Hearts Are Wild

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Hearts Are Wild Page 22

by Synithia Williams

  “Yeah, his homeboy Stan was talking to me one day about what Tony did to you back in high school. I ain’t ever understand that situation. I know you never felt Tony like that, so what Stan said made sense. I handled it. And let Tony know not to bother you again. I thought I’d have to handle him again after the way he got you all messed up at his club, but Devin did instead. I knew then you two were back together.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she stared at her little brother. She’d always assumed Kenny was oblivious to the things going on around him. He kept his business to himself, never offered advice to her or her mom, and usually bailed whenever things got rough in the house. To know that he’d been her silent champion, even when she hadn’t been home in years, touched her more than anything.

  She got out of the chair and wrapped her arms around her brother’s neck. “Thank you.”

  He gently pushed her away. “Stop all that. You’re my sister, what else am I supposed to do.”

  She smiled and sat down. “You didn’t have to do anything.”

  He shrugged again. “Then I wouldn’t be a man.”

  • • •

  Strengthened by her brother’s support, Shayla had lunch at the diner. The owner, Mr. Wilson, greeted her warmly and even talked with her for a few minutes while she waited on her food. Jennie took her order with no attitude. She assumed it was due to Mr. Wilson’s friendly greeting. The few patrons nodded in greeting, one even offered an actual hello.

  She was starting to feel silly about hiding her relationship with Devin for so long, when Martha from the church came in with a few of her cronies. They gave her the evil eye and whispered behind their menus. It wasn’t long before they started to loudly discuss how loose women tended to lead good men astray. The looks they threw in her direction with every head nod and ‘mmmhmmm’ were a testament that she was the loose woman they referred to. She hurriedly ate her food and left, instead of confronting them and causing a scene.

  She went to Piggly Wiggly for fruit, instead of going home. A few people who she’d worked with to make the changes to the festival were there and were cordial. But there were others who whispered and pointed as she walked through the store. She overheard her name, Devin, and Tyrell in one loudly whispered conversation. By the time she made it home her good mood was deflated.

  It was foolish to think things would magically become easy because Devin said he loved her and her brother admitted she received the short end of the stick. If one afternoon of dirty looks and whispered conversations had her miserable, how long would Devin put up with it? Sure it would be easier when she lived in Columbia and no one would really care what they did. But he lived here, and if this week were any example, his job prevented him from staying in Columbia during the week. By the time two thirty hit, she was once again wondering if a relationship with Devin would cause more harm than good.

  But she had a selfish side. And that side packed a few clothes to meet him at three. She was leaving her house when Kia pulled in the driveway. Even though both Devin and her brother assured her that Kia was seeing someone else, Shayla’s heart rate accelerated. Kia was one of the few people in her family who had looked up to her; she’d hate to ruin any chance of a future relationship with her.

  Kia got out of the car and walked over, a tentative smile on her lips. “You should have heard them at work today, giving Devin a hard time about you.”

  Shayla slumped against her car. “Did they really?”

  Kia nodded. “Not Anna. Mainly Lisa, but she gives everyone a hard time. It’s not you personally, they all treat Devin like the brother they never had. No one wants to see him hurt.”

  Shayla had to stop herself from snorting her disbelief. If anyone would end up hurt after this it would be her. When he realized he could do better.

  “I’m not going to hurt him. I love him.”

  Kia scrutinized her for a second before nodding. “I believe you don’t want to hurt him, but you did. I know it was almost twenty years ago and you were in high school, but you’ve come home with a lot of baggage. I realize that me and Devin won’t work, but he’s a good guy. Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”

  “There’s a lot more to the story about what happened in high school than I care to go into right now. But I will tell you that I care about Devin more than anyone I know. I’m more afraid he’ll wake up and realize he could do better.”

  Kia raised an eyebrow. “Devin hasn’t shown interest in a woman in town in years. You show up and he’s falling over you in less than twenty-four hours. I don’t think he’ll move on quickly.”

