Twisted Mirrors (A Dark Fantasy Horror): The Edge of Reflection Book 1

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Twisted Mirrors (A Dark Fantasy Horror): The Edge of Reflection Book 1 Page 3

by Carver Pike

  “You’re a two-timing, cheating whore and Gabe deserves better,” the new Lisa spat.

  Allie was stunned. Something wasn’t right with the innocent girl she’d worked with all these years, and she was afraid to take it any further. Lisa had gone insane. Allie backed up a couple of steps and almost ran into a copy machine.

  “Fuck off, CUNT,” Lisa warned her. Then she turned and sashayed down the hallway.


  Gabe was about to turn off his computer when Lisa rounded the corner. She grabbed the right side of his cubicle opening and stood there watching him silently, with eyes that said she was ready to eat him alive. He was dumbfounded. Her eyes seemed to swirl around and capture his attention. Her lips were full and painted a deep red.

  Her body was magnificent. She had curvy hips and long, stocking covered legs, that dipped up into her short dress. Her boobs were unbelievable. No, tits. Something about her begged to be talked about in a dirtier manner. Boobs wouldn’t do. She had un-fucking-believable tits.

  “Lisa?” he finally managed to mumble.

  “Call me Ivy,” she said with her hands on her hips.

  Gabe felt like a cartoon dog that needed to shake himself out of his stupor.

  “What happened to you?” His eyes roamed over every part of her body. Then they did it again.

  Ivy looked as if she wanted to fight back the urge to laugh. She was eating up the attention.

  “What, you don’t like me?” she flirted.

  She walked over to him and laid a hand on his shoulder before moving it slowly over to his neck and down to his chest. There, her fingers played with the buttons on his dress shirt while her tongue traced her lip, as if she could lick the taste of his arousal off of it.

  Gabe’s breathing intensified as he enjoyed Ivy’s seduction. For a moment, he forgot where he was, but then he remembered, and quickly rolled his chair back to stop her.

  “You look…different,” he said.

  Ivy rolled her eyes and stepped back away from him.

  “Listen, you should dump the tramp. She’s screwing the boss.”


  “Yeah, and if you wanna fuck, call me. I’ll give you what you deserve.”

  Ivy turned and walked away. Gabe sat quietly for a second, completely confused. Lisa had gone from a shy girl, easily embarrassed and flustered by the mere attempt at flirting with him in the break room, to a steamy seductress in stilettos. In what, twenty minutes?

  He laughed to himself and chalked it up to Lisa possibly playing a joke on him. However, he’d never known her to have that kind of sense of humor. Funny to her had always consisted of Seinfeld reruns and getting shocked by the refrigerator door in the break room. Something wasn’t right.

  Later that night, much like all the other recent nights, Gabe went to sleep alone. He’d tried to find Allie before driving home but she was nowhere in sight. He’d hoped that maybe she’d already driven to his apartment and was either half way through preparation of the meal she’d promised him or was waiting anxiously in bed, wanting to make up for all of the lack of attention she’d given him lately, but when he turned the key to unlock his front door, he found neither.

  The apartment was dead silent and not a single light was on. No fresh tomato aroma wafted out of the kitchen, nor were there sounds of pots and pans crashing around. Allie wasn’t waiting underneath the covers in the bedroom, either. The bed was perfectly made, the way he’d left it that morning.

  He called Allie to find out what was going on, but she wouldn’t answer her cell phone. Dinner that night was a pizza, which of course showed up as ham and pineapple when he’d ordered ham and mushroom. The rumbling in his stomach warned him not to send the mistake back and so he fought his way through a couple of slices of the salty sweet pizza and crashed in bed to the sound of the sharpest knives known to man being sold on television.

  That night as he drowned out the sound of the blade slicing through green peppers and slamming down against the cutting board, he continuously found his thoughts drifting towards Lisa’s radical change.

  He saw her sitting there in front of him in the break room, playing with the tab on her soda, and then watched in his mind as she transformed into Ivy and seductively ran the tips of her fingernails up and down the side of the aluminum can.

  A part of him felt guilty for thinking about a woman other than Allie, but then again, Allie wouldn’t even answer his calls. So he slept uncomfortably, juggling thoughts of the two women back and forth in his head, and woke feeling not well rested, but eager to see which Lisa would show up to work that day.


  Gabe spent most of the morning seeking out Lisa. He never asked anyone where she was, but did find several poor excuses to walk past her cubicle. Each time he did though, she was nowhere in sight, and he was filled with a disappointment that he couldn’t quite understand.

  Like fresh twigs heaped onto his fire, his frustration was fueled when he bumped into Allie. She sat at her cubicle as always, typing away. With nothing but a wave, he walked by as he made his way to his desk. Allie started to shoot an excuse at him and then looked utterly shocked when he kept walking and didn’t seem interested in her made-up story.


