Iron: The Coast book 8

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Iron: The Coast book 8 Page 2

by Hart, Eve R.

  I glanced up to see Dade walking into the room from the back hall.

  “Look at that,” I said down to Catherine as she let out a tiny cry that I knew would become louder real quick if I didn’t give her what she demanded. “Uncle Dade has the good stuff.”

  He let out a low chuckle as he flopped down on the couch beside me and handed the warmed bottle over to me. I made fast work of getting it to her mouth.

  “How’s it goin’, brother?” I asked him.

  “Could be better,” he said in a joking tone. “Could be a hell of a lot worse too.” We both laughed at that. “I got the fence taken care of at the container yard. I’m not sure what it was but it had to be big to make a hole that deep.”

  “Thanks, man.” I jerked my chin at him.

  There were all kinds of critters out there roaming around at all hours of the day and night. Most of the time they didn’t cause problems but something decided it wanted in, and so it dug a hole under the fence we had set up. At first, I was worried that it had been a person trying to get in but there had been a buncha fur caught on the bottom of the chain link.

  I knew moving around wasn’t the easiest for him, especially when it came to getting down like that. While he moved a lot better now than when he first got his prosthetic leg, there were still things it took him a minute longer than most people to do. He never complained but that didn’t mean that I didn’t feel like shit.

  I should have taken more caution when sending them into that house. We’d lost two prospects that night. Nearly lost Blade, and Dade lost his leg.

  “I appreciate ya,” I said to him making sure to look him in the eyes. It seemed to make him uncomfortable because I knew he didn’t do that shit to get praise and thanks.

  “Not a big deal,” he said. “Shit needed to get fixed and I wasn’t doing anything.”

  “I mean it, Dade,” I said and I didn’t give a fuck if it made him look at me weird. He needed to hear it, needed to know it. Because sometimes it didn’t matter if the unsaid shit was known, sometimes people needed to have it reinforced. And Dade needed to know that I did appreciate not only everything he did for the club, but him as a person as well. “I’m damn glad to call you a brother.”

  “Thank you,” he said with a little nod.

  I returned the gesture and said nothing more on it. He heard me.

  “Your sister in the kitchen?” I asked.

  “Yeah. Who the hell do you think got that bottle ready?! I don’t know shit about babies. Seems like she knows what’s going on though. Out of nowhere, she said it was time then started to get it together. I just walked it out to you.”

  I laughed.

  “She was right on time. I was gettin’ ready to get up and make one when you came walking in,” I told him with a smile.

  Abigail came here when Dade was in the hospital. After that, she stayed to help him through his rehabilitation and therapy. And then, she just sort of stayed. We set her up with a room in the back building of the compound. I’d hoped that it was quieter out there but I had a feeling it wasn’t.

  She cooked for us pretty much every day even though I’d told her many times she didn’t have to. I got the sense that she not only wanted to be here with her brother, but also didn’t want to go back home. I didn’t know the reasons why and I figured she’d come to me or Dade if it was anything life-threatening or whatnot.

  I liked having her here. She was sweet and did a lot for the club. That said, I never wanted her to feel like she had to do any of that shit. I’d have given her a place no matter what.

  For the most part, Dade and Abigail got along. Right after everything, Dade kind of fell into a funk. They fought but you could tell they still loved each other. Abigail was more on the shy and quiet side, except when it came to her brother. She wouldn’t hesitate to put him in his place when needed and I could admit that it was funny to see sometimes.

  “Abigail need anything?” I asked him. I knew she wouldn’t come right out and say what she wanted, but I had to make sure she was still happy here. “You think she’d like a place of her own? We could set her up with that.”

  Dade sighed and shook his head.

  “I tried that one. I offered to pay for an apartment in town since it doesn’t seem like she’s leaving any time soon. She told me no. But, hey, if she’s in the way, let me know. I’ll get it handled.”

