The Billionaire's Prize

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The Billionaire's Prize Page 13

by Rachel Masters

“Yes. Yes. I’m ready.” I try to reach around to grab his hips but he refuses me, grabbing my hands and pinning them against whatever it is I’m sitting on.

  “Oh god!” I cry out as he penetrates my wet folds, sending his first thrust all the way into my opening. His hard penis fits perfectly inside of me. I know I won’t last long feeling this good.

  He thrusts his cock harder and faster, using the back of my ass to pull me in even deeper.

  “Oh god, you feel incredible,“ he says, fucking me hard as he gently bites down on my lip. Somehow he is able to ravage my body with just the right touch of tenderness.

  And then the explosion comes as waves of electricity ripple through every cell of my body. “Oh. Oh. Ohhhh!” I scream out, no longer able to contain myself as I climax.

  “Uhhh,“ he groans as he pulls out of me and oozes his warm liquid on the back of my thigh.

  I collapse on the floor in front of him, partly from exhaustion and partly from sheer surrender. What the hell did I just do? I can’t believe I just gave myself over to a total stranger.

  “Here, take my hand,“ he says, reaching out to help prop my pathetic soul off the billionaire’s floor. I oblige, barely able to meet his eyes with my own. “You have nothing to be ashamed of. Look at me,“ he says with a sense of firmness that I can’t defy.

  “I’ve never done anything like this before. I…” I stumble through my words as I try to defend my honor. Or whatever is left of it.

  “You had a choice. And you chose freedom,“ he says. “It takes a lot of courage to let go like you just did.” He pauses and looks a bit more deeply into my eyes. “And I can tell that’s the first time you did anything like that. That’s what made it so powerful.”

  My face turns the color of a hundred red roses as his compliment massages my ego. “So do I still have the job?” I ask.

  Brad makes a few quick adjustments to his clothing in an attempt to return to some sense of professionalism. “Yes, Jenny, the job is yours. I’ll send you a text with tomorrow’s assignments.” He gives me one last look as if he too isn’t quite sure if I am up to the challenge. “In the meantime, I will expect that everything that occurs between us is kept completely confidential,“ he says without a hint of humor on his face.

  “Yes sir. I mean Brad. I mean… I won’t say a word,“ I say, suddenly terrified at the secrecy that I just agreed to with one of the most powerful men on planet Earth.

  * * *

  Not surprisingly I’ve been tossing and turning for four hours in my bed wondering what the hell I just did. My head is spinning out of control- something I usually pride myself on having a lot of. Did I just blow the job opportunity of a lifetime? Then again, if I didn’t succumb to my desires would I have lost the job anyways? Maybe I did do the right thing after all. But the most disturbing thought of all… I miss him.

  * * *

  I startle as the vibration from my phone wakes me from a coma. 4:40 a.m. It’s a text from Brad! Barely able to think clearly and still reeling from what happened I try to make sense of his message. PICK UP MY BLACK BRIEFCASE FROM MY HOUSE AND DELIVER TO GARRISON AIRPORT BY 10:00. Holy shit, I have to move quickly since the airport is almost three hours away.

  I jump in the shower and throw on something cute to wear for my first official day on the job. I try to calculate how much money I will be making on a daily basis as I apply just the right amount of make-up to my face. I still can’t believe what I’m getting myself into as I throw on my black high heels and start out on my mission.

  I arrive at Garrison Airport with the tycoon’s mysterious black briefcase in hand. The airport is tiny and I can see Brad Turner’s shiny Escalade through a gate, resting right next to a sleek, private jet. The gate opens and I steer my ridiculously old Toyota towards the jet.

  I take a deep breath, grab his briefcase and get out of my car.

  “Very nice Jenny. I knew I could count on you.” Brad’s smile is even sexier than yesterday. He is wearing a gorgeous black suit that shows off the outline of his chest and broad shoulders. My body flushes as I hand him the goods.

  “May I ask where you’re heading this morning?” I ask with my best attempt to hide my undeniable attraction to this man.

