Eight Goodbyes

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Eight Goodbyes Page 13

by Christine Brae

  And then the smoke was released, first shooting up in the air and then covering the entire stadium until nothing was visible. How convenient. He couldn’t help but laugh at the clever staging of it all.

  This was quite the shindig. And the music was pretty good. If he weren’t in such a nark, he might have enjoyed it.

  She must be here somewhere. Obviously, in a VIP lounge of some sort. The latest picture posted by her publicist looked like they were outdoors, with trees and shrubs in the background. Tessa was sitting on a black velvet couch. Above her were mini Christmas lights and tiny paper lanterns against the backdrop of the dark night sky.

  It took him well over forty-five minutes to plow through the raging horde until he saw an exit sign leading to the outside of the club. It was cordoned off, blocked by a large heavy red rope that extended itself from end to end. There was a low drone of endless conversation—the music was no longer blaring. It played subtly in the background, low techno beats still resounding through the walls, but people were able to hear each other speak.

  There was no way he could get through the rope, and so he stood a few feet away from it and surveyed the patrons. A waft of air crossed his nostrils. Weed. Cigarettes. Smoking was supposedly banned here, like in most places in Europe. But no one ever paid much attention to the rules. The place was dark, he struggled to make out faces in the light. He pulled out his phone to look at her picture once again. Maybe he could situate her table now that he was looking at the actual location. Slowly, he thumbed through the screen, adjusting his sight to the dimness and making out her surroundings.


  He looked up to find her standing on the opposite side of the rope. It had only been a few weeks since he’d seen her, but her hair had grown out, her bangs now to the length of her chin. She looked stunning; he had an instant erection just seeing what she wore. Her shiny top was tied at the waist. It had no buttons, no enclosures. The front was open, revealing a lace black bra underneath. She wore ankle length wide leg pants that showed off her five-inch stiletto heels. She held a cigarette between her fingers.

  “Simon! What are you doing here? I’m so happy to see you!”

  “You smoke?” He had to focus on being pissed off.

  “Oh, no.” She threw the cigarette to the ground. “Only socially. First time in a long time.”

  She reached for him, he took a step back.

  He looked away without saying a word. It was all he could do to cast aside the pull he felt toward her. It was a normal reaction, to touch her, to hold her. He couldn’t do that there. He had business to take care of.

  A waiter saw what she was doing and rushed toward them. She held her hand up and motioned for him to stand back.

  She lifted the rope up. He made a note to tease her about it when he wasn’t so mad anymore. Even with her those heels, she only got it up to his shoulders. He had to duck to get under it.

  She grabbed his hand and laced her fingers in his. “Come with me, I want you to meet everyone.”

  He pulled his hand away and followed her. His resistance surprised her, she paused to read his expression but continued to lead the way.

  They sat at a booth surrounded by bottles of Cristal and Vodka. There they were—a sultry blonde-haired woman, extremely well-toned, perfectly made. That must be her agent. And the knobhead was there too, looking all coiffed and blown out. He glared at Simon as he saw him approach and took a swig of whatever it was he was drinking.

  Three more people occupied the table, two men and one woman. One man’s eyes matched Tessa’s. He looked reserved, wearing a white button-down shirt and gray dress pants. The woman had long, straight black hair framed around her face like an Egyptian goddess. She was also dressed like one.

  “Sayy-mon!” the woman squealed. “Is this him?”

  Tessa smiled and snaked her arm around his. He stepped aside but allowed her to hold him. “Yes! This is my friend, Simon, everyone! That’s Revete, and you know Andrew,” she said, avoiding his eyes. “And this is Liam.”

  That didn’t slip past me, he thought. She called me her friend. And she’s been here for three nights. Has he been keeping her company?

  “It’s the second cousin!” Andrew cheered and clapped.

  Liam offered his hand out and Simon shook it. “Nice to meet you, mate.”

