The Property of Edward James
Page 15
As Roy’s sister and boyfriend are having wild sex in the beach house, Roy falls in love with Ariel. He swims off into the ocean with the mermaid in the last scene. I know I set the bar rather low for myself, though beggars can’t be choosers. I know I’m an optimist, but it actually sounded like a rather interesting project, as long as I could play Roy and Elizabeth could be my irresistible mermaid.
But Farnsworth abruptly changed his mind, shelving “The Mermaid” indefinitely. In a ceremonious manner, he set before each of us a copy of his new epic screenplay, “SSSQ69”, aka: “The Sexual Servants of Space Quadrant 69”. He asked us to study the screenplay over the weekend. Filming was to begin immediately. He leaned over conspiratorially with a snifter of cognac between his fingers and said with a straight, if slightly inebriated face.
“Now I want to tell you a secret I’ve never told a soul to celebrate this grand occasion. Not even my most trusted employees seated here with me know this. My human name is Peter Farnsworth, it’s true, but I am of alien birth.”
The group sat in stunned silence at Farnsworth’s comment, the strange words hovering above the table like five miniature flying saucers in triangular formation. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Roger and Delores sit rigidly upright in their chairs, listening to Farnsworth with rapt attention. Working with Farnsworth at the video store, he must’ve slowly converted them to believe in UFO’s, I assumed. Elizabeth still appeared lost in thought and appeared not to hear him as she checked her phone messages.
“Ms. Rose, did you hear what I just said?” Farnsworth asked.
“Mmmm? Oh yes, Peter. I heard. You’re an alien. I always suspected that was the case,” Elizabeth said, rather nonchalantly.
Next, Farnsworth delivered this crazy rambling monologue of how he was a member of the worldwide Raelian movement. He believed that long ago, the human species on Earth was created by a visitation of extraterrestrials called the Elohim. Farnsworth told us that he himself was half human, half Elohim. Whether they were consciously aware of it or not, there were many more people of alien birth like him, in every corner of the world, Farnsworth said. Apparently on her deathbed, Farnsworth’s mother revealed the family secret that her son Peter had alien DNA pumping through his system. In the summer of 1961, a Grey Alien had abducted his mother from the backyard of his Chula Vista home. A blue beam of light appeared from the underside of a large cigar-shaped vessel that was hidden in the clouds. The beam of light picked up his mother and her body rose through the air above her house and trees, entering though an opening in the underside of the vessel. Within the spacecraft, the alien pollinated his mother’s womb with the precious reproductive life material of the Elohim. With Farnsworth’s advanced human/alien DNA, there existed in his semen the progenitor of a new species of human that would be free of aging or even death. Farnsworth believed it was his duty to find and prepare a young woman to be offered as a love slave to the Elohim. She would mate with the Grey Alien and create a new species of human kind. That was essentially the plot of “SSSQ69” as well as Farnsworth’s personal life story. Farnsworth’s new film would show the world the truth of the existence of Grey Aliens and the desire of the Elohim to breed with human females to purify the DNA for future generations. With the enhanced DNA, eventually warfare, poverty, hunger and all forms of disease would be eradicated. Like Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed before him, Peter Farnsworth would be the Elohimian appointed as the new Prophet of the 21st Century. Of course, in the new film, Farnsworth would play himself in the leading role.
“Through this film, I will open the eyes of humanity and get our race back on the right evolutionary course. Of course, it will also be an erotic and entertaining film as well,” Farnsworth pronounced. “And you, Ms. Rose, you will be our Emissary, not only in the film, but in real life. The time is at hand Elizabeth, when you will stand by my side on the Day of Reckoning, as my Queen. From your womb, a new race of human/aliens will be born. You will play a role as well Delores, as Elizabeth’s handmaiden and will also provide your body to be inseminated, first by me and then by the Visitors.”
