Fractured (Dividing Line #4)

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Fractured (Dividing Line #4) Page 14

by Heather Atkinson

  It took Mikey a moment to realise he was being serious. “It’s big Frankie. Someone tried to top him.”

  Frankie leaned into him, eyes wide and unblinking, freaking Mikey out, he was sure Frankie could read what he’d done on his face.

  “Me and you need to have a wee talk. Take me to the pub, I need a bevvy.”

  Mikey nodded, grateful when Frankie broke eye contact. However in the car it was even worse. It was like driving with a rattlesnake on speed in the passenger seat. Frankie couldn’t stop fidgeting and sighing loudly. He didn’t speak until they were clear of the airfield.

  “So what happened?” opened Frankie.

  “Someone tried to shoot him when he drove out of the compound.”

  “Jesus, is he alright?”

  “Yeah, he’d had bullet proof glass fitted in his car.” Unfortunately.

  “Any idea who did it?”

  “He reckons it was the Barlow brothers from Moss Side, he’s been doing some business with them and thinks they might have got greedy. He wants this sorting sooner rather than later.”

  Frankie appeared thoughtful. “So he has bullet proof glass installed just before someone tries to shoot him. He knew he was in danger?”

  “Things have been tense between us and Moss Side for a while.”

  “There’s always tension in our line of work. The timing’s funny, I don’t like it.”

  Unease crept up Mikey’s spine. “Alex has a good instinct, he must have known trouble was coming.”

  “There was a lot of friction at the funeral between Alex and Rachel.”

  “They were both grieving and Alex is worried he won’t see his niece now Martina’s gone,” replied Mikey, trying to keep his voice light. Even though he was looking straight ahead he felt Frankie’s eyes boring into him.

  “You really believe Rachel and Ryan are well out of it?” said Frankie.

  “I know they are. They’re happy.”

  “The Jordans shit them up?”

  “Big style.”

  “I didn’t think they’d lose their nerve like that.”

  “They’ve not lost their nerve, I don’t think they ever could. Their kids come first and after what happened to Thomas they’re afraid of the others getting caught in the crossfire.”

  “It’s a bloody shame because they were born to be in this business. Alex has been letting things slide lately, he’s unstable and sloppy. Things ran like clockwork when Danny was alive. They did when Alex took over but he’s changed. He lets his temper get the better of him. He reminds me of that arsehole Terry.”

  Mikey knew if he agreed too readily he’d look like a treacherous bastard. “The money’s rolling in.”

  “He’s getting people’s backs up, including mine and that’s never good.”

  “Is that why you’re here?”

  Frankie gave one stern nod. “Me and him need to have a talk and the arsehole’s not got the decency to be here. Where is he exactly?”

  “I don’t know Frankie.”

  “He didn’t tell his number two where he was going?” He shook his head disapprovingly. “No one’s got his back.”

  “I think he’s taken Col with him.”

  “That guy’s a dick. I don’t like him and I don’t trust him. His head’s so far up Alex’s arse he could lick his tonsils. He’s too busy telling him what he wants to hear to give him good advice.”

  “Tell me about it,” sighed Mikey as they entered the city centre.

  Frankie remained in angry silence until they pulled up outside The Wherry Tavern.

  “It looks empty,” frowned Mikey. Curiously the lights appeared to be off, the pub radiating an air of barrenness and somehow danger.

  “I don’t like this. My shit-o-meter’s going wu-tang,” said Frankie.

  “Why don’t you wait here while I check it out?”

  Frankie was disgusted. “What do you think I am, a fucking lassie? You talk to me like that again and your cock will end up in my Tupperware box.”

  “Sorry Frankie.”

  “I’ll forget it, just this once. Let’s go,” he said, eyes shining with excitement.

  They hopped out of the car and approached the pub, looking up and down the street for danger but all was quiet. Mikey entered first, heart pounding in his chest as he pushed the door open. Usually he was greeted by the sound of talking and laughter but there was only silence. Inside it was dim and he squinted to see in the gloom.

  “What the fuck is going on?” said Frankie.

  “I have no idea.”