  It was nearly noon when Ivy finally drove into the parking lot. She didn’t park in her assigned spot as Lisa always would, but instead pulled right into a handicapped spot at the front of the building, where she parked and stepped out of her car wearing a tight, red dress. The young security guard on duty watched as she made her way through the front door and right past his station.

  She ignored the sign that warned all employees to stop and get their bags checked and passed the kid a wink as she walked on through. He seemed too busy watching her ass to do his job. She shook her head and was nearly through the door when the guard finally called out.

  “Ma’am, I need to check your purse.”

  Ivy waved him off over her shoulder and kept going. She looked back to see him standing there, looking slightly baffled, before finally slumping back into his chair.

  Once Ivy entered the office, not one man in the building was able to concentrate on his work. Even Charlie, who was pouring himself a cup of coffee, stopped and watched as she made her way down the hall.

  No one commented on her tardiness.

  Ivy didn’t go to her own desk, but instead made her way towards Gabe’s cubicle. He was sifting through files in his desk drawer when she arrived.

  “Hey handsome,” she said.

  He nearly smacked his head on the cabinet above as he jumped slightly out of his seat. He spun around in his chair and stared up at her.


  “Ivy,” she reminded him.

  She reached down and caressed his cheek.

  “You didn’t call me last night. I was waiting.”

  “I don’t have your number,” Gabe said.

  Ivy rolled her eyes.

  “She knew you all these years and didn’t even give you her number. Probably doesn’t even have yours. Pathetic,” she mumbled under her breath as she bent over to get a pen and Post-it note out of his desk.

  She looked over her shoulder and caught Gabe checking her out, his eyes glued to her ass. She grinned.

  “I knew you had it in you,” she said under her breath.

  She finished writing her number on the Post-it and then stuck it to his forehead. It fell and drifted down to his lap.

  “Oops,” she said teasingly. “I’ll get it.”

  She reached into his lap, slid her hand down between his legs, and gave his thigh a squeeze. She watched with satisfaction as Gabe closed his eyes, savoring the moment. She could feel him harden a little against her arm. Apparently, he did too as he jerked his eyes open and slid his seat back. She giggled and passed him a wink.

  “Meet me in my cubicle at 1:30. I have a surprise for you,” she informed him as she backed away.

  “We go on break at 1:30,” he replied.

; “Exactly. That’s when they meet.”

  Ivy turned and walked away, loving the feel of his eyes on her ass. She wanted to fuck him. She would fuck him. It’s what Lisa would want.


  The second hand on the clock seemed to move hours at a time. The hour and a half from noon to 1:30 dragged on forever. Finally, it was time for Gabe to go visit Ivy. As everyone else exited the cubicle area on his or her way to lunch, he walked against the current towards her desk.

  He found her leaning back in her chair with her eyes closed. Her workspace was completely clean, not a paper or writing implement in sight. It looked as if she’d been preparing her desk for her resignation. Her computer wasn’t even turned on.

  He knocked on the wall next to her, which surprised her and caused her eyes to jerk open. Her finger instantly went to her lips, signaling him to remain quiet. Gabe furrowed his eyebrows as the sound of Charlie’s whisper took him from curiosity to concern.

  “We still on for tonight?” Charlie couldn't have been more than a cubicle or two away.

  “Shh. Keep your voice down. Of course we’re on. You owe me dinner and you’re not getting out of it this time,” Allie replied.

  Gabe’s face turned bright red. He was stunned. He’d had a slight concern that Allie may be ready to call it quits, but he never in a million years would have thought that she was cheating on him, and especially not with Charlie.

  “Did you tell Gabe?” Charlie asked.

  “No, and he keeps bugging me about his trip,” Allie replied.

  “Well, don’t tell him then. Just come with me to New York. My brother already said that if you sing as good as I say you do, then he’ll make a permanent spot for you at his opera house. It’s your chance to be a star.”

  Allie giggled quietly.

  “You’re wicked, but great,” she whispered as she planted a loud kiss on Charlie.

  Gabe’s clenched fists were shaking. He wanted to leap over the cubicle wall, choke Allie, and beat Charlie to death. He had never felt anger like he was feeling at that moment.

  “I told you,” Ivy whispered.

  Gabe turned and stormed out. He shoved his way through the glass doors and out into the parking lot.

  “Fuck this place!” he announced.

  “Why don’t you just kill them both?” Ivy asked.

  Where the fuck did she come from?

  Gabe hadn’t noticed her following him on his way out. Why was she following him? More importantly, was she serious? There was no joking in her tone.

  “What?” he asked as he turned around to face her.

  He could see that she wasn’t kidding, that there wasn’t a single part of her that thought it would be wrong to kill them both. Something was seriously wrong with Lisa or Ivy or whatever she wanted to be called.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” he shouted.

