Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2)

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Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2) Page 14

by Theresa Sederholt

  I smile, “I’m processing. How long will it take you to find something to wear?”

  “After all of that, your only question is about my gown?”

  “I can pull all of that off within a reasonable time frame. I love all of this negotiating, it’s making me hard.”

  “Oh, for the love of Jesus, Jax, everything makes you hard!”

  “Yep, when it comes to you, sweetheart, everything does.”

  “Oh, and, Jax, I want a prenuptial agreement. I don’t want anyone to think I’m marrying you for your money. Bad enough, people will talk when the baby gets here.”

  “STOP. I will not have you talk about our baby like that—EVER! I don’t give a flying fuck what anyone says or thinks, it’s what I know in my heart. That’s the only thing that matters, the only thing that ever will. Our baby—our flesh and blood—was created out of love. No more talk like that and no prenup!”

  “Jax, I thought we were negotiating?”

  I growl at her, “That is non-negotiable.”

  “Wow, you scared me. Are you like this with the companies you deal with?”

  “Sweetheart, I know what I want, and what I’m willing to give up to get it. I don’t waiver on the important stuff, I do on the stuff I could care less about and that makes them feel like they had a victory.”

  “Okay, no prenup.”

  “Good, now that we have that settled, do you think you can decide on a dress by Friday? If not, I can have someone make you whatever you want.”

  Her mouth falls open. “This Friday?”

  I’m still buried inside her; I tilt my hips. “I told you I don’t want to wait. If we do it this Friday or six months from now, nothing will change. I will make it exactly how you want it.” I start moving slowly again.

  “Jax, I will try—oh who am I kidding? You know and I know that we are going to get married on Friday, come hell or high water!”

  I attack her neck with laughter and kisses. “Sweetheart, I love negotiating with you, we should do this more often.”

  “That wasn’t negotiating, Jax, that was you getting what you want. “ Look at me, please.” I stop my attack on her neck and look up at her. “I love you, but I need you to understand that you can’t always push me around to get what you want. If you want something, talk it out with me, first, okay?” she pleads.

  “Okay, but you need to understand that this was real progress for me. Normally, I would just take the ball and run with it. Try to be patient with me and all my craziness and I will promise to try and negotiate with you on the important stuff. I’m not going to run to you with every little thing, and I don’t expect you to run to me with the small stuff, either. I trust you and your judgment. I need you to trust me. Are we all good now?”

  “Yes, we’re good.”

  “Okay, baby, you know what I would love right now?”

  “I know exactly what you want.” She smiles coyly at me. I grind my hips into her just the way she likes and I can see she’s getting close; her breathing becomes erratic and she quickens her pace. “Jax, you ready, baby?”

  I take a deep breath and I feel need in me, climbing. “Oh God, Raven, I’m ready . . . do it baby, please.” I beg. She clenches, squeezing my cock as she slams down. That’s all it takes to send us both over the cliff.

  I feel as if I’m about to pass out. “Jax, are you okay? Breath, baby, just breath.”

  I kiss her softly. “Raven, can we invite your Pilates teacher to the wedding?”

  She laughs. “Go to sleep, Jax, I love you.”

  I whisper, “More, sweetheart, always more.”

  JAX WILL BE BACK soon, and then the calm, I’ve been experiencing, will be gone. There are no flats available in this building. I will see if anyone is willing to sell, otherwise, that crazy-arse fucker will buy the building, and then all hell will break loose. It’s almost teatime with An; she keeps me on a tight schedule. I know she wants me to call her something other than ma’am, I just don’t know what. Just like clockwork, here she comes.

  “Maxwell, teatime.”

  I smile. She’s so strong, yet she has let me see how vulnerable she really is. “Good afternoon, ma’am, how are you feeling?” She won’t say it, but I know she’s worried about telling Jax and Bella.

  “I heard from Jaxson, they should be home soon. Raven said yes, so now we have a flurry of wedding events. Have you spoken to him?”

