Bride By Design 3: Manchala Nights (Taken By The Billionaire)

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Bride By Design 3: Manchala Nights (Taken By The Billionaire) Page 2

by Roberts, Alicia

  "Colin," I started warily, looking at his calm green eyes, "Why do I get the feeling Roger's the only one Sir Donald takes seriously?"

  Colin sat down on the sofa opposite and leaned forward, tilting his head and looking into my eyes. "Lisa, I don't want you to worry about this stuff."

  "But how can I not?" I shook my head. "Don seems like a nice enough guy, but he shouldn't be so biased when it comes to business."

  Colin smiled grimly. "Unfortunately, biases are a way of life. You have to deal with them. Keith and John probably know they won't get this project, but Don might recommend them to someone else - who knows, they might get something out of the whole trip. I could tell at the dinner that you were concerned about them, you don't have to be."

  I gulped. "I am concerned about them, but I'm more concerned about you."

  We looked at each other silently, and then Colin finally shrugged. "Didn't realize Roger was in the running for this project. And before dinner, I didn't realize Sir Donald seems set on giving him the job. But I won't give up - you can never predict the future completely, and I'll make sure everything I can control is perfect."

  I nodded. "What happens if you don't get it?"

  Colin smiled easily, and ran a hand through his hair. "Life goes on. I'll develop something else. But I haven't given up on the Manchala project, I have a feeling I'll get it in the end."

  My heart was sinking, and it probably showed on my face. "And what about me?"

  Colin shook his head. "Don't worry, I've got lots of developments where we need a good interior designer. You can work on one of them. I promise, you'll get a good job out of this, you don't need to stress about your career."

  I nodded. Colin might be a jerk and a womanizer, but I trusted him when it came to business.

  Colin disappeared into the bathroom and I started rummaging through my clothes, trying to find some comfy pajamas. Colin emerged and grabbed his nightclothes, and started changing - I quickly looked away. I didn't need his bare abs to tempt me, and I stared intently into my messy suitcase until Colin announced drily, "I'm done."

  I looked up at him, he had a thin smile and his green eyes were amused. Unfortunately, he was just wearing pajama pants - his chiseled abs were still bare. I frowned disapprovingly.

  "Why can't you wear a shirt or something?"

  Colin grinned. "Scared you can't keep your hands off me?"

  "Of course not!" I bristled inside, was I that obvious?

  "Well, it's too hot in here to wear a shirt. Why haven't you changed?"

  My frown returned. "I can't find anything comfy."

  "That's because I didn't pack 'comfy'."

  It took a moment for that to sink in. So the flimsy nightgowns I'd found were all there were? "Are you serious?"

  "Come on, we're newlyweds, you're expected to wear something sexy to bed."

  He raised an eyebrow suggestively and I blanched. Most of the night clothes in my luggage were tiny, transparent things made of gauze and lace.

  "I'm not wearing this stuff. And no-one here'll know what I'm wearing to bed."

  Colin sighed, as if he was dealing with a recalcitrant toddler. "Nobody'll see you now, but what if there's a fire alarm? If you wear comfy nightclothes, you'll rush out in a mess. But if you wear something sexy, you'll be wearing a dressing gown and folks will get it."

  I stared at him blankly. He was right, what he was saying made sense. But I didn't want it to make sense.

  Why did Colin have to make things so difficult? I was determined to stay away from him, I'd already learnt that his kisses and touches were addictive and I couldn't trust my body when I was near him.

  "Fine." I grabbed the negligee nearest to me and stalked off into the bathroom. I'd wear the damn thing, but it was only because of the deal.

  When I was changed and ready for bed, I rushed out of the bathroom, one arm covering my breasts, the other flipping up the covers as I dove under them.

  Colin laughed and slid in beside me. "You'd win the Olympics for quickest dash into bed," he murmured, "But I've already seen what I need to."

  I felt one arm snake around my waist, and I glared at him. "This isn't happening."

  My anger surprised him and he moved his arm away. "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing's wrong. But we agreed on no sex, and I expect you to stick to that."

  Colin propped himself up on one arm and stared at me. I felt the covers slide down a bit, and I pulled them up high around my neck. Colin's eyes were calm and speculative, and he smelled of the ocean and musk. His shoulders were broad and strong, and I fought back the impulse to bite into his chest and see how he tasted.

  He stroked a finger down my cheek and I flinched, refusing to admit that my skin was tingling where touched me.

  "Why are you fighting this?" His voice was soft and deep. "I can see that you want this."

  I looked at him. His eyes were calm, as if I was a foregone conclusion.

  "You're not going to seduce me," I said. "I don't need a guy to use me and leave me."

  Colin smiled. "Why don't you think of it as you seducing me, you using me and leaving me?"

  I looked at him in surprise and he went on, "Why does everything have to be complicated? We're both adults, we both know what we want. You're so busy worrying about everyone else and taking care of other people you forget about yourself. Why can't you just have some fun for once? We could have a lovely time together."

