The Mermaid and her King

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The Mermaid and her King Page 8

by Wolfe, Scarlet

  She takes my hand with a hopeful smile on her face, and the weight of the world settles on me. There’s no going back. Skyla’s already given me many chances to be nice, and even though she came after me earlier today, I know in my gut that this is my last chance.

  “Nice Corvette. Have you had this hidden in the garage?”

  “Yes, I don’t drive it every day, especially when I’m picking up a drunk person who might puke in it. It’s very new,” I say with a chuckle.

  “Ha ha, funny. I like it, and I promise I won’t get sick in it. That is, as long as you don’t feed me too many drinks.”

  “I don’t plan on it. Although, that’s when I know how you truly feel.” I pull out of her driveway.

  “Well, aren’t you just full of wise cracks? Am I finally seeing Chase’s true colors?”

  “Just maybe.” It’s been a long time since I’ve allowed myself to feel or show anything, and it’s terrifying me, but I’ll hurt her if I don’t open up.

  Skyla looks out the side window most of the way, which keeps me from getting busted every time I glance over to see her silky thighs showing. I called in a couple of favors last minute for our date.

  I’ve managed to screw up the other times I’ve fed her, so I’m determined to make this dinner special. We get into Waikiki and drive along the coastline in front of the many resorts.

  I pull up for valet parking at the hotel and take her hand to walk inside. The men working eye her, and it annoys me but makes me proud all at the same time. Even without a lot of money, Skyla looks classy and wholesome, unlike the many women I’ve screwed around with over the years. For once, I feel lucky to be someone else’s date.

  We walk to the oceanfront restaurant where I give them my name. They immediately take us past the other tables and down some steps onto the beach. Skyla looks up at me and grins with eager curiosity.


  Chase picks me up in a black corvette. He also has the red jeep and a silver, Mercedes S550 that I avoided puking in on the way back from the bar.

  I’ve never valet parked before, and I sense it’s going to be a day of firsts for me. Lavish floral arrangements grace the lobby, and I can’t help but admire their rich colors. The ornate patterns on the floor are drawing my attention when I hear Chase chuckle. He leans down to my ear.

  “I think it’s really cute how everything excites you.”

  “Well, it’s lovely in here.”

  “That’s what I mean. You notice and appreciate what many people take for granted. The way you spoke of the view from my house, the scenery during the drive here, and even when you described our sandwiches on the beach, you don’t miss a thing,” he says, squeezing my hand.

  As soon as Chase gives his name, the host at the restaurant has us follow him. We walk past the outdoor seating to some steps that lead down to the beach. We’re then seated at a candlelit table set with white linen and fancy flatware. It’s the only one right on the beach, and it’s centered outside of the oceanfront restaurant.

  Chase looks like a model straight out of a magazine with his dark hair and eyes that pop from the white dress shirt he’s wearing.

  I noticed on our walk into the hotel that his khaki pants look as if they were measured and made just for him. They fit him perfectly, and I remember hearing once that designer clothes fit better that way. I’m sitting across from him, taking in the sight of his chiseled jaw line in the candlelight. This man is beyond handsome.

  “Why do we get to sit here?” I see all eyes are on us as I look back toward the restaurant, and I imagine they’re wondering why Chase and I get the table on the beach.

  “Because you’re special.”

  “I’m guessing it’s because you’re special,” I say, laughing.

  He smirks. “OK, maybe because I’m special it can happen, but I made it happen because you’re special.”

  “Thank you. This is lovely. I’ve never been anywhere this nice.”

  “That’s a shame.” He frowns and reaches his hand across the table to hold mine. “I’m not really special. I made some real estate deals with the owner of this resort, and I managed to reach him after I took you home today. He called in the favor for me.”

  My guard wants to go up. He’s being the complete opposite of how he was when he repeatedly rejected me. I can’t figure him out. The waitress comes to take our drink order, and we both get iced tea.

