Fractured (Dividing Line #4)

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Fractured (Dividing Line #4) Page 6

by Heather Atkinson

  “Alright then, I’m behind you.”

  The two men shook hands, both relieved that had been sorted out.

  “But we need more on our side,” said Mikey.

  “Well the Sugars are out. They’re all Alex’s creatures. They hate my family because Ryan killed their big brother. What about the Jordans?”

  “They’re an unknown quantity. I don’t want to risk bringing them in on this only for them to go running to Alex.”

  “Fine, we’ll leave them out of it until we know for sure.”

  “Declan and his brothers will side with us, they hate Alex. He’s refused to give them a decent cut. He’s stuck them with the debt collecting and cannabis, real lightweight stuff and their resentment’s growing.”

  “Okay. I think they can be trusted. Declan’s come a long way in the last year. He’s gone from being a bit of an arsehole to a real businessman.”

  “He’s really grown up. Reminds me of you,” grinned Mikey.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “Christ I wish Battler and Bruiser hadn’t gone legit, we could have really used their help.”

  “Are you sure they’d go against Alex?”

  “They did when Frank died and Terry tried to take over. Alex sided with his uncle and Battler and Bruiser sided with me and Rachel.”

  “If they think you’re staging a coup they might come out of retirement and back up Alex.”

  “No they won’t, not if they find out he’s threatening Rachel. Their first loyalty is to her.”

  “She’s not even a Maguire anymore.”

  “They’re loyal to our family because of Frank, not his sons. One night not long before he died Frank told me, Battler and Bruiser that he wanted Rachel to take his place when he retired, he said she had more nerve and intelligence than either of his sons. I think he made the mistake of telling Terry too, which is what got him killed. Rachel doesn’t know that, I thought it best not to tell her because it’s not what she wanted. It’s one reason Alex’s confidence took a huge knock. Now his confidence has returned with a vengeance he sees Rachel as a usurper who took his dad’s affection.”

  “Which is why he hates her so much.”

  “It’s one reason but I’m certain there’s something else, something to do with Ryan. I wish I knew what that was,” he said, with a knowing look at Jez, who just stared back at him, revealing nothing. “Anyway,” continued Mikey, “that’s why Battler and Bruiser would side with us, because their first loyalty was to Frank and Rachel is his rightful heir, not Alex.”

  “I see. So we can count them on our side?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure of it. Also I found out something today that I don’t like.”

  “What’s that?” sighed Jez, dreading what was coming.

  “Alex is only starting up the stately home robberies again.”

  “The prat.”

  “I know. When I tried telling him he was making a mistake he went off on one at me. He’s got the Slatterys in on it down south. He’s had to otherwise they’d kick off if Alex started turning over places on their patch.”

  “Oh bloody marvellous. They’re even worse than the Jordans and you remember how bad they were?”

  “How could I forget.”

  “That’s not all we’ve got to worry about. One of my contacts heard Alex met with Jasper White.”

  “President of the Lucifer’s Shadow MC?”

  “The very same.”

  “Oh Christ,” sighed Mikey, dragging his hands down his face. “That’s all we need, Alex with that bunch of animals on a leash.”

  “No doubt he’ll be offering to cut Jasper in on the drugs for his back-up.”

  “They’re a bunch of lunatics. He can’t rely on them.”

  “The rest are idiots but Jasper’s smart. He knows a good deal when he sees one and Alex will give him a decent cut. But Dane Black, president of the Angel’s Wrath MC, owes Ryan a big favour. He protected his little brother when they were in prison together from becoming someone’s bitch. He’d support us I’m sure of it.”

  “Angel’s Wrath versus Lucifer’s Shadow? They’ve been enemies for years.”

  These were the two most powerful motorcycle gangs in Manchester and their rivalry had led to more than one bloody confrontation. The two presidents, Jasper and Dane, had once been the best of friends. No one knew why they fell out three years ago, the real reason had been lost in the local folklore but their feud was legendary and had resulted in the rise of these two clubs, both leaders changing their surnames and naming their clubs to display how opposed they were to each other.

