Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2)

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Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2) Page 12

by Theresa Sederholt

  I feel bad that Tony is carrying my load, as well as his own.

  “Not yet, but Jax checked in earlier. Gabriella consented to the move. Her new name is Rose Anderson. The doctors said she can be moved tomorrow, and I faxed you over some papers to sign for her release.”

  I walk over to the fax and flip through the papers. “Did Jax say anything else?”

  He laughs, “He just reminded me that you’re under house arrest until he gets home and you come to your senses, whatever that means.”

  “Funny, Tony, let me know when the guard checks in. I venture to say that it was Annabelle,” I suggest. He only replies with a grunt of agreement before we hang up.

  Next, I call Jax to find out the status of his return. “Jax, I just got off the line with Tony and he told me about Gabriella. I signed the paperwork and faxed it back to the clinic, so you are good to go.”

  “You sound better today, Max, does this mean that you have come to your senses?”

  If he were here, I’d deck the cheeky fucker. “Jax, I’m not leaving you for many reasons. We’ll save that conversation for another time. Right now, I need to fill you in on my day, so shut up and listen, mate.” I tell him about the woman that was at the park, he’s very quiet. “Jax, I have a feeling it’s Annabelle. Your mum has been a rock through all of this, but today. I could tell she was scared and I don’t like it. You need to have the plane under guard twenty-four seven and check it twice before you even get on it. Do you understand? I already put a call into the attorneys and they are going to issue a restraining order against Annabelle.” Ugh, I just want to scream. Can’t we just get through a day without any fucking drama?

  “Got it, Max. This is why I need you with me always.”

  “How is Raven doing?”

  “Well, she said yes!”

  Knowing Jax I fear he might have bullied her. “Great, mate, congrats. How did you finally propose to her?”

  “Let’s just say it was unconventional at best, but she said yes.”

  I really wish they were back home and not so far away. “Have you figured out when you are going to do it? Knowing you, like I do, you probably have it already planned.” He’s really quiet now. “Jax, you can’t do that to her.” He takes a deep breath and I know what’s coming, typical Jax “get it done yesterday.”

  “Max, I want to get married Friday. That would give her two days.”

  I almost choke, “Jax, are you afraid she will change her mind?” He’s slow to answer and I know I hit the nail on the head.

  “Max, I really can’t stand you sometimes.”

  “Get it through your thick head—she loves you! She will only change her mind if you push her, so stop bullying her. Getting married is a big step, and every girl has a dream of what her wedding will be like. You are just the bloke that has to show up at the church! Try not to bully her, get home, and I will help you, okay?”

  “Okay, I will keep my mouth shut about wedding plans.”


  WE HANG UP AND I decide I want Raven, right now. God, I have no control when it comes to her. I come out of the office to look for her and I find a fucking note!


  Jackie is meeting me downstairs for coffee and chocolates. We are going to have girl talk. I have Bo and my detail. No worries.

  Xo Raven

  Yeah, no worries my arse. I wonder if that wanker, Dylan, is going to show up. Maybe I’ll just sit in the corner and watch her. No, she will know that I’m stalking her, and there will be hell to pay if it goes anything like the credit card fiasco. I’ll give her one-hour, and then I’m looking for her. When did I become such a fucking whack job?

  AS I WAIT FOR Jackie, I watch all the different people go by. It suddenly dawns on me, I’m getting married. I never thought it would happen to me. And I’m going to be someone’s mom.

  “Raven, you look lost in your thoughts, everything okay?”

  I smile, “Jackie, he asked me to marry him!” I show her the ring. She grabs my hand and gasps.

  “Oh, Raven, I’m so happy for you. You deserve your happy ever after. We need to celebrate and I know just the thing.” She calls the waiter over, and begins speaking rapid French. He smiles and leaves.

  “Okay, what did you order? You were talking so fast, I only got snippets of the conversation.”

  The waiter is back with two cups; he places them down in front of us, and congratulates me.

  “This is a liquid dark chocolate, hazelnut drink. There is no alcohol in it, but it’s very addicting, so only one, my friend.”

