Fractured (Dividing Line #4)

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Fractured (Dividing Line #4) Page 11

by Heather Atkinson

“Thank God,” he whispered, the relief washing over him. “I don’t want to lose you Beth.”

  “If what you’ve just told me can’t drive me away then nothing will. As long as you haven’t got any other skeletons lurking in the closet?”

  “No, that’s it. Promise.”

  “Thank God for that because I couldn’t take any more.”

  He kissed her and smiled, stroking her hair back off her face. “I mean it though Beth, you don’t need to be afraid of him anymore. I’ll look after you.”

  She nestled into his chest, enjoying the feel of his arms around her. How could a man who had killed his own mother make her feel so safe?


  Alex walked into Katia’s house to be greeted by the tinkle of piano music and candlelight.

  “What’s going on? I can’t bloody see,” he called.

  Katia appeared in the doorway leading into the kitchen, lithe body encased in a tight black dress, frilly white apron tied around her waist. She waved the wooden spoon she brandished at him.

  “Don’t be so grumpy, I am trying to be romantic,” she pouted.


  “Because it’s nice.” She put down the spoon and strolled up to him, enjoying his eyes on her bare legs, the dress barely covering her bottom. “How was your day?”

  “Annoying. Mikey gets worse.”

  “I’m sure you’re capable of dealing with a little boy like that.”

  “He’s nothing but he still winds me up. Anyway, he won’t be a problem for much longer.”

  She snaked her arms around his neck. “Tonight let’s forget about everyone except each other.”

  He kissed her. “Sounds good to me.”

  When he started to push up her dress she took his hands. “Wait. There is something I want to say first.”

  “You don’t usually make an announcement,” he smiled.

  “I am pregnant.”

  When his smile fell she experienced a moment of nervousness. Katia knew it was a calculated risk, she really didn’t have any idea how he was going to react and she hoped her ambition wouldn’t be her downfall.

  “Pregnant?” he spluttered.

  “Yes, about two months I think. I found out today.”

  “But how? You’re on the Pill.”

  “I asked my doctor this. You remember when I was ill for a few days with that stomach bug and I was sick?” She hadn’t really been sick, she’d taken an emetic as part of her ploy. “He said it was possible that stopped it working. It is the only explanation,” she said in her usual confident way. “So are you pleased?”

  “I…wow, I wasn’t expecting this.”

  “I was shocked too but I am pleased because this baby is yours.”

  She’d expected at least a stony silence or for him to storm out. Her worst scenario was a fist in the stomach, she was under no illusions as to what type of man her lover was. Needless to say when he swept her into his arms and kissed her she was astonished.

  “I love you,” he smiled.

  “You’re not upset?”

  “The woman I love is carrying my baby. Why would I be upset?”

  For once Katia was speechless. Eventually she recovered her voice. “I am so happy that you are happy.”

  Tenderly he cupped her face. “You are the woman I want and we will be a family one day soon, the three of us,” he said, stroking her stomach.

  For the first time in their relationship Alex made gentle love to her and Katia revelled in her happiness. However she would not forget how quickly and easily Beth had fallen out of favour. She would never allow the same thing to happen to herself.

  The sickness that had dogged Mikey since he and Jez had decided to kill Alex refused to dissipate. As he trudged into The Wherry Tavern for a meeting with the man himself he was tempted to have a short to steady his nerves but he thought he might throw up if he did. He kept thinking of him not as Alex Maguire, lunatic and all-round dangerous bastard but his cousin, Martina and Frank’s son. He recalled how great he’d been when Danny had been murdered, how he’d been a rock for them all to cling to, especially Rachel. They’d banded together to catch Danny’s killer and he’d encouraged and helped Rachel when she’d decided to go legitimate. Now he was a completely different person and he wished the old Alex would come back, the two of them had worked so well together. Alex used to listen to what he had to say and if he didn’t agree - which was rare - he’d tell him in a respectful way and often convince Mikey that he was right with logic and reason. Now he just did what he wanted and sneered at everything Mikey said, even if it made sense, Col Sugar egging him on. Mikey knew part of his problem with Alex was that he’d hurt his pride and he worried that was the only reason he wanted him gone, but after learning about the human trafficking operation he was even more convinced that he was doing the right thing. This went beyond criminality. Alex was lost in the realms of evil.

