Jax's Little Girl

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Jax's Little Girl Page 13

by Pepper North

  Reassured, Ember squeezed her tighter before stepping back and looking at River’s daddy. “I’m scared. My daddy can stay with me the whole time, can’t he?”

  “Absolutely,” Doniphan comforted her. “Come back to my office. River, play safely in your nursery for Daddy.” When she nodded, he gestured for Jax and Ember to follow him.

  Leading them down the hall, Doniphan opened a door to reveal a complete medical office. Somehow the professional setting reassured her. Still, Ember clung to Jax’s hand as they walked inside.

  “Jax, help Ember off with her clothing and we’ll start with height and weight to fill into her new chart.” Bending his head, Doniphan focused on filling out information into the chart. He asked for bits of information and Jax answered as he followed the nurse practitioner’s directions.

  Ember stared at him wordlessly. She totally missed any of the questions and answers as she thought desperately. Didn’t she get a gown? It sounded like she was going to naked. As Jax pulled her T-shirt over her head, Ember held her arms stiffly to her sides.

  “Baby, it’s okay. I’m right here,” Jax whispered into her ear.

  Slowly, Ember raised her arms to allow him to tug the shirt off. Her bra soon followed. Ember crossed her arms over her breasts to conceal them as her nipples contracted tightly in the cool air. Jax pushed her leggings and diaper to the floor and quietly instructed her to lift each foot. With her shoes and leggings whisked from her body, Ember shivered slightly. Doniphan looked up and nodded his approval. It reassured her to see that he was looking at her professionally.

  “Up on the scale, Ember,” Doniphan gestured.

  Ember stumbled over her own feet as she walked forward. Steadied by her daddy, she stepped up onto the scale. Doniphan recorded her weight and had her turn around to put her back to the scale as he measured her height.

  “Stand up straight, Ember. Drop your hands to your sides. I know you’re shy but it’s important to allow me to see your body so I can assess any problems,” Doniphan directed.

  Slowly, Ember forced her arms down to her sides. She straightened her spine when Jax ran a fingertip lightly down her back to remind her. When the flat measurer pressed against her head, Ember froze in place.

  “Perfect. Let your daddy help you take a seat on the exam table.”

  All too soon, she sat on the cold vinyl covered by paper. Ember watched Doniphan pick up a device. When he tested it on his palm, she could see a thin beam of light. This familiar part of any exam reassured her.

  “Okay, little girl. I’m going to start my exam. I understand that you haven’t been to the doctor for a while. So I’m going to be very thorough. Your bloodwork came back showing you’re anemic. From the look on your face, you’ve heard that before.”

  Automatically, Ember tried to school her features. When the two men continued to look at her, she answered, “Yes. I’m supposed to take iron supplements but...” Her voice trailed off in embarrassment as she looked from Doniphan to Jax.

  The medic drew her attention back to him. “Ember, your daddy is going to take care of you now. He needs to know everything. Nothing is off limits. Shall I tell him, or will you?”

  Silence stretched between the trio as Jax looked expectantly at Ember. Finally, she mumbled, looking down at the floor, “It stopped me up. I can’t go.”

  “That’s okay, baby. We can treat that easily,” Jax said without hesitation.

  Shocked, she peeked up at him. “Really?”


  “I need you to be honest and answer fully in my office, Ember. There can’t be any secrets about your health. Okay?” Doniphan asked quietly.

  Ember met his gaze and nodded. “Okay.”

  “Good girl. Let me look in your eyes.” Doniphan took her chin and began his examination. Looking quickly, he checked her ears, nose, and throat.

  Fitting his stethoscope into his ears, Doniphan pressed the flat portion against her chest as he listened to her heart. Immediately, Ember’s nipples clenched even tighter. Automatically, she raised her hands to cover her breasts.

  “Little girl.” A warning from her daddy made her drop her hands to her lap.

  When Doniphan had listened to her lungs, he instructed, “Jax, help Ember lie back on the table. Little girls get nervous at times. Hold your Ember’s hands, please, to comfort her.”