  “You mean where we’re heading Ms. Adams.” He smirks and ushers me towards the jet. The thrill of his hand on the small of my back and the fact that I am boarding a private jet sends a rush of adrenaline throughout my spine.

  “Where are we going?” I ask, desperate to appear not so desperate.

  “Arizona. I have some very important business to attend to. And I could use your assistance.” He offers me a slight grin as if to say I have about three seconds to board the jet or I can kiss my job goodbye.

  The jet takes off fast and effortlessly.

  “Would you like a cocktail Ms. Adams?” he asks.

  “No thank you. I don’t drink while I work,“ I say, offering a teasing smirk of my own.

  “I believe you are going to find this job a bit…” he pauses as he scratches the scruff on his chin, “out of the ordinary. I suggest you keep an open mind Jenny.” He looks my body up and down and I unknowingly clench down there.

  “Do you always travel in a private jet?” I ask.

  “Not always. Sometimes I drive. Sometimes I sail. And sometimes I just stay at home.”

  “I could get used to this,“ I say, smiling and blushing all at once.

  “There’s something to be said for the luxuries that life has to offer.” His face becomes more serious as he peers out of the jet’s window while we soar above the white puffy clouds. “But there’s even more to be said for life’s simplest moments.” He looks deeply into my eyes and for the first time I can see there is a real human being behind his powerful, ultra-successful mystique.

  * * *

  Brad’s jet comes to a halt in what appears to be the middle of the Arizona desert. As we climb down the aircraft’s stairs a strikingly handsome looking man is there to greet us.

  “Mr. Turner, welcome to Tucson,” he says, and throws Brad what appear to be a set of car keys.

  Brad offers a slight grin. “I knew you would pull through for me. Where is she?”

  The man nods towards a shiny, red Ferrari parked just off to the jet’s other side.

  “Thanks, Barrows,” Brad turns to grab his small bag and briefcase. “You ready?” he asks me.

  As we drive off into the desert I begin to seriously wonder what the hell I’ve gotten myself into. “Who was that man?” I ask, not knowing where else to start.

  “An old friend of mine from college. I do a lot of business here and he’s always there to make sure I’m comfortable while I’m here,” he says, accelerating the sports car as a trail of dust forms behind us.

  “Can I ask where I come in during all of this?” I ask, trying my damndest to appear confident.

  “You, Jenny, come in wherever I need you to.” He puts his hand on my thigh, sending shivers up my leg.

  As we make our way through the desert we appear to be heading deeper and deeper into the middle of nowhere. I find myself partly terrified to be under Brad’s total control like this, and partly exhilarated beyond any feelings I have ever experienced before.

  “Look, our first destination,“ he says, pointing out in the distance towards what appears to be an emperor’s estate.

  We pull up to the estate surrounded by giant stucco walls and a royal security gate. “Who’s place is this?” I ask, already knowing the answer. He grins, saying nothing as he enters in a security code and the gate opens. Anticipation rocks my nerves as we enter.

  “Holy crap,“ I say, completely unprepared for the sheer magnitude of his estate.

  He offers a cocky smile laced with traces of pride over my reaction. “You ain’t seen nothing yet,“ his smile widens as he drives the Ferrari around towards the rear of the estate. “Do me a favor and close your eyes.”

  I feel like a little kid for the first time in years. So much magic. So many t
hrills. And yet the bigger part of me knows that all of this isn’t going to end well.

  I can feel the car come to a stop. “Keep your eyes closed and hold tight for a second,“ he says. His voice is warm but also peppered with excitement.

  “Keep them closed,“ he says, escorting me out of the passenger side of the Ferrari. “Whatever you do, don’t peek,“ he says, guiding my shoulder with one hand and covering my eyes with his other.

  I can’t make sense of any of this. I am beginning to feel like at any given moment his Ferrari is going to turn into a pumpkin and this whole dream is going to be shattered.

  “Okay, you can open them,“ he whispers just inches from my ear.

  I’m taken aback at what might be the world’s most amazing swimming pool. It’s at least an acre in size and it’s surrounded by little hot tubs along the perimeter. Gorgeous flowering trees border the entire area. It looks like something out of a novel.

