Hearts Are Wild

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Hearts Are Wild Page 20

by Synithia Williams

  Tasha shook her head. “You say that as if it weren’t sad either way. Why sign up for something you expect to end so badly?”

  “Why not? I’m being real, going in with my eyes open. Can you let me enjoy myself while it lasts?”

  “No, not when you’re going to get hurt.”

  Movement in the corner of her vision caught her attention. She turned as Devin walked in the gym with a few other guys. She stopped fingering the heart at her neck, the tension in her body evaporated and a smile curved her lips. If she could get away with a pre-adolescent sigh of happiness she would, she was so thrilled to see him.

  She let her gaze sweep over him, admiring the virility of his body in the basketball shorts and cut off shirt. He looked younger, more carefree than he did in Helena after work. Back home his khakis and polo shirts were accessorized with stress lines around his mouth after spending a day in the office.

  “Look at you,” Tasha said. “You’re like a love struck teenager and he just walked into the room. Seriously, Shayla, you’ve got to get out of this. I’ve never—ever—seen you so wrapped up in a guy.”

  Shayla blinked and looked at her friend. Concern reflected in Tasha’s gaze. She wished she could tell Tasha she didn’t have to worry, but she couldn’t. She’d been crazy in love with Devin in high school and hadn’t gotten over it. She loved the man more than she could have ever loved the boy. Heartbreak was inevitable, but when you had a chance at a few months with the person you always wanted, you didn’t turn it down.

  “Don’t worry about me,” she said. “If I don’t take this one chance, I’ll regret it. I promise you won’t have to pick up the pieces of my broken heart.”

  Tasha shook her head. “Yeah, right.”

  Ignoring her friend’s doubt, Shayla turned back to Devin. He walked toward her with another tall dark skinned guy. She suppressed her grin and only gave him a small smile that she hoped hinted at how badly she missed seeing him. The upward tug of the corner of his mouth, and the smoldering desire in his eyes was all the answer she needed.

  “I’m glad you made it,” he said when they stood before her and Tasha.

  “I wouldn’t miss it.”

  He smiled at her and her heart flipped in her chest. “This is Kevis Flynn, he works at Baptist Hospital.”

  Kevis reached out to shake Shayla’s hand. “Dr. Kevis Flynn,” he said in a deep voice. “It’s nice to meet you.” He turned to Tasha. “Tasha, you look lovely as ever.” He said leaning over to kiss Tasha’s cheek.

  Tasha smiled fondly. “It’s good to see you, Kevis.”

  Devin elbowed Kevis in the side. “You better get on before Jared sees you.”

  Tasha laughed and pointed to the door. “Too late.”

  They all turned to see Jared scowling and heading their way. Kevis grinned and winked at Tasha. “I’ll see you around. Devin, I’m going to warm up.”

  “Cool,” Devin said. “I’ll join you in a second.”

  As Kevis walked away, Jared walked up. Still scowling in the direction of Kevis, he sat beside Tasha on the bleachers. “What the hell did the Good Doctor want?”

  Tasha smiled and scooted closer to him. “He was just saying hello.”

  “Well, he can say hello without kissing my wife. I may have to talk with him after the game.”

  Tasha rolled her eyes before kissing Jared. “I’m going home with you.”

  He stopped scowling and put an arm around her shoulder. “Damn right.”

  He kissed Tasha who giggled in return. Surprised by the public display of affection, Shayla turned toward Devin with raised eyebrows. “This is Jared Patterson, the famed playboy with a string of girlfriends from here to L.A.?”

  Devin laughed. “I don’t believe it either.”

  “I don’t need a string of girlfriends anymore. I got all I need right here.” Jared said squeezing Tasha’s shoulder.

  Devin shook his head, still smiling. “Let me warm up before I throw up.” He leaned over and kissed the corner of Shayla’s mouth. “There’s no one here to see.”

  She did do a silly sigh and grinned back. “Then do it again.”

  “Gladly.” He kissed her again before straightening putting his gym bag beside her. “Will you watch my stuff?” She nodded and he followed Kevis to where the rest of his team warmed up.