  He reached a supportive arm around her shoulders and eased her back to the table. Taking her hands, Jax drew them over her head to hold her wrists to the padding. When she looked at him in panic at being restrained, Jax brushed a hand through her hair and said, “Breathe deeply with Daddy, Ember. Remember, Doniphan is making sure that you are healthy. Close your eyes if you wish.”

  Immediately, her eyes snapped shut.

  “You’ll feel me touching you, Ember.” Doniphan’s voice was professional.

  Even knowing what was coming, Ember jumped when Doniphan’s hands cupped her breast. She shivered as he pressed on the soft swell around her tight peak. Doniphan didn’t rush. Ember relaxed slightly as his hands lifted before she tensed again as he palpated the sensitive tissues.

  She clenched her thighs together as she felt herself get wet. Doniphan will know I’m aroused. So will Jax! She didn’t want anyone to know.

  “Baby, it’s okay.” Jax seemed to know what she was thinking. “We both know that everyone has automatic responses to being touched intimately. It’s okay.”

  Opening one eye to look at his face, Ember knew that Jax was speaking truthfully. There was nothing on his face except for concern and caring. When he caught her looking at him, Jax raised her hands from the table and leaned over to press a kiss against each hand.

  Doniphan’s examining hands compressed her abdomen. Looking up with a concerned expression, he commented, “There is some abdominal extension here, Jax. Please begin treating Ember’s tummy with a series of two enemas: one cleansing, one clear rinse. Let’s start with one a week for a month, then every other month.”

  “What? No way! I know what that is!” Ember struggled against Jax’s hold.

  “Yes, Doniphan. I’ll start that this afternoon.”

  “The enema horsie that you designed for us will come in handy in your house as well.” Doniphan continued to hold a conversation with Jax as if she hadn’t ever spoken.

  “I’m right here! I get to say what happens or not!” Ember railed.

  “I’ll check on her in two months to see if we need to increase again or if we can decrease. With the supplements, her congested bowels will probably worsen. If she becomes sluggish, complains about her stomach, won’t eat, or is argumentative, that usually is a sign that she needs a deep enema.”

  “Nooooo!” she wailed. Neither man appeared to have heard, and their discussion continued without pause.

  “That is exactly what I have seen today, Doniphan. I’m glad to know what to look for,” Jax answered, squeezing Ember’s hands. “You are going to feel so much better, baby. I’m sorry I didn’t know.”

  “Let me help you get ready for the next part of the exam, Ember.” Doniphan’s hands moved her left foot into the stirrups and secured her calf and thigh in place with restraints. He moved so smoothly that Ember couldn’t react. She continued to still be mind-boggled by the thought of the cleansing treatments. He quickly repeated the process for her right foot.

  Only when Doniphan pulled on gloves and moved between her legs did she understand what was coming next. The medic stroked down the inside of her thigh. “You’ll feel me begin your pelvic exam. First, I’ll look for any lumps or swelling externally.”

  Those covered fingers stroked through Ember’s delicate folds. She tried to make herself stay still and not react, but when he stroked her vaginal opening, she moaned softly. Her eyelids flashed open as she tried to assess if they had heard her or not.

  “Are you sore here, Ember? I can see some slight tearing here at your entrance,” Doniphan probed. He inserted two fingers and widened them gently to test her reaction when
Ember didn’t answer. Her quick intake of breath revealed the truth. “I’m sorry, little girl. I’ll give you some medicine to help this.”

  Stepping away, Doniphan stripped off his gloves before opening a cabinet. Ember peeked at the noise and goggled at the supplies inside. He pulled out a large bottle of a white, creamy liquid and a small tube of ointment. Changing his mind, he replaced the small tube and nabbed the larger one.

  After setting both on the counter, Doniphan pulled on fresh gloves and opened the tube. “Jax, it will take very little of this to help Ember. It makes the skin where you apply it feel hot for a few minutes before it goes to work soothing the tissues. It will heighten arousal.”

  He applied the ointment to her sore tissue. Immediately, it warmed and Ember squirmed in reaction. Again, Doniphan patted her inner thigh. “It will fade in a few minutes.”

