtland along with Manny Davis, he gave Manny a break for the moment. At least the demented asshole hadn’t made Tanya ashamed of her body. Not sure what he would have done if she refused his unspoken command to drop the bra, he was saved the decision. When she slammed her eyes shut and released the scraps of lace, he feasted on the sight that he’d been conjuring up in his lusty mind from the first time she sauntered by him at the Bitter n’ Twisted. If anything, her breasts were even more extraordinary than his heated imaginings. The lusciously full, pale mounds topped by soft brown nipples that were already beginning to peak stunned him. Only the harsh flush flooding her cheeks dragged him back into the moment and forced him not to reach for her. Not sure how he’d kept from groaning with desire, he knew to his dying day he would be grateful that he merely said, “You are beautiful, Tanya. So lovely that you steal my breath.”

  The sight that compared—indeed, rivaled—her stunning breasts was her ass. Once again the reality surpassed his X-rated visions. Full, mouthwatering curves covering firm muscles begged for his hands and, yes, his mouth. The only thing that could have made his already throbbing prick harder was the thought of his handprints reddening the spectacular landscape. But he admitted what had truly sent his lust into the stratosphere was when he’d ordered her to bend over as she stripped off her thong and bared the curvy globes and the golden envelope between them to his hungry gaze—and she did. He knew the only thing that could make him hotter was spreading her cheeks and licking the length of her crack from the rosebud of her ass to her intimate labia. Something he intended to do soon.

  Scooping her up in his arms, Ryker made his decision. Much as he wanted to take her now on the floor, against the wall, or, Christ, over a fucking chair, his big head prevailed. Heading for her bedroom, he cautioned himself. Even though she was revealing herself to be as hot a lover as he’d imagined, he needed to be careful. Knowing that the only partners she’d likely had were the offensive, uptight doc and maybe a couple of teenaged trysts with one-pump chumps, he didn’t want to frighten her with his lust. He owed it to both of them that he introduce her to the passion rioting through him carefully, judiciously, making sure he didn’t scare her. That pipe dream exploded when he laid her on the bed and reveled in the sight of her gorgeous naked body.

  Never an easy lover, Ryker liked down and dirty sex, the down and dirtier the better. As commanding as he was in his work, it wasn’t surprising that those tendencies followed him into the bedroom. Apparently, his inclinations and predilections were appreciated, as he’d never had to ask twice for permission to bed a woman and had a long line of lovelies begging him for seconds or thirds. And for the very occasional lucky ones, a fourth rendezvous with the accomplished lover. Now, drinking in the sight of Tanya’s lush body, puffy lips, and flushed cheeks, it was all he could do to keep from stripping off his clothes and having at her. Instead, drawing on reserves he didn’t know he had, he said quietly as he gazed at her, “Tanya, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Your body is a voyeur’s dream, worthy of artists who would gladly spend a lifetime trying to capture its beauty. That you are willing to reveal yourself to me is a gift I will treasure as long as I live.” Gratified at the relief that flooded her face, he added, “There’s only one problem.”
  Seeing her questioning frown, he upped the ante. “I want you, sweetheart, in ways you didn’t know were possible. Hard, raunchy ways that I’m sure will frighten you.” Seeing her cheeks flush brighter and hearing her surprised gasp, he called on his significant arrogance to capture her. “How about it, formidable woman? Are you ready to turn your astonishing body over to a man who intends to do things to it that you didn’t know people did even in triple X-rated porn films?”

  When she visibly swallowed, he murmured as he crawled up onto the bed beside her, “How about it, baby, do you think you are up for it? Up for me?”

  To his surprise, she bit down hard on her already swollen lips and said in a shaky voice, “I . . . I think I am. But I’m scared.”

  Hiding a grin, he nodded in agreement. “Hmm, I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you that being scared is probably wise.” He stroked her cheek with a calloused finger and crooned, “Will it help if I promise you that when I do the things to you that my body is dying to do, that you will beg me not to stop, that you’ll beg me to give you more?”

  She closed her eyes, then met his gaze and asked hesitantly, “What if I can’t . . . can’t do what you want me to? Be the kind of woman you are used to having?”