  “I hope you’re right, because I don’t want him to.” Shayla straightened and looked her cousin in the eye. “Are we good? My intention was to stay away from him. I didn’t want to come between you two.”

  “He told me. And I know you tried. Despite everything, you’ve always been real. I know you wouldn’t deliberately try to hurt me.”

  Shayla hugged Kia. “Thank you.”

  “Are you going to see him now?” Kia asked pulling away.

  Shayla grinned. “What do you think? I’m escaping before my mom gets home.”

  “I don’t blame you. I’ll wait around and talk to Aunt Marcella when she gets home. If she’s gonna be mad about you and Devin, it won’t be because she thinks you stabbed me in the back.”

  Shayla sighed with relief as some of her earlier optimism came back. It wouldn’t be easy, but there may be hope for her and Devin.

  Chapter 31

  Shayla’s lips lifted in a tight smile when Devin squeezed her shoulder. She looked out the windshield of his truck at the church parking lot where the committee was preparing for the Fall Festival. It would be the first time she and Devin were out in public as a couple. After the see-saw day she had last week, she’d insisted on spending time with him at his home. She said it was fitting since they’d joked as teens about living together on Johnston Street. And it wasn’t too hard to convince him to spend his nights after work in bed. Truthfully, it kept them out of sight of prying eyes. She wanted to enjoy a few days of it being just the two of them.

  She hadn’t gone back to her rented house since leaving after her conversation with Kia. Everything was too good when she was with Devin. Seeing her mom, and facing her accusing looks, would only make it seem wrong.

  “We can’t sit in the truck all night.” Devin said.

  She took a deep breath. “I’m good. Let’s do this.”

  He gave her shoulder another squeeze then got out of the truck. She waited on him to come and open her door, and took his hand as she hoped down from the cab. The steady, comforting strength of his grip eased some of her nerves as they approached the others. After booking Tyrell she’d avoided committee meetings and handled her end of things through phone conversations with Reverend Jenkins. While everyone on the committee probably knew she spent the past few nights at Devin’s home, it didn’t mean they would look favorably on the two of them being together.

  Reverend Jenkins glanced at their clasped hands as they approached. She waited in vain for him to frown or show disapproval. Instead, he smiled.

  “Great, you’re here. Devin, one of the doctors from the hospital is already here with his nurse. I showed him where the health screenings would be, but if you’ll go and make sure you all have everything you’ll need, that would be great.”

  “Not a problem. I actually have some stuff in my truck, but I wanted to check with you before taking it out.”

  Reverend Jenkins nodded. “Good. Shayla, will you make sure everything looks good over by the stage for the group tonight? They should arrive soon.”

  As soon as the words were out of the Reverend’s mouth, the van with the Christian hip hop group pulled into the parking lot. Devin gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before going to handle his task. Shayla went over to meet the group’s manager. He introduced her to the four boys in the group. Each one looked like any other teenager. But when they spoke, they expressed their excitement to
be there along with their eagerness to spread the word of God. Shayla sent up her own silent prayer of thanks that the group would work out.

  On the way to the stage, the parking lot went from peaceful to chaotic. The vendor with the bouncy house arrived, volunteers to assist with the various booths came, and even some church members who were giving away candy out of their trunks were there early. Shayla worked alongside Mrs. Jenkins and Martha, to make sure everyone knew where they were going. She nearly tripped over her feet when Martha complimented her on setting up a detailed site plan and task list to make set up easier.

  When she finally got a second to breathe and sit with Mrs. Jenkins at the designated command post, Tyrell arrived. Her feeling of accomplishment plummeted. The Reverend and Bentley had both agreed it was okay for Tyrell to draw caricatures, but that didn’t mean people wouldn’t assume he was there just to see her. She briefly considered leaving the table and letting Mrs. Jenkins deal directly with him, but running would only make her look guilty. He wasn’t alone. A tall, cocoa skinned woman, and a little girl who looked like a miniature of the woman, came with him. Shayla sighed with relief.