  “He’s one to talk,” Jared said. “I think my boy’s got it just as bad.”

  Shayla glanced at Jared. He was grinning at her. Tasha’s look of concern from earlier was back. She shook her head and turned to watch Devin warm up. Getting turned on by the bunching and flexing of the muscles in his body as he went through stretches and sprints as if he were doing a strip tease. She leaned forward, placed her elbow on her knees and rested her chin in her hand, pretending for a moment that he did have it just as bad as Jared.

  Despite what Jared believed, Devin wasn’t in love with her. It was easy for newlyweds to see love and sunshine wherever they looked. Cynics like her, who’d been burned too many times to count, took things for what they were. And right now, she and Devin were both in the throes of a tumultuous relationship made exciting my great sex, moments of anger and snippets of happiness. It was hot, intense, and would burn out—at least on his end—quickly.

  She cheered for Devin with the same enthusiasm she had in high school. Tasha, despite her concerns, joined in. They laughed and lifted the spirits of the patrons sitting near them in the bleachers as they tried to remember the cheers they’d learned in cheerleading camp so many years ago. A few teenage girls in the crowd came over and started some new cheers, which she and Tasha quickly caught on to. They sat as they cheered, to accommodate Tasha, but it didn’t lessen their zeal. By the end of the game everyone on their side of the gym was rooting for the doctors, and from the score of the game, it worked. Devin’s team crushed the other team.

  Devin came over after the game. He was sweaty, breathing hard, and sexier than ever. “Always the life of the party.”

  She grinned and slapped high five with one of the teenagers cheering with them. “Yes I am.”

  He shook his head and leaned over to kiss her. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Buoyed by his praise, she jumped up and took his hand in hers. If only he could move to Columbia and they didn’t have to hide their relationship. It would be so easy to do this every day.

  He squeezed her hand and turned to Jared and Tasha still sitting in the bleachers. “We’re leaving, how bout y’all?”

  Tasha shook her head. “I’ve got to stay through the last game. It won’t be as fun without Shayla.”

  Shayla grinned. “Nothing’s as fun without me. I promise to come to another game.” She leaned over to hug Tasha. Devin didn’t let go of her hand. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Tasha looked at their joined hands and sighed. “Please do.”

  Devin picked up his gym bag with his free hand and slung it over his shoulder. They continued to hold hands as they walked out of the building into the cool night air. Devin shivered when a breeze glided over them. Putting her arm around his waist, she pulled him close and leaned her head on his shoulder. She breathed deeply, enjoying the smell of his sweat and the feel of his warm body against hers.

  “Where did you park?” he asked.

  She pointed and he led her in that direction. When they got there, he leaned against her door and pulled her against his him. His arms draped around her waist, hers twisted around his neck.

  “You don’t mind that I’m sweaty?”

  She grinned. “I like you sweaty.”

  “Hmm, I like you sweaty, too.” He lowered his head and kissed her. His dick pressed stiffly into her stomach, igniting a fire within her.

  She broke the kiss and tried to catch her breath. “Do you want to . . . ” she couldn’t finish. She couldn’t ask him about getting a room. It was fun reliving their high school days in the gym earlier, but Shayla was a very grown woman who right now wished she could take this very grown man back t
o her home, and her bed. She didn’t want to sneak around.

  His hand ran lightly up and down her back. “I wish I could, but I’ve got rounds again tomorrow. I can’t stay in Columbia tonight.”

  She nodded, and tried not to show her disappointment. Four days between sex wasn’t technically too long, she had gone longer in the past, but four days since sleeping with Devin was like four years.

  “I could sneak in your back door,” she said with a smile.

  He grinned and brushed his lips across hers. “I would love that, but prefer if you came to the front.”

  She stiffened and his smile dimmed. “Sorry, I won’t bring it up again.” he said.

  She shook her head. “It’s only until Kia moves on.” Or you get tired of me, she thought.

  Devin tried to straighten but she held on when he would have moved away. “Stop.” She said softly. “Tonight was so much fun. Let’s not end it on a sour note.”

