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Fractured (Dividing Line #4)

Page 13

by Heather Atkinson

  “Jesus, look at the state of you,” said Alex, lip curling with disgust. “I’ve just been shot at and I’m looking a fucking sight better than you are.”

  “Don’t get on my case Alex. Amber has left me and taken Josh with her.”

  “Can’t say I blame her if that’s what you look like at home.”

  Mikey knew Alex didn’t give a shit and although it annoyed him he was also glad that he didn’t have to delve into any uncomfortable explanations.

  “The fucking Barlow brothers tried to kill me. Now we have to hit back before they try again. The question is, how do we do it?” Alex looked to Mikey, who released a loud belch when he opened his mouth to speak and staggered on his feet. “Fucking sit down before you fall down. What a mess. No wonder Amber left you.”

  Mikey scowled at him as he fell into the chair in the corner, his stomach churning and he prayed he didn’t throw up. However if he did it would only give his story more credence.

  “Col, any ideas?” said Alex, turning away from Mikey and looking at him instead.

  As they discussed the situation they seemingly forgot about Mikey’s presence, which only confirmed how right he’d been to strike first.

  “Where the fuck is Jez?” demanded Alex.

  Right on cue the man himself burst in looking angry and pointed an accusing finger at Mikey.

  “You stupid bastard. What the hell did you do to Amber? She’s only gone abroad taking Cathy and my kids with her.”

  “I wish I fucking knew. She said she’s had enough.”

  “Been tomcatting about again have you? You daft wanker, you’ve got a diamond in Amber and you treat her like shit.”

  “I haven’t looked at another woman, I love her.”

  “Lying bastard. You must have done something, she’s not the type to do one for no reason. Actually I don’t care what’s happened, it’s between you two. What I’m concerned with is the fact that she’s taken my family along with her. Why am I being punished because you’re such an arsehole?”

  As had been prearranged, Mikey hauled himself to his feet and stood nose to nose with Jez. “Don’t call me an arsehole you prick. Maybe if you weren’t such a miserable bastard Cathy would have stuck around.”

  Mikey didn’t dare tense his muscles for what was coming, Alex would pick up on it. Consequently when Jez’s fist connected with his face he was knocked off his feet. Just like his older brother he was a powerful fighter.

  “Stop it right now. I almost died today so the last thing I want is your pathetic scrapping,” said Alex, putting himself between them. When Mikey started to heave he pointed a finger at Dom. “Get him out of here before he pukes on my floor.”

  Dom hauled Mikey to his feet and pulled him to the door. A few seconds later there came the sound of retching followed by Dom’s groan of disgust.

  “Are you calm?” Alex roared at Jez.

  He just nodded, body rigid with tension. Both his and Mikey’s families going abroad at the same time on the very day Alex was shot at could be deemed highly suspicious and it was a gamble but it looked like their charade had worked because Alex retook his seat. Jez assumed Mikey’s drunken state had gone a long way to giving them some credibility.

  Mikey and Dom re-entered the room, Mikey wiping his mouth on a handkerchief given to him by Dom, his eyes bloodshot.

  “He got sick on my shoe,” Dom grimaced.

  “I don’t give a fuck,” yelled Alex. “Why is everyone so concerned with petty fucking problems? Being shot at is a problem and I want the bastards slit open for it.” His big chest heaved with rage, hands balled into fists. He was so angry he spat the next words out. “Ron’s gone to my house to get Beth and the kids.” Ron was the second in the trio of heavies. “I want them sent away before whoever went after me goes after them. Oh what now?” he sighed when his phone rang.

  Jez and Mikey couldn’t help but glance at each other when Alex went completely silent and turned a worrying shade of puce. “Do not fucking move, got it?” He slammed the phone down on the desk and Mikey swallowed hard when he glowered at him, convinced he’d been found out and was about to get a bullet through his skull. His thoughts immediately turned to Amber and Josh.

  “Beth’s fucking done one.”

  “What?” said Mikey, completely thrown.

  “You get more and more stupid. The bitch has had the fucking audacity to run off and take my kids with her. I want them found and brought back. Now.”

  “Do you know where they’ve gone?” said Jez.

  “If I knew where they’d gone don’t you think I’d be on my way there right now instead of talking to you? I want them found. No one takes my kids from me.”

  Mikey hoped they were never found because if Alex ever got his hands on Beth he’d kill her.

  “Jez, take that home and get it sobered up,” said Alex, jabbing his finger at Mikey. “Then I want you to put feelers out for the Barlow brothers, I want you to find them. Col, Dom, you’re coming with me. Call the Jordans, tell them to meet us at my house.”

  With that they left, leaving Mikey and Jez behind, who looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

  Alex drove like a madman through the city streets. Col was amazed they didn’t get pulled. When they sped up the drive he slammed on the brakes, jolting them all in their seats and threw the door open, racing up to the front door and charging inside to be greeted by Ron.

  “Where is she?” he snarled.

  “I’ve no idea,” replied Ron. “She left this,” he said, holding out a note.

  Alex snatched it out of his hand. The note was curt. All it told him was that Beth was sick of the abuse and wasn’t going to put her kids or herself at risk anymore and she was going somewhere he’d never find her.