  The Egyptian princess and the man with Tessa’s eyes stood. “I’m Jacob, Tessa’s brother,” he said. “And this is my fiancée, Riley.”

  Riley slid out of the booth and gave Simon a hug. “I’m so happy to meet you,” she said quietly, as if not wanting the others to hear their secret.

  “They just got engaged! Tonight!” Tessa squeaked with excitement. “We’re celebrating!”

  “Oh wow! Congratulations!” Simon said. He felt like an ass. Could it be she wanted this trip alone with her brother because she’d known of his plan to propose? No, wait. Still. If they were that close, especially after their last trip together, she could’ve told him.

  The flurry of activity continued around him—strangers stopping by on their way to their own tables to congratulate Jacob and Riley, servers rotating around with appetizers, no one staying put for very long. When their party squeezed back into the booth, Tessa, under the watchful eye of her agent, moved away from him but stayed close. Tessa poured him a glass of champagne and they toasted to Jacob. He watched as she chatted happily with everyone. Patrons who recognized her handed her their napkins to sign and she scribbled a few words on them in addition to her signature.

  Simon had so much going through his head.

  He was happy to see her.

  He wanted her.

  He couldn’t go on like this. She kept her distance.

  He was an idiot for showing up on impulse. Another one for the books. The Year That Simon Lost Himself.

  Andrew was a twit; he found every opportunity to touch her skin.

  Riley was fit. She glowed from the inside. Liam kept stealing glances at her.

  Revete tolerated him. She was like a mother bear protecting her cub. “Tessa, this is the owner of Venue. Pose for a picture with him. Tessa, there’s so and so. Let’s say hi.”

  Try to smile. Be cool. So, what if you’ve been working twenty-hour days and you’re completely knackered. Just keep up until you can get her alone.

  “So,” the twit began, taking a big gulp of wine before pounding his glass on the table. “Simon. Tell us what brings you to Athens.” Another tip of his glass.

  Way to get sloshed, Andrew. Keep it up because you’re going to be sleeping alone tonight.

  Everyone was interested in Simon’s response. They leaned forward, anxious to hear him speak. “Well,” he replied. “It’s kind of a silly story, actually. I found out Tessa was in my neck of the woods by seeing a post on Instagram.”

  Tessa sat up straight. Her hand began to play with the rim of her wine glass.

  “So, you decided to fly over three hours from London just to see what she was up to,” Andrew said.

  Simon was mistaken about this guy. He wasn’t all beauty. He had balls. Although to Simon it was a misuse of his bollocks—fighting for someone who wasn’t the least bit his.

  “Pretty much. You know, Instagram is such a good source of communication between friends.”

  Revete poured more champagne. Liam wiped his mouth with a napkin. Andrew stared at Simon.

  “Move!” Tessa stabbed her elbow at Riley. “Move. I need to get out.”

  She was obviously furious, her eyes rolled into the back of her head, her tone turned cold. Her movements were jerky; she remained facing forward, refusing to look at anyone. Riley nudged Jacob, who nudged Simon, and they all slid out of their seats. Tessa snatched her purse and looked directly at Revete. “I’m calling it a night. I’ll have the car come back for you all.”

  She leaned over to wrap her arms around Jacob. “Night, baby. Congratulations. I love you.” And then she lightly brushed Riley�
�s arm. “See you tomorrow, Rye.”

  “Okay,” Riley answered.

  Tessa waved her hand at a big, burly man who led her through the back exit.

  It’s now all or nothing, Simon decided.

  Riley wrote on a slip of paper and then slid it over to him. “King George Hotel. Syntagma Square.”

  Simon leaned over to kiss the top of her head. And then he, too, was gone.

  Tessa hadn’t realized how late it was until she’d checked her phone in the car. It was 2 a.m., and there she was, back in her hotel suite at the King George, too wired to even think about going to bed. The view of the Parthenon and the Acropolis did nothing to make her feel better.

