Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2)

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Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2) Page 10

by Theresa Sederholt

  “No? Jax, somehow, I don’t really believe that. What’s even worse is you made your mother a watchdog, and we all know how much Max fears her. I’m surprised you haven’t called in, Mrs. Osla.”

  As I watch her reprimanding me, I have to remind myself to stay focused on the problem, and not on that beautiful body!

  “Well that was next on my list. Besides, I had to do something, and I knew he would never disrespect my mum. I told you I could be a real bastard when I need to be. I will fight to the bitter end to keep my family together and safe. Max, is the brother I never had.”

  “Max wanting to leave should show you how much you mean to him. He’s willing to give it all up so you could be happy. Not many people would do something so selfless.”

  “Raven, knowing that only makes this hurt even more. How are you going to handle, Jackie? You can’t tell her what I told you, that’s for Max to tell.” I pull at my hair again out of frustration.

  She pulls my hands out of my hair. “I have no intention on breaking a confidence. I will have to convince her that running was a bad choice. Jackie and I have an unspoken trust between us. I have looked after her like a baby sister from the first day we met and I am not going to stop now!”

  “Wow, this from the girl who spent the majority of our relationship running away from me. Well, I’m glad I made you see the error of your ways.”

  “Whatever, Jax, you just keep telling yourself that, if it makes you feel better. Now what is the plan for today?”

  I hold up my shattered watch, “Well, first, I have to get a new watch, because someone flung mine across the room.” I hit her with my usual smirk.

  “Oh, don’t smile at me, mister. I guess maybe you learned a lesson about trying to force me to do something I don’t want to do.”

  She’s got such fire in her eyes. “I’m just trying to keep you and the baby healthy, is that so wrong?” I grasp her hips and give her a hungry look that I know always gets her going.

  “You really are a dirty bastard!”

  “Oh, sweetheart, I love you!”

  “Jax, while we look for a watch without an alarm on it, I would like to pick up some gifts to bring to Jackie’s house. I know just the place to shop, it’s called Bon Génie, have you ever been there?”

  “Sweetheart, I hardly ever do my own shopping. If I really need something, I have my assistant pick it up. And as far as my clothes, I have my suits tailored from Savoy Tailors Guild in London. Everything else I have, a shopper at Barneys that takes care of me.” I must have shocked her because her chin is practically on the ground.

  “Wow, another first, Jax! There are seven floors of some of the most exquisite things in the world. Jackie and I would go every year, during winter break, and I would be honored to share the experience with you.”

  “Did you and Jackie travel a lot?” She smiles like she’s remembering a happier time; at least she has those memories.

  “We always came here for winter break and sometimes, her brother would come home if he knew we were going to be here.”

  I lean and kiss her, smiling at her beautiful face. “I’m looking forward to meeting Jackie’s family, they sound interesting.”

  We get ready and head out.

  WE PULL UP TO Bon Génie. Raven wasn’t kidding, the place is huge! We spend the next three hours, tooling around and picking up some cool stuff for Junior and the baby.

  “Jax, I’m hungry. I don’t even need your watch to tell me that, so let’s get something to eat.” she says with a sarcastic undertone that makes me laugh.

  “Very funny, sweetheart. Thank you for my new watch but you really didn’t have to buy it for me.”

  “I know, but I really did feel bad that I pitched your old one across the room.”

  “I need to feed you, sweetheart, what would you like to eat?”

  “A grilled cheese sandwich and a chocolate fondue. What? Why the face?”

  I lean in to kiss her, “Raven, please tell me you’re not going to eat them together.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Come on, Jax, let’s eat. And no, the fondue is dessert. If you’re really good later, we just might have some fun with chocolate.”

  AS WE HEAD OUT to Jackie’s, I feel nervous, though I shouldn’t be. Jackie is my best friend, I tell her everything. Having to handle this without telling her anything of Max’s tragedy, I’m sure, will prove to be difficult.

  We pull up to the compound and glancing at Jax, I see a look of surprise on his face. “You okay, Jax?”