  “Incredible, isn’t it?” he asks, putting his hand on my lower back.

  “Yeah, to say the least. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  “As I told you, I’m a big believer in going all out when it comes to luxury.” I can feel the desire in his voice. And something about this setting is so alluring.

  “So, don’t you have to work to do?” I ask as I turn to face Brad.

  “I always have work to do. That’s why I make sure to take some time to enjoy myself along the way,“ he says, caressing the underside of my jaw bone and sending waves of heat along the back of my neck.

  He comes in closer and gently holds both of my wrists. “Why? Do you have some place you need to be in the middle of Arizona?” he asks with a subtle smirk.

  This is so insane. I pull my wrists away from him ever so slightly. But he is so beautiful and the last thing I want to do is to make things more difficult than they have to be.

  “You’re not going to try to fight me on this are you?”

  I can’t resist protesting his arrogance as I pull back a bit harder. But I know I won’t be able to keep up a fight. Not here, and not with him.

  “Take it in Jenny… all of it.” His voice is laden with desire as he pulls me in just a few inches closer. I let out a soft moan revealing the insincerity behind my resistance. He turns my body around so that I face the shimmering water as he presses slightly into my backside. “All we have is this moment. And I have every intention of making the most of it.”

  I can feel his breath come from behind and graze my ear. “But,“ he pauses, “if for any reason you want to put a stop to all of this all you have to do is say the word,“ he says.

  This is my chance…to do the rational thing and run. But then again I’ve been doing the right thing my whole life and I’m not so sure it’s been working out all that well for me. Plus it might just be impossible for me to resist so much pleasure from this man.

  I arch my back towards him signaling my desire. “A very good decision Ms. Adams.” His breath gets heavier at the sign of my submission. He pins both of my hands behind my back and slowly kisses the entire side of my neck. My body is already on fire and he’s only just begun. And I can feel my crotch getting wetter by the second.

  He digs his teeth into my neck with just the right amount of depth. “Ooh.” I let out a small moan signaling my need for more of him.

  With that he turns me around to face him. His eyes are the deepest blue I could ever imagine. His gaze is powerful, intimidating, and comforting all at once. Our lips join and our tongues perform the ultimate dance. His kissing is perfect. More than perfect. And more than lustful. This is crazy. I can’t possibly fall for this guy. Yet there is something more than just sex happening between us.

  He slowly drags the back of his hand down my neck and across my breast, pausing at the tip of my hard nipple. His free hand moves toward my other breast as he cups its entirety with his massive fingers. I thrust my chest forward and arch my head back as Brad quickly begins to unbutton my soft white blouse.

  He licks his lips at the sight of my exposed breasts and then begins to remove my bra. “Oh god,” I whimper as his teeth gently bite down on my nipple. My body feels like it’s going to break into a thousand pieces as waves of pleasure rip through my every cell.

  “You are something else,” he says as he looks into my eyes. “And I’m going to take you, all of you, right here.” He grabs each of my hips and pulls my crotch into his hardness. I can barely take another moment of this as his member massages my wet folds through my skirt and panties.

  He leaves a trail of perfect, delicious kisses down my chest and stomach and stops to press his tongue into the soft flesh just below my belly button. I can’t help but subtly thrust my lower region towards his mouth, signaling my every desire to him.

  “Do you want more of me?” he asks, knowing full well what my answer is.

  I can barely get a word out but I somehow manage. “Yes,” I pause, “yes, please.” My heavy breathing says it all. His hands reach around and grab each side of my butt as his mouth dives into my crotch through my clothes. I’m dripping wet down there, begging for more of him.

  His fingers methodically begin to pull down my cotton skirt. He lands his tongue on my wet panties as his hands reach around to my sides to pull them down and off my hips.

  “Ahhh. Oh Brad.” He starts working my pussy with his tongue. The scruff from his face scratches my inner thighs as my body quivers from his touch. I grab onto the back of his head and run my fingers through his perfect hair.

