Book Read Free

Sweet Salvation

Page 23

by Maddie Taylor

  “Foot in mouth disease?”

  “Major. I asked if it was that time of the month.”

  “Oh, man! Even I’m not that stupid.”

  “Yeah right, Mr. You’re Moody Are You Pregnant.”


  “So tell me this, why does she want to stay on at the hospital?”

  “She says she likes it there.”

  “That’s crap! That place burns out nurses fast and nurse managers even faster. The orthopedic floor has been through at least a dozen since we’ve been there. They don’t even last a year on average. I can’t believe she took that job. She was an excellent scrub nurse and seemed to enjoy it so much, a damn sight more than management, I’d imagine.”

  “I know that, so does Jessie, but she’s being stubborn. I warned her the place would suck the life out of her, but she was determined to try. She also likes the money. She has this obsession about saving for the wedding. I told her I’d help out, but she keeps pulling extra shifts whenever she talks to her mother about the arrangements.”

  “That’s it, bud.”

  “What’s it?”

  “Her mother… With her father asking for a divorce out of the blue, it probably tweaked her—what with their failed marriage, him running out and leaving them to fend for themselves and all. Stacy said her mother worked two waitress jobs and still didn’t have enough to buy her clothes and school supplies. It couldn’t have given her a good impression on the institution of marriage.”

  “Her father asked for a divorce?” Marc was shocked. “Jess never said a word to me about it. When was this?”

  “A few days ago, I guess. Uh…” Jared frowned and seemed to be replaying something in his head before he continued. “I don’t remember Stacy telling me this was a big secret. Why would Jess tell her and not you?”

  Marc wondered the same thing. It stung that Stacy and Jared knew more about Jessie and her past than he did. Evidently, they saw her more than he did too. It seemed like they slept in the same bed and that was about it.

  “So what are you going to do about it?”

  “Hell if I know.” He was angry that she was having doubts. It wasn’t the way he wanted them to begin their lives together.

  “This all makes a lot of sense. How did you figure it out?”

  “You know that saying you can’t see the forest for the trees?” Jared asked. “You’re too close to the situation; distance often give us perspective and makes us see things clearer.”

  “A brilliant mind and a freaking philosopher to boot, I knew I let you hang around me for a reason.”

  “You’re welcome,” Jared chuckled. “Now it’s my turn; figure out why my bride can’t seem to get along with my mother.”

  “That’s a tough one. I thought everyone loved Joanne.”

  “Usually they do, but something about her sets Stacy off. I can’t get my head around it.”

  “Your mom’s a gem and smart as a whiz. Think of all the work she did for us when we opened the practice. And now, Stacy has taken over and is following in her footsteps.”

  “Rrrrr… That’s it. I’m an idiot.”

  “What? Clue me in.”

  “She was talking about my family’s ‘pedigree’ and how she went to Podunk U. Dammit! She even mentioned Mom’s double masters.”


  “At dinner on Sunday, I asked Mom to take a look at the new surgery center contracts.”

  “Bad move, Jare. And I thought the time of the month crack was a bonehead move.”

  “It seems I’m a real fuck-up when it comes to my woman.” Jared leaned back, rubbing his hands across his face in agitation.

  “This deal is like her baby, you know. You might as well have told her you didn’t think she could do it by herself.”

  “I just wanted to decrease her stress. And by doing it just days after that panic attack, I can just imagine what she was thinking. I didn’t mean to suggest—”

  “That she was weak, incompetent, unqualified, and lacking in mental capacity?” Marc laughed at his friend’s frosty glare. “You screwed the pooch, bud. I’ve heard flowers and chocolate will help. Of course, I’ve never had to resort to bribes; my charm and sex appeal work just fine.”

  “Remind me why we’re friends. It’s sure not because of all the support and encouragement you give me. I have to scrape off the bullshit to find what little scraps you throw me.”

  “Aw, poor thing, did I hurt its itty bitty feewings? Maybe instead of Midol, I can find you a tampon.”

  “Said it before, bro, fuck you.”

  “Back at you, my man.” Marc answered amiably.

