In Zach's Arms (Once a Marine, Always a Marine Book 1)

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In Zach's Arms (Once a Marine, Always a Marine Book 1) Page 6

by David, Kori

  “What happened to her?” Jesse asked.

  “Her father was a son of a bitch. I don’t think he was physically abusive, and if he was, it was toward her mother only. But he was emotionally intimidating and controlling. Told them when they could speak, when they could eat, and what they could wear. And her mother just went along with it. If Beth argued, then she was demeaned in the worst way.”

  Zach shook his head and had to unclench his fists. To this day, he wished he could have found a way to get her out of that house sooner. But they’d both been kids.

  “He used to lock Beth in her room if he thought she was getting smart with him. She wasn’t allowed to go anywhere but school and home. She couldn’t watch TV or have a radio, nothing but schoolwork and recreational reading from the Bible. No school events and, certainly, no dating.”

  “That’s crazy,” Jesse said.

  “She has nightmares about him. She told me that, from the time she hit high school, her father was convinced that she was going to turn into a whore. He nailed her windows shut and locked her inside at night to make sure she couldn’t sneak out. Beth was so traumatized by that bastard that she wouldn’t even look at anyone at school or talk to them. I know she thinks she’s a coward for not standing up to him, but she’s got more strength than she realizes.”

  Zach reached up and rubbed the tension from his neck, flexing his shoulders. “She’s terrified of marriage and kids. I think she’s afraid history could repeat itself.”

  “So what’s your plan of attack?” Jesse asked.

  “I’ve got her thinking about moving in with me now. But I’m going to convince her to marry me, that I’m not going to start controlling her like her father did, and that we’re meant for each other,” Zach said with a shrug. “I figure if I keep her busy, happy and in bed for the next fifty or sixty years, by the time she knows what hit her, she’ll be too old to leave me.”

  Jesse’s laugh wrung a wry smile out of him. He wasn’t convinced either, but he had to try.

  “That’s a helluva plan, my friend.”

  “I am adapting, improvising and overcoming.”

  “Ooh rah,” Jesse finished.


  “Did you get everything you wanted?”

  Elizabeth nodded. “I loved the little boutiques and I was surprised that none of them were overly expensive.”

  “Flagstaff is a great town.”

  “Detective Wolfe called earlier. I forgot to tell you.”

  Zach looked over at her as he drove them home. The sun was setting and streaks of orange and pink lit the sky. Jesse had treated them both to lunch and dinner in town and she was full and happy with the quiet ride and gorgeous sunset.

  “What did he say?” he asked.

  “That I could go home.”

  The only sign that Zach even heard her was his hand tightening on the steering wheel. A tick started in his jaw, but he didn’t say anything. She hadn’t wanted to spoil the fun today with this.

  “I told him that I didn’t want to return until they had the suspect in custody. I wouldn’t feel safe otherwise.”

  “You’ll always be safe with me.”

  She sighed. “I know, but that isn’t my problem and you know it.”

  “I think it is. Deep down, you’re afraid to trust anyone.”

  “But I trust you.”

  Zach shook his head. “You trust me with your safety and with your body, but you don’t trust me enough to give me anything else.”

  She knew he was talking about more than just moving in together. They were essentially living together now, at least in the short term. He was talking about much scarier things than co-habitation, and she was trying to be honest about her feelings.

  “Marriage isn’t exactly a great thing these days. The divorce rate is more than fifty percent.”

  “Those people aren’t us.”

  She ran a shaky hand through her hair. He was so stubborn when he set his mind to something. It made her crazy. He made her crazy.

  “Isn’t there someone else you can marry?” she huffed out…and immediately knew it was the wrong thing to say. She didn’t even mean it, not really. It was just her fear of commitment talking. It’s not like she didn’t know she had a phobia about it.

  Zach threw her a disgusted look and didn’t bother to answer.

  Her cell phone rang at that moment, breaking some of the tension. Zach parked his truck as she answered.


  Nothing but silence.

  “Hello? Is someone there?”

  When still nothing was said, she disconnected the call and slid her phone back into her purse. She shrugged at Zach. “Must have been a wrong number.”

  “We’re not done talking about this.”

  “Can we table it until later? Maybe after I have a hot shower and more sleep?”

  Zach stared at her in the waning light. The man was sexy, whether he was frowning or smiling. It wasn’t fair. She saw when he gave in and, even though it was a small reprieve, she was grateful.

  Zach took all her bags into the house. While she went into the bedroom to put her stuff away and shower, he went through the house setting the alarms and making sure all the windows and doors were secure.

  “Feel better?” he asked, watching her from the bed.

  Elizabeth nodded, allowing her gaze to roam his body. His lightly furred chest gave way to lean hips. He had long muscular legs and, when she paused on his briefs, she noticed they were tented with his impressive erection.

  Instant need ripped through her. He was her own personal drug and she wanted to show him how much he meant to her, even if she couldn’t say the words. She was so good with words when she was writing, but when it came to speaking them out loud—she clammed up.