  Words could never describe what I’m drinking, and I don’t think I will ever find this anywhere but here. I begin to laugh, causing Jackie to look at me like I’m nuts.

  “Raven, are you okay?”

  I love her so much, and I know I can’t leave here without her. “Oh Jackie, only you and I could drink liquid chocolate and make faces like we’re having massive orgasms!” We’re both laughing, and then Jackie takes my hand and squeezes it.

  “That, my friend, is because you and I know the finer things in life.”

  “So, have you thought anymore about our talk the other day? Will you at least come back and talk to him?”

  She clenches her jaw, and I can see the hurt in her eyes. I know if he would tell her everything, it would make a difference. In the end, it’s up to Max to decide.

  “Raven, you are becoming more like Jax everyday.”

  I smile, “Yeah, I know. It just works to get right to the point.”

  “I have and I’ve decided that I need to have some sort of closure with Max, before I can move on. I know you said there is a reason for his reaction, and I trust you. When are you flying back to the States?”

  I bite my lip, trying to contain my excitement. “Well, if everything goes according to plan, we leave tomorrow. Will you be joining us?”

  She nods, “Yes, if that’s okay with you?”

  I throw my arms around her. “Of course, you know I would do anything for you. Now, on another note, I would like for you to be my maid of honor.” I hope she says yes, even if things don’t work out with Max.

  “I would love to. I’m sure Jax will have Maxwell as his best man. I want you to know, even if things don’t work out, I would be happy to be a part of your special day.”

  I am so happy she’s coming home with me. “Oh Jackie, I love you. You’re the sister I never had.” How did I ever get so lucky to have her in my life? “Okay, so next topic; what the hell was up with Dylan?” I know she didn’t expect her brother to be such an ass. Heck, I know I didn’t expect it.

  “Yeah, I know. Raven, it hit him hard that you went and fell in love with the world’s most eligible bachelor. I think he finally realizes that he will never have a chance with you.”

  I feel bad, but I never felt anything remotely like that for Dylan, and I hope I never gave him any ideas. “I’m sorry Jackie, but you know that I never had any romantic feelings for him.”

  “I know you never led him on. He will have to face it, and move on. Okay, so how did Jax pop the question?”

  I start to laugh as I remember Jax’s proposal. “Oh my God, Jackie, the man is crazy.”

  Jackie rolls her eyes. “Raven, we know that already, but how did he ask?”

  I have to tell her everything; she’s my best friend, but I know she is going to laugh her ass off. “We just left your place, having wild limo sex. While we were still deep in the throes of it, he asked me to marry him, followed by the most romantic declaration of love that I have ever heard.”

  Her eyes are huge, and she is trying not to laugh. “Do you think he was planning this?”

  I take a deep breath. “Well, at first, no. But then, he when we got back to the hotel, he did a traditional proposal with the ring.”

  “He already had the ring? Wow, he must have been planning this.”

  “Oh, Jackie, you don’t know the half of it. Apparently he got the ring the first week we met!”

“Raven, you know he really is crazy and madly in love with you. I don’t think that will ever change for him. It comes through in everything he does.”

  “I know, Jackie, I just need to find a balance we can both live with.” I let out a long sigh and we glance at my ring again. When we look up, I see him. I knew he couldn’t stay away long.

  “Jax, congratulations on getting engaged, I’m so excited for you both.”

  “Thank you, Jackie, I’m sorry to barge in but I miss my girl.”

  Jackie gets up to leave. “It’s okay, I’m leaving. I need to get packed.”

  Jax hugs her. I’m happy that he gets along so well with her, after all, she is my only friend.

  “Oh, where are you going?”

  She kisses us both as she leaves, “Raven will explain; love you both.”

  “Okay, Raven, what’s going on?”

  “Jackie is coming back to New York with us. She wants to talk to Max and get closure. She has also agreed to be my maid of honor, no matter what happens between them.”