  “That’s a given, sweetheart. There’s no way that you come close to the women I’ve fucked.” At her surprised start, he drawled, “That’s because the women I’m ‘used’ to having can’t begin to do to me what you’ve already done, and Christ, baby, I haven’t even fucked you yet.” Seeing her troubled frown, Ryker stretched out beside her and gently tugged her next to him. “How about it, little Tanya Trouble, are you ready to let this arrogant man do things to you you’ve never done before? Ready to shuck off all those carefully honed defenses you use to protect your body and soul? Turn yourself over to a sexual reprobate like me?”

  Gently pinching her cheek, he put one big hand on her chest. “Let’s see. Mm-hmm. We’ll definitely need to start here.” He ran a searching finger over one breast, then gently pinched her nipple. At her surprised cry, he added, “I’ve been lusting after these luscious breasts of yours since you first flashed them in my face.” Waving her demurral aside, he stroked down her belly, then let his fingers play across her bare mons to her swollen labia. “Then perhaps I’ll go here?” Her soft moan ratcheted up his lust. “Oh yeah, I’m going to attack here with my fingers and my tongue.” Not willing to stop his invasive journey, he raised her leg, seeking access to her ass. Running his hands over one lush cheek, he drawled, “And we definitely can’t forget here. Because, sweetheart, if it’s the last thing I do to you tonight, I owe you a bright red ass.” Slipping his finger inside her most private hole, he chuckled at her surprised shriek. Murmuring in her ear, he boasted, “Oh yeah, my feisty little girl. Paddling your sassy bottom isn’t the only thing I plan to do to your amazing ass. You need to know that as much of a breast man as I am, a close second is my ass-fixation. Particularly when I’m confronted by the most superlative ass I’ve ever laid my eyes or my hands on.”

  Not knowing how much longer he could stare at her in wonder without taking her, he rose to his feet. He reached for the Glock he’d shoved in the back of his jeans and hauled out the Beretta from his boot. Smiling at her, he teased, “Just in case you decide you don’t like being assaulted by an arrogant man, I best get these out of your reach.” Tossing the pistols on the bedside stand, he added, running his eyes over her outstretched naked body, “Plus, it doesn’t seem fair for me to be armed when you are weaponless . . . Although the sight of your stark-naked body has done more to disarm me than a gun safe of weapons could.”

  Yanking his tee shirt over his head, he let it drop to the floor. Gratified at her wide-eyed gasp, he was glad that he physically drove his body as ferociously as he did. Holding her gaze, he unbuttoned the top button on his jeans and shoved them lower on his hips. When she pressed her fingers against her lips and smothered a moan, he grinned at her. “We’ll leave these on for a while, but I do want to get rid of these.” Toeing off his scuffed boots, he rose up on his toes the way he did as he prepared to fight. The movement was unconscious, but seeing her press her fingers against her lips, he realized his intent was clear. Studying her for a long moment, reveling in her profoundly sensual body contorted with her clear anxiety, he drawled, “Tell me, Tanya, has any man tied you to the bed and blindfolded you before he made hard, fucking love to you?”

  Tanya gazed up at the intimidating man, a mix of horror and excitement flooding her sensory pathways. At his blatant sexual threat, she tried to remember how they’d gone from an angry stand-off to a sexually charged mating dance. One in which she’d been an active participant. Staring at the half-naked man standing beside the bed grinning at her, his stunning cobalt eyes gleaming with lust, she cut herself some slack. The question wasn’t why she didn’t blow him off, the better question was how in a million years she could have. Gazing up at the tall man and seeing his naked torso for the first time, she struggled not to cry out. His chest and arms were striped with lean, potent muscle. Not a surprise given that she’d seen the powerful man fight. The sexy blond beard shadow that had captured her from the first time she saw him mimicked the curly dark blond hair decorating his muscled chest and eight-pack abs. The button he’d carelessly loosened on his jeans revealed the wiry curls that she knew would decorate his groin.

  What wasn’t surprising, in that she’d felt it pressing against her on more than a few occasions in their earlier trysts, was the fearsome arousal apparent in his tight jeans. Only now, in conjunction with the wicked smile curving his sensuous lips, she understood that in a matter of minutes she’d not only see him in all his naked glory but that he’d be deep inside of her. At the thought, a low tortured moan escaped her lips. Hearing the sound, his eyes gleamed and he shot her a roguish grin. Rubbing at the prominent bulge in his pants, Ryker murmured, “Oh yeah, sweetheart. I can’t wait to get all of this inside of you. But first, sexy woman, I need to get better acquainted with the sensual wonder that is your amazing body.”