  “No, brother.” I shook my head. “She’s fine right where she is. Just wanted to make sure that she’s still happy here.”

  “Yeah,” he said as his eyes looked down the hall in the direction of the kitchen. “I think she likes it here. I don’t know.” He gave a small shrug.

  “No problem with that. I like havin’ her around. She’s a big help.”

  “I’ll ask her again, but I can tell you she’s probably going to tell me she’s good.”

  “Whatever you think is best,” I told him as I looked down at Catherine to make sure she was still working hard on her bottle.

  She was, so hard that the damn thing was gone.

  “I’ll take that to the kitchen for you. I’m gonna head out for a bit unless you need me to do anything,” he told me as he got to his feet.

  “Nah. Think everything is settled for now. You good?”

  “Yeah,” he told me with a smile. “Just want to ride for a bit.”

  I knew that feeling all too well.

  “Alright, brother. Have a good night.” I handed over the bottle and then brought Catherine up to my shoulder. With a few pats on her back, she let out a huge, un-princess-like burp. I laughed and tried to gently get another one out of her.

  I got up and cradled the baby to my chest as I walked up to my office.

  I was naturally good at multitasking, I kind of had to be. There was a lot of shit going on even if we weren’t in high-alert times. Just runnin’ the club and making sure everything was on track took a lot. Though, I never imagined myself doing it while holding a kid. That was a whole different level of multitasking, if you asked me. It was still easy with Sparrow and Catherine because they slept a lot at this point. But when Chry was around, boy, did I feel like I had to split my brain in two. Not that I minded one damn bit. And sure, I could have sat back and taken some time off— I usually did when he was around— but I thought if I could get something done, then I was going to try.

  I might have seemed like a laid-back kind of guy, and I was for the most part, but my mind was always going. I was always watching, planning, and trying my best to predict the future. Or at least see potential problems that might pop up. I liked to be prepared, and more than that, I liked to have a solution forming in case I needed one.

  It was also smart to know what was going on with my men. Sometimes I could see shit that I didn’t even think they were aware of. I might not have known exactly what was going on, but I could usually tell when something was up.

  And since I was the President, I held some secrets like no other. I only kept them to myself when I thought it wouldn’t harm the club. I’d never, fuckin’ ever, keep shit that could put the club in danger to myself. But personal shit, yeah, I got that we all had it and that shit didn’t always need to be aired out like dirty laundry.

  I had Mouse to keep up with the numbers for the club and the business. He handled most of the money stuff but I liked to stay on the same page. So there I was looking over the numbers for the garage and I felt Catherine’s little fingers tuggin’ on my beard.

  What was it with kids and my hair?

  My fingers came up to touch the long hairs hanging from my chin. I kept it clean and oiled because no one liked brittle beard hair breaking off everywhere. I wasn’t all pretty like some men. I wasn’t even like those hipsters with their wannabe lumberjack look that spent hours on their shit like some women did on their face. I was a rather simple man, but I did care enough about personal hygiene not to seem like a backwoods mountain man.

  See, kids were a huge distraction.

  While I enjoyed my time wi
th the club babies, I was pretty glad I could give them up after a few hours. Besides, it was like I had a damn litter of my own with all the drama the brothers could get into.

  Like Sketch and his constant revolving door of women. Yeah, I knew he was upfront with them, but some women just couldn’t get that shit through their heads. I’d dealt with it a time or two. But the numbers he went through caused that shit to happen more often.

  Charming and Blade weren’t far behind him, though they usually tended to be more discreet about it. Not much, but a little.

  Then there was my VP, Mason. Sure, he hated trouble, but he couldn’t exactly skirt it when he had baby mama drama going on. I felt for the guy and couldn’t blame him one ounce for wanting to see his kid. And it sucked that he got tied to a crazy bitch like her. Still, there was a shit load of frustration there for him a lot of times, and since we were close, I often took some of that on because that was what family did.

