Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2)

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Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2) Page 19

by Theresa Sederholt

  “Yes. She is coming around and trying to make contact with Raven. Vincent came out of the coma, but we are not sure if he remembers anything. The Feds and the district attorney need to sit down with Raven, but I want us to be married, first. There will be a trial, but we will cross that bridge when we get to it.”

  “Why was Vincent in a coma?”

  I don’t want to overload her, but I understand her need for the truth. “Max went after him and it didn’t end well for either of them. They were both shot.”

  Thank you Jax. After all this family has been through, what we need the most is honesty. I have so many more questions, but it’s late, and we have a wedding tomorrow. Happy times are what we should be focusing on.”

  I hug her, “Get some rest and I will see you at the wedding.”

  Just as I head over to Max’s, he comes out the door with Jackie. “Raven’s fast asleep and I just sent Rose to bed.” Jackie reaches up on her toes and kisses me on the cheek. “What’s that for?”

  She laughs, “Goodnight, see you at the wedding!”

  “MAX, LET’S GO OUT for a drink.” As we head out towards Bella’s, we stop at a local Irish Pub.

  “What’s on your mind?”

  “Did you read the letter? Part of me wants to know and part of me doesn’t.”

  “Yeah, I read it. She is trying to sound like the wounded party, but I have no trust for this woman. I got the background check on her and she is very much like Vincent. I don’t know how Antonio fit into this family.”

  “I spoke to Rose about Annabelle. She said she was aware that Antonio had a sister.”

  “What else is the problem, mate? After all these years, I can tell, so spill it.”

  “I found an island for sale, it’s called Jewel Cayle. It’s just off of the coast of Belize. It has two main houses, one on each side of the island.”

  “Jax, you can’t hide her away on an island.”

  “Look, I know what you’re saying makes all the sense in the world, but then there is the other part of me that wants to move us all there. You need to help me out here, mate, before I do something I probably shouldn’t.”

  “Jax, take a timeout and think for a second. How would you feel if the shoe were on the other foot? You can’t expect everyone to stop living his or her life, so you can feel safe. I, of all people, know that from experience. When my family was gunned down in the street like animals, I wanted revenge. Then after that, I didn’t want to live any more. I closed myself off and shut down. I stopped living life even though life kept moving forward. I was stuck and determined never to let that happen to anyone, again. It almost cost me Jackie. Don’t let your fear cost you Raven and the baby. We will work together, as a family, to keep everyone safe. I promise you, Jax . . . we will.”

  “So what am I supposed to do with this island?”

  “Jax, you didn’t, did you? Oh my God, you did.”

  I laugh, “Yeah, I did. Guess we have a new family vacation compound. Did you see Junior tonight? He was so excited.” I then tell him about Raven asking him to give her away and what his response was. This reminds me to ask him, “Did dad ever watch ‘Doctor Who’ with you?”

  WOW, THAT CAME OUT of nowhere, but I know Jax, and he’s fighting both sides of the blade with this. “No, I was never really close with him. When he was around physically, he seemed distant. Did you read the file on him?”

  “No, and I’m not sure I want to. I think we’re doing okay. I don’t need him, and if he came back into our lives now, I wouldn’t trust him. How could I trust someone like him? I would always think he was in it for the money. You know what it’s been like for me having money. Hell, you’ve had to step in on more than one occasion. You’re a wealthy man, but we’ve kept your ownership in Raiders Inc. quiet. I’ve been the front man and that’s okay, but I would never trust his reasons. I also have to think of mum, and how it would affect her. She gave up so much for us. I would never intentionally hurt her.” We both sip our scotch in silence.

  “Jax, while you were away, she asked me if I would ever feel comfortable calling her anything other than ma’am? I asked her what she would want me to call her, but she said I’ll know when it’s right. What does she mean?”