  He kisses the inside of my wrist and I light up. “Wow, you have been a very busy girl. Well, I spoke to Max. He and Mum went to the park today and someone was watching them; a female. Max had one of the guards follow her to find out who she is. Tony and Max think its Annabelle. Max also contacted the attorneys, and they are issuing a restraining order against her. I told you I would not hide anything from you. We are leaving tomorrow, for sure. The doctor got the signed papers from Max, so we are good to go. Max has put the plane on a twenty-four-seven guard and it will be swept tomorrow before we leave.”

  Wow, this man thinks of everything. “Thank you for being honest with me. So, Max and your mom . . . in the park together . . . that’s interesting.”

  He laughs, “Yeah, I don’t even want to go there. What were you drinking?”

  I know he is going to lose his mind when he finds out what this drink is. “Oh, you have to try this.” I call the waiter over and proceed to order in French. “Jax, this is the most unbelievable drink I have ever had. You’re going to love it.”

  He cocks his head and smiles, “ You speak French beautifully.”

  I smile, trying to control the sparks. “Thank you. Now have a sip and tell me what you think.”

  He takes a sip and then calls the waiter over asking him to make it to go now. “You okay, Jax?”

  He takes my hand and pulls me to my feet. “Yep, I’m good, sweetheart. We’ve been apart far too long, I want you now.” He gently grabs me by the elbow. I throw my napkin down and rush off with him.

  We get upstairs and he’s trying to pull my clothes off, almost at a frantic pace. “Raven, please, just hurry okay—I need you now!”

  Maybe I can take charge for a while. “Jax, you will do whatever I ask you to do, deal?”

  He growls, “Right here and right now—Yes!”

  “Well, then, Mr. Phillips, first, you have on entirely too many clothes and I need to rid myself of mine.”

  “I can help you with that, sweetheart.”

  I shake my head, “No, Jax, you get to watch.” I make a show out of getting undress. He’s fighting his urge to touch me, fisting his hands and clenching his jaw. Now that we are both naked, I push him onto the bed. I open the drink and dip my finger in. I rub my finger over my lips and then slowly lick them. He tries to reach for me but I push his hand away. This is great; I finally have the upper hand!

  “Woman, you’re killing me. Please put me out of my misery.”

  Hmm, “Anticipation, Jax. You have to hold it.”

  He looks down at his cock, “You hear that, buddy? You need to just hold it.”

  “Oh my God, Jax, really? You know, having in-depth conversations with your cock could get you sectioned.”

  He’s giving me the Jax smirk. “Well then, sweetheart, maybe you need to help him out here.”

  I dip my finger back into the chocolate. “Je tiens à lécher le chocolat hors de votre coq.”

  He takes a deep breath, trying so hard to let me have my way. “Oh fuck all that is holy, I have no idea what you just said, but I could blow just listening to you!”

  I whisper, “I said, ‘I want to lick the chocolate off of your cock,’ now you need to breathe, Jax. If you pass out, it won’t be fun.”

  “I’m trying sweetheart, but you are every fantasy come true, and then some.”

  I take the chocolate and trail it around his nipples and down the happy trail, making sure to not touch his cock. I look up at him and his eyes are wide.

  “Sweetheart, please say something else in French.”

  As I slowly lick off the chocolate I tell him, “Je t’aime ma belle fou homme, which means: I love you, my beautiful, crazy man.” I slowly cover his cock with the chocolate, and then swirl my tongue around the head. I don’t know how much more of this he can take. He’s really trying to keep it together as I work my tongue down to the base and back up to the head. When I reach the top, I nip it just the way I know he likes it. That’s it—game over! He yells out my name, his hands squeeze tightly at my shoulders.

  He pulls me up to him. “Come here, sweetheart.”

  He looks shattered. I love that I can do that for him. “You okay, Jax?”

  He’s nuzzling into my neck and giving me soft kisses. “Why wouldn’t I be? You’re my every fantasy, and then some. I need to make love to you, Raven, slow and easy. He takes his time entering me, and then stops.

  “Open your eyes, Raven. Look at me.”

  Once I obey, he begins to move really slowly. Then he starts to grind into me the way that makes me crazy, I don’t know how much longer I can last. “Jax, I can’t hold it.”

  He softly kisses my lips, “Go, sweetheart, I need to watch you fall.”