  “The bitch,” he yelled, snatching up a vase and hurling it against the wall. Then he rushed upstairs to see what she’d taken. Nothing much was gone, just some of her clothes as well as the kids clothes, a few toys and all her valuable jewellery, no doubt to fund her journey. Alex had never felt fury like it, not even when someone shot at him today. “Is her car still in the garage?” he asked Ron.


  “I want you two to find her. Forget everything else and find my wife and kids.”

  “What about the Barlow brothers?” said Ron.

  “Forget about those wankers, they’re nothing to do with the shooting.”

  “They’re not?”

  Alex glanced at Col, who smiled and shook his head.

  “What?” frowned Ron, anxiously scratching his stubble.

  “It was Mikey and Jez who tried to kill me today. They were the ones on the bike. My guess is Mikey pulled the trigger. He put on a little show to convince us he’d been drinking all day, no doubt he downed a load of whisky straight after he tried to kill me. It was all a ploy to throw me off the scent. They made a mistake sending their families away the same day they try to assassinate me, stupid bastards. I knew it would happen one day. Mikey wants to seize control. I’m fucking lucky I had the bullet proof glass installed.”

  “What are you going to do?” said Ron, stunned.

  “It’s fucking funny how Beth does one just as Mikey and Jez try this, don’t you think? It’s like she’s been got out of the way as much as Cathy and Amber.” Alex looked at Col. “There’s only one place she’d run to, her best friend.” He closed his eyes as his mother’s words came screaming back to him, her shrill voice piercing his brain. Every time he thought about it his rage threatened to boil over. “All that about Ryan and Rachel wanting a fresh start was bullshit. They’re commanding Mikey and Jez. Do you think either of them could arrange a hit on anyone? Both of them are fucking useless. The Laws are trying to take it all.” He looked to Col. “Let’s take a little trip down to Devon.”

  Col smiled and nodded. Finally.

  “Where are the bloody Jordans?” exclaimed Alex.

  “On their way. I couldn’t get hold of Nick but I spoke to Robbie. He said he’d roun
d up his brother and meet us…wait, here they are,” said Col, looking out of the window as Robbie parked his car beside his own black BMW. “Only Robbie’s here.”

  Alex looked like the top of his head was going to explode and Col thought if he didn’t start cooling it one day he’d give himself a heart attack.

  “Why does everyone keep letting me down? Honestly Col you’re the only one I can rely on.”

  Col tried not to preen with pride. He was loyal to Alex but every king eventually fell and when Alex inevitably did he’d make sure he was waiting in the wings to take the throne.

  “Where’s your brother?” Alex demanded of Robbie the moment he came through the door.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t find him. He’s not at his flat and he’s not answering his phone. No doubt he’s shacked up with some tart.” Robbie was as nervous as hell. He knew exactly where his older brother was, he’d helped with the travel arrangements then watched him drive off with this man’s wife and children. On top of that Robbie was supposed to be meeting them, they’d invited him to go with them. He was scared and confused and as yet had no idea how he was going to handle the situation. For now he’d just pray that Alex didn’t link Nick’s disappearance to his wife’s.

  “Keep looking for him, it’s all hands on deck,” said Alex. “Col, go home and pack a bag, we’re off to Devon. Today. While you do that, there’s someone I need to meet.”


  DCI Taylor anxiously waited for Alex Maguire to turn up for their meeting. The abandoned warehouse in Moss Side where they’d arranged to meet did nothing to soothe his nerves. He hated being at that bastard’s beck and call but he’d had little choice. Gambling had always been his greatest weakness. Not only had it led to his wife leaving him and only getting to see his kids twice a month but in order to keep a roof over his head he’d had to accept Alex’s offer of rendering him little services in exchange for a hefty payment each month. The money had taken the financial strain off but put it on in other ways. He was constantly terrified his colleagues were going to find him out and he’d go to prison for years. Police officers didn’t do well in prison and that worry was growing with each passing month as Alex’s demands became more bizarre the more unhinged he became, his paranoia reaching unprecedented heights and he feared what he was going to ask him to do next.

  Taylor’s throat went dry when he heard the rumble of a car engine. There was the slam of a door then footsteps approaching. For once those footsteps weren’t slow and taunting but quick and staccato, indicating the source of that noise was agitated. Great, he thought. An edgy Alex Maguire was even more dangerous and unreasonable.

  “I need you to do something for me,” Alex opened.

  Taylor’s large forehead creased with annoyance. Alex treated him more like a servant than a detective chief inspector. “What?” he said, hating the defeat in his tone.

  “My wife has gone.”


  “No. The stupid bitch has run off with my kids. I want them brought back.”

  “She left of her own free will?”


  “Then there’s nothing I can do. If she’d been kidnapped then of course I would intervene…”

  Alex stood nose to nose with him. “I don’t want to make this fucking official, I want the daft bint brought home. She is not allowed to leave me.”

  Taylor didn’t even try to hide his incredulity. “She’s a grown woman, she can do what she likes.”

  “She can’t run off with my children, they belong to me.”