  The swooshing sound cutting through the air alerted Mikey to the danger and he just had time to shove Frankie out of the way before the baseball bat connected with the back of his head. Mikey slammed his fist into the assailant’s face, feeling the bone of the man’s nose disintegrate beneath the force of the blow and he fell to the floor, unconscious.

  Mikey was alarmed when Frankie pulled a hatchet from inside his jacket and raised it over his head. Mikey braced himself for the impact but the hatchet embedded itself in the shoulder of the man standing behind him holding a knife he hadn’t even realised was there.

  The man dropped the knife and stared in horror at the weapon stuck in his flesh. “Get it out, get it out,” he screamed.

  Mikey punched him in the side of the head and he dropped beside his fallen comrade.

  The third attacker who emerged from behind the bar was smarter. He threw down the machete and ran for the door, but they grabbed him and hauled him back inside. Mikey held him while Frankie punched him in the stomach, doubling him up.

  “Recognise these arseholes?” said Frankie.

  “Yeah. This one is Stu and the one with the broken nose is Jeff, the Barlow brothers from Moss Side. The spare prick is their best mate. They run drugs for Alex.” He didn’t use the word us in case Frankie associated him with this whole fuck-up.

  “The same Barlow brothers Alex thought tried to top him?”

  Mikey nodded.

  “Interesting.” Frankie took a few practice swings with the machete before waving it in Stu’s face. “Which stupid suicidal eejit put you up to this?”

  Stu’s mouth remained firmly clamped shut and he shook his head.

  “Fine, I’ll ask your brother instead.”

  Frankie stood over the groaning man, who was starting to come round. He stepped on his wrist and pressed down, causing his fingers to go rigid. There was a flash of metal followed by a thud as the blade of the machete cut through his hand, severing it mid-palm and embedded itself in the floor. Jeff screamed with pain and gaped at his ruined appendage before passing out.

  “Another wee trophy to add to my collection.” Frankie yanked the machete out of the wooden floor and pointed it at Stu. “Start talking before I turn your brother into a kebab.” He grinned. “I fucking love kebabs.”

  Stu shook his head again, struggling in Mikey’s grip, who held him fast.

  “Oh good. I was hoping you’d do that,” said Frankie, rictus grin growing even wider. “It’s going to be hard enough for your brother to cope with only one hand. I wonder how he’ll manage with one foot too. He’ll probably walk round in circles,” he quipped before roaring with laughter.

  “Wait,” cried Stu when Frankie raised the machete again.

  Frankie lowered the weapon, disappointed.

  “It was Alex Maguire. Oh Jesus he’s going to kill me for grassing.”

  In two strides Frankie was in front of him, teeth gritted together. Stu nearly wet himself when his eyes rolled back in his head, a trait when he was consumed by rage.

  “Why would Alex do that to Frankie?” demanded Mikey, his grip on the man tightening.

  “We weren’t to top him, it was to look like a set up, as though you were leading him into a trap.”

  “Alex wants Frankie to think that I want him dead?” said Mikey, incredulous. “Why?”

  “So Frankie would kill you. Alex wants you out,” replied Stu in a defeated tone.

  “And he
was going to use me to do it. Bastard,” roared Frankie. He jammed the machete under Stu’s chin, tilting his face up, causing the man’s knees to tremble. “Where’s the treacherous two-faced twat now?”

  “I don’t know. We were to call him when it was done. That’s all I know, I swear.”

  “Let him go Mikey,” hissed Frankie.

  “Thank you,” breathed Stu when Mikey obeyed.

  Mikey had seen a lot of violence in his time but it was a first even for him when Frankie decapitated Stu. It was quite a surreal experience. One minute Stu’s head was on his neck, the next it was lying on the floor, surprised eyes staring up at the ceiling, mouth hanging open.

  Frankie sighed at the head. “I’m going to need a bigger Tupperware box.”

  “You’re not seriously going to take it?” said Mikey, feeling sick.

  “This bastard set me up. He’s going to be mounted on my wall next to Jan Jordan’s hands.”