  His words were slowly sinking in and I knew he was right. I deserved to have some fun, to take a break from my mundane life of being broke, struggling with my career and taking care of my baby brother. But he was too smooth, he was just saying all this to get what he wanted, and I refused to give in so easily.

  "A lovely time, like you had with Celine?" My voice was sharper than I'd intended, but when I saw the look of surprise in his eyes I felt a wave of triumph.

  "So Celine told you about that, did she?" His voice had darkened again, and I could feel the hatred in his words. "Did she tell you how she was only with me to get in the tabloids, and how little she cares about anyone but herself?"

  I shrugged. "That didn't stop you from chasing her even after she got married."

  He laughed bitterly. "I didn't chase her. She got me drunk and got me to bed. I don't even know if we did anything, but it was enough for her to tell Roger about. She just wanted him to get jealous and care about her, but I doubt that worked."

  I suddenly felt sorry for Celine, living a life of lies, chasing fame and fortune instead of real love and accomplishments. Maybe her life was just an extension of what I was doing right now, except I knew my lie would end in a few days, and her lie would never end.

  "Well, I guess now I know why Roger hates you so much."

  Colin shook his head. "No, Roger's just a self-righteous bastard. He thinks nobody but old money has a right to be rich and he's just full of it because of who his great-grandparents were. He and Sir Donald seem to deserve each other."

  I wanted to give Colin a consoling hug, but I didn't trust myself yet. His words about having fun were still ringing in my ears, and his hard muscles were still being flaunted in front of me.

  "Let's forget about these guys," Colin said.

  He moved quickly and lay down on top of me. My eyes widened as his muscles pressed against me, and his hands held my wrists down. His lips pressed down on mine before I had a chance to think, and I felt myself drifting off as his tongue sought mine. I arched into him despite myself, our mouths merging and his minty taste overpowering my brain.

  I felt an urge to wrap my legs around his waist, to press myself against him and I tried to wake myself up from the stupor. This wasn't happening…

  Just as I felt myself about to give in, Colin moved off me and lay down on his side of the bed. I felt an emptiness where his body had been, where his he had been rubbing against my skin. I turned to look at him, wondering what I wanted, and I knew he could see the ache in my eyes.

  "Why don't you think a
bout it," Colin said smoothly, and kissed my cheek. "Goodnight."

  He turned away and I watched as his breathing slowly got heavier.

  I didn't want to say anything, I didn't trust myself to think straight. His warm breath was still lingering in my mind and I used all my willpower to stop myself from begging him to kiss me again.

  What he'd said made sense. We were adults, we could have fun. But I wasn't sure if I could move on as smoothly as he would - Colin had started to get under my skin, and I might as well admit it to myself. Being with him was tempting, but it was a risk I wasn't sure I could take. Would I fall to pieces every time I saw a photo of him with his latest starlet?

  He was right, I should think about it. I lay in bed quietly and tried to sort out my feelings. Images of Colin and I together, and the other guests at Manchala floated before me, till they jumbled together nonsensically and became strange dreams.

  Chapter Three

  Colin was shaking me awake, and sunlight was streaming through the window. I gazed at him sleepily, smiling happily at the beautiful man in front of me, until I realized with a jolt that this was real, not a dream.

  "Lisa, we need to be up and about."

  I yawned and was about to stretch when I remembered I was wearing a revealing negligee. I pulled the covers up quickly, and Colin rolled his eyes and covered them dramatically with his hand.

  I got up quickly, grabbing a short sundress and some fresh underwear.

  I took a while to get ready, taking my time with my makeup in the hopes that I wouldn't look so plain beside Celine, and packing a small purse with my lipstick and cell phone.

  When I finally emerged, a flicker of desire lit up in Colin's eyes before he became all business-like again and briefed me about the day ahead of us. We'd take a walk along Manchala's beautiful beach, have a light lunch, enjoy a siesta, have drinks and dinner and then retire for the day.

  The big presentation was going to be tomorrow. I didn't have to do anything - even though he'd told Donald I was the interior designer, I wasn't expected to reveal my plans or designs yet. I nodded thankfully - I'd completely forgotten Colin had sprung that information on the group.

  We walked out to the breakfast nook, arm in arm like a couple in love. I savored the touch of Colin's smooth skin, his arms strong and muscular. We let go of each other when we joined the others who were already sitting around the table, and piled our plates with tropical fruit and pancakes.

  I noticed Roger eying me, and he and Celine seemed to be giving each other the cold shoulder. Now that I thought about it, they hadn't been particularly nice to each other at dinner, either.

  Rahul and Rani were in a somber mood - Rahul had just gotten news that his father had suffered a minor aneurism and they'd be flying back to India after breakfast. I was sorry to see them go, but I was sure Rahul knew that Don would be giving the project to Roger anyway.

  We hugged goodbye after our meal, and Rani invited us to come visit them in Mumbai.

  "I'd love to," I gushed, feeling sorry that I would never be able to.