  “Max, sometimes, for such a smart man, you can be such an idiot. I can say that because you’re my brother, ha! Don’t growl at me. She has loved you like a son. She is very protective of you. When you were in the hospital, she got on a plane and flew down to Florida, even though she hates to fly. She bullied her way past the guards, the police, and the hospital staff. She ordered the doctor around, and made sure you had everything you needed. She got the girls to eat, and held Jackie’s hand the whole time. She never left that hospital. She slept in a chair, in the corner of the room, because she wouldn’t leave you. When we flew you home, she suggested Jackie move in to stay close to you. She came by The Tower daily, for reports on you and Jackie. She hired the nurse, who by the way, annoyed the fuck out of us with her humming! Who do you think would do all of that, Max? Look, I know you had a mother, but she died while you were young. She felt responsible for that, and maybe her looking after you, all these years, was her way of honoring your mum by loving you as she would.”

  I don’t know what to say, or even how to feel. It’s too much, too fast; my head hurts.

  “I get it, mate, but right now I’m so overwhelmed with everything. I need time to think and process it all. Give me that much.” I close my eyes and rub my temples, hoping to ease the pounding in my head. “I need to talk to you about Sammy. I got a detailed report back, and it turns out he still works for MI6. I did some more digging, and found it’s because of Gerhard. I spoke to the Chief this morning. He said, Gerhard was instrumental in peace talks. However, he’s made some powerful enemies along the way. All of the guards that work for Gerhard are MI6.”

  He reaches over the bar and grabs the bottle of scotch. It’s going to be a long night. “Is Vincent somehow tied into all of this?” he asks.

  “Not that I can tell. Gerhard is clean, he’s just a hard arse when it comes to getting his way.”

  “Max, no one outside of the family knows who Rose is, not even Sammy. I think we need to keep it that way.”

  “I agree. Let’s get to Bella’s house before it gets any later. We have a very busy day tomorrow. Did you get Raven a gift?” I ask. He’s looking at me like I have grown another head. “Jax, you do know what tomorrow is, right?”

  “It’s my wedding day. Was I supposed to get her a gift? I could give her the island as a wedding gift.”

  Oh shit, he doesn’t know. Fuck. “Sit back down, mate, we need to talk. Now normally, I would just mind my own business, but seeing how you are not only my best friend but my brother, I’m going to save your sorry arse.” I look at my watch, “Today is Raven’s Birthday.” Oh I wish I could bottle that look: part shock and part horror.

  “Why the fuck am I just finding out about this now?! Why didn’t she tell me?”

  I can only imagine her reasons. “Maybe because you’re usually so over the top, and she doesn’t want that. Maybe you could do something simple.” He’s really in shock and if he keeps pulling that hair, there will be nothing left.

  “I’m at a loss here, Max. What the fuck am I supposed to do? Fuck, I’m getting married in less than twelve hours, and I need to come up with something special for her. It took me a whole day just to write my vows!”

  “Come on, mate, we will figure this out.” I get him outside and into the waiting limo. I tell the driver to head over to Bella’s. “Jax, we are in the home stretch here. Don’t give up now, trust me.”

  “I have an idea, but I’m going to need some help. We need to find an antique store.”

  I know I should probably tell him we can wait till morning but that won’t work in Jax’s world. I pull out my phone and find a dealer. Then, I do what I do best—track him down, in the middle of the night, and let Jax convince him to meet us at his shop now.

en we get to the shop, the man is none too happy to be here at four am. “Let me get this straight, you are going to pay me ten thousand dollars cash to open up my store, just so you can find your girlfriend a birthday gift?”

  I tell the guy what I’m looking for, and it takes him all of ten minutes to find it. “Sir, here’s an extra grand just for being such a good sport about all of this. And here is my business card, if you ever need anything, just call me.”

  The man seems in shock but I’m sure he’s happy to have made a lot of cash for ten minutes of work. We head to Bella’s, both of us lost in our own thoughts.

  I WAKE UP AND have a wonderful stretch. When I open my eyes, there is a note by the bed with one Abracadabra Rose. I don’t know when this man finds the time to do all that he does for me. I smell the sweet rose, and the baby starts kicking. I pick up the note. Behind it is a glass of orange juice and a warm croissant. Oh, even when he’s not here, he drives me crazy!