Frankly, I failed to see the appeal of a biopic on the life of Peter Farnsworth. Other than Star Trek geeks, who would want to see a movie about weird-ass Grey Aliens inseminating sexy women? I liked the mermaid story better. The whole thing felt very creepy. I couldn’t imagine what Elizabeth and Delores were thinking, being pimped out by Farnsworth as breeding cows for little green men. Delores took a swallow of her wine and Roger finished his third Scotch. Elizabeth seemed to take the story in stride, already deciding that our Peter Farnsworth was a nut job. Farnsworth leaned back, ogling Elizabeth’s breasts for the umpteenth time.
“You are the chosen one, Ms. Rose.”
“A Queen? I’m flattered,” Elizabeth said, taking a sip of her tea.
“You will be staying with me from now on, Ms. Rose, to prepare you for the film as well as for your upcoming exchange with the Elohim. Since Roswell and the gross mishandling of what took place at Area 51, there is a protocol you need to learn and follow when dealing with the Grey Alien. I will teach you that protocol,” Farnsworth stated in a rather matter of fact voice.
“I would be happy to help with your friends, Mr. Farnsworth, but that decision is not mine to make,” she answered.
“What do you mean, Ms. Rose?” Farnsworth asked.
“By contract, I can be shared only with the permission of my Dom.”
Farnsworth took off his glasses and carefully folded them upon the table.
“Your Dom? You’ve signed a contract with a Dominant? Are you currently in a submissive relationship, Ms. Rose?” Farnsworth asked, gazing at her.
“Yes. I am the property of Edward James.”
I saw Farnsworth and Roger look at me with their mouths open. Delores also glanced at me with a shocked look in her eyes.
“You’re in a submissive relationship… with Edward?” Farnsworth said, incredulously.
I was a little offended by his tone, as if I was several species beneath her on the evolutionary scale. I knew Elizabeth was far more attractive than me, but he didn’t need to point it out.
“But De Niro here is a mere human, and can’t possibly bless your womb with a Divine Immortal Seed,” Farnsworth said.
“My intimate involvement with you is entirely up to Mr. James.”
Farnsworth shook his head and smiled.
“You sweet girl. Your naiveté is what I adore most about you. Haven’t you noticed? Edward is a closeted homosexual.”
I sat up stiffly and cocked my head at him. I couldn’t believe I heard him correctly. How could he possibly accuse me of being a homosexual after witnessing me performing all sorts of nasty sex acts with Elizabeth right in front of his eyes? He even has the film stock to prove it.
“What! I’m not gay!” I said, offended.
“Please don’t misinterpret me, Shakespeare. We Raeliens are very accepting and liberal when it comes to sexual proclivities. We think any expression of our natural sexuality, especially between couples of the same sex, gives ultimate praise to our Creator, the Elohim.”
Elizabeth looked at me with what I detected to be sadness in her eyes and took my hands.
“Edward James has brought me to the heights of sexual pleasure, more than any man in my life,” she said, with devotion.
I turned to Farnsworth.
“You can’t have her, Mr. Farnsworth. Elizabeth is mine,” I said.
A long uncomfortable silence followed.
“I see. Well, perhaps we can reconvene back in San Diego and discuss this matter further. There is rather more at stake here than this little dalliance of yours, Edward,” Farnsworth said, gravely.
The food finally arrived, thank Elohim. The conversation shifted away from outer space to the awards ceremony here on Earth. After our meal, despite being put off by his Queen, Farnsworth magnanimously picked up the tab. We went into the plush theater and took our seats. This old pathetic comic took the stage to warm up the
crowd and started telling extremely filthy jokes that everyone, except Elizabeth and I, howled at. I looked around at all the scantily dressed women. Some even went topless, covering their breasts with glitter and silver paint. They paraded about on the stage, picking up their faux gold-plated statuettes and flirting for the cameras which were filming the occasion for cable TV. Of all the female porn stars, no one could hold a candle to Elizabeth, by far the sexiest and most beautiful woman in the theater. I saw many tuxedoed older men take notice of her as we got up at intermission to use the bathroom and get refreshments. The second half took forever, much like the slightly less profane Oscar ceremony I watched on my small 12 inch TV each year. AVN magnanimously created an award category for every sex act under the sun, so practically everyone in the room could win an award. Unfortunately there wasn’t a category for Best University Trained New Porn Actor. I held hands with Elizabeth and she looked totally bored. I leaned over and whispered to her.