  “Yes, ma’am, he called earlier. He was going to try and talk Raven into setting a date. You know what that means, he will move heaven and earth to get her down that aisle as fast as possible.” I know she wants them married just as fast as Jax does.

  “Well, I can tell you, I, for one, will be very happy on that day. I want them married and concentrating on my new grandbaby.”

  I’m more worried about Raven. “I know, but Raven has been through a great deal, and now she is taking on the responsibility of a mother, who, for all intents and purposes, died twenty years ago. I know she is thrilled that she has her mum in her life again, but it is an emotional time for everyone. And let’s not forget that the threat is still out there.”

  Her face turns pale, and I feel bad that I even brought it up.

  “Have you found out who that woman was? Did you think I didn’t notice how worried you were?”

  I laugh, “You’re too smart for your own good, ma’am. I think it might be, Annabelle Gianconna, Vincent’s sister. The attorneys are issuing a restraining order.”

  “Maxwell, we are going to have a family sit down later, and I would like you there. I plan on telling Jaxson and Isabella the truth about their father and you.”

  We are both quiet for a bit. “Are you sure you want me there? This is a very personal matter, maybe I should sit it out.”

  She’s holding onto her teacup so tight I fear it will shatter. “Maxwell, you really don’t want to be on my bad side. You are family, whether you like it or not, you are stuck with us. I know that Jax and Bella will be overjoyed to know what they feel, in their hearts, is in fact reality. Do you have a problem with us?”

  I shake my head and just begin to laugh, “Oh, ma’am, you really are a mini version of Jax. Yesterday, you said you wanted me to call you something other than ma’am. What would you like me to call you?”

  She smiles, “You’ll know when the time is right. We are having the meeting here, so you don’t have to go anywhere. I already let Isabella know.”

  I need to change the subject. “Jax asked me to find a flat in the building for Gabriella.”

  “Maxwell, don’t even think about it.”

  Ha. “Relax, An, Jax already yelled at me. However, there are none available.”

  “Well, I’m sure Jax will convince someone to move out!”

  We sit in silence for a bit.

  “Maxwell, did Jax mention Jackie?”

  “She is with them.” My heart constricts as I whisper.

  “I know. Have you thought about what you’re going to do?”

  “I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

  “Well, you can’t sit here, wallowing in self-pity, can you?”

  “I’m at a loss here. What would you suggest I do? I really hurt her. I pushed her away without a word. The worst part is, I made Jax do my dirty deed. What kind of man does that make me? She deserves so much better than me. My head keeps saying she would be safer, if she stayed away from me. Yet, my heart beats stronger at the mere thought of her.”

  She just sits there, stirring her tea. “Well, are you going to say something or just stir that cold cup of tea?”

  She finally looks up, “Well, you’re right. She didn’t deserve to be treated like that. When you were shot, she put all her fears aside and sat by your bedside twenty-four seven. I had to force her to eat and sleep. She was willing to stay by your side, no matter what the outcome. That is not someone to dismiss from your life, like you’re throwing out the morning trash.”

  Well that didn’t help. “I feel even worse now. I thought
you were supposed to be here making me feel better?”

  “No, Maxwell, I’m not here to make you feel better. I’m here to make you feel. I think you should start with an apology. And from there, maybe explain to her why.”

  I don’t know that I can do this. “The wedding is probably going to happen on Friday. You know I’m the best man?”

  She laughs, “Of course, did you think he would ever ask anyone else?”

  I only have a few hours till they land. I can feel my heart racing. “I’m so much older than her, and she has so much life to live.”

  “Maxwell, please stop the pity party and get on with life. I’m not saying that what happened wasn’t a tragedy, but don’t you think Samantha would want you to be happy? If, God forbid, the shoe was on the other foot, wouldn’t you have wanted Samantha to be happy?”

  I growl, “You’re right, and if you tell another living soul I said that, I will deny it to the bitter end!”

  She reaches up and pulls my ear, and all I can do is laugh.