  Okay, I need to stop daydreaming about my beautiful, wonderful man, and start working on some personal notes for each gift. Everything was delivered yesterday, and Mick put it away for me. He really has become such a good friend. I head out to the living room to collect everything, and my heart skips a beat. I stand here, so overwhelmed by the sight before me. The man is nuts! I can’t help my tears that are falling. There has to be, at least, thirty dozen Abracadabra Roses! They are everywhere. Every time I turn around, there are more. My mom comes in, hugs me, and wipes away my tears.

  “He is extreme, but he does love you, Raven.”

  I’m speechless. I have no idea what to say.

  “Raven, today is a special day. It’s not only your wedding day, but it’s your birthday too. I never thought I would get to spend another birthday with you, so this is so very special for me. When your father and I got married, my parents were already deceased. I had no one to give me any motherly advice, or pass any traditions down to me. I know that Jax loves you so completely. That man’s love for you is in his eyes. I know he can be extreme and overpowering, just remember to stay true to who you are. Love him with all that you have. Life is full of compromises—some harder than others—that’s just the way it is. If I can only offer you only one piece of advice, it would be to never compromise on your love for each other. Hold onto that with all that you have and all that you will ever be. On my wedding night, your father gave me this Italian horn. He made me promise to wear it everyday, and I have. Even at the lowest point in my life. I think he would be happy to know that on this special day, I’m passing it on to you. I am so very proud of the beautiful woman you have grown into, and I know your father would be too. When I look at the woman you have become, I know that everything I have endured was worth it.” She hands me the necklace and my heart swells from the significance of it.

  “I’m going to give you some alone time while I start to get ready.”

  “Wait, Mom, Joseph left some stuff for me in a safety deposit box. There were some old pieces of jewelry in there, can you tell me about them?”

  I hand her the box, but she hesitates. “Mom, if it’s too much, we can wait.”

  “It’s okay, dear, I just need a moment. I know what’s inside the box. They were some of my mother’s favorite pieces of jewelry. I asked Joseph to keep them safe for you. It seems like a lifetime ago. I’m sorry he’s not here to see how happy you are.”

  She opens the box and pulls out the Cameo pin. “This belonged to your great-grandmother; she was French. The amethysts and diamond bracelet was your grandmothers. Your grandfather gave it to her on their wedding day, it was the color of her eyes.”

  I pick up the bracelet, and it glistens in the sunlight. “I will wear it today, in honor of her.”

  I hug my mom so tight. “It will be okay, Mom, we will get through this together.”

  “I know, Raven, let’s focus on today, making a lifetime of memories for tomorrow. I’ll leave you alone.”

  My mom gets up and goes inside, leaving me alone. I look around at the dozens of roses and I’m floored. I take one of the cards and open it.

  I go to the next one.

  I’m laughing and crying at the same time.

  Finally I find the last card.

  I’m in shock; he captured all the craziness. I have to stop daydreaming. I need to get the gifts together. I pull out his gift, certain that he will love it. I got him a beautiful, chestnut box, with a violet bowtie to match my eyes. I had the artist carve one of my favorite quotes by Chae Richardson, ‘Courage is not living without fear. Courage is being scared to death and doing the right thing anyway.’ With everything that is going on right now, all we have is courage.

  Jackie comes in from Max’s place and grabs a cup of coffee. “Holy crap, Raven! It looks like he bought out the florist shop!”

  “You know how crazy he can be. I’m surprised he hasn’t done more.”

  “Raven, you didn’t tell him, did you? You know when he finds out, he’ll go nuts.”

  Oh, now I feel bad. “Jackie, I didn’t want him to make a big deal. He’s so over the top sometimes and I just want simple.”

  “Raven, simple left, the day you crashed into him at Starbucks. Where did Mick go? I heard him leave.”