  He sighed. “But it has to end here.” He gave her behind a soft pat. She didn’t stop him when he straightened and pulled away. “I’ve got to get home, shower and go to bed. We’ll get together this weekend. I promise.”

  She swallowed her disappointment and smiled. “I can’t wait.”

  He kissed her cheek then paused. “You never told me why you were in Columbia?”

  Her excitement returned full force. “I had an interview at G and N Solutions. They offered me the job.”

  He grinned. “That’s great.”

  “I know! I can finally move out of Helena.”

  His grin melted away, disappointment settled over his handsome features. “It’s what you’ve been waiting for.”

  “This is good, for us, I mean. I’ll only be an hour away. We can have nights like this every night.”

  “No we can’t, Shayla. I live in Helena. I work there. I can’t stay in Columbia every night.”

  “It’s not that far.”

  “It’s far enough.” He held up a hand when she opened her mouth to argue. “Look, we said we wouldn’t end the night on a sour note.” He took her hand and gently pulled her against him. “I’ll call you tomorrow,” he said, kissing her softly.

  She nodded, not trusting herself to speak. There was resignation in his voice, and a note of finality. Was he already thinking of bringing this to an end? When he opened the door of her car for her, she smiled, said something, and got in. She held back her tears until she pulled out of the parking lot on her way back to her small rented home.

  Chapter 28

  Devin went through morning rounds and his first few patients in a flash. He barely had time to think between appointments. When lunch hour arrived, he decided to skip eating in his office and walk to the barber shop instead. It would mean staying late to go through lab reports and patient calls, but it was worth the sacrifice to clear his head for an hour.

  He told his staff he was taking lunch away from the office and would be back soon. Kia avoided eye contact and hurried into one of the storage rooms as he passed. He’d have to deal with that soon, this afternoon preferably. He wasn’t sure if she was mad at him about their failed date, or embarrassed now that it was obvious there wasn’t much between them. She’d avoided him as much as the small office would allow, and he’d been too wrapped up in figuring out how to handle things with Shayla to care. But getting Kia to admit there was no chance of a future between them would go a long way to ending this stupid concealed relationship he had going.

  His office was two blocks off of Main Street. The air was crisp and cool, and for the first time he noticed the yellow, orange, and red leaves on the trees along the street. Fall was here. He breathed in the fresh air, energized after a day cooped up in hospital and exam rooms.

  The crisp air gave way to heated, incensed air in the shop of his long time barber. Devin had gotten his hair cut by Al Larson since he was a kid. Al was a young man when Devin’s dad first brought him. Boastful, full of swagger, and everything that represented 1980s cool with his Adidas track suit, gold tooth, and perfectly parted high top fade. Decades passed, yet Al still represented the best of the eighties.

  “What’s up, Devin,” Al said when Devin walked in. His gold tooth shining in the bright light of the building. He wore a purple and black sweater that would have made Bill Cosby proud with black acid wash jeans. Despite his refusal to give up his golden decade, Al and his barbers still gave the best hair cuts in town.

  “Nothing much, Al. Just came in for a tape up.” Devin greeted the two other barbers in the shop, Joe and Terry.

  “Sit down, my man,” Al got up from his seat and motioned for Devin to take it. “Always got time for my favorite customer.”

  Devin smiled as he sat. “Everyone’s your favorite customer.”

  Al laughed and draped a cover over Devin. “True, true, but you been coming since I opened this place. I ’ppreciate that man.” Al grabbed his clippers and studied Devin’s head. “You letting it grow?”

  Devin ran his fingers through the inch and a half worth of growth on his head. He wouldn’t let it get too much longer, but for now this was good. He couldn’t help but smile when he thought of Shayla running her fingers through it.

  “Yeah, but not much longer than this.”

  “Cool, I’ll shape you up right.” He spun the chair around so Devin’s back was to him. “I hear you playing Mike Tyson at the diner the other night.”

  Devin stifled a groan. “Nothing like that. Tony said something that was uncalled for. It’s over.”