  WHEN WE LAND, MAX has a limo and another group of guards waiting for us. I hope Gabriella is going to be able to deal with all of this craziness. Raven reaches up and pulls my hands out of my hair.

  “Relax, Jax, we will be okay.” She calms and grounds me. I don’t know what I ever did before her.

  Jackie seems very nervous . . . almost scared. “Jax, Sammy and I are going back to my apartment. I still have my tracking bracelet. Do you want me to have another guard?”

  I know I can’t stop Jackie from going home, but at least Sammy is with her.

  “Okay, Sammy, take her back to her place, make sure the bracelet always remains on, and take another guard with you.”

  “Jax, he’s gay. He’s been in a committed relationship for the past seven years. His partner, Ian, has agreed to move and he will be joining Sammy soon.” Raven informs me of this news. Though, she could of saved my nerves from being on edge hours ago, I’m glad she finally did say something.

  “I love that you understand me, Raven. The whole ride, all I could think was Max is going to kill me if I let her go off with him.”

  She laughs at me but then glances at her mother and her smile fades. “Mom, are you okay?”

  Gabriella closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. “I’ll be fine, it’s a lot to take in, all at once. I have been in that little clinic for twenty years. The world has changed so much, yet my life has stood still. Will I ever be able to catch up?”

  Raven pulls her into her arms as the tears she was fighting to hold back begin to fall. “Mom, we will be here with you every step of the way. No one will hurt you, ever again. It’s time you begin to live again. Daddy would have wanted you to be happy.”

  I watch my beautiful girl comforting her mum, and I realize this has to be so overwhelming for Raven too. She is so strong, and in this moment, I love her so much more . . . if that’s even possible.

  We pull up to The Tower and a confused look comes across Raven’s face. “Jax, I thought we were going to bring my mom to a clinic?”

  I take her hand, “I have been thinking that maybe it would be best if we got your mum a flat in our building. I would rather have her closer to us. I think it would be good for everyone. Until I can make the arrangements, I figure she can stay in our guest room.”

  “What if there are no flats available? Oh, why do I even bother asking such a stupid question? Don’t worry, Mom, you will have a flat in this building if Jax has anything to say about it.”

  THE ELEVATOR DOORS OPEN, and my mum is waiting for us. One look and I know something is up. What else is going to be thrown at me? We make all the introductions, and Raven takes her mum to her room so she can get settled in.

  “Mum, what’s wrong?” I ask in a hushed tone.

  “Jaxson, we are having the family meeting now at Maxwell’s. Bella is already waiting for us. I would also like Raven to be there.”

  She really has me worried. “Are you ill?”

  She shakes her head, “No, son, my health is fine.”

  Raven comes out takes one look at us, and she furrows her brows at me. “Jax, is everything okay?”

  I take her hand, holding it tight. “We are having a family meeting at Max’s and you have to come too.” She strokes my back, trying to calm me. She is my rock, my light in the storm, and I thank God everyday that I went to that Starbucks a few minutes early.

  We get over to Max’s and Junior runs right into Raven’s arms. He really is so attached to her. I glance over at Max, and I know something is up between him and Mum.

  Raven is looking him over, “Max, you look wonderful, and all your hair is back!”

  Bella laughs, “Raven, I was a cosmetologist before I met, Michael. I told Max I could make some crazy hairstyles if he wants, but he won’t let me near him with my shears!”

  “Why did you give it up?” Raven asks.

  She kisses Junior’s head. “When I was pregnant with him I didn’t want to be around the chemicals. After that, I fell in love with being a mum.”

  My mum stands up. “Okay, everyone, please have a seat. I have something I need to tell everyone.” My mum seems really nervous.

  “This is a very hard story for me to tell, but the situation being what it is, it must be told. I was a young girl of seventeen, living in Wales when I met James Phillips. We fell in love, and I thought the world started and stopped with him. Well, I was caught up in the rush of the romance and found myself pregnant.”

  Raven is squeezing my hand.