  Mikey wanted to throw up. The room stunk like a charnel house. This bar had always been a happy place for Mikey, the scene of so many Maguire celebrations. After this he’d never feel comfortable here again, that’s if he lived that long.

  Jeff came round to see his brother’s head lying on the floor and started to scream all over again. Frankie kicked him in the face and he went silent for a third time.

  “First things first, we have to clean up this shit then we need to find Alex fucking Maguire,” said Frankie.

  “I’ll call my crew,” said Mikey, pulling out his phone.

  “Just hold it.” This time the machete was aimed at him. “How do I know your wee pals won’t come in here and finish the job on me? How do I know you’re not part of this?”

  “You heard him,” said Mikey, gesturing at Stu’s body. “Alex wants me dead. We need to stick together if we’re going to survive.”

  “Right now I don’t trust you any more than I trust Alex.”

  Mikey knew he had to prove himself to Frankie but he couldn’t tell him about the failed hit on Alex or his head would join Stu’s on the floor. Alex may have become Frankie’s enemy but he was still his business partner and Frankie would take it as a personal insult that Mikey had tried to kill him. “Alex has been losing the plot lately. He’s been treating Beth and everyone else around him like shit. Martina had a go at him before she died.”

  “Course she did it before she died, unless she’s come back to haunt him, you prick,” sneered Frankie, gripping the machete tighter.

  Mikey swallowed hard. “She told him Frank wanted Rachel running the family, not him or Danny.”

  It was a surprise to Mikey when Frankie nodded sagely. “He was a smart fucking man. Maybe if he had put her in charge we wouldn’t be in this mess now and I’d be at home with my feet up admiring my trophies and watching the money rolling in instead of being stuck in sodding England. Again.”

  “Anyway, it sent Alex over the edge. He hates Rachel.”

  “I fucking knew it. That show he put on at the wake didn’t fool me.”

  “I’m sure it’s not just that, there’s more to it, something to do with Ryan. For some reason he’s got it in his head that they want to take over.”

  “Do they?”

  “No. They’re happy down south. All they want to do is run their legitimate businesses and spend time with their kids.”

  “We’ll see. There’s no smoke without fire. They’d be a fucking sight better at it than Alex.”

  “Now wait a minute Frankie…”

  But he wasn’t listening. “Beautiful. Alex is out, Rachel and Ryan are in.”

  “They’ll never agree to it, it’s not what they want.”

  “They know a good opportunity when they see it. Get Jez and your clean-up crew down here then let’s go topple the king.”


  Mikey went quiet when he found himself looking at the bloodied tip of the machete.

  “You do realise Alex is fucking dead after this?” said Frankie, breathing hard, eyes rolling back in his head again. “His head will take pride of place on my wall.”

  “Yeah and I’m with you Frankie.”

  “Good. Now get on the phone while I fetch my Tupperware box from the car.”

  “Oh shit,” sighed Mikey, tugging his phone from his pocket, wondering how he’d got himself into this mess.


  Alex stopped by his house to pick up a change of clothes then drove to Katia’s, leaving Col waiting in the car while he went inside.

  “I was not expecting you,” Katia said, delighted to see him. “I was just making some lunch if you would like some?”

  “No thanks Sweetheart, I can’t stop. I just wanted to let you know that I’m off to Devon.”

  Her smile fell. “For how long?”

  “Not long, hopefully just a couple of days. I had to see you before I left,” he said, kissing her hard.

  “I will miss you.”

  “I’ll miss you too. Beth’s left me.”

  Katia hid her delight well. “Then she is a stupid woman. Why would she do such a thing?”

  “I’ve no idea,” he lied, deciding not to mention the abuse. He couldn’t bear for the worship in her eyes when she looked at him to disappear. “That’s why I have to go to Devon, to get her back.”

  “Why would you want her back?” she sulked. “I thought we were going to be together?”

  “We are Babe but it’ll be done on my terms, not hers and I won’t let her take my kids from me. I’m only going after her because I want them back.” He kissed her again. “You’re the only woman I want.”

  “Good.” Realisation dawned in her eyes. “That explains so much.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I spoke to the neighbours across the road from your house. You remembered you told me to make friends with the fat woman who lives there who likes to gossip?”