  Mikey walked through the pub and down the little corridor that led to the door of Alex’s office. When he tried to push it open it refused to budge. Mikey knocked on the door, becoming concerned. It was only locked if the occupants were discussing something sensitive.

  When it still refused to open he knocked again harder and shouted for whoever was inside to open up. A few seconds later there was the click of the lock and the door was pulled open by a very smug Col Sugar.

  “Why was the door locked?” demanded Mikey, striding inside.

  Alex gave him that infuriating smile of his from behind the desk that made Mikey feel like he’d missed something very important.

  “Col and I were just discussing a bit of business, nothing for you to worry about.”

  “Please tell me you weren’t discussing those stupid stately home robberies.”

  “We were, among other things,” replied Alex meaningfully, his eyes flicking to Col, who smiled.

  Mikey looked from one to the other. “What’s going on? Are you two shagging? Brings new meaning to the term ‘right hand’ doesn’t it Col?”

  “Why do you always talk about sex? Not getting enough at home?” said Alex.

  Mikey ignored the comment. “Are you still pressing ahead with this fucking daft idea?”

  “Yes we are,” said Alex, chest puffing up with anger. “And you can keep your questions to yourself. If you don’t want to be a part of it then keep your fucking beak out.”

  “I’m trying to stop you doing something that’s going to get you nicked, that’s what a good second should do,” replied Mikey, casting a meaningful look at Col.

  “It might come as a surprise to you Mikey but I know what I’m fucking doing,” yelled Alex. He took a deep breath and continued in a quieter voice. “Now, there’s something else I want to discuss with you. Frankie McVay’s coming down for a visit.”

  “Oh great,” groaned Mikey. “When?”

  “In one week. He wants to consider a way of altering the distribution line to make it more cost-effective,” he said derisively. “He sounded like a fucking bank manager on the phone. It’s just an excuse to have a snoop around. I want you to keep him out of my hair.”

  “You want me to babysit Frankie McVay? Are you serious? There’s no way he’ll fall for that. If I try to stop him doing what he wants he’ll cut off my head and put it in a Tupperware box.”

  “Wouldn’t that be a tragedy,” said Col sardonically.

  “Shut your little bitch up will you Alex?” said Mikey in a bored tone.

  “Please, both of you,” said Alex, sounding like an admonishing teacher. “McVay’s been paying just a little too much attention to my business dealings lately.”

  Mikey was intrigued “Why?”

  “Because he’s a nosey ginger tosspot and I want him packed off back to Glasgow as soon as possible.”

  Mikey wondered if Frankie had got wind of his human trafficking operation. Alex did seem edgy.

  “I’m sorry Alex but you’re best just sitting down with him and talking. The sooner you do the sooner he’ll go h
ome, you know how much he hates coming to England.”

  “Don’t tell me how to run my business Mikey. Now he’s flying in next Friday…”

  “Will you listen to me for once? I am not doing it. If you want a babysitter get this prick to do it,” said Mikey, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder at Col.

  “How dare you disobey me?” yelled Alex, shooting to his feet.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” retorted Mikey.

  “The head of this family and you will do as I say.”

  “Have you heard yourself? Frank and Danny would never have spoken to anyone the way you do.”

  “Yeah well they’re dead, their weakness got them killed.”

  “No it didn’t. Two insane bastards did that, Terry and Benton. Come to think of it, you’re a lot like Terry. Greedy and vicious. You don’t give a shit about anyone but yourself. One day someone will kill you just like you killed him,” snarled Mikey before spinning on his heel. His jaw dropped when he saw the door had been opened - no doubt by Col - and Jez was standing there looking like he’d just heard everything. When Mikey glanced back at Alex he saw he was smirking. The bastard had set him up. Little did he know his plan had backfired, but Mikey wanted him to think it had worked. He didn’t even glance at Jez as he barged out of the office.