  “Do you not drink?” I ask.

  He appears uncomfortable and looks away.

  “No. I used to drink a lot, but those days are over.”

  “That’s a good thing, right?”

  He looks back at me. “Yes, it’s a good thing. For me, too much of anything’s not good. Well, you might be the exception.” He grants me a lascivious look that gives me butterflies and sends chills up my spine.

  “That’s sweet to say. Um, are your parents alive?”

  “No. My mom died of breast cancer about ten years ago, and then my father died from a heart attack three years ago.”

  I see the grief in his eyes. “I’m sorry. That’s extremely odd because my mom died of breast cancer ten years ago, too, and then my father died three years ago in Afghanistan.

  “He was a contracted employee for the government. He worked construction, and on his way to a job site, the vehicle he was in hit an IED. I was told he died instantly. My brother joined the Army then, and that’s basically how I ended up here.”

  “He squeezes my hand. I’m sorry, Skyla. You’re even younger than me, and it’s unfair you’ve had to lose your family at such a young age.”

  The tears moisten my eyes. His words are so sincere, and I know he understands exactly what I’ve been through. A few drops fall to my cheek, and I quickly wipe them away.

  “I’m sorry. I haven’t had anyone to talk to about my parents in a long time, and knowing you can relate makes me sad for you, too. My brother won’t discuss my parents with me,” I say.

  He leans over and wipes away another tear with the pad of his thumb. His touch is soothing, and all I want to do is curl up in his arms. I feel I’ve made him terribly sad.

  “Are you OK? I’m sorry I asked about your parents. I don’t want our date to be depressing.”

  “I’m fine, Skyla. I hate that we’re in the same club, but it’s comforting to know that if I needed to talk about losing them, you’d understand.”

  “You keep saying really sweet things, and it’s a little jarring after the way you’ve been since I’ve met you.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry. I still feel you deserve someone with less baggage, but I can’t resist being close to you. It’s selfish of me, but that’s one behavior I’m still working on improving.”

  “Everyone has shit from their past. I mean, look what grief we carry just from our parents’ death. I’m no better than you. Other than knowing I’m going to college, I’m just a lost twenty year old.”

  The waitress arrives with our entrée. Feeling as if our date is turning a little too serious, I’m relieved to see her at our table. She sits down our platter of seafood for two, and I have no idea what I’m looking at. I try to hold in my giggle until the waitress leaves, and as soon as she walks away, it erupts from my mouth.

  Chase is grinning at me. “What’s so funny?”

  “I have no idea what any of this food is other than I recognize the shrimp. Sorry, I’m not a very worldly person.”

  “I’ll tell you what you’re eating.” He proceeds to point to each item as he speaks. “This is lobster, and this is onaga, which is long-tail red snapper. It’s all steamed with kaffir lime leaves. The kaffir lime is a fruit native to some Southeast Asian countries. These are different aioli sauces. They’re kind of like different types of mayonnaise.”

  “OK. It looks delicious. I want to know all about the Hawaiian culture, so tell me more about the foods.”

  Chase educates me through dinner, and I try to absorb all the information. He’s even smarter than I thought, and I find myself s
miling often over how he’s opening up to me. The waitress comes back with dessert, and my hand goes straight across my stomach.

  “I’m so full, but whatever this is, it looks delicious.”

  “It’s coconut cake filled with coconut-amaretto cream.”

  “I love anything coconut, and I also love amaretto flavor, so I’m certain this will be like sex for me.”

  Chase raises his eyebrows and smirks. “Well, if this is what gets you going, then I’m in trouble. I don’t know if I can compete with this cake.”

  “Maybe I’ll get a chance to compare,” I say with an alluring smile.

  His smirk instantly disappears. “You’re sexy, Skyla.”

  “So are you, Chase.” From the light of the candle, golden speckles in his lust filled eyes glimmer. We stare at each other in silence while I take bites of my cake, and I’m ready for dinner to be over. I want physical contact with him.