  “Shayla, it’s good to see you.” Tyrell said. “I’d like you to meet my wife, Elaina, and my daughter Iyana.”

  Iyana bounced forward and smiled. Elaina’s smile wasn’t as bright. Her almond eyes made a calculating sweep around the parking lot.

  Shayla stood and held out her hand. “It’s great to meet you, Elaina. Tyrell speaks highly of you.”

  Elaina’s smile froze for a second before it softened into what would appear to be sincerity to the untrained eye. She looked out of place with her silk blouse, slacks and pearl necklace. Tyrell appeared more comfortable in jeans and a black sweatshirt. His daughter was dressed exactly as him.

  “Great to meet you, Shayla. As soon as Tyrell told me about this festival, it seemed like the perfect place to bring Iyana,” Elaina said.

  Shayla pulled her hand out of Elaina’s icy one and held back the urge to rub it along her pants. “I’ll show you where to set up.”

  “I’ll get my stuff out of the car.” Tyrell said.

  “Can I come with you, Daddy?” Iyana asked.

  “You sure can, pumpkin.”

  Shayla watched them walk away before looking back at Elaina. The woman’s expression was a mask of happiness, too fake and frozen to fool Shayla, but probably good enough to convince anyone not used to wearing masks.

  “Come with me,” Shayla said.

  They walked in silence to the area reserved for Tyrell. Shayla caught Devin’s eye on the way over and he raised a brow. Tyrell bringing his wife and daughter would weaken any ideas that there was anything between them, but it didn’t make Shayla feel any better. She didn’t want Elaina to think there was anything between her and Tyrell.

  When they stopped at the roped off area for the paintings, Shayla turned toward Elaina to clear the air.

  “I know there’s nothing between you two.” Elaina said before Shayla could open her mouth. “Don’t look so shocked. That man hasn’t slept with another woman since our daughter was born. Which it hard to believe, since I can only bring myself to sleep with him when my father reminds me to.”

  Shayla coughed to cover her gasp of shock. “Excuse me?”

  Elaina raised a manicured brow and flipped her smoothly flat ironed hair over her shoulder. “Please, this marriage was arranged by my father to support his political career. I’m only telling you this because for some reason he seems to like you.” She smiled at Shayla. “It would really take a load off my back if you would sleep with him. You have my permission. I’ll tell everyone you’re a good friend of mine and that’s why you come to the house.”

  Shayla blinked several time and stepped back. Disgust that the woman would offer up her husband so callously crept over her. Even though she believed Tyrell wasn’t coming on to her, she wondered how he prevented himself from cheating on such a heartless bitch.

  “No, I will not sleep with your husband.”

  Elaina lifted a shoulder as if Shayla turned down a piece of gum. “So you’re reformed now? Whatever, eventually he’ll move on. I did.”

  Shayla placed a hand on her hip. “What?”

  Tyrell walked up with Iyana. He took one look at the two of them and the easy smile he had with his daughter hardened.

  “You asked her, didn’t you?”

  Elaina rolled her eyes. “Why not, it would make everything easier.”

  “Easier for you.” Tyrell looked at Shayla with apologetic eyes. “I’m sorry about that.”

  Shayla took another step back. “Let’s forget it. Call me if you need anything.”

  She hurried away from them. It was one thing to have a man proposition her, but for a wife to offer up her husband was a new one. It took a cold-hearted bitch to do something so horrible. She wasn’t even upset about Elaina’s assumption that she would accept. No matter what, some people would remember what happened in Atlanta. She was beginning to accept that.

  She went in search of Devin. She kept a serene look on her face. The last thing she needed tonight was to stir up more rumors about her and Tyrell. Devin was laughing with one of the other doctors at the health screening area. When he caught her gaze he stopped talking and rushed over.

  “Are you okay?”

  She forced a smiled and nodded. “Yes, just wanted to see a friendly face.”

  She laced her arm through his and walked him away from the tent.

  Devin pulled her closer. “I thought you and Tyrell were friends. Did he say something to upset you?”