  He pulls out for a moment and nibbles at the top of my thigh. He looks up at me as he clenches my backside with his hands. “You’re incredible Ms. Adams. I want to devour every last bit of you.”

  “Oh. Oooh.” I really can’t take it any more. I press my hips into his mouth as he works my lower region at full speed. I arch my back and glance at the setting. This can’t be real. This can’t be happening.

  And as if he can read my mind he picks up the pace even more, giving me the ultimate dose of reality.

  “Oh god. Oh Brad. Oh!” I can’t contain myself as my whole body disintegrates into a million convulsions. I can count on one hand the number of orgasms I’ve had in the last three years. And none have come even remotely close to feeling as incredible as this one.

  Brad rises, stopping to peer deeply into my soul. He cups each side of my face with his hands and comes in to kiss my lips. Somehow, some way, just his kiss alone is enough to have my body screaming for more. Our kiss intensifies as he reaches around to pull me into his hardness by his hips. I can feel his erection wanting to break through his pants.

  “Are you ready for more of me?” he asks. His blend of confidence and tenderness makes it impossible for me to resist.

  “Ooh.” I offer a soft moan, too shy to say yes to this man. I need him to take me over, I’m just too embarrassed to say so.

  His tongue makes its way to my ear lobe as the sounds of his pants being undone echo in the background. I look down to see his cock completely erect and eager to explore my insides.

  He walks towards me and lifts me up with ease. I grab onto the muscles in his back for extra grip. His cock is upright and pressed against my crotch as he transports me to a soft area on the lawn. I lie down before him, fully exposed, and his alone for the taking.

  I reach out to grab his rock hard abs. His body is gorgeous beyond belief. And yet it’s his soul that lures me more than anything. He has a presence that makes me want to open up in every way possible.

  The tip of his penis teases the outside of my lower lips. “Oh. Oh…” I cry out for more of him. “Ohhhhh.” I scream out and bite down hard on my lip as he enters me with his member.

  As his love-making takes me to another planet I turn to my side to make sure we haven’t left the same earthly paradise we started in. He thrusts in just a bit deeper with his cock, reaching parts of me I didn’t even existed.

  “Oh girl you really are incredible,” he says softly into my ear. “I want you to come for
me Jenny.”

  I bite down on my lip again and pull him into me with everything I’ve got. His pace picks up as he fucks me on his estate lawn. Every single move he makes is somehow absolutely perfect. It scares me to think how well we fit together.

  My fears disappear as his breathing intensifies. “Oh Jenny. Oh girl.” He pumps his body into mine harder and harder with each breath. “Let’s come together baby.”

  His words set off an explosion in my body. “Ah. Ah. Ah.” I can barely breath as I scratch and claw to the edge of my tipping point.

  “Come on baby. Come with me,” he urges, and I know that he’s close.

  And with his last words I arch my breasts out towards him and scream at the top of my lungs as my body climaxes. “Oh! Oh! Ohhh!”

  Just as I come I can feel his cock ooze its warm liquid onto my thighs. “Jenny. Jenny.” He rubs out every last bit of himself onto my legs and collapses to my side.

  I just refuse to believe that any of this is real.

  6 Months Later…

  “Ms. Adams, can I please see you in my office?”

  I do a quick once-over before I head in. Hair, lipstick, skirt- everything looks good.

  “Yes, sir?” I ask, forcing my smile into submission as I face my boss’s beautiful face.

  He looks up at me with the focus of the President. “Did you get that package express-mailed to Peter Wilkins like I asked?”

  “Yes. Right after you asked, sir.” I can’t help but smirk at his seriousness.

  He looks down at his desk to check something. “How about that signed release? Did you fax that out to the Houston branch yet?” he asks without even stopping to look up this time.

  “Yes sir. I did that three days ago.” This time I am feeling slightly perturbed at his demeanor.

  “How about the itinerary for the Maui trip,” he asks, still not looking up at me.

  Maui trip? Shit. I must have dropped the ball on this one. I have no clue what…

  Brad breaks out into laughter as he watches me suffer in my own self-torture. I look over to see he’s beaming at me. “Relax baby. You’re still the perfect assistant.”


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