  Stopping just short of the bed, Elizabeth finally tore her gaze from his length and looked into his hooded eyes. Very slowly, she brought her hands up to the knot in the towel, watching Zach’s breathing change.

  She loved that she affected him just as much as he affected her. He intoxicated her senses until she was deaf and blind to anything but him. She let the towel drop to the floor, baring herself to the only man who made her feel good just by looking at her. The cooler air on her nipples made them tighten. His mouth would warm them up nicely, but that would have to wait. She had other plans for the moment.

  “You’re going to kill me,” he said in a strangled whisper. He shifted on the bed and reached an arm out to her.

  “No. Not yet.” She held her hand up, palm out, stopping his motions. “I want you to stay on the bed and take those off.”

  Zach’s lips twitched as he took his briefs off, but he didn’t laugh at her.

  “I wanted to see all of you.”

  “And I want to taste all of you. Once wasn’t enough.”

  She laughed, low and husky. “You can taste me after.”

  “After what?”

  “After some torment and only if you’re a good boy and do nothing but watch.”

  Zach was used to being in charge, but she wanted to see how far he’d let her go before he took over. In this one area, she wasn’t afraid of his control. In fact, she liked it.

  Elizabeth ran her hands slowly up her body cupping her breasts, kneading them lightly and squeezing her nipples between thumb and forefinger. She closed her eyes at the pleasure and sighed.

  Making Zach watch was incredible foreplay.

  Zach’s breathing became harsh, the sound causing Elizabeth’s eyes to snap open. She felt his desire. His thick sex jutted proudly, curving slightly and growing in size under her heated look.

  “Sit up. I want you on the edge of the bed.”

  “Getting bossy. I like it.”

  He grinned as he complied, watching her every movement. She sank to her knees in front of him and kissed the inside of his knees. Her fingers tingled as they ran from his calves up the outsides of his thighs.

  “My turn to taste you,” she whispered.

The first touch of her tongue on his velvety skin elicited a strangled curse from Zach. His hips jerked and he sucked in a breath as she wrapped both hands around him.

  “Jesus, you have some talent.” He arched back and closed his eyes.

  Elizabeth had written this exact scene several times in her book, but in person, this was so much better. Bringing Zach pleasure only increased her own excitement. She could become addicted to his taste.


  Beth controlled the pace and teased him mercilessly and he was going to let her have her way, even if it killed him. And then he realized, in the next several minutes, that it might actually be possible to die of bliss. Her soft mouth was wrapped around him while his hands were plunged in her hair, feeling the silky strands caress his fingers.

  Beth worked her mouth up and down taking him in a way that made his heart stutter. He thought he might explode when she hummed to herself, sending shivers throughout his entire body.

  “You have no idea how good that feels.”

  She hummed again and he started to lose control.

  Enough was enough. Her playing was driving him out of his mind with the need to throw her on the bed and take her. Lifting her up, he turned the tables on her.

  “My turn,” he growled.

  Using his shoulders to spread her long legs apart, he stared his fill at her glistening blonde curls. He licked her heat before stabbing his tongue into her wet channel. Her head thrashed back and forth, and he didn’t think she was aware of her moans.

  “Oh God, Zach,” she moaned. “That feels incredible.”

  “You like that, baby?”

  “I’m burning up.”

  “I want complete meltdown.”

  And that’s what she gave him. Everything he asked for and more. He slid a finger inside and then two, and when he touched that special place inside of her, she catapulted over the edge. Only then did the sweet torment stop.

  He kissed his way to her mouth. His tongue battled with hers, stealing her breath. He leaned over to the dresser drawer to get protection when she stopped him.

  “I’m on the pill. Have been for years. I want to really feel you this time.”

  That was all he needed to hear. He entered her in one long thrust. He groaned as she sighed, feeling complete as he moved within her, fast and then slow. And when Beth reached up and palmed his face with her hands, he lost himself in her eyes. Her naked admiration humbled him and allowed him to rein in his control. He wanted to make this so good that she’d want to stay with him, even if it was just for this…this remarkable bond their bodies shared.

  Her passion awed him. It was everything he’d ever fantasized about when he was alone at night…everything he could have ever dreamed of.

  “You feel amazing.”

  Her hips lifted languidly to meet his slow thrusting, their bodies already in tune and working together to reach fulfillment.

  Zach kissed her long and slow. “You are the amazing one.”

  He’d never been much of a breast man, but hers were perfect. They fit into his hands and mouth as if made for him. And she so was responsive to his touch. Every stroke of his tongue on her nipples had her clenching around him as he moved inside her.

  Reaching down with one hand, he thumbed her most sensitive spot, drawing a low guttural moan from deep within her. He moved in and out of her, possessing her body, but wanting her soul. He couldn’t hold back any longer, so he increased his pace, sending her into another orgasm.

  “That’s it. Come for me,” he rasped. “Belong to me.”

  “Yeesss, Zach. Anything.”

  He convulsed inside her, tense muscles loosening in an all-consuming explosion. When he was spent, he leaned down to kiss the woman he loved. Her lips were lightly swollen from his passion and she had a glazed look in her eyes.