  “Well, Raven, I can understand now why Max said she would be safe here. There’s a gated guard entrance, electric fence, attack dogs, and a slew of armed guards. Is this the way she had to grow up?”

  When I think of all the stories Jackie shared about her lonely childhood, it makes me sad.

  “Yes. It makes for a very lonely childhood. Plus, there are no neighbors; this estate sits on 250 acres. Jax, do you think Max sent her away because of the threat and not because of his past?”

  He looks around, shaking his head, “Sweetheart, I honestly don’t know. Now that I see this place, it might make more sense that he might have sent her here for her safety.”

  We pull up to the house and even though I’ve been here so many times, I’m still in awe at the shear size of the place. As soon as the car stops, I’m out and rushing for the door. Jax is quick at my heels. Just as we enter the house, Jackie comes flying down the steps nearly tackling us. “Raven, oh my God, I’m so happy you made it. How is your mom? Did you see her? Did she recognize you?”

  I laugh, “Okay, girl, slow down. First, let me say hello to everyone.” I gesture just as her parents come into the room, giving me hugs and kisses; they really are my family, too. “Jax, I’d like to introduce you to Jeffery and Emi Gerhard.”

  Jeff takes Jax’s hand, “Please, just Jeff and Emi; it’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Jax. My daughter has told me so much about you. How has your stay been, so far?

  Jax gives his charming smile that I love. “Wonderful, Raven took me to Bon Génie today.”

  Jeff laughs “Ah yes, that is her and Jackie’s favorite place to go; they can tool around there for hours! Come in and let me give you a tour of the place while the girls do their thing.”

  We sit down and Emi pours some tea. “Raven, I am going to leave you girls to catch up. I’m glad you’re here and safe.”

  I smile, “Emi, you don’t have to leave,” I say but she smiles and waves for us to carry on before she leaves.

  “Okay, Raven, you need tell me everything.” Jackie grabs my attention back.

  I look at her and I want to scream, Max needs you, but I have to do this right.

  “Where do you want me to start?”

  Jackie takes my hands in hers. “What happened with your mom?”

  My heart instantly constricts in my chest, “First, I have to tell you for her safety, no one can know whom she is.”

  “I understand, I haven’t spoken to anyone about her.”

  “Oh, Jackie, it was surreal. I mean, she was sitting in a chair sketching pictures of me as a child. It was like she was trying to keep my face in her memories. Jax realized it, and he made her really look at me . . . at my eyes. At that point, we could both see recognition register on her face. A single tear slid down her cheek and she whispered my name, Cara.”

  Jackie’s eyes fill with tears, and she’s rubbing her arms. “Oh, Raven, I swear you’re giving me fucking goose bumps!”

  I need to lighten the mood here. “Okay, I have to tell you something, and promise you won’t laugh.” I know she’s going to laugh.

  “Okay . . . you’re acting weird, Raven.”

  I take a deep breath. “You can’t curse in front of me. Don’t look at me like that, I know it’s crazy, but Jax has this idea that the baby can hear us. He doesn’t want the baby’s first word to be . . . you know . . . a bad one. Jackie, are you okay?”

  She’s biting her lip and I know she is trying not to laugh. />
  “I’m trying with all my might not to get hysterical! Raven, you can’t be serious. Oh my God—you are serious! You know how absurd that is, right?”

  I nod, “Of course I do, but he’s so cute, I can’t burst his bubble. Apparently, he was a real whack job when Bella was pregnant. He wanted health reports on everyone she came in contact with!”

  Jackie laughs, “Okay, I will humor him. So what are you going to do about your mom?”

  “We are going to move her to the States.”

  Jackie’s face lights up. “Well, I think that’s a good thing. Then, you can keep a close eye on her. Maybe she will even get to the point where she can get back into mainstream life.”

  Jackie knows how much family means to me. “I wish, but I don’t think the threat against my family is going to go away anytime soon. My father also had a sister, and apparently, she is making herself known.” I take in a deep breath and decide it’s time to shift the conversation towards the topic of one Maxwell Fleming. “So, are you going to ask me about him?” I watch as she closes her eyes tightly. I know she’s fighting back her emotions. “Talk to me, Jackie, please.”