  “Would you like to walk the beach here, or would you prefer the beach by my place?”

  “I would definitely like to walk the beach here at some point, but I work tomorrow, so maybe it’d be better if we head back.”

  “I have some work to do tomorrow, too, so that sounds good. Are you finished with your ‘better than sex’ cake?” he asks with a devilish grin.

  “It satisfied some of my craving, anyway.”

  He gives me another lust filled stare and takes my hand for the walk to the car. His touch sparks a tingling sensation to course through me, settling heavy between my thighs, and I can’t help but imagine him remedying the situation.


  We start the drive home, and the only thing I can think about is making her feel better than that damn cake tastes. I’ll make her forget all about the fucking cake. There’s no denying the sexual tension between us, and it’s suffocating me at the moment.

  I need a release, and it needs to be with Skyla underneath me in my bed. I glance to her, and she seems in deep thought. I have to get my mind off of sex.

  “I had to give Eric and Andy hell for getting you drunk when you’re under age. It wasn’t safe, either.”

  She giggles. “I think it was the other way around.”

  “They took you too far away and let you drink way too much.”

  “I guess I’m very lucky then that no one kidnapped me from the bar and sold me off as a sex slave.”

  Her comment leaves me chuckling. “Where did you come up with that idea?”

  “I’ve heard it happens to girls my age who are in strange cities. I saw it in a movie. I had you walk me home that first night instead of driving me because I was worried you might sell me off.”

  I glance over at her and realize she’s serious.

  “I don’t need the money.”

  Her head snaps toward me. “You’re being facetious. I know you wouldn’t do something that awful.”

  “You’re right. I’m bad but not that bad. You’ve mentioned sex a couple of times tonight. Is there something you’re trying to tell me?”

  “Let me just say it’s been a long time for me, too. I can’t understand why that’s the case with you. I imagine you could have almost any woman you want on this island.”

  “Time will tell. I’ve never wanted a relationship, and I gave up sleeping around many months ago. You’re a lot like Eric. You tell it like you see it even when others don’t ask to hear it.”

  I glance over, and she looks in deep thought again.

  “Are you never planning on being in a relationship?” she asks.

  “I haven’t felt like I deserve a relationship.”

  “I’ve had a few boyfriends. They were assholes.”

  “What about friends? Do you have a lot of them in California?” I ask.

  “I have one close girlfriend named Brooke, and a few that I’m not as close to. I’ve always gotten along better with guys. I grew up with just males, so I’m more comfortable around them.”

  “That’s cool. I’m an only child, but I’ve been fortunate to have great friends.”

  “I wish Brooke could live here. I could fix her up with Eric.”

  That’s one worry I can scratch off the list. I guess she doesn’t have any romantic feelings for Eric after all. She seems upset since I told her I’ve never wanted a relationship. I feel an urgency to clarify that, so I pull over on the side of the road, my heart pounding in my chest.

  She immediately looks at me. “Why are we stopping?”

  “You seemed upset after I said I’ve never wanted a relationship. I should’ve been clearer in expressing that I felt that way in the past, not now.”

  “OK,” she says while picking at the hem of her dress.

  I’ve made her nervous. “I like you a lot, Skyla. I’d like to see where this can go.”

  “I like you, too. I’ve tried to show you,” she says softly.

  “You have, Skyla, and I feel like a jackass for pushing you away, so I wanted to explain what I meant about a relationship. I don’t want to punish myself anymore and miss out on a chance with you.”

  “You give the impression you were an assassin or something. If you’ll let me, I’ll be here whenever you’re ready to tell me what’s made you think so badly of yourself. Then I’ll be here to tell you that you’re a great person.”

  I cup the side of her face. “You’re amazing, Skyla, so damn amazing.” Even in the dim light of the car, her blue eyes shine up at me. She leans over and parts her lips, urging me in. Our kiss ignites quickly, our mouths crashing against each other as the sexual tension swells between us.