  “So, what’s our plan to fix my girl’s low self-esteem and your girl’s doubt?”

  “I haven’t got a clue how to fix Jessie, but you, my friend, need to get your mommy to help.”

  “Come again?”

  “Have the auditors come in early for their annual review.”

  “What annual review?”

  Marc shook his head sadly and gave an exaggerated sigh. “You never were one for the business end of things, were you? When your mom set up the office, she included a provision for an independent agency to do an annual audit. Move it up on the calendar. It’s due in April but if Stacy is done with the year-end reports, they could do it any time. She gets rave reviews, you heap on praise and admiration, Stace feels valued and voila… Problem solved.”

  “You’re a genius!”

  “True. It also helps to pay attention during board meetings. Your mom is the real genius. She set this all up.” Marc stuffed a loaded chip in his mouth and chased it with the rest of his beer. “Just don’t mention your mom’s genius to Stacy, although your woman’s no slouch either. If you came to the meetings, you’d know this.”

  “I read the reports.”

  “Yeah, but you can’t see Stacy in action on a pie chart, dumbass.”

  Jared didn’t respond to that so Marc knew he’d made his point. “It’s about time for all this emo sharing to end before I start my period. I need another beer and for the game to tip off.”

  Jared chuckled. “My boobs were beginning to feel a bit tender myself, bro.” Going for seconds on nachos, he signaled for two more beers. “So what’s the spread on Michigan and Indiana?”

  Chapter Twelve

  “I can’t believe he talked me into this,” Stacy whispered to herself. It was the night of their engagement party and Stacy looked like she was facing a firing squad rather than a celebration of her commitment to the man she loved. As she looked in the mirror, she couldn’t fault her appearance. A gift from Jared, her designer gown was stunning. Knowing she would have never picked out something of this quality, the sly dog had clipped off the price tag before having it gift-wrapped and delivered to her at the office. The lace, French tulle and chiffon gown was a Monique Lhuillier design. The sheath fit snugly to her hourglass figure before flaring out above the knee into a mermaid skirt. A stunning teal shot through with threads of silver, the color flattered her fair complexion and glossy blond hair. The bateau neckline was conservative, but the sheer lace allowed hints of the bounty that lay beneath. The same material wrapped the skirt and the tapered cut way below the knees in front showed off her smooth, shapely legs as she walked.

  “Simply gorgeous, baby.” Jared’s appreciation was clear in the deep, seductive tenor of his voice. The heat of his gaze as he moved up behind her sent a jolt of excitement straight to her core.

  Turning to smile up at him, she noticed that the added height of her 4 ¾-inch heels brought the top of her head to his chin and she could easily kiss him if she wanted.

  “The dress and shoes are beautiful, but much too extravagant, Jared. You must have spent a small fortune.” Bending her head, she placed a hand on his broad shoulder for support as she angled a leg forward to show off her well-dressed feet. The mesh and satin evening shoes had crisscrossed crystal-beaded straps that showed off her trim ankle
s and a freshly minted pedicure in deep red. “These are Valentino pumps, darlin’. I’ve never owned anything like them.”

  “You’re worth every penny, my beautiful girl. Just promise that afterward, you’ll model those shoes and only those shoes for me.”

  “Why, Jared Baker, I do declare,” she teased in her best southern belle impersonation, his presence easing some of her anxiety over the upcoming festivities. “You’ve got a hidden foot fetish and never clued me in.”

  “No, baby, I bought you your first pair of designer ‘fuck me’ shoes and simply want to take them for a test drive.”

  “Jared! I can’t believe you said that. What’s gotten into you?”

  “I’ve got a hard-on for my beautiful sexy fiancée. What else?” Jared laughed as she dipped her head in embarrassment. “Are you ready? If we hang out near the bed any longer, I’ll get the test drive sooner than anticipated and you’ll have to redo your hair and makeup.”

  “No, we can’t be late. Everyone will blame me.”