  “If we offer Dane the chance of finally wiping out his rivals he’d help us,” said Jez.

  “But Ryan has to be the one to approach him?”

  Jez nodded. “He’s already gained his trust.”

  “Would Ryan do it? He’s not a part of this life anymore.”

  “He might if it helps us topple Alex. He knows he’s a danger to Rachel and he’d do anything to protect her.”

  Mikey sighed. “I promised Rachel not to drag her or Ryan into any of our shit.”

  “So did I but I’ve got the feeling Alex isn’t going to give them a choice. It’s not certain Jasper White is on board yet. Let’s wait and see. If he sides with Alex then we can have a word with Ryan.”

  “Alright, agreed. I hate going up against my own cousin.”

  “Alex has brought this on himself. He’s not the Alex we used to know and as you said, if we don’t make the first move, he will.”

  “I know,” said Mikey. He just hoped he had the guts to do what needed to be done when the time came. The thought of putting a bullet through the head of Frank and Martina’s son caused his stomach to turn over.

  Rachel was enjoying a rare moment of peace. The boys were at nursery, Leah was at school and Ryan was out negotiating a new business deal. Alone time was rare and she was enjoying lying back on the couch with a book. She liked cheap flimsy romances with humour and a barely-there plot. Ryan relentlessly took the piss out of her for it but she got a lot of pleasure from them. She didn’t like crime thrillers or horror stories because they seemed rather tame compared to her own life. The corner of her mouth lifted into a smile as she left the book behind for thoughts of Ryan. Her life had been packed with romance too.

  Her reverie was disturbed by the doorbell ringing and she tutted. Whoever was intruding on this precious time was going to get a mouthful.

  “Why are you ringing the bell? You live here,” she snapped before her brain processed the fact that the man standing on the doorstep with a large rucksack over one shoulder wasn’t her husband. “Riley?”

  “Hello Rachel, I mean Mrs Law.”

  “You can call me Rachel.”

  “Rachel,” he said, his grin identical to her husband’s. “I don’t know if I should even be here but I’ve got some leave and I’ve been to visit Neil.”

  Neil was his younger brother, AKA The Saturday Night Slasher. He was in a secure mental unit after knifing dozens of people in Manchester nightclubs, as well as holding the same knife to her own throat when the police tried to arrest him. He was also Ryan’s half-brother, as was Riley, but Ryan wanted nothing to do with either of them.

  “It made me think about family, I thought maybe…” Riley trailed off. “I’m sorry, I’m not very good at this sort of thing, I should go.”

  “Oh no you don’t, you’re not escaping again. Come on in,” she said, opening the door wider.

  He shuffled on the doorstep. “Now I’m here I’m not so sure this is a good idea.”

  “Come in before I drag you in,” she said good-naturedly.

  He couldn’t resist her smile and grinned. “Alright then.”

  “Ryan’s out but he should be back soon,” she explained as they walked through the house to the kitchen. She caught him staring at the enormous room, wide-eyed. “Are you okay?”

  He put down his backpack. “Sorry but I’ve spent eight months in Afghanista
n and it’s a bit of a culture shock.”

  “That’s right, you’re in the army?”


  “What do you do exactly?”

  “I’m in The Regiment.”

  “What Regiment?”

  “Sorry, I mean the SAS.”

  “Wow, impressive. The army elite.”

  “Sorry, I can’t give you any more detail. I really shouldn’t have told you that much but I want to build bridges and I can’t do that on a lie.”

  “Fair enough. Would you like a drink?”

  “Tea please.”

  “How do you take it?”

  “Milk no sugar.”

  “Just like Ryan,” she smiled, filling the kettle.

  Riley watched her as she moved about the kitchen, she really was a stunner with amazing legs, her skirt hugging her pert backside. Riley realised he was staring so he forced his gaze on the window instead, trying to admire the sweeping garden and failing. After so long without female company he was seriously horny. He probably should have taken care of that need before visiting his delectable sister-in-law.