  I’ve always been rough with women. They did what I wanted, when I wanted and where I wanted. I could’ve ravished Skyla and tossed her aside in a flash, but her kindness and honesty makes me want to do better. We kiss for several minutes, and when I let her go, we’re both breathing hard. She’s too sweet for me.

  “Dammit, Skyla. I fuck. I don’t date.”

  “I disagree. Tonight’s been a great date. You could’ve fucked me when I was drunk, but you chose not to. You grabbed my wrists earlier today, and I was definitely reaching for something … something hard.” She tries to be serious but starts giggling.

  “Shit, Skyla. You have a dirty mouth. Now that I’ve allowed myself to be close to you, I want all of you.”

  “That turns me on,” she says.

  An arousing look comes my way, and I swear I’m ready to spank her ass. I’m trying to behave. “I’m getting the impression that you’re not as innocent as I thought, so I promise I’ll have you soon.”


  I believe this is my payback for what I’ve been doing to her the last couple of weeks. I shake my head and smirk as I pull back onto the road. I’d like to tell her to quit being a tease, but I have a feeling she’s more than willing to mess around. There’s no way it compares to how badly I want her.

  “I should go on to my house since it’s getting late. Can I take a rain check for the walk on the beach?” she asks.

  “Of course. Did I say something to upset you?”

  “Not at all. It’s just … after that kiss, it’d be dangerous for me to be near your home. I don’t think I’d want to leave, and we both work tomorrow.”

  “That’s probably a good idea. I wouldn’t want you to leave, either. I want to take my time when I get the opportunity to pleasure you.” I bring her hand up to my mouth and kiss it. I glance over, and even in the dim light, I see she’s blushing.

  We’re both quiet the rest of the way. I pull into her driveway and look at her for several seconds. I want to take her home and tuck her into my bed.

  “I’ll be home all evening tomorrow, or any other day this week if you feel like going on that walk,” I say.

  She shows me that cute smile again and kisses my cheek. For the first time that I can remember, I’m looking forward to what tomorrow brings.



  I wake up the next morning thinking of Chase. Since February, my first thought has
been of Bud. I realize I’m starting to heal, but I’m still fragile, so I hope I can trust Chase not to break my heart.

  It took me hours to fall asleep last night from the happiness and sexual frustration I felt. I should probably be ashamed for wanting to go to bed with him this soon, but I’m not. I can’t seem to get close enough to that man, and what woman wouldn’t want a night with him? He couldn’t be any more desirable.

  I get out of the shower and see I have a text. I seldom get them since I have very few people in my life. My heart flutters when I see it’s Chase’s number.

  Chase: I had a great time with you last night, and you were my first thought this morning. I hope you have a good day. Keep that iPod turned down. I don’t want you falling into anyone else’s bathtub. You’re only allowed in mine and under different circumstances.

  I grin from ear to ear. I’m going to fall for him fast. Please, please don’t crush my heart into a million pieces.

  Me: I had a hard time falling asleep last night from that amazing date. You were my first thought, and I don’t think I can stay away today, so if you’re still up for that walk this evening, then I’m game. I’ll try not to injure myself beforehand. You have a good day, too.

  Chase: I’ll be waiting.

  The day drags, and he’s all I can think about. I go home to shower again, and Eric calls.

  “So, how was it?”

  “Eric, it was unreal, and I’m in deep. He was different last night. He was sweet and really talked to me. We have a lot in common, too.”

  “That’s great, Skyla. You have no idea what it means to me to know we might see a happy Chase.”

  “I’m dying to know what has made him feel so awful about himself, but I know he needs to tell me, and I think he will when he’s ready.”

  “It might take a while, so please be patient with him.”

  “Listen, I think I’m ready to get back on my board. Can we surf together Saturday?”

  “Hell yeah, chick. I need to see your skills.”

  “I might be a little rusty at first. It’s been nine months.”


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