  “After they get a look at you, they’ll know it was my fault. You’re stunning.” He dipped his head and captured her lips in a scorching, open-mouthed kiss. When he released her lips, it took a moment for her world to reset on its axis and another to notice the red lipstick smudges on his mouth. She wiped them away with her thumb.

  “Hmm… Cheery Cherry Red might not be your color, sugar. You seem more like a coral kind of guy to me.”

  His hands slipped down to her bottom and pulled her in close. His large hands easily cupped her full cheeks as he gave her a good squeeze. “Better go fix your face, sweetheart, you’re a bit smudged yourself.”

  “Oh!” Her hand flew to her mouth and she hurried to the bathroom, his sexy chuckle following her. This time she applied a sealer, because in the mood he was in, there’d be more stolen kisses yet to come. Ain’t that a shame, she thought, with a giggle.

  Thirty minutes later, they walked into the country club’s main ballroom with Stacy clinging nervously to Jared’s steadying arm. The transformation of the room from the last time she saw it was stunning. The lights were dimmed and through the huge windows, the remainder of the stunning red sunset lit the evening sky across the lake. A dozen tables were set with cream-colored linens, with a small bouquet of flowers as the centerpiece. The fresh-cut flowers were a mix of hydrangeas, yellow roses, and white freesias and lightly scented the air. Surrounding the flowers was a circle of small tea lights. The table settings were gold-accented china with a fancy folded napkin in the center of each. The chairs were draped with matching covers and a large cream bow on the back of each one. On a stage near the dance floor, a live band was playing a soft ballad in the background.

  “Oh, Jared, it’s picture-perfect.” Her eyes misted as she looked around and saw Marc and Jessie watching them fondly, both with broad smiles on their happy faces. Next to them were Jared’s parents. The men were stunning in their formal black and white, and the women beautiful in their formal gowns. Stacy’s eyes fell on Joanne, who was nervously clenching and unclenching her hands. Jared’s dad had a supportive arm around her shoulders.

  “I think we need to go tell my mother that you’re pleased, before she worries herself into heart failure.”

  Stacy nodded, overwhelmed by the beauty and opulence that Joanne had created. She felt Jared’s hand clasp hers firmly as he guided her over to greet his parents. Feeling a bit like Cinderella, Stacy held on to her prince tightly, biding her time until the stroke of midnight when her fantasy was destined to disappear.

  “Joanne, it’s beautiful.” Stacy assured the worried woman as she gave her an appreciative hug. “Everything is absolutely perfect. Thank you.”

  “I’m so happy, dear. I wanted it to just right for you.”

  Stacy looked at her father-in-law-to-be through watery eyes and mouthed a ‘thank you’ to him as well.

  “Here now, none of that,” he said as he wrapped her in a big bear hug, “this is a happy occasion.”

  Joanne pulled away, tears streaming down her face. “Oh, sweetie, you’ll ruin your pretty makeup.”

  “That’s okay,” she laughed softly, holding up her bulging clutch. “I brought extra, knowing I’d need to do repairs.”

  “Everything looks great, Mom,” Jared said, leaning in to brush a kiss on her cheek. “We can’t thank you enough.”

  “Oh, pooh,” his mother demurred. “You know I love throwing a party. Besides, I just had to pick and choose and like magic, the staff here created this beautiful ballroom.”

  “I helped too.” Russ joked as he gathered his weepy wife close. Winking at Stacy, he held up his right hand in the shape of a claw. “I had to write the check. It was strenuous and exhausting work. I might have to consult my son later for carpal tunnel.”

  “Russell, it’s rude to talk about the bill. Besides, you haven’t even gotten the bar tab. So you better have Jared take a look at the hand now.”

  Stacy watched the couple, still very much in love. The banter was light and teasing and she smiled through her tears as Russell planted a tender kiss against Joanne’s temple.