“I’m sorry for dragging you here. Are you having a bad time?”
“No. It’s fun to be here with you.”
“I think your category is coming up. Good luck.”
“Oh, yeah. Thanks!” she said, sarcastically.
The two women who won the award of Best Girl on Girl Sex Scene last year took the stage to announce the nominees and show clips of their films. When they greeted each other on stage they started immediately French kissing to the delight of the audience, like Madonna and Brittany Spears but ten times more raunchy. As they announced our movie, I saw the short clip of Delores kissing Elizabeth as she was tied to the bed and observed her authentic response. The audience applauded and Elizabeth seemed slightly embarrassed, looking down at her I-Phone once again.
When they opened the envelope, and read the winners, I couldn’t believe it. Elizabeth and Delores won! I saw Delores stand up with Roger and Farnsworth, embracing them. Elizabeth was staring at her I-Phone, sending a text message, oblivious. Applauding with the rest of the crowd, I stood up, offering my hand.
“Elizabeth, you won!” I shouted over the clapping.
“What? I heard someone else’s name.”
“No. You won! You’re Vivienne Fox, remember?”
“Oh, yeah.”
Elizabeth stood up and I gave her a kiss on the cheek in the same way I’d seen the spouses of movie stars do when their wives win an Oscar. Delores and Elizabeth went up the steps hand in hand and were handed their porn trophies. With a big smile, Delores made a quick speech thanking Mr. Farnsworth for casting her in the film and giving her the opportunity to perform with her boyfriend, Roger. Then she handed the microphone over to Elizabeth Rose, aka Vivienne Fox. A hush came over the crowd as they gazed at the pretty curves of her body in her silky sheer cocktail dress. Under the lights she looked too beautiful to be real, with her long naturally blonde hair, her attractive red lips, her pretty eyes and alluring face.
“I want to thank the person that made this award possible, an exceptionally gifted actor whose performance you can see in this film as well as in the erotic film, “The Monastery”. My friend and co-star, Edward James. I accept this award for both of us. Thank you.”
Elizabeth smiled and looked down as the audience applauded. The two porn actresses led Elizabeth and Delores off the stage. Elizabeth never made it back to her seat. The ceremony ended several minutes later and I met up with her at a cocktail party in the lobby. Before I had a chance to thank her for mentioning me in her lovely speech, she was whisked away for publicity pictures of the award winners. She soon became surrounded by a number of men who seemed anxious to meet her and speak with her. I stood alone against the wall, trying not to feel jealous and watched the crowd. Farnsworth was holding court, talking to a group of people. Finally, Elizabeth broke through the crowd and rushed over to me.
“Edward, I have a bit of a headache. Would you mind going up to our room early?” Elizabeth asked.
“No. Not at all,” I replied.
We escaped the throng and made it up to our room. Elizabeth slipped out of her dress and put on a simple but sexy white negligee.
“I’m so glad to be in this room alone with you. Did you lock the door?
“Yes. What did all those men want from you?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Most of them said they were producers or directors of adult films. They wanted me to work on their next project, blah blah blah…”
“What did you tell them?”
“I said I had a contract to work exclusively with Peter Farnsworth Productions and I wasn’t available.”
“Are you sure? Maybe they could—”
“Edward, I don’t want to perform in those kinds of movies. I only did it to give me an excuse to see you.”
“I know that’s not what you want to do with your life. Of course.”
Elizabeth swallowed an aspirin out of her purse with the complimentary bottle of water on the bedside table.
“Thank you for what you said,” I mentioned.
“You know, in your acceptance speech. It was very nice of you to mention me.”
“Oh… Yes. I meant it. I hope you feel the same way,” Elizabeth said.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“I hope you consider me your friend too, Edward,” Elizabeth said, with a searching look in her eyes.
“Of course, I consider you my friend, Elizabeth,” I replied.