  “He went to pick up, Ashlyn, my Pilates instructor. I invited her to the wedding.”

  “I’m so happy for Mick. His life is really coming together. Has he ever told you what his life was like before the war?”

  “No, and he might never be able to talk about it. I wish there were more services for the men and women like Mick; those who end up falling through the cracks. So, totally changing the subject here, but . . . what happened with you and Max?”

  “He explained why he pushed me away. I understand his fear, but it still hurt. I can get past it, as long as he is honest. I do love him.”

  “He loves you, Jackie, very much. I don’t know if I would have ever been able to come back from what he went through.”

  Jackie nods, then jumps up. “We need to think happy thoughts today. Mick should be back any minute now, and we need to get going. Where is Rose?”

  All of a sudden it’s a flurry of activity. My mom gathers up all of my stuff just as Mick and Ashlyn come in. We are all off to Bella’s house. I can’t believe in a few hours, I’ll be getting married.

  I FINALLY DECIDED UPON a gift for Max, and I know the girls are going to stroke his ego over it. I don’t know why I’m so worried about today, but I am. I decided to give her the island as a wedding gift. Yeah, she’ll freak out, but it will be a good family vacation spot. Everything is set. I just need to find Max.

  Bella’s garden is beautiful, so many different colors. I find Max on the back patio, having tea with mum. I think having her guard him for a few days really did a lot of good for their relationship. They have a closeness and an ease that they didn’t have before. I pull up a chair and mum pours me a cup of tea.

  “How are you this morning, son?”

  “I’m happy. I wish everyone could feel this way; it’s different. Mum, before this day gets away from us, I just want to tell you how proud I am that you’re my mum.” Just as I say it, Max starts to get up to leave. “Max, stay please. Mum, you’re the strongest person I know, and I love you.”

  “Thank you . . . both of you . . . for all of your support. Enough of this. Maxwell, what happened with Jackie?” She waves away the emotions threatening her eyes.

  Max leans in and kisses her cheek while I’m laughing. “An, you’re the best. We are working it out. She has accepted my apology, and informed me that she will not accept anything but total honesty. We have a lot to get through right now, and I want to take it one day at a time.”

  “I need to finish getting ready; I will leave you two boys alone.” Just like that, Mum is gone.

  “Max, I can’t imagine this day without you standing by my side. You’ve helped make it all possible.” Before he can say anything, I pass him a box. “This is a little something to remind you of today. Don’t
let it go to your head, mate.”

  “Jax, we got here together and we will face everything that comes our way together. You didn’t have to get me anything, I will never forget today.”

  “Max, shut up and open the bloody box.”

  “Jax, this is fantastic.”

  “Yeah, well, the girls all think you’re Bond, so now, you have Bond cufflinks that turn into USB drives. You better not let this go to your head.” I laugh and swat his knee.

  Bella comes running out to the patio in a flurry. “If you two are done with your little bromance, you need to finish getting ready; the girls are here.”

  I NEED A MOMENT alone. I sit on the bed, and run through the events since I met Jax. It has been a whirlwind. So many lives changed. So many lost. I can’t dwell on the negative. I need to stay positive, and focus on our baby.

  “Raven? Oh. There you are, dear!” An comes in, seemingly happy. I think not having to keep her secret anymore will help her move forward.

  “Hi, An.” I greet her with a kiss on the cheek. I give her the gift I have for her. “I got you a little something to thank you for welcoming me into your family. I know there is so much stress and turmoil right now, and for that, I’m so sorry. I promise you, I will love him with all my heart—forever.”

  “Raven, it’s me who should thank you. You have taught this old lady quite a bit these past few months. You’ve shown me that real strength comes from deep within. If it wasn’t for all this craziness, I might have taken my secret to my grave.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t. Max now has the family he always should have had. I know times were different, but no one should be alone.”

  There’s a knock on the door. “It’s almost time, Raven.” Mom calls out.

  An hugs me, “I’ll give you some time with your mum.”


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