  “I beg to differ, they’re not possessions. I’m sorry but there’s nothing I can do.”

  Alex’s eyes burned with fury. “If you weren’t a fucking copper I’d put a bullet in that huge head of yours.”

  Something in Taylor snapped. He was not one to be bullied and he glared right back at him. “Don’t ever talk to me like that again. I’m not one of your sycophants. You’ve surrounded yourself with so many yes men you can’t stand it when someone says no to you. If your wife’s left you that’s your problem, you’re not the first man it’s happened to. I will not drag an innocent woman back to be physically and mentally tortured by you. You want her, you go find her.”

  “You’re making a big mistake.” Alex had to spit the words out because his jaw was so tense he could barely speak.

  “You’re right, I did, when I let you wrap me round your little finger. Well not anymore, I’ve had a gutful. Everyone has their limit and you’ve pushed me to mine.”

  “You’re dead Taylor, do you know that?”

  Taylor snorted with laughter. “You’re going to kill a DCI, seriously? Even if you do put it out that I let myself be corrupted by you my colleagues will still hunt you down because no one kills one of us and gets away with it. And what will all your business partners think when they find out what you’ve done? Imagine what Frankie McVay will do.” He noticed Alex’s eyes widen and he smiled. “Oh yeah, I know all about your little deal with Glasgow. I’ve kept it quiet, for now. Killing a copper is stupid because it draws so much attention. Not only will you be hunted by us but by Glasgow too. The Maguires would be finished on your watch.” He revelled in the wrath in Alex’s eyes. “Come to think of it, you’d be doing Manchester a favour. Go on Alex, take your best shot,” he cried, holding out his arms. “Kill me and kill your own family at the same time.”

  Taylor’s heart hammered in his chest when he saw Alex’s hand slide into his inner jacket pocket, no doubt seeking the gun he kept there. He wouldn’t have put it past him to do something so reckless and he could see the inner struggle taking place. Then common sense won out and he retracted his hand. He grabbed Taylor by the shirtfront and yanked him close. “You’re fucking finished, I promise you that.”

  Taylor thought of the wife he loved who hated him, the kids he rarely got to see and his mountain of debts. “You know what Alex, you’d probably be doing me a favour.”

  With an angry snarl Alex shoved him away and stormed out. Taylor listened to the sound of his car speeding away and sighed with relief. He’d just made one very dangerous enemy but the sense of fear was accompanied by elation. He’d always been proud of the fact that he was good at his job and that his service history was a long and proud one. Alex Maguire had taken that from him but now he had it back. At least in one sense he was free.

  Beth walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

  “Are they all asleep?” smiled Nick.

  “Yeah, finally. They were so excited it took them ages to drop off.”

  He held out a glass of wine and patted the seat on the couch beside him. Beth smiled, accepted the wine and gratefully sat down.

  “I can’t believe we’ve actually done it,” she said, taking a sip of wine. She gazed out at the lights of Weymouth harbour below. As usual Alex hadn’t come home the previous night so she and Nick had woken the kids at four in the morning and driven non-stop to Weymouth in Dorset. They’d booked into a beautiful Victorian seafront hotel for the night under an assumed name then tomorrow they’d drive on to Plymouth where Nick had arranged for them to stay in a cottage until they could get to France on his friend’s boat.

  “But are you happy?” he said.

  She kissed him. “Very, even though I’m frightened he’ll find us.”

  “He won’t. I’ve covered our tracks too well. Soon we’ll be in Paris, the most romantic city in the world and from there we’ll fly to America, our new home.”

  “And Alex definitely won’t find us?”

  “No, I promise. You don’t need to be scared of him anymore.”

  “It’s Alfie’s fear as well as mine. He’s terrified of him catching up with us.”

  “What about Holly and Archie?”

  “Holly’s too young to understand and Archie’s so excited about Disneyland he seems to have forgotten all about his dad. Alfie’s always been older and wiser, he knows the score.” Her eyes filled with tears. “Just before he fell asleep he
told me he saw Alex hit me the first time. No wonder he’s been so quiet and withdrawn lately. I hate it that my baby has suffered so much.”

  Nick hugged her tight. “He won’t have to go through that again. We’ll give the kids a good life and maybe one day we’ll have one of our own.”

  She smiled and kissed him, ecstatic that the future was now so bright. When she straddled him and took him inside her they both forgot all about Alex Maguire.

  As Frankie descended from the small private plane clutching a holdall, Mikey resisted the urge to jump back in his car and drive away. Quickly. He eyed the leather bag in Frankie’s hand and wondered if it contained a hatchet and a Tupperware box and if part of his anatomy was going to end up in it. It didn’t help when Frankie looked very pissed off to see him standing there.

  “Where the fuck is Alex?”

  “Some urgent business came up. He asked me to send his apologies. I’ve to take you to The Wherry Tavern.” It was a lie, he’d no idea where Alex was, he’d disappeared, Col Sugar too. He’d just received a curt text ordering him to collect Frankie from the private airfield and take him to the pub. As much as he hated being stuck with this job he had no choice but to do it. Leaving Frankie hanging would only unleash hell.

  “What could be more important than meeting me?” said Frankie.


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