  “My parents were very old fashioned and insisted that we marry right away. In the beginning, things were good. My husband was in sales and he traveled frequently, yet he always made it home on the weekends. When I found myself pregnant with Isabella, his time home became less and less, until finally, one day, he never came back. I decided to search for him. My search led me to Scotland . . . where I met his other wife and son. When I confronted her about her husband, I realized we were both duped. She said James came home and confessed everything to her, right before he walked out. I was stunned. I walked away that day a broken woman. So many lives were destroyed. The other wife’s name was Cindy and their son was . . . Maxwell.

  I leap up, “Are you telling me my father was nothing more than a bigamist? I never thought he was perfect, but a fucking bigamist?!”

  “Jaxson, I’m sorry, son . . . so very sorry for all of this.”

  My mum begins to cry; she’s trembling. I pull her into my arms, “Enough! Mum, I don’t blame you at all.”

  “Please, son, sit down and let me finish. I left Scotland, went home to lick my wounds. I needed to figure out what I was going to do next. It was during that time that Cindy overdosed on pain pills. I reached out to Maxwell’s grandmother, and we soon became friends. She never blamed me for Cindy’s death, although, I will forever blame myself. She moved Maxwell to London and changed his last name to hers. I went to her, and pleaded with her to let me raise Maxwell as my own. I wanted to have the three of you grow up together, but his grams felt that he was settled in already. And she wanted him with her. I made her a promise right then and there that I’ve kept all these years. I walked away that day so sad. Sad that one man caused so much heartache. Sad that Maxwell would never know he had siblings. Sad that Jaxson and Isabella would never know what a wonderful brother they had. But mostly sad at the part I felt I played in Cindy’s death. That day, I made my decision. I would move my family to the United States. It broke my heart to leave Maxwell but I never had a choice.”

  No one is saying a word, my mum is trying to keep it together and be strong, but I can see she is going to lose it. I get up and take her in my arms. “Mum, I am so very proud of you. You took a bad situation and made it better for everyone involved, always putting the children first. I, for one, am very proud to call you my mum.”

  She begins to cry, and it slays me that she went through all of this alone. Max stands up, and takes her hands. His eyes, always on her. I don’t know what happe
ned when I was gone, but it seems like it was good for both of them.

  “An, you should never have felt responsible for my mum’s death. I’m so sorry that you carried this with you, all these years. You had no idea what you would find that day. You knocked on the door, looking for answers—answers you deserved. You were not there to hurt anyone. My mum just wasn’t as strong. I’ve accepted that and you should too. Please stop blaming yourself. There is more to this story, and its time I told everyone.”

  I NEED TO GET this over with quickly. I know they need to know, but the pain in reliving it turns my heart to stone. “I did okay for myself. I met and fell in love with the most beautiful woman, Samantha. She was a barrister, and we worked well together. We married and soon after we had the most beautiful son, Elliot. I thought my life was complete, and I put the past behind me. Samantha would take Elliot to the park everyday. He loved to be outside. One day, while she was loading him into the car, some drugged up gang member’s carjacked her. My wife and son were both shot. They died instantly. My life ended that day. I quit my job and drank myself into numbness. My grams was still in touch with An, and she told her what happened. An was getting ready to come and drag me to the States when I decided to join the Special Forces. I took every assignment there was, trying to get myself killed. I just wanted to be with my family. There is a saying: ‘We make plans and God just laughs,’ well, God had his own ideas. I was then asked to guard the Queen’s rebel grandson. I said okay, thinking the more danger, the better. Then one night I met Jax in a bar. I thought it was a chance meeting, only to find out, last week, that it was a set up by An and my grams. The rest, as they say, is history.”

  “Max, what do you mean, it was a set up?” Jax asks in shock.

  I laugh, “Yeah, mate, your mum and my grams set the whole thing up. I was given a letter yesterday that your mum kept in a safety deposit box from my grams. She wanted your mum to give it to me when she felt I needed to know the whole story. If you want to read it, you can. Look, all of you, I’ve accepted that this is my life. I don’t want your sympathy for what happened to Samantha and Elliot.”


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