  River’s daddy sat on a rolling stool and opened a drawer in the exam table. “You’ll feel the speculum, Ember.” He smoothly inserted a tube into her tight channel and opened it.

  It amazed Ember that it was almost painless. She had been sore since their rough encounter in the garage. Looking quickly up at Jax, she was sorry to see the concern on his face. “It didn’t hurt that bad, Daddy.”

  “You have to tell me, baby. We’ll put you in the bathtub to soak the soreness away. Promise me you’ll tell me from now on,” he softly reproached her. When she nodded, he leaned down to kiss her gently. “Thank you.”

  She felt some quick swabs inside her and the device slid from her body. “Are we done?” she asked hopefully.

  “One step left. My manual exam.” Doniphan stood to insert two fingers into her vagina. He pressed on her stomach against those fingers. “All is good here.”

  Ember curled her shoulders off the padding. Jax held her in place. She looked at him in surprise and felt Doniphan dab lubricant on that smaller entrance between her buttocks. His finger slid inside, despite Ember’s attempts to keep him out. The probing finger withdrew and two pressed inside. Doniphan’s fingers scissored inside her.

  “Jax, Ember is extremely tight anally. Before you have anal sex, be sure to stretch her gradually with a set of progressively wider anal plugs. I can recommend the type that I use with River. They’ve worked well,” he shared as he withdrew his fingers.

  Stripping off his gloves, Doniphan announced, “All done, Ember. You were a wonderful patient.” He unfastened the restraints on Ember’s legs.

  “Vitamins and birth control?” Jax reminded him.

  “Oh, yes. I have vitamins here with iron to address her deficiency. Insert one suppository in her bottom before she sleeps. A diaper will absorb any leakage. I can either prescribe a long-acting shot that Ember will need every three months or a suppository to implant vaginally in the morning. Missing one will require you to use condoms again for a month to make sure you avoid conception,” Doniphan explained.

  “I don’t want stuff in my butt or anywhere else,” Ember blurted in shock.

  “The vitamins absorb best inside you. I don’t have a good alternative for that. As for the birth control, it sounds like an injection will be best.” Doniphan left the restraints in place and quickly drew a syringe of medicine. “Little poke,” he warned before administering it.

  After dropping it in the designated bin, he returned to finish unfastening her legs. “Two weeks with condoms and the shot will be effective.” Doniphan looked at Jax. “Treat her stomach today. I’ll send home the cleanser I use here in the office.”

  “When we get home,” Jax promised as he helped Ember off the table.

  Soon he’d dressed Ember and led her from the exam room. River was curled up in a chair watching a cartoon on TV. She turned it off and got up awkwardly to come to hug Ember.

  “See! I told you. You’re just fine.”

  “I am,” Ember said shakily.

  “River, go get the set of anal plugs from the dresser. I want to show them to Jax,” Doniphan requested.

  Ember watched River’s face turn bright red. Her new friend ran from the room and returned quickly with a zippered case. She handed it to Doniphan with an unhappy face.

  The medic unzipped it and revealed a set of ten plugs. One was missing from its designated place. “River is wearing this one today. She doesn’t like them, but she loves her daddy making her feel good. Be sure to reward your Little with pleasure and she will tolerate it easily.”

  River sidled up to Ember to whisper, “It’s not easy when your daddy knows all your secrets. Hmm. Maybe that’s not true.” River’s deep blue eye winked in a clandestine message.

  Ember had to work hard not to laugh. That flash of humor made leaving with a bottle of cleanser and the name of the plugs on a note much easier.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Jax stripped off Ember’s clothes and tucked her in her crib for a nap when they returned. Exhausted, she fell asleep quickly with her stuffies crushed to her chest and a soft blanket covering her nude body. Ember heard some rustles of movement as she fell asleep, but she was too tired to even look to see what was happening.

  An hour later when she blinked her eyes open, Ember stared at the scene before her. A large wooden structure sat in the center of the room. Ember had always wondered what it was but hadn’t wanted to ask. It was better not to know some things.

  A bulging bag hung close to one end. An enema. She must have made a sound because Jax looked up from her changing table where he was setting out his supplies.