  As he moved toward her, his intent clear, his compelling fragrance swept over her. The sophisticated scent of his expensive cologne amplified his erotic masculine odor, making the nerve endings from her breasts to her groin ripple with desire. She tried to remind herself that she should be afraid. She should accept that she could never do all of the things that he was intimating that he would insist she do. But the fragrance was too compelling to resist, as was the sheer strength of his powerful body. That was when she saw the narrow table runner from her bedside stand in his hands. Before she could stop him, he’d twisted it into a makeshift blindfold and was tying it across her eyes, plunging her into darkness.

  Ignoring her frightened, then outraged cries, he held her close, trapping her writhing body in his strong arms. “No, no, baby. Don’t fight me. You can’t win.” His taunting chuckle confirmed his determination. Grasping her hands in his, he said, “Now, I need your help. There’s no way in hell that I’m moving more than a foot away from you, which makes finding a set of handcuffs a non-starter.” Uncurling her fists with his strong fingers, he stretched her hands above her head and wrapped them around the slats of her headboard. His order was compelling. “This is where I want your hands to stay, Tanya.” When she shook her head fiercely, incoherently struggling to free her hands, he landed a sharp smack on her bottom. At her startled cry, his voice was low, insinuating. “Uh-uh, baby. You need to know, tonight I’m in charge.” Stretching his strong body alongside hers, he murmured in her ear, “And, Tanya, I promise you, by the time I’ve wrung at least four orgasms from your extraordinary body and then taken you in a way you never knew you could be taken, you’ll be begging me not to stop.”

  Chapter 29

  Uh-uh, baby. Hands up, tight around these slats. How else can I be sure that I can feast on these extraordinary treasures without interference from you?”

  Ryker’s voice was teasing, but Tanya didn’t miss the intensity underlying it
. That his voice was also tinged with awe kept her from trying to resist. At base, she didn’t want to. How could she not go crazy with all of the things that he was doing to her breasts. But she’d spent so much of her life downplaying them it was hard to let them take front and center in an erotic adventure that was blowing her mind and her body. As if Ryker was giving her a choice.

  “God, Tanya, I’ve never seen nipples as responsive as yours. Christ, baby, all I have to do is blow on them and they get even harder. And sweetheart, feel what they do when I suck on them, play with them like this! They’re like ripe, brown berries begging to be picked.”

  Feeling his strong tongue circling one throbbing peak while he played with the other with his fingers, Tanya fought the sensations building in her groin. Surprised at her knowing body, she was amazed when she found herself pressing her crotch against his powerful thigh as if to intensify the sensations that were inflaming her nipples and flowing to her groin. How was it possible that Ryker suckling, pinching, and playing with her receptive nipples could ignite a firestorm as powerful as the one building in her belly and below? God, if she wasn’t careful, she’d be begging him not to stop, to do more, to make her feel even more riotous emotions. At that moment, he sucked hard on her nipple, then bit down at the same time he pinched her other nipple. Stunned at the waves of sensation flooding her from her breasts to her throbbing pussy, she cried out, not believing the stunning orgasm overtaking her. Sobbing in ecstasy at the rampant sensations threatening to tear her apart, she clung to him, begging him not to let her go.

  His low murmur in her ear confirmed that she need not worry, that he was as impressed as she was with her blinding reaction. “No, baby, don’t you worry. I will never let you go. How could I? All my life I’ve played at love, used sex as a tool to feed the hunger in my soul. What I didn’t know, couldn’t have known, was that it was you I was seeking. The most beautiful, sexiest woman in the world.” Stunned by his intense declaration and still riding the crest of her powerful climax, Tanya wasn’t surprised when he chuckled. “In addition to confirming the obvious, Tanya, this is only your first orgasm tonight. One of many. And do remember I haven’t begun to assault the rest of your body with my hands and mouth.” At her fitful cry as she clung to him, he pressed her hand against his throbbing staff and rumbled, “Not to mention invading your erotic cunt with this.”


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