  She shakes her head. “What’s there to say? I heard what he said to Jax, there is no denying it.”

  I need to get through to her, and this is probably my only chance. “Okay, Jackie, I need for you to listen to me. I mean really listen with an open mind and an open heart. Nothing is ever what it seems in life. I, of all people, should know that. I mean, look at Marco. A lot has happened since you left. Apparently, Max is in a very dark place, for reasons I’m not able to talk about. Jax has put guards on him with orders to—and I’m quoting here—‘shoot him in the arse if he tries to leave.’ He has moved his mom into our place and apparently, she sits by the elevator everyday—all day—making sure he doesn’t leave. He’s hurting and he pushed you away. Maybe in his mind, it was for the right reasons, even though it was wrong. I always tell you, never make a decision without having all the facts. You, pulling a runner? That was acting out on a knee-jerk reaction. You need to come home and get all the facts before you make your decision. Otherwise, you will regret it for the rest of your life. You will always wonder what if. I don’t want you to end up like some old spinster with a hundred cats!” She doesn’t say anything, but I know she is weighing her options. That was my one shot, let’s hope she listens.

  “Did Jax really have his mom stay there? Poor Max. For him, that’s worse than getting shot!”

  “Exactly, Jackie. That has to tell you how desperate and worried Jax really is.”

  “What about his health? Is he going to be okay?” It figures the first thing she wants to know is if he’s going to be okay. She is such a tenderhearted person.

  “The doctor said he should be okay. He started therapy, but he’s lost. It’s like a part of him died, Jackie. He seems so empty inside.”

  “I need a change of subject, please. What is going on with you and Jax?”

  Where do I begin . . .”The man is nuts, but we already established that fact. Aside from the whole blue language thing, I found out from Bella that Jax had my building tented for non-existing termites.”

  She’s looking at me like I’m nuts. “Why did he do that?”

  “Why, Jackie, that’s a great question. All I can figure is he did it so I can’t go home.”

  As she smiles, I can see she’s going to be on Jax’s side here. “Oh, Raven, that’s so romantic.”

  Tsk “Not only did he have the entire building tented for termites, he put all of the residents up in at the W Hotel—all expenses paid! He doesn’t even know I found out about it.”

  Her eyes are like saucers. “Are you serious?”


  Jackie is laughing so hard that she is crying. Right at that minute, the guys decide to come in and see what’s going on.

  “Okay, ladies, what has you both in a fit of laughter?”

  Jackie smiles at him, “Well, that would be you, Jax.”

  “Oh really, what did I do now?”

  “Nothing, just you being you is always very entertaining. Did Daddy give you the grand tour?”

  “Yes, I didn’t know you ride. I was quite impressed with all of your awards.”

  “Thank you, Jax. Riding is a great way to pass the day. It gives me the freedom to think without interruptions.”

  Jax picks up one of the pictures of Jackie on skis. “Raven said you also love to ski. I didn’t realize you started so young.”

  Jackie looks at the picture and smiles, “Yes, I probably skied before I walked. I like cross-country skiing the most; it helps build stamina. My brother, however, likes snowboarding better.

  My body tenses at the mention of Dylan. He’s made me aware that he is attracted to me from the first day I met him, to the point where I’m uncomfortable to be around him. “Jackie, how is Dylan doing?”

  “Actually, you can ask him yourself. He went to town for something but should be home soon. He surprised me with a visit.”

  I just hope Dylan behaves. “Wow. I haven’t seen him in a while. I’m glad you’ll get to meet him, Jax.”

  The front door opens with a bang. “Oh, speak of the devil, here’s my brother now.” Dylan comes barreling into the room, bypassing everyone and attempts to pull me into his arms. Jax pulls me up against him, staking his claim.

  “Dylan, let me introduce you to Jax.”

  Jax reaches out to shake Dylan’s hand. Oh boy. He’s pissed. He has a tight grip on me.

  “Hello, Jax. So you’re the man that has finally caught our girl’s heart.”