  “Hi, baby. I was going to wake you up in five minutes. Do you feel better?” he asked with a smile as he approached the crib.

  Smoothly sliding the railing down, he pulled away her blanket from her clutching fingers. Moving quickly, he scooped Ember up in his arms and carried her to the wooden structure. Standing her next to it, he guided her, “Kneel on these padded supports, Ember, and we’ll make sure I have this adjusted for your height.”

  Trying anything to delay, she rapidly asked, “What is this? I’ve never seen anything like this.”

  “The Littles call it an enema horsie. I built one for each of them,” Jax answered. Taking advantage of her shock, he guided her into position and tethered her arms in place.

  When Ember found herself partially restrained, she automatically tried to free herself. Kicking out wildly, she discovered the consequence of not following directions on the enema horsie was the same as off the apparatus. “Nooo!” she wailed as Jax sharply spanked her exposed bottom several times to get her attention.

  “Don’t make your first enema a treatment with a very sore bottom, little girl,” he warned with a serious tone as he efficiently wrapped the controlling bands around her thighs and calves.

  “No, Daddy, please! I don’t want this,” she tried to convince him.

  “I know. Little girls rarely want what is good for them. We could return to Doniphan’s office and allow him to treat your tummy if you would prefer,” Jax offered as he picked up the tube of lubricant and disappeared from her view.

  Ember craned her neck to see what he was doing, but her position prevented her from looking behind her. The click of the lubricant tube was loud in the quiet of the room, making her jump. Holding her breath, Ember recognized the slurp of the slick goo sliding from the container. Seconds ticked by. What is he doing?


  “Just preparing the nozzle, baby. I want to make this as easy on you as possible.” Another few seconds eked by and he added, “This will feel cold. Try to relax, Ember.” His fingers spread the cool mixture on her tightened ring of muscle before pressing inside.

  “Noooo!” she moaned desperately.

  “Relax, baby. Daddy’s just getting you ready.”

  When he withdrew his internal touch, Ember waited to see what would come next. The cold, hard nozzle poked through her tight anus and slid deep inside. Ember tried to wiggle and shift to avoid the invasion, but the design of the enema horsie and the restraints held her securely in place.

  The small tip widen
ed, stretching her entrance. “Daddy, stop! It’s too big!” she fussed.

  “Take a deep breath.” Jax stopped, waiting for her to follow his directions. He didn’t back the nozzle out to relieve the pressure. Finally, she did as he directed. “Good job. Now, blow it out slowly.” Jax exhaled loudly, showing her what he wanted. At the end of her exhale, the nozzle popped into place. Ember was relieved to discover her bottom now clenched around a narrower section.

  A loud click sounded behind her, and warm water gushed into her bottom. There was a slight stinging sensation that spread inside her, making her protest, “No, Daddy. It hurts. Stop it. I’ll go to the bathroom. I promise.”

  “Let’s see if the stinging gets better. If not, I’ll add some additional warm water,” Jax said as he cleaned his hands at the sink.

  Ember glared at his back and the sink. She knew why it was here now—to torture her. Stubbornly deciding not to beg, Ember pressed her forehead to the padded headrest and pouted. Making plans to move out immediately, Ember swore not to talk to Jax again—ever! Tightening her lips into a thin line, she plotted her next steps.

  His warm hand brushed the hair tenderly from her forehead. Walking silently on the thick carpet, Jax moved to her side and stroked down her spine. “I know you’re upset with me, Ember. It’s hard to be Little. Doniphan and Daddy know what’s best for your health.”

  Biting her lip, Ember forced herself not to talk to Jax. If anyone ever deserved the silent treatment, it was her daddy. No, Jax! He’s not my daddy anymore. Closing her eyes, she tried to think of anything but the warm fluid flowing inside her body.

  Every few minutes, she would get a vicious cramp and her body would contract on itself as she tried to curl into a ball. Each time, Jax recognized her distress and his powerful hands rubbed a circular pattern across her abdomen. The sharp pain ebbed, leaving the pressure of the liquid inside of her. He did not leave her side but concentrated on relieving her discomfort.


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