  She kicked off her shoes and sat cross-legged on the high back chair facing the grand window. The front desk had just called to let her know that Simon was waiting in the lobby. He hadn’t wasted any time coming after her. She was relieved in one way, but still so very pissed off in the other. How dare he show up out of the blue and embarrass her in front of her brother!

  And what he’d done was laughable. He just made himself out to be a dick in front of the one who needed to approve of him most of all.

  Jacob had planned this trip right after she’d returned from the Philippines, and she’d been all for it. When he’d asked her whether she would be inviting Simon to join them, she’d decided against it for many reasons.

  I have to explain it to him. No sense in delaying the inevitable.

  She called the front desk and asked the receptionist to send him to Room 624.

  In one minute, there was a knock on the door.

  “Hi,” he greeted.

  She stepped aside. He didn’t venture very far inside. He stood frozen in place, arms behind his back as she shut the door.

  “Nice suite,” he said.

  Tessa settled herself on the same chair facing the window. He sat right across from her, on a couch by the fireplace. He faced her, she looked away from him. She couldn’t contain her anger any longer.

  “Why don’t you look around and check my bedroom—that’s what you want to do anyway, right? Maybe you’ll find some of Andrew’s things in there. Then you’ll have the excuse you’ve been trying to find.”

  “Tessa! Don’t be ridiculous!”

  “Oh, come on, Simon. You’re telling me you’re not here because you were worried about him!”

  She rose from her chair. She wanted to see his face, gauge his reaction. And when he didn’t say anything, she kept going. “How dare you accost me like that, say those things in front of Jacob! It was a happy occasion. We were celebrating!”

  “I know. I’m sorry,” he said, his tone somber. “But you didn’t tell me you were going to be here. When I spoke to you last night, you acted like you were home!”

  “I didn’t act like anything! Jesus, Simon! I didn’t lie. I just didn’t tell you because it was a trip with Jacob. And—” She stopped, erecting the usual walls around her.

  “And what?” he asked.


  “There you go again.”

  The way he leaned back with his arms crossed while exhaling loudly told her he was agitated. She knew that part about him, always taking deep breaths as if trying to fill his lungs. He kept on.

  “Can you blame me? Can you blame me for always feeling left out? I’m the one who keeps on having to find you!”

  She really didn’t understand what she had done wrong. She traveled around the world for a living. He should know that. And be okay with it.

  “You knew this was my life. You knew this is who I am. I like to disappear. I like to be free to come and go. It has nothing to do with the way I feel about you!”

  “Dammit, Tessa! I can’t do this anymore!”

  “Do what?” she shouted back. “You were the one who told me you were okay with this!”

  “Sod it! I realized I’m not. I’m sick and tired of you asking me how I am, what I do when you’re not around! I only exist when we’re together, Tessa. Which means I don’t exist often. And it’s not a life I want. It’s not a life you should have either. I came here to let you know I got the job I applied for. I’ll be staying in London permanently, in R&D. No travel, which is what I have always wanted.”

  “Well, I’m happy for you!” she exclaimed. “Case closed. Have a good life.” This was ridiculous. Here she was, egging him on when all she really wanted to do was jump across the ornate brass coffee table and demand that he hold her.

  Her voice cracked. And she was having none of it. Be strong, she told herself. You knew it would come to this. They always leave. They always say they can’t have this life. And you’re never willing to compromise.

  Are you?

  Tears began to pool in her eyes. She turned away from him. She heard his footsteps certain he’d be walking in the opposite direction. She held her breath, waiting for the sound of the door. But the only sounds she heard were those right next to her. Even more she wanted to cry. He always fought for her. Why couldn’t she do the same for him?

  “What does that mean, have a good life?” he asked. “So, that’s it? You’re giving up on us? Just like that.” He knelt on the floor. “Face me, Tessa. Look at me. I think I deserve at least that. Have the decency to tell me it’s over to my face.”

  She didn’t feel the need to defend anything to him. And so, she remained silent.

  “That’s all this was to you? Just the sex? Answer me. Is this all we had? Good sex?”