  Jax is glaring at him. Okay, need to change the subject quick before the man blows a gasket.

  “So, Dylan, when did you get here?”

  “I got in this morning. Once Jackie told me you were coming, I couldn’t stay away. How long will you be here for?”

  Jax’s tension is not letting up one bit; the more Dylan speaks, the tenser he gets. “Dylan, our trip here is very short, and then I’m taking my girl home with me—where she belongs.”

  Wow, major pissing contest, going on here.

  “So, Jax, what do you do for a living? My sister really didn’t fill in any of the blanks.”

  Jax is glaring at Dylan, and I think he might snap his neck. “I own a company called, Raiders Inc.”

  This is not going to end well. I look to Jackie for help, but she just rolls her eyes.

  “Don’t think I ever heard of it? What does your company do?”

  “I assist companies that run into trouble.”

  “Ah, so you’re a corporate raider. Is that how you assist them? Hence the name.”

  Oh no, he’s growling; a growling Jax is never good.

  “Well, Dylan, if you really are interested, my company invests in agriculture, technology and clean energy. I don’t go out and just pick apart companies for the heck of it. I focus on companies that have a good idea, but either no business sense or lack of funding. If it’s just the funding then I support them. If the company can’t be saved, then I try to place the workers within my existing companies before I break it apart. I’m not the bad guy, Dylan.”

  Dylan is smirking, and Jax’s whole body is tight. “I didn’t mean to upset you, Jax. I just need to know that our girl is in good hands, that’s all. When will you be heading back to the States?”

  I’m holding onto Jax so tight; I fear he might explode. “As soon as our business here is done. Which reminds me, Raven, we have a meeting; we need to get going.”

  We head towards the door and make our goodbyes. I hug everyone, but Jax makes sure I’m glued to his hip when Dylan tries to hug me.

  “JAX, ARE YOU GOING to sulk the whole drive to the clinic?” He’s pouting like a little boy, and for some crazy reason it’s a total turn-on.

  “No, but you should have warned me that the fucker has the hot’s for you! Don’t look at me like I’m nuts, you know he does.”

  My crazy man makes this so easy. I have to try very
hard not to laugh. “First, watch your mouth, the baby can hear. Second, yes I know that Dylan has had a thing for me from when I first met him. And lastly, Jax, look at me, please . . . you are my end all. Raise the privacy glass . . . now.”

  “I’m all yours, sweetheart, have your way with me.”

  I am wound up so tight I think I might burst! This man drives me nuts, but I can’t seem to get enough of him. “Jax, I will never admit this to you ever again, so listen carefully. When you get all Alpha male on me, it makes me so fucking crazy, I just want to jump your bones. Even though you make me crazy mad, you also make me crazy hot. Now get naked and fuck me hard!” Oh bless him, his eyes are wide and his chin practically hits the floor.


  I’m the one growling now, “Yeah, oh.”

  WELL, I’M NOT AN idiot. I don’t need to be told twice. I only hope the driver has headphones on because I will make her scream. I slowly unbutton my shirt while she watches. I roll my shoulders back so my shirt slides down my back. She’s watching my every move. I place my finger in her mouth and she sucks it like it’s my cock. I pull it out and run it over my nipples. She’s holding her breath. Gotcha, sweetheart, oh yeah. She is still fully dressed and I know exactly what I’m going to do next. I release my cock from his holding cell and start to pump him up and down while my other hand is stroking my nipples, first one and then the other. She’s losing it; squeezing her thighs together for friction. I take the first drops of my arousal on my finger, and place it in her mouth. She moans. That’s it sweetheart, get really worked up for me.

  “Oh my God, Jax, I don’t know how much more of this I can take!”

  I’m not stopping, “Sweetheart, do you think you’re ready for me?”

  She nods her head.

  “Show me baby.”

  She starts to undress, never taking her eyes off me as I pleasure myself. All her skin is flushed. “Jax, do you know how beautiful you are? Seeing you like this takes my breath away.”

  I reach over and rip her panties right off of her. “Kiss me, Raven, now!”


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