  “Yes, I remember.”

  “She told me she saw Beth last night loading up her car with luggage and the children. She said it was shocking because it was so early in the morning and the children looked like they’d been dragged out of bed. A blond man was with her, helping her load the car.”

  Anger shot through Alex. “Which man?”

  “She doesn’t know his name but it was the same man who drives her about everywhere. At first she thought he was just driving them somewhere for the weekend but then they kissed before they got in the car.”

  Alex released a grunt of fury and turned his back on Katia, so she wouldn’t see the murderous rage in his eyes. “I’ll kill her, the two-timing slag.”

  Katia was wise enough not to point out how hypocritical he was. Besides, she was too busy rejoicing in her rival’s downfall. “I tried to call you about this but your phone was always busy. I did leave messages saying I needed to speak to you.”

  He swallowed his anger back down and turned to face her, taking her hands in his. “I know you did Babe, which is why I’m here. I don’t blame you. Beth’s well and truly done it now. I’m going to find her and get my kids back then me and you can be together. Forever.”

  Finally her ultimate goal was in sight and she felt like she was walking on air. “I can’t wait. I would never hurt you like she has. All I want to do is make you happy.”

  “And you do. No one makes me feel like you Katia,” he breathed, pushing up her skirt. “Please, I need to be inside you before I go.”

  “Anything for you my Lover.”

  Gently he pressed her up against the wall and her head fell back and she moaned as he entered her. Katia’s lips curled into a gratified smile. Soon Alex would be entirely hers and the woman she hated most in the world would be dead.

  After saying their goodbyes Alex left Katia to rejoin Col in his BMW.

  “You drive,” Alex told him. “I’ve got a lot to think about.”

  They swapped sides and Col started the engine, steering the car onto the road. He knew there was something Alex wanted to discuss with him but he didn’t press h
im, instead he waited for him to come out with it in his own time. That was one thing he understood about Alex Maguire that no one else did, except Katia. If you pushed him to do something he only pushed against it harder. Leave him alone to come out with it in his own time and he inevitably did.

  “Beth’s run off with Nick Jordan.”

  The surprise almost caused Col to veer onto the pavement. “Is the info sound?”

  “Katia heard it from my neighbour who saw him helping her load the kids and the luggage into a car then she saw them kiss. Fucking marvellous, by now everyone on my street will know Beth’s been cheating on me, Mrs Yates is a mouthy old bitch.”

  “That explains why we haven’t been able to get hold of Nick.”

  “Stop by Robbie’s, I want to know if he knew about it.”

  “No can do Boss, he’s done one too. Gus has already been to his flat, he’s packed up his stuff and left.”

  “Bastards,” roared Alex. “After all I’ve done for them. I should have buried them on the moor with the rest of their family when I had the chance.” A thought occurred to him that made him go rigid with fury. “Beth’s done exactly the same thing Rachel did; cheated on a Maguire with one of our business partners.”

  Alex’s hatred of Rachel suddenly made sense to Col. “Rachel cheated on Danny with Ryan?”

  “Yeah,” he glowered. “Slags, the pair of them. It’s Rachel’s fault, I bet she persuaded Beth to run off with Nick, she couldn’t come up with any idea on her own. I know now for sure that her and Nick are hiding at Rachel’s, expecting her and Ryan to protect them, but in exchange for what? The Jordans siding with them against me? This is it Col, this is the big takeover and if we don’t wipe out the lot of them we’re dead.”

  Col knew Alex was only paranoid, that the Laws weren’t the masters of some grand plot but he wasn’t going to set him straight. He wanted his revenge for his dead brother. “We will Boss. We’ll fight them and win and wipe out the lot of them.”

  Alex smiled evilly, the thoughts of the tortures he had in store for them all soothing his anger. “We’ll show them no one makes a mockery of the Maguire name.”

  Mikey couldn’t help but admire Jez when he coolly walked into the slaughterhouse that used to be a pub and took a moment to study the carnage. His only reaction was a raised eyebrow, not the panic or revulsion that had been written on the faces of Declan and his brothers. He was becoming more like Ryan every day.


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