  “Fuck you,” she said, raising her middle finger in the air. “Leave.”

  Two large, heavy tears rolled down her cheeks. She swiped them with the back of her hand and slowly turned around to look at him.

  “You’re crying?” he asked, surprised. There was a lilt in his voice which made her think he was happy about her tears.

  “Why wouldn’t I cry, you fucking bastard? What do you think I am, a robot? We spent seven intense months together. Do you think it was nothing to me? Fuck you! Go away!”

  She tried to push him away. Pride. Silly pride.

  He smiled at her, actually pleased about her suffering. Bastard.

  “And by the way, for your information, I haven’t slept with Andrew since Las Vegas. Or anyone else, for that matter. You must have been sleeping around and thinking I was doing the same thing as you! And the reason I didn’t tell you about Greece is because every memory I have is with you! I thought I should start making some on my own, just in case.”

  He stepped in. She swatted him again.

  “And I was miserable. I planned to call you tomorrow to tell you I could go to London to visit, if you had some time. But you beat me to it! You saw a post and thought I was cheating on you! You suspicious jerk!”

  She couldn’t stop with the name calling. She was on a roll. Next up was asshole. She wanted to use it in a sentence.

  “I’m a cock-up. A bastard and a jerk,” he said. He pulled her hands and kissed them. “I’m sorry, Tess. I should have trusted you more.”

  “It breaks my heart that you don’t think I value what we have. Sure, I admit, I’m slow at defining things, but I can’t even keep up with your oversexed ass, why would I give myself more problems?”

  Seemingly he found her hilarious, because he broke out in laughter.

  “Stop laughing, dork.” It should have been asshole.

  “I haven’t slept with anyone since Vegas either,” he said.

  “Good,” she responded, still holding his hands. He kept his eyes on her and she smiled at him.

  “Tess, we still have to decide where we go from here. I’m no longer okay with this. We have to commit to something more.”

  Say something, you screw up. You’ll never know if you don’t try. You’re nothing like your parents. They believed in taking chances. Why don’t you?


  “What does okay mean?” he asked, puzzled.

  “Just that. We’re in this together,” she answer
ed. “I’m going to try, Simon.”

  “That’s all we both can do. We can try to be a normal couple.”

  “Define normal,” she said. “Let’s get this clear once and for all. Six months later and we’re still confused about what we want from each other.”

  “No traveling to any part of the world without telling me,” he said, still kneeling on the ground but this time with his arms around her. Their foreheads touched. “I want to be with you and you want to be with me. There is no one else. And we are in a relationship.”

  Being in a relationship came first before next steps. She was okay with that. She nodded in agreement. It was amazing, how her mood had shifted from anger to doubt to lust. She could feel her insides begging to be touched by him.

  “Where did you leave your bag?”

  “That’s it.” He pointed to his backpack by the door. “I was only going to stay for one night.”

  “It’s your call. I either go to London with you tomorrow or we can stay here for a few more days.”

  “My call?” He smiled, leaning sideways to slowly push her down the couch until she held the full weight of his body.

  “Then we stay,” he whispered, pulling on her top lip with his teeth. “Here.”

  Simon half-opened his eyes, drowsy and relaxed at the same time, while people moved about the lounge. He turned to his side to find Tessa still asleep. She stirred slightly, eyes still closed, arms crossed. They had passed out as soon as the Blue Star Ferry had left the dock at Piraeus. The 6 a.m. ride on bus X96 near the Athens airport was easy but way too early.

  Tessa had everything planned out on her itinerary, except she was supposed to be visiting Santorini with Riley and Jacob. When they’d found out Simon had decided to stay in town, they respectfully offered to book their own tours and to meet her in Athens for the flight back to the US. Simon made a mental note to ask her why she hadn’t invited her brother to join them on their tour.

  Tessa lightly placed a hand on his arm. “Hi.”

  “Hey,” he greeted. “How’d you sleep?”


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