  She looked satisfied. He wished he could be content with the passion only.

  Whether she accepted it or not, she was his life. Everything he’d done was for her, to make a life for them both. He knew that now. He’d been on autopilot since leaving the Marines, but his world had always been her. Every step taken with the intent of having her share a life with him, he just hadn’t realized it until she’d come to him for help.

  Now he just had to convince her that they belonged together for more than just a moment of time.

  Chapter 9

  Saturday morning dawned bright and clear.

  Zach had hiked over to Jesse’s place for some tools, so Elizabeth decided to walk the mile out to the road to check the mail. She needed to clear away the cobwebs in her head, because book two in her series wasn’t going to write itself.

  She showed up just as the postman pulled up to the box.

  “Good morning to you, miss,” he said in a chipper voice. He was a nice-looking older man in a perfectly pressed blue uniform. Steel gray hair glinted in the bright morning sun. “You must be the Miss Russell that I have a package for.”

  “That would be me,” she answered with a smile.

  “I’m Henry, by the way. Pleased to meet you.”

  “I’m pleased to meet you too, Henry. Is everyone here this friendly?” she smiled. “This is my first visit to the area.”

  He laughed. “Actually no, that young man who lives here is a bit gruff and keeps to himself.”


  “That’d be him. He usually glares at me when I bring his mail. Unless it’s a card from…now, let me see,” he scratched his head. “What was that girl’s name?”

  “A girl?” She tried to sound uninterested, but knew she’d failed when he grinned.

  “Oh yes, now I remember. It was a birthday card from you.”

  He chuckled, even took a moment to slap himself on the knee.

  She huffed and put her hands on her hips. “I think you might have a mean streak.”

  “I saw that mad look come into your eyes, you can’t fool old Henry. And, I say it’s about time too, ‘cause the only time that boy smiles is when I’m giving him a card from you.”

  He reminded her of Bea, always meddling. Usually with good intentions. And Henry was clearly interested in the love lives of others. She wondered if he read the mail too.

  “I almost forgot your package,” he said, ambling back to his mail truck.

  He handed her the package and the rest of Zach’s mail and stuck his hand out to shake.

  “It was lovely to meet you. I hope to see you again.”

  “It was nice to meet you too. See you around.” She smiled and waved as he drove away.

  Elizabeth walked back in a haze. Henry’s little joke and her instant jealousy made her realize something important. She’d had strong, but confused feelings for Zach since she was in high school and terrified that her father would find out somehow. But this was different. This was more—overwhelming.

  Jesus, she was in love with him.

  This was the grown up stuff. The kind of love that was messy, all-consuming, and irrational. The kind of love that made a person insane enough to consider something that terrified her.

  It made her want to please him, and that was beyond scary. Because, what if she lost herself? Lost her hard-won independence? Became a ghost of the person she was now, because of love?

  Just like her mother.


  “Never mind, she just walked in,” Zach said, as Elizabeth walked through the front door. “Yeah, thanks.”

  She couldn’t believe the anger on his face as he came striding towards her.

  “Where have you been?”

  The soft tone was more menacing than any shouting he could have done and it jerked her out of the haze she’d been in walking back. Then he reached out and wrapped his arms around her, roughly pulling her into his chest for a bear hug.

  Elizabeth wrapped her arms around his middle, shaking her head at his worry. The mail slipped from her fingers as she returned his hug. He tugged at her hair, forcing her head back to meet his eyes.

  “You’re going
to give me a heart attack.”

  “I just went to check the mail. I stayed on the property. Nothing happened.”

  “Yet. Nothing happened yet. You’re not out of danger.”

  And then he kissed her. He scorched her with his touch, making her forget the danger. Zach was everything good in her life, her rock, her family, her lover. And he kissed her like she was the prize from some Viking raid.

  Elizabeth was so lost in the kiss that it was a moment before she realized there was a noise intruding. She opened her eyes and found that she was literally wrapped around Zach.

  He stared at her a moment longer before putting her down.

  “That’s your phone,” Zach said softly, when she looked confused. He dug the phone out of her back pocket and handed it to her. She took it with shaky hands.


  “Hey there, how’s all that mountain air treating you?” Her landlord’s cheerful voice was a cool splash of water to her overheated body.

  “You’re not getting out of talking about your lack of safety sense.” Zach’s look was serious and she knew she was in for another lecture.

  She nodded and focused on the call. “Hey, Bea. How are you?”

  “Wondering if that man is as sexy as his voice?”

  Elizabeth grinned. Bea had a one-track mind and not a shy bone in her body. Zach raised an eyebrow when she looked at him, but he didn’t ask any questions.

  “Yes, he is.”

  “I could tell. Good ones are hard to find these days.”

  “So what’s up?”

  “I’ve got some bad news for you. Your apartment was broken into again.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding. What happened?”

  Elizabeth bit her lip and looked up into Zach’s concerned face. He took her hand and led them both to the couch to sit down.


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