  Jez stepped inside and closed the door behind him. “What was that about?”

  Alex sighed heavily, as though something was weighing on his mind. “You’d better take a seat mate.”

  Jez did and regarded Alex expectantly.

  “It’s only fair to warn you, seeing how we’re business partners, that my professional relationship with Mikey has deteriorated.”

  “Why?” he replied perfectly calmly, being careful to give nothing away.

  “Can I trust you to keep this to yourself?”

  Jez nodded.

  “I think Mikey wants to take over and get me out of the way.”

  Jez was grateful for his brother’s tutelage, it enabled him to act completely surprised. “Are you sure? I always thought you were close.”

  “We used to be but he’s got greedy lately, wanting more and more.”

  “I heard him threaten you.”

  “Mikey’s full of hot air, or at least that’s what I used to think.” His eyes settled on Jez, who stared back at him perfectly composed, carefully cultivating the poker face he’d learnt from Ryan. “You’ve always got on well with Mikey.”

  “It’s good for business,” replied Jez.

  “And if Mikey was no longer a part of that business?”

  Jez shrugged. “It wouldn’t change our arrangement, it’s too profitable.”

  Alex smiled. “I always knew you were sensible.”

  “What do you want from me?”

  “Nothing Jez, leave it in my hands.”

  “I’m happy to. As long as it doesn’t affect business I don’t have a problem.”

  “Good man. There’s something else I want to discuss with you. Frankie McVay.”

  Jez groaned inwardly.

  The moment he was out of sight of The Wherry Tavern Jez pulled over and called Mikey.

  “What did that bastard say? He set me up,” Mikey yelled down the phone the moment he answered.

  “Calm down, you’re going to burst my bloody eardrum,” replied Jez. “But you’re right, he’s definitely going to top you. He practically told me as much. He tried to make out that he’s worried you’re going to kill him first and that he’s all sweet and innocent.”

  “Bastard,” roared Mikey, making Jez wince.

  “Alright, take it easy. Listen, I’ve arranged to have the buyer of the heroin we suspect is going to Alex’s brothel followed. Hopefully soon we’ll be able to confirm it.” Whenever Jez thought about being duped like that fury welled up inside him. He’d made a lot of money from the deal but it was the fact that he’d had one pulled over him that made him angry. He couldn’t shake the feeling that Ryan wouldn’t have been so easily fooled. “I’ll call you when I know,” continued Jez. “It’s probably best if we’re not seen in public together for a while. Alex will expect me to distance myself from you and we have to play along.”

  “Alright, as long as you’re not really avoiding me.”

  “Don’t get paranoid. You’re the only one I can trust.”

  “Okay,” replied Mikey, the tension in his voice relaxing slightly. “Did he tell you Frankie McVay’s coming in a few days?”

  “Yeah he did. That can’t be good,” sighed Jez, pinching the bridge of his nose.

  “Cheeky wanker said he wanted me to babysit him to keep him out of the way, like that would work. I’ve got the feeling Alex has something nasty planned for Frankie’s visit. We need to hit him before he gets here.”

  “Agreed. Meet me at the lock up tonight at eight.” There was a hesitation on the other end. “Mikey, are you still there?”

  “Yeah I am.”

  “You’re nervous about meeting me alone? Jesus if we can’t trust each other what hope is there?”

  “You’re not the one Alex wants dead.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that. I’m quite certain I’m second on his list. He’s always thought the Maguires should control the heroin.”

  “True. Alright, I’ll see you at eight. Alone.”

  “You will.”

  Jez hung up and rested his head back in the seat wishing his big brother was here.