  I look into his eyes and I can see the depth of the love he has for me and—I’m done. My body quivers and my heart begins to race. I’m riding the most unbelievable wave of pleasure.

  “Oh, Raven, every time I watch you fall apart in my arms, I’m struck by how much love I have for you.” he almost whispers before attacking my lips.

  Slowly, we work our tongues into a sensual dance. He’s buried in me, forehead to forehead, eyes locked. “You know what I want, don’t you, sweetheart?” he asks.

  I smile, “I know, Jax. Are you ready?”

  He takes a deep breath. “Always, sweetheart.”

  I work my magic. “Oh my God, Raven . . . fuck!”

  As he comes apart in my arms I whisper, “Jax, Je t’aime de tout mon coeur et de l’âme.”

  He pulls the covers over us, “I love you too,” he whispers.

  I NEED TO TALK to my parents about my decision to go back to the States. I know they won’t be happy, but in the end, I have to do what is best for me. I’m sure my brother will put his two cents in. Dylan’s real problem isn’t with me, it’s with Raven. He’s been in love with her from the first day I brought her home. I need to get this over with Raven and Jax will be here soon to pick me up. I head downstairs, suitcase in hand. My mother sees me, her eyes glance towards my suitcase and she begins to cry. I knew this would not be easy. However, I need answers and those answers are waiting for me in New York. I put my arm around my mom, “Let’s go sit down, Mom.”

  My dad and brother are already in the drawing room, and I get the feeling that they know what’s coming. My dad hands me an envelope.

  “Jacqueline, before you make your decision to leave, that is a dossier on Maxwell Fleming. I’m not saying he is a bad man. All I’m saying is that he has a past, one that you should be aware of.”

  My brother is not as calm as my dad; he is fuming. “Jackie, he’s thirty-eight and you’re twenty-five. He is very experienced and you’re not. Think before you jump in, blinded by lust. You’re going to get your heart broken by this man, a man you know nothing about!”

  I know I need to see this through and nothing anyone can say will stop me. “Dylan, life is about taking chances, and not always riding in the slow lane. Walking away
from him broke my heart. There’s not much more he could do to it now. I need to understand why. What ever is in the envelope means nothing to me. I need to hear it from Max.”

  “So, you’re just going to up and leave? Do you even know anything about Jaxson or Maxwell? Do you know that Maxwell is twenty percent owner of Raiders Inc.? He might be Mr. Charming, but for fuck sake, Jackie, he’s a glorified corporate raider—the lowest of the low!”

  That’s it, I’ve heard enough. I jump up, “Dylan, please stop. Your problem is not with me leaving. Your problem is with Raven. She fell in love with someone and it wasn’t you. They are engaged, Dylan, and she is having his baby. It’s time for you to move on.”

  I hated to throw that out there, but it’s not fair for him to judge someone because he is hurt.

  “Well, Jackie, are you going to follow in her footsteps and get knocked up, too?”

  Before I can answer, my dad jumps up, “We have company.”

  I turn around and find Raven standing there with Jax. My father remains stoic not knowing how much Jax overheard. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware that the housekeeper had let you in.”

  I think everyone is waiting for the explosion that is on the horizon. As Jax goes to step forward, Raven stops him. “Please Jax, let me handle this.” She heads towards me and takes few steadying breaths. “Jeffery, Emi, you know that I love Jackie as if she were my own sister. I would never, knowingly put her in harms way. I promise you that I will look after her, and she will have round-the-clock security. Whether or not she decides to work things out with Maxwell is her decision and hers alone to make. Dylan, as far as your insinuations that she would get ‘knocked up,’ that is a very disrespectful thing to say about your sister. She has never done anything to warrant your behavior today. What I do with my life is my own business and none of yours. My fiancé, Jaxson, is a good man. He is kind-hearted, caring, and loving. Instead of disrespecting him, maybe you should strive to be more like him. Now, if you’re ready, Jackie, we need to get going.”

  My dad pulls me into a hug. “I will let you go, however, you must take Samuel with you. The arrangements have already been made, since I knew what your decision would be.”


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