  “So, how long are you back for?” she said.

  “Four months. I’m owed a lot of time.” The twinge in his left shoulder reminded him all too vividly of the reason for his sabbatical.

  “How’s Neil?”

  “Not good. I’ve always known he wasn’t right in the head but he’s completely deteriorated. I hardly recognised him.”

  “Which is why you decided to try again with Ryan?”

  He nodded. “My dad and older brother are dead, I don’t get along with my mum and step-family and my sister Lexie spends her life travelling, I see her once every few years.”

  Her heart went out to him. “I understand but I have to say I honestly don’t know how he’ll react. Last time you turned up we’d just lost Thomas and he was all over the place, but there’s a chance he might be more receptive now.”

  “How big a chance?”

  “I’m not going to lie to you, it’s a slim one but he’s in the same position as you. He lost three of his brothers violently and he hates his mum, he’s only got Jez left. They never used to be close but they are now and neither of them want anything intruding on that relationship.”

  “I’m not here to intrude. I only want to get to know you all.”

  She handed him his mug of tea. “Ryan’s a reasonable man. He’ll listen to what you have to say and I really hope you can work it out, you’d be good for each other and you look so alike it’s scary.”

  This made him smile. “We do?”

  “You knew each other when you were younger, did you never notice?”

  “Not really, he was a lot skinnier than me and I had long hair. Then I joined the army and I’ve not seen him since.”

  “He’s bulked up a lot, he’s got the same build as you. Just wait and see, I can guarantee you’ll be surprised by the resemblance. The DNA test wasn’t necessary.” There was the sound of a car engine and she glanced out of the window. “Looks like you’re about to find out for yourself.”

  Riley saw the gleaming black Range Rover roll to a halt outside. He wasn’t a man used to feeling nervous but he definitely had butterflies in his stomach.


  “Wait here, I’ll go out to meet him,” said Rachel, thinking it would be best if Ryan had some warning. He didn’t like surprises.

  Just as she hurried to the back door he burst in wearing a big grin and clutching a bottle of champagne. “It’s done Babe. Whispers is now officially ours.” This was a nightclub in Torquay they’d set their sights on and Ryan had gone to negotiate a deal.

  “That’s brilliant. Listen, there’s something I need to tell you…”

  “It was a hard sell but I pulled it off. Now I want to take you upstairs, remove all your clothes, spread your legs and …”

  “Hold it right there Casanova. We’ve got a visitor.”

  “Tell them to bugger off. I’ve got plans for you.” His gaze moved past her as movement caught his eye. Ryan was an expert at concealing his thoughts and emotions but he failed to hide his surprise at seeing a carbon copy of himself.

  “Ryan, meet your younger brother, Riley,” said Rachel.

  Riley stepped forward with his hand extended and for one awful moment Rachel thought Ryan wasn’t going to shake it but one look from her was enough to encourage him to accept his hand.

  “What brings you here?” said Ryan, voice cool and emotionless as he hastily retracted his hand.

  “I’m on leave. I’ve been to visit Neil so I thought I’d come here and perhaps build some bridges.”

  “How is Neil?”

  “Losing touch with reality.”

  “I’m sorry.” His tone told Riley and Rachel that he wasn’t.

  The two men sized each other up, Rachel standing between them looking from one to the other in astonishment. Their hair was the same dark brown and their voices had the same deep timbre, although Riley’s accent was pure Mancunian while Ryan’s was smooth Cambridgeshire. They even dressed alike in short black leather jackets and shirts, however Riley wore blue jeans while Ryan wore black trousers.

  “Do you want a brew Ryan?” she said.

  “Actually I think I could use something stronger.”

  Rachel hoped he would crack open the bottle of champagne in his hand but instead he placed it in the fridge and took a bottle of whisky out of the butler’s pantry, tipping a generous measure into a tumbler. “Anyone else want one?” he said before knocking back the contents of the glass and refilling it.