  Amber was worried. It was only six in the morning but she knew Mikey had been up for a lot longer than that. He’d lain beside her tossing and turning before getting up and making himself a coffee. He hadn’t come back to bed. In fact he was behaving so unlike her Mikey that she was scared. Was his problem business or personal? Had what she’d always feared finally happened and he’d got bored with her?

  She carried Josh into the kitchen on her hip. Mikey was slumped at the table staring miserably into his coffee. His face lit up when he saw his son. Amber had no doubt he loved the boy. The question was, did he love her?

  “Do you want another coffee?” she asked him almost hesitantly.

  “No thanks, I’ve had loads of the stuff already,” he said, pushing his mug away.

  Amber settled Josh into his high chair and set about making his breakfast. She desperately wanted to ask Mikey the question that had been tormenting her for days but couldn’t find the courage. She’d never had much self confidence but Mikey had brought her out of her shell a bit, another reason she loved him so much but lately her new-found confidence had taken a severe knock. If she lost Mikey she didn’t know what she’d do. He’d bought their little family a lovely big house not too far from Alex and Beth’s in the suburbs. For the first time in her life she had a garden, nice neighbours and she lived in the lap of luxury, but it meant nothing without Mikey.

  “So, what have you got planned for today?” she said, trying to sound cheerful.

  “Nothing much.”

  She knew it was a lie, he didn’t realise it but she could read him like a book. She wondered if he was going to see whoever it was he was cheating on her with.

  “I thought I’d take Josh to the park. He loves feeding the ducks. Fancy coming with us?”

  “Sorry, I can’t.”

  “I thought you said you didn’t have much on.”

  “I don’t but I’m meeting Jez. It can’t be changed. I want you to take Josh and go away for a while.”

  Tears filled her eyes. It was finally happening, he wanted rid of her.

  “What’s wrong?” he said, getting to his feet and sliding an arm around her waist.

  Amber recalled the promise she’d made herself when she found out she was pregnant to him and was determined to keep it. She wouldn’t let him walk all over her. “If you want rid of me just say so, you don’t need to send me away. I’ll go, I won’t stop you seeing Josh. All I want is for you to be happy.”

  “Oh Amber, I don’t want rid of you, I love you.”

u do?” she said, huge green eyes filling with relief.

  “Yes, so much,” he replied, kissing her. “I’m sorry Babe, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “You’ve been so distant lately, I was frightened you’d gone off me.”

  “That’s not possible, okay? You’re my girl.”

  She grinned, threw her arms around him and kissed him. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too. Don’t forget it again,” he smiled. Amber swallowed hard when his expression turned serious. “I want you and Josh to go away for your own safety. Things are going to get rough around here and I don’t want you getting caught up in it.”

  “This is to do with Alex, isn’t it?”

  Mikey knew Amber was a lot smarter than she gave herself credit for. “Yes.”

  “He’s changed, he scares me.”

  “He’s out of control. I’ve arranged for you to stay in a villa in Italy. Cathy and the kids will be going with you. Me and Jez will meet you out there when it’s safe.”

  “And when will that be? When Alex is dead?”

  “The less you know the better.”

  “What if you end up getting killed?”

  “That won’t happen.”

  “This is Alex Maguire we’re talking about. I’ve always kept my nose out of your business but you’re my man. I couldn’t stand it if I lost you.”

  “You won’t, I promise.”

  He pulled a small black box out of his jeans pocket and her eyes widened when he opened it to reveal a huge sparkling engagement ring.

  “When this is over I’m going to marry you. I don’t know why I haven’t done it already because I’m crazy about you. I’ve not looked at another woman since we got together. That’s if you’ll have me?”

  “Yes,” she squealed before hurling herself at him.

  “God I love you Amber,” he breathed, holding onto her for dear life, burying his face in her red hair.

  “I love you too. Please stay safe.”

  “I will, for you and our boy.”

  Amber had never prayed for anyone’s death before but now she prayed for Alex Maguire’s and she didn’t feel one flicker of guilt about it.


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