  She stared at him, not looking hurt, not looking worried, not really looking anything but the sexy way she’d looked earlier that day. Gabe shook his head and made his way towards his car.

  Gabe gunned it as he left the parking lot. A million thoughts ran through his head. He remembered the night before when Allie was supposed to spend some alone time with him. Now it was obvious that she’d been with Charlie and there was a good chance Allie’s mother wasn’t even sick.

  How many nights had she lied to him about where she’d been? Gabe had been sincerely concerned about Allie’s mother. A part of him was relieved that he hadn’t taken Allie to LA with him to meet his family. He would have looked like a complete schmuck if he’d shown her off and then returned to Detroit to later find out she was screwing their boss.

  Gabe barely put his car in park before jumping out and high tailing it to his apartment. He entered and slammed the door behind him, where he collapsed against the door and stared at his living room. His blood boiled. Everywhere there were reminders that Allie had been living with him.

  A shawl that she often wore was draped over the back of the couch.

  Her coffee cup sat on the coffee table in front of the TV.

  His eyes were drawn to a photo hanging on the wall. They had taken it at the state fair last year. They were sitting together on a Ferris wheel. Gabe rushed over to it, scooped it off the wall, and flung it across the room. The wooden frame splintered against the wall and the glass shattered and rained down over the floor.


  He spun around, surprised. Ivy stood in his living room, watching him, her hands on her hips, her eyes squinted a little, making her look slightly sinister.

  “How did…what are…what are you doing here?” he asked.

  “I followed you. You seemed so…so vulnerable and I didn’t want you to be alone.”

  Gabe wanted her. He needed her. And as he stood staring at her, he felt a mix of rage, desire, and eagerness. For fuck’s sake she was so damned sexy. And he fucking hated Allie.

  The bitch.

  The two-timing, soul draining, horrid whore.

  And Ivy…she was…

  Ivy hiked up her dress a little, giving him a glimpse of her smooth, toned thigh. She pulled it up a little more.

  God, yes, show me. You are so fucking beautiful. An angel. A sexy, sinister siren.

  Was this Lisa? It couldn’t be. Lisa would never do something like this. But it was. It was her. He’d known her for years and here she was in his living room lifting her dress even higher.

  She wore white panties, a thong from the looks of it, and she’d raised her dress high enough to show him. The triangle covering her pussy was see-through and he got a full peek at her trimmed mound.

  “Fuck me, Gabe.”

  He lifted his gaze and found her face. She bit at her lip and breathed heavily, her chest rising and falling. Then she said it again, but this time even slower, pure seduction with each syllable.


  He lunged at her and slammed her up against the back of the closed door. He was a starving man and the taste of her sent shivers down his spine. He wanted to eat her lips and devour her tongue. She tasted so fucking good. She groaned but his mouth muffled the sound.

  “You like me?” she whined, giggling as he lifted her dress, gripped her panties, and tore them clean off.

  Her arms wrapped around him and she ran her hand up to the back of his head, where she seized his hair and clutched it tight. She was rougher than he could’ve ever imagined.

  Gabe backed away from her for a second and she drew back and slapped him hard across the face. He was shocked for a moment, but then she laughed wickedly, grabbed him and shoved her face into his. She bit his bottom lip hard, causing a little bit of blood to run down. The pain excited him even more.

  He grabbed the top of her dress with two closed fists and yanked in opposite directions, ripping her dress right down the middle. She purred and did the same to his shirt, popping every button all the way down. He threw his shirt to the floor and stared at her, admiring her tanned, toned stomach and the lace bra that barely covered her tits.

  She unfastened her bra and let it fall to the floor. Her tits were amazing. Huge, full, with dark nipples that stood erect, looking like they were ready to burst. She traced her bottom lip with one finger and it drove him crazy.

  This time they attacked each other. They collided with a heated frenzy. She pulled the button open on his pants and threw down his zipper. He wanted her to touch him, to take him in her hand. He wanted to feel her grip on his cock.

  And she did.

  She seized it, first grabbing his balls and giving them a squeeze that sent an instant cramp through his stomach. She laughed, clearly knowing she’d been too rough. Then she ran her hand up and fisted the base of his cock. She slid her hand up and down the length of him as he buried his face in her shoulder.

  “You like that?” she asked. “Imagine what my pussy would feel like sliding up and down on you. Imagine my wetness, my warmth. Imagine me riding you. You want that?”

  She was so f
ucking dirty.

  “Lisa?” he asked again, so confused by this devilish version of her.

  “I’m not fucking Lisa!” she screamed and slapped him again.

  Suddenly, she dropped to her knees, yanked his pants the rest of the way down, grabbed his dick in the palm of her hand, and put it in her mouth.

  Holy shit. Holy fucking shit.

  He crashed backwards into the wall, pulling her with him, her teeth grinding his cock in the process. She groaned but kept sucking him. She pulled loose.

  “Would Lisa do this to you?”


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