  I knew I never wanted to deal with that shit.

  So even when I had women in my bed without knowing their names, I made sure I wrapped it up and used my own. I was never so drunk to the point I didn’t know which end was up. Never let the woman put the condom on. I never even let her get near that shit once I was done. There were some crazy women out there, and I’d heard stories of some taking off with the used rubber to do God knew what with.

  Those days weren’t over, necessarily. I wasn’t that old. I still liked to get down and dirty. I definitely still loved the feeling of a woman wrapped around me. However, there was currently only one woman in my life.

  Petra wasn’t my girlfriend. She wasn’t my old lady. She wasn’t even something that could be considered a friend with benefits. We weren’t friends. Yet, we weren’t enemies, either. And though there was an unsaid rule that we could do what we wanted between our… meetings, I never had an urge to take advantage of it. No one had caught my eye since Petra came into my life. Didn’t know what it meant and I sure as hell was smart enough not to think about it.

  Because if I knew anything about Petra, it was that you took what you got and you didn’t ask for more.

  So I took her random text out of nowhere telling me to come, and I went to her prepared to give her whatever she needed.

  Sex with her was hot as hell even if I was usually tied down for it. I didn’t mind giving her control for a number of reasons, but mostly because she knew how to handle that control. She knew how much to take and in the end, she always managed to blow my damn mind and left me drained in the most satisfying way.

  You better bet your ass that I wasn’t looking anywhere else. I knew at this point in my life that everything else would be lacking and just a waste of time.

  Things might not have been perfect, but my life seemed pretty well balanced to me. Sure, there were things I could complain about, everyone had something, but there wasn’t a day that went by that I felt the need to.

  And I planned on keepin’ it that way.




  Her text pinged my phone the moment I got back home.

  I pulled my phone out a minute after I stepped off my bike though I already had a good idea what it was.

  “Gotta go?” Mason asked as he walked over to me and noticed me smirking at my phone.

  “It’s Petra,” I said pointedly.

  I hadn’t gone into great detail with him or anything but he knew what was going on.

  “And I repeat, gotta go?” He raised a brow and chuckled.

  “What I got to do is fill everyone in and get settled,” I said though I knew I was going to make that shit quick.

  Club came first. That was the personal vow I took when I proudly accepted the President patch. What good would it do a club if the leader didn’t take it as seriously as everyone else did? All my brothers were the same and I was going to make damn sure that no one ever questioned that.

  Now, that said, I realized that sometimes shit came up that had to take top priority. That was when things could get shuffled around a little. And so far, I hadn’t had any problems with it.

  Since Petra wasn’t in danger or bleedin’ out, I knew she could hold her damn horses for a minute, whether she wanted to or not.

  “Nah, I got this, brother,” Mason said with humor in his tone. “You go. Nothin’ much to tell anyway.”

  I eyed him for a moment and debated on what to do. He was right, there wasn’t much to tell about how the drop-off had gone. And honestly, that ride had me a bit worked up. I could sure as hell use a bit of Petra time right now.

  Just thinking about it made standing in front of Mason uncomfortable.

  “I don’t have to look down to know you got something going on there,” he said with a few shakes of his head.

  My smile was wide as I reached down and adjusted myself. My cock was starting to throb and since he knew about it, I figured what the hell. Had it been anyone else, I probably would have done my best to play it off. But it was Mason. I’d known him a damn long time. Though we spent some years apart, he hadn’t changed that much. Not even from those years he spent behind bars. It had only seemed to make him look a little harder, but he still had that big heart under it all.

  “Get the hell outta here,” he told me with a pat on the arm.

  “Yeah,” I grunted. “Call me if you need anything. Church tomorrow.”

  “Got it,” he replied, then walked off.

  Putting my phone away, I mounted my bike once again.

  I entered Petra’s building through the back and let myself up to the top with no problems now that I had the damn clearance to do so.