  “We are, but his wife is a frigid bitch. She just asked me to sleep with him as a favor to her.”

  “What!” Devin tried to turn toward Tyrell’s tent but she held him close.

  “Don’t look, and try to look happy. I don’t want to start any new rumors tonight.”

  His attempt at a happy was more like a grimace. “Why would she ask you that as a favor?”

  Shayla shrugged. “Something about her dad arranging their marriage and only sleeping with Tyrell when she’s reminded too. She assumed I’d say yes. I feel sorry for him. He’s a nice guy and is married to a witch.”

  Devin pulled her in front of him. He wrapped his arms around her waist. His brow was furled as he stared at her with intense eyes. “I don’t care how nice he is or who he’s married to. The only guy I want you concerned about is me.”

  She grinned and brought her arms around his neck. Running her fingers along the back of his neck, she pressed closer to him. “Yes, doctor.”

  He lowered his head and kissed her. “That’s what I like to hear,” he murmured against her lips. Heat spread from her belly to her breasts. Her panties dampened instantly from the desire in his voice.

  A car horn blared. They both jumped before moving out of the way to let it into the parking lot. Shayla looked around at the quickly thickening crowd. If the number of people here at the start of the festival were any suggestion of things to come, it was going to be a huge success.

  She groaned and brought her eyes back to him. She slid her hand up his neck to tangle in his hair. “I better go see if Mrs. Jenkins needs anything,” she said.

  “Don’t work too hard,” he said with a sexy smile. “I’ve got plans for later.”

  She laughed. “I think you’ll be the one working hard.” She motioned with her head to the people making their way over to the health screening tent.

  Devin sighed and lifted a shoulder. “Let me get back.” He brushed a soft kiss across her cheek. “I’ll see you around.”

  Shayla watched him walk away. She tilted her head to the side for a better view of his ass in his khakis before turning to check in with Mrs. Jenkins. Luckily most of the exhibitors had arrived and were set up, so the early arrival of people from town wasn’t a drawback. Before long, the church parking lot was full and the show had started on stage. The festival was in full swing, with parents, kids, and other members of the community enjoying
the activities. She recognized lots of people from Helena, but many of the faces weren’t familiar. Her hopes that the event would draw people from all over the county seemed to be coming true.

  An hour into the festival a camera crew from a Columbia news station arrived. She walked over to meet the crew, grateful that her press release was picked up by the media, and directed them to Reverend Jenkins and his wife. Her goal was to keep attention focused on the church and their activities, not her.

  She made a hasty retreat into the church basement while they were getting the cameras set up. The warmth inside was welcome compared to the cool air outside. Her flats clicked softly against the floor as she made her way to the kitchen and sat at the table.

  Spreading her legs before her and laying her head against the back of the chair, she sighed and closed her eyes. Thank goodness, the festival was a success, but her feet needed a break. The quick reprieve would be even better if Devin could have joined her, but the health screening tent had a line. He’d be busy until the end of the festivities.

  She shifted on the chair to get even more comfortable, when the basement door opened and closed. She sat up and turned, only to freeze as disgust bubbled within her.

  “What are you doing here?” she said with a sneer as Tony approached.

  Her negative response didn’t drop the smirk from his face. He walked over with his disgusting swagger, stopping in front of her.

  “I thought I’d keep you company.”

  She tried not to shudder as he looked over her body with barely concealed lust. She was covered from head to toe in a bright yellow shirt, tan cardigan and jeans, but he looked at her as if she were in her running outfit.

  “You’re the last person I’d want to keep me company.”

  He laughed, the sick sound causing her skin to crawl. “Oh, are you expecting someone else? You’ve got a lot to choose from tonight.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Your painter, Devin,” his grin widened, “me.”

  Shayla scoffed and stood. He didn’t move. His closeness raised the hairs on the back of her neck, but she pushed it away. Clenching her fist, she ignored the need to nervously tap her toe. She wasn’t a kid anymore, and she wouldn’t let him hold this fear over her.


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