  Jared took her by the hand and they spent the next forty-five minutes greeting their guests and accepting congratulations. The cocktail hour was followed by a round of toasts before dinner was served at eight o’clock sharp. The meal was delicious, starting off with a Michigan salad of mixed greens, candied walnuts, dried cherries, gorgonzola bleu cheese, strawberries, and a raspberry vinaigrette. The entrée of rosemary garlic beef tenderloin was melt-in-your-mouth perfection. It was served with sides of balsamic glazed grilled vegetables, potatoes au gratin, spinach ravioli with parmesan and brown butter, and soft yeasty rolls—it was elegant but not too fancy and suited Stacy to a tee. They shared the large head table with Jared’s family: his parents, his dad’s brother Alex and his wife, his mom’s sisters Emma and Louise, their spouses, and Marc and Jessie. Champagne flowed freely and Stacy made sure to stop after her second glass, not wanting to get tipsy and ruin their special night.

  After dinner came a dessert course of two or her favorites, chocolate raspberry cheesecake and white chocolate crème brulée. When she couldn’t decide, Jared chose for her, giving her a generous slice of cheesecake while he took the crème brulée. Her cheesecake was divine, but her mouth watered over the caramelized sugar top of Jared’s dessert. Of course he shared generously, feeding her from his own spoon, which Stacy found utterly romantic.

  Marc took the stage next and offered a moving toast to his best friend, wishing them both happiness and a long life together before calling them up to kick off the dancing.

  Jared escorted her to the middle of the dance floor and pulled her into his arms as the band started playing From This Moment On by Shania Twain. By the end of the first line—‘life has begun’—tears pooled, by the end of the second line—‘you are the one’—they overflowed.

  Jared pulled her close and murmured in her ear, “Aw honey, I didn’t mean to make you cry. This song just seemed perfect for us.”

  “It is, Jared. Everything is perfect. I’m just happy and my heart’s near bursting with love for you.” Her ‘I love you’ was muffled against his neck as she held on tightly, enjoying the feel of his strong arms around her. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house.

  They stayed on the floor through what seemed like a countdown of the past fifty years of love songs. Jared guided Stacy effortlessly around the dance floor and she soon forgot her two left feet. She easily responded to his lead as he gracefully swayed, dipped, and twirled her, making it seem as though they’d been dancing together for years. There was an ideal mix of slow and fast, including his special request, Barry White’s You’re The First, The Last, My Everything and one of her favorites, Can’t Help Falling In Love by the King.

  As the song ended, she was easily twirled out and back, before he bent her low over his arm in an impressive dip, which he held for a seemingly endless moment. Breathless, Stacy clung to hi
m, her face aching from the wide happy grin she’d had plastered across her face all evening. As she stared up at him, she was mesmerized by the intensity of his gaze. His emotions as always gleamed clearly in his eyes as the golden flecks battled with green, the happiness warring with passion for dominance. She melted, molten heat gathering between her thighs as she yielded to the magic of their special night, and the thrill of being held in his arms.

  “You make me feel like I actually know what I’m doing, Jared.”

  Dipping his head, his lips tenderly brushed hers. “With your beauty and grace, you make a wonderful partner.” He effortlessly raised her to standing as the next song began. Its tempo was considerably slower and more conducive to soft words and intimate conversation. He hugged her against him, swaying gently as he whispered against her ear, “I need you, Stacy.”

  Stacy could feel the hard proof of that need straining against her belly. “How late must we stay?”

  Sighing hard enough to rustle the curls at her temple, he grudgingly admitted, “As guests of honor, I suppose we’re in it for the long haul.”

  “Then I’m gonna need a break. I need to rehydrate from all this dancing and crying, and to repair the damage, of course.”

  “Unnecessary—you’re glowing and even more beautiful now, if that’s possible.”

  Flashing him a smile, she appreciated that he saw her that way, but was sure she needed at least a smidgeon of powder and a hint of lipstick. Looking around for her bathroom buddy, she found Jess wrapped up in Marc’s arms as they danced to Lady Antebellum’s Just a Kiss, Joanne and Russell swaying right beside them. Stacy smiled as she noticed the soft, dreamy looks on both women’s faces as well as glimmers of happy tears.

  * * *

  Applying a last glide of red gloss to her lips, Stacy smiled to make sure nothing had gotten on her teeth before replacing the tube in her clutch.


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