  I stepped into her penthouse and waited because I knew what was good for me.

  She clicked her way over to me and looked me up and down with a raised brow.

  “You’re… dirty,” she said, a tinge of confusion in her tone like she couldn’t figure out why.

  “Just got back from a ride, Pet. Got road grime and bugs all over me.” I held the smile to a minimum. I wasn’t trying to piss her off, but there were times like this that I pushed back in my own way. Maybe I was in a mood right now, too.

  “Take a shower,” she said and turned to lead me to one of the many bathrooms she had in this place, I was sure.

  “No,” I told her, keepin’ my boots firmly planted to the floor. “You want me, you get me like this.”

  She studied me over her shoulder for a good long second.

  “Strip,” she finally said.

  With my eyes pinned on hers, I pulled off my cut, tossing it on the chair in front of me. Everything else fell to the floor as I kicked out of my boots.

  My arms remained at my sides as she walked over to me. I kept my eyes open as she reached down and stroked me a few good times.

  Her thumb swiped over the tip of my cock, wiping away the pearl of pre-cum that had gathered there.

  “Knees,” she said as she released my cock.

  My knees hit the floor, the blow cushioned by the pile of clothes gathered around me. My hands fisted at my sides. I wanted to touch her but knew better than to even try.

  The warmth of her creamy thigh spread throughout my body as she hooked her leg over my shoulder.

  Without hesitation, I brought my mouth forward. Inhaling her scent, I licked my way up. Her pussy was already wet and glistening, and I wasn’t surprised to find her without panties right now.

  Sometimes she had them, sometimes she didn’t. Just like sometimes she wore a garter and thigh-high stockings and sometimes she didn’t. But by her command, I knew she would be prepared for what she wanted.

  We’d been doing this over a year now, so I’d been with her enough to know what kind of night it would be. And I had my suspicions as to what was going on in her head based on this one move.

  Her fingers dug into my hair as I sucked on her clit. With a hard yank, she pulled my head back until I was forced to look into her eyes. I didn’t miss the way she was practically looking down her nose a
t me with her chin tilted up slightly. I could barely see the light blue of her eyes through her thick lashes. But I knew she was looking at me, that was part of what she needed right now.

  Her hips rocked as her pussy ground into my face. Taking in a deep breath through my nose, I happily buried my face even further. I didn’t let up, my tongue working faster over her clit.

  Her heel dug into my back when I started to lick around her wet entrance. My tongue plunged in and out of her as she rode my beard. She clenched her jaw and I knew she was about to come. The harder I fucked her with my tongue, the wetter she became.

  I tried my hardest to hold back my smile but it was almost impossible. I might have been the one on my knees but I was the one giving her what she needed. I was the one that she turned to.

  Every time I pulled back for air, I made sure to swipe my tongue over her clit a few times. I knew she was close but I could tell she needed me to draw this out a little bit longer. So I continued my pattern until I felt her leg shaking on my shoulder.

  Keeping my eyes locked onto hers, I closed my mouth around her clit once more. Sucking hard, I nibbled on the little bud and watched her head tilt back as she fell apart for me. I didn’t stop until she pulled my head away with a sharp jerk. I could feel her juices dripping down my beard and I didn’t hesitate to lick away what I could.

  Petra’s taste was like no other. There was no other way to describe it. Except maybe to say that her pussy was the best one I’d ever tasted.

  Tonight was not one for tricks and time. I knew it the moment I got to my knees. She didn’t lead me down the hall to the room. She didn’t even try to restrain me in any kind of way and I knew better than to try and touch her.

  I knew what I had to give her as I watched her walk over to the chair and rest her hips against the top of it.

  “Fuck me,” she commanded as she pulled the bottom of her dress up just enough so I could see her wet pussy.

  I got to my feet with urgency and took the condom that was waiting pinched between her fingers that she had held up in the air. The wrapper fell carelessly to the ground as I slid it down my leaking cock.


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