  We split up into two jeeps to go to the beach. It came as no surprise when Celine and Roger rode with Don and Diane, while Keith and John rode with us.

  We joked and laughed politely on our ride to the beach. Once we got there, I noticed a pergola had been set up for us to change. Celine had already stripped off her clothes and lay on a towel, sunbathing and wearing a bikini the size of a bandage.

  I wondered if Colin found her attractive, and sneaked a glance at him. But he was focusing on trying to charm Sir Donald, joking with him about British politics and his knighthood. Keith and John changed into swimming trunks and waded into the water, and Don, Diane and Colin walked ahead briskly. I decided to walk slowly in the other direction, while I tried to collect my thoughts.

  I thought Roger would be keeping his wife company, so I was surprised when he came up to me.

  "How do you like the beach, Lisa?"

  "It's beautiful. Not as beautiful as Celine, of course." I smiled, pleased at my polite compliment.

  Roger laughed cruelly. "There's no need to be nice, I know she's just with me for my money and pedigree. She's probably told you just as much."

  I was silent, surprised at his knowledge. I wondered how I'd feel if I knew my wife didn't love me.

  I tried to be diplomatic. "Well, I guess some marriages make sense for other reasons."

  Roger smiled thinly and nodded. "Like you and Colin, I suppose?"

  I froze and looked at him coolly. "Colin and I are very much in love."

  "I doubt that."

  We looked at each other icily, and Roger finally said, "If I searched for a marriage license, would I find it?"

  I ignored him and walked ahead. I was worried I'd blow Colin's story and I sighed when Roger caught up to me.

  "Don't run off. If you really are in love with Colin you should know something about him."

  Now he had my attention. My curiosity got the better of me and I turned to him inquisitively. "What?"

  He lowered his voice to a stage whisper. "Colin killed his foster parents."

  I stared at him in horror for a moment, and then scoffed. "That's ridiculous. You can't just go around saying crazy things like that."

  "Oh but I know it's true. Why do you think Colin goes to such efforts to hide his past?"

  Just then, Colin turned around and saw me with Roger. I watched him laugh and say something to Sir Donald, and the three of them started to walk back towards Roger and I.

  Roger spoke quickly. "Colin's birth mom was a crack whore, he had no dad. When his mom died, he was adopted by an army lieutenant and his wife. The three of them lived on a farm in Darlington, and the couple died in strange circumstances. Rumor is, Colin killed them off for the land, which he sold to a strange man. He moved to New York with that money - and that was the seed money for his property development business."

  I stared at him in horror, a coldness coming over me. What he said sounded so crazy, and yet… Nobody knew anything about Colin's past, other than the fact that he'd been adopted and raised in a modest family. Where had he got the money to start a property development business, and what really happened to his family?

  I hated Roger and thought he was an arrogant snob, but I knew he didn't have the imagination to come up with a lie like this.

  "How do you know all that?"

  "When Colin started popping up everywhere, a guy who came up from nowhere, I hired a private detective who found out about all this. He's an experienced guy, he knows his stuff. You don't have to believe me but be careful. Colin's real name isn't Colin Anderson - it's Craig O'Donnell."

  We looked at each other silently until Colin, Diane and Don joined us. Roger looked smug and I wondered if he deserved to be.

  "Roger, stop flirting with my wife." Colin punched his arm in a friendly way, and all of us laughed.

  "I guess you lovers should be alone for a while," said Diane, and Colin smiled at her gratefully, wrapping an arm around my waist and leading me away from Roger.

  When we were out of earshot, Colin let go of my waist and asked, "What did that dirt-bag say to you?"

  I shrugged and we continued walking. "Nothing worth talking about."

  I didn't feel like bringing up what Roger had said. If it was true, Colin would deny it and come up with a plausible story. If it wasn't true… well, there was no way I'd know for sure.

  I let Colin hold my hand as we walked briskly away from the others. My fingers tingled where he held me, but I resisted the urge to pull my hand away. The whole charade was for Don and Diane, and I didn't want to ruin things.

  My feet sank into the sand and the waves crashed nearby. The sky was cloudless, a perfect, bright azure, and we walked wordlessly till we reached a sheltered cove. Palm trees swayed gently in the breeze. We'd left the others far behind and nobody was around. I breathed deeply, tasting the salty air, admiring the stillness that was broken only by the sound of crashing waves and the occasio
nal birdsong.

  Colin turned to face me and wrapped his arms around me. "Have you thought about what we discussed last night?"

  I felt flustered and my heart beat quicker. "Umm, yes. I mean, no."

  I hadn't really had a chance to think straight. I remembered deciding once that I could have some fun and move on after the week was over, and then I'd decided that I wasn't strong enough to do it.

  "What do you think?"

  I looked into his eyes. They were sparkling in the sunlight, reflecting the aquamarine of the ocean. He smelled like the ocean, too - he looked so perfect on the beach. I could imagine him being a surfer, rather than a property developer.


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