  “Go on then,” said Riley.


  “I’ll stick to tea thanks.”

  Ryan slid a glass across the worktop to Riley, his sharp grey eyes studying every feature, every expression and Riley appeared to be doing the same with his brown eyes, one of the very few differences between them.

  “Well, this is nice,” said Rachel, taking a sip of tea.

  Both men flashed her the same sceptical look.

  “Have you been to Devon before Riley?” she said.

  “No but it’s somewhere I’ve always fancied visiting.”

  “It’s beautiful, there’s so much to see. Ryan can show you around, can’t you?”

  “We’ll see,” was all he was willing to say before taking another swig of whisky.

  “Where are you staying?” Rachel continued.

  “I haven’t found a hotel yet. I wanted to make sure there was a reason for me to stick around first,” he replied, glancing at Ryan.

  “You can stay here, we have a self-contained flat out back, you’ll have your own space,” she said.

  “Err, thanks. That would be great,” he replied. “That’s if I’m not intruding?”

  “Course you’re not, we’d be glad to have you, wouldn’t we Ryan?”

  He chose not to reply.

  “Why don’t you show Riley the flat?” she pressed.


  Rachel took the key for the flat from the kitchen drawer and put it on the counter before Ryan. “Show him,” she said in a hard tone.

  He sighed, put down his glass and picked up the key. “Come on then,” he muttered before striding out the back door.

  “Are you sure he’s okay with this?” Riley asked her as they watched Ryan’s angry figure storm outside.

  “He’s fine, honestly. He can be a grumpy bugger sometimes.”

  Riley picked up his rucksack and followed his brother outside.

  Rachel was disheartened when Ryan returned two minutes later, alone.

  “What have you done with him?” she demanded.

  “I haven’t done anything with him. He’s unpacking. Jesus Rachel, why did you invite him to stay? We own two hotels.”

  “Because I know you Ryan Law. If we’d put him in a hotel you’d have made every excuse not to see him. This way you can’t escape him.”

  “What if I don’t want to see him? Did you ever think of that? Have y
ou forgotten what I told Jez? I’ve got my family and I’m happy. There’s no room for anyone else.”

  “You’re just being stubborn. You’ve both lost brothers, you need each other.”

  “I see what this is.”

  “What is it?”

  “You’re trying to replace the brothers Danny fucking Maguire murdered.”

  Rachel was thrown because she realised he was right. “Is that so bad?”

  “They’re not things that can be replaced. I practically raised those boys single-handed because our so-called mum was so fucking useless and it’s insulting that you think a stranger walking in off the street can possibly be a substitute.”

  He actually shouted this last sentence at her and it was a surprise because it was rare for him to yell at her but he had a point and rather than get angry she just felt sad and guilty. “You’re right, I suppose I am trying to compensate because I’ve always felt their blood was on my hands, especially Adam’s. He was killed because of me.”

  “Adam attacked you and he was one sick bastard. If he’d been successful in kidnapping you he would have done horrible things to you before killing you, he wouldn’t have been able to resist having you at his mercy. I said I don’t blame you for his death and I meant it. I don’t blame the Maguires for killing him either, they were protecting you. Jamie and Simmy were nothing to do with you either, they were retaliation for attacks on the Maguires themselves. You’re blameless.”

  “The Maguires were my family at the time.”

  “There was nothing you could have done to stop it, you had no influence over family business back then and we hadn’t even met. I don’t blame you, I never have, so you don’t need to find substitutes for my dead brothers.”

  “It’s not just that. I’m an only child so I don’t know what it’s like to have siblings but we’ve suffered so much loss. It’s nice being given someone rather than having them taken from us.”

  This gave him pause for thought. “I didn’t think of it like that.”

  “Just talk to him, please. I’m not asking you to become best mates or anything. Just talk and see if you get on.”

  “Alright, I’ll try. For you.”

  She scowled at him.

  “What have I said now?”


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