She took me in her arms and gave me a warm embrace.
“Edward, would you mind if we just cuddled up and went to bed tonight. I don’t know, all the smoke in the casino, Farnsworth’s crazy dinner speech, everyone looking at me, the long drive, my period… I have such a splitting headache and I’m exhausted. I know, as your sub, I should provide comfort to you, but I’m so exhausted. Can we just go to sleep tonight?”
“Sure, Elizabeth, sure. I’m a little tired too.”
We lie down on our sides in our favorite position and fell into a restful sleep. In the middle of the night I felt a pleasant wet sensation and was extremely aroused. Elizabeth had been sucking on me while I slept. In the twilight between night and day, sleep and consciousness, I felt Elizabeth’s lips and tongue sliding up and down my shaft while she cradled my scrotum in one of her palms.
“Your period…” I murmured.
Elizabeth kept the swollen ridge of my shaft between her lips.
“Squeeze me or I’m going to come…” I whispered, half asleep.
“Mmmm…” Elizabeth moaned.
She held my scrotum gently and closed her other hand loosely around the base of my shaft. She licked and sucked harder on the sensitive head of my penis until my semen exploded out in several bursts into her open mouth, through the puffy soft red lips that I loved. After she swallowed me and my breathing slowed, I wrapped my hands around her breasts. After the erotic interlude, we fell back to sleep together. I had no idea at the time it would be our last intimate moment together, as a Dom and sub.
Chapter Thirteen
The End of Our Affair
We checked out early the next morning to beat the traffic back to San Diego. Elizabeth was very quiet behind the wheel. We stopped for gas and I saw Elizabeth take her trophy out of her purse and toss it in the trash receptacle. A few miles outside of Vegas, Elizabeth glanced over at me.
“Edward, I need to talk to you about something.”
“I’ve decided… I’m not going to be in Farnsworth’s next movie.”
“I thought so. I don’t blame you one bit for dropping out, Elizabeth. After what Farnsworth said to you last night at dinner, it’s obvious he has gone off the deep end. I’m not sure I want to be in it either. On the cast page I saw my name next to “The Grey Alien”. It’s never a good sign if the writer never even bothers to give your character a first name. Outside of a few “Deets” and “Blurts”, I don’t appear to have any lines either. According to my costume, I’ll be covered from head to fo
ot in some alien outfit, so no one will be able to see me. I’m not too excited about the project either,” I said.
I thought what I said might make her laugh, but she had this sad expression.
“It’s not just that… There’s something else,” Elizabeth said, ominously.
“What?” I whispered.
“Do you remember what we spoke about after we first met at the audition a few months ago? And the promises you made before I agreed to go out with you? About how I wanted us to become friends and stay friends, no matter what happens between us?”
“Did you promise me that just to get laid by a pretty girl like every other guy on the planet or did you mean it?”
“No, I meant it. Friends no matter what, until the end. What’s wrong, Elizabeth? Talk to me.”
“I’m trying… OK. There’s something that I think about a hundred times a day. It’s pretty boring, so I never brought it up with you.”
“I can’t think of anything about you that I would find boring, Elizabeth.”
“Well… I think a lot about having children, Edward. I guess my biological clock has started ticking inside me or something. I want to have kids, maybe three. I’m almost twenty six, so if I’m going to do it, I’ve got to start soon.”
“Oh… You mean? I thought you had your...”
“No, Edward. Don’t worry, I’m not pregnant and I do have my period… Listen, I know you’re very sensitive, so please don’t take this the wrong way. Even though I think someday you’ll make an excellent husband and father, I didn’t mean that I wanted to have children with you. You have to understand, neither one of us are financially stable enough to raise kids. You have your acting career to consider and I don’t want you to give up your dreams just because I want to be a mom. We would need insurance coverage, you would have to quit your acting career and get a boring regular job and I know you would hate it. Even then, we probably would hardly be able to make ends meet. The nature of our relationship would change. We’d probably never have much time to have sex anymore, taking care of the kids. There would be a great deal of stress. You don’t want that kind of life, do you?