  “He must’ve said something pretty messed up to get you fighting in the street.”

  Joe lowered his paper. “I was there. They weren’t fighting in the street. Devin did get a good swing on him though.” He lifted the paper back up.

  The bell on the door chimed as another customer walked in. Devin recognized Stan, one of Tony’s friends. His body tensed, the brief relaxation he’d experienced dissipating.

  They made eye contact and Stan narrowed his. Devin clenched the arm of the chair. No telling what kind of trouble one of Tony’s friends would try to start.

  “What’s up, Al. You got time to cut my hair?” Stan asked.

  “I’m just starting, get Joe to do it.”

  Joe looked up from his paper and sighed. “I’m on break.”

  Al sucked his teeth. “You always on break.”

  Joe snapped the paper and lifted it in front of his face.

  Stan laughed. “No problem, I can wait.” He sat in one of the chairs against the wall.

  Devin held Stan’s stare until Stan finally looked away. He tried to relax, but the reminder of Tony and their fight the weekend before irked him.

  “Devin, you still cool with Shayla Monroe,” Al asked.

  Stan’s eyes snapped to Devin and Al, while Joe lowered the paper.

  “We’re friends, why?”

  “Just wondering. I saw her in the store the other day, and damn, that girl can get it.” Al said.

  Devin sat up and glared at Al, who raised his hands, his eyes immediately filled with remorse. “No disrespect, just real talk, man. I thought y’all were just friends.”

  “We are friends, so don’t disrespect her.”

  Al pulled Devin back in the chair and resumed edging up his hair. “My bad. I was just pointing out how much she’s grown. I never believed the rumors about her being fast when she was little.”

  Stan laughed. “She lived up to those stories in Atlanta.”

  “Shayla made a mistake in Atlanta. And don’t act high and mighty, Stan,” Devin said. “We all know about you and Lila Green. Don’t you still run the other direction whenever you see Mr. Green?”

  The shop erupted in laughter. Stan crossed his arms and shut his mouth. Al changed the subject to other town gossip and Devin relaxed somewhat. He should have known better than to come here. Al’s was the place to get the best hair cut, and the best story. Usually he didn’t pay much attention to what the men talked about; occasionally he participated in discussions on sport
s and women. He knew Al took the conversation away from Shayla out of respect for him, but he also knew her name would be right back on their lips when he left.

  He didn’t notice the fresh air, or fall leaves on the walk back to his office. The waiting room was full, which didn’t leave him much time to think about what the men were saying about Shayla in the shop. He pushed it out of his mind and focused on his patients. The afternoon flew by just like the morning had. It was almost six by the time the last patient left the office.

  He’d just slumped in his office chair, and was rubbing the bridge of his nose when Kia came in. She dropped a few patient files in his box, gave him a tight smile, and turned to walk out.

  “Kia, stop. Close the door, we need to talk.”

  She cringed, but closed the door and turned to face him. She looked everywhere but at him, reminding him of Shayla.

  Shayla. He wanted nothing more than to sit and laugh with her for a few hours. Unwind after the long day he had. But he couldn’t, unless they snuck to some hotel to do it. Annoyance clenched his stomach. Foolishness prevented him from going to her house tonight or her coming to his. Just so some petty people in town wouldn’t have proof of what they already knew.

  Devin stared at Kia. “Are you angry with me?”

  She blinked, clearly startled by his question. “No. I thought you were mad at me.”

  He shifted in his seat. “Why would I be mad at you?”

  “I walked out on our date.”

  “I deserved it.”

  She shook her head. With a sigh, she came to stand by his desk. “No you didn’t. I knew you were in love with Shayla, but I thought I could make you forget her. It wasn’t until we were staring across from each other at the table that I realized we didn’t have a whole lot in common.”

  That was unexpected. The past few days he’d felt guilty for not trying hard enough on their impromptu date, and she’d felt guilty for pushing the issue.

  “I like us better as friends.” Devin said.

  She sighed and smiled. “I do too. Plus, I met this guy at the club that night and I’ve been seeing him since. I didn’t know how to tell you.”


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