Wicked Fantasy

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Wicked Fantasy Page 12

by Nina Bangs

  “Forget the gun and knife. Concentrate on my tree trunk.”

  How could he concentrate on anything? Her breasts swelled over the top of another of those damn stretchy bras while his swelling was getting painful. “I haven’t done any tree trunk fantasies lately. Fill me in.”

  Fill. He wanted to ease into her body, filling her, bringing her more pleasure than any of the men in her past. No. Wrong. He wanted to thrust into her hard, feeling her clench around his cock as he swallowed her gasp with his mouth. And then she’d wrap those gorgeous legs around him while he pumped . . .

  “See, this goes back to my childhood. Oh, yesss.” She shivered as he slid his tongue over the swell of her breast.

  “Your childhood. Right.” He wouldn’t last past her sixth birthday. With a snarl of frustration, he pulled the bra up to expose her full, ripe breasts with their rosy nipples.

  “My brother Will was perfect. He—”

  Conall stilled. “Brother? There’re more Kavanaghs?”

  Gerry had shoved his robe aside and worked her hands under his T-shirt where she was rubbing a heated circle on his chest. “Stepbrother. When my father died, Mom remarried. No more Kavanaghs.”

  His cock thought the rubbing was way too high. “Got it.” He smoothed his palms over her body as he circled one pink nipple with his tongue.

  “Put your mouth on me.” Her breathing was ragged. “Gotta explain.” She wiggled her fingers under the waist of his jeans and shorts, then cupped him.

  Explain? Explain what? He couldn’t hear past the jack-hammer beating of his heart. There was something he was forgetting. Tree trunk. What the hell did he need to do with a tree trunk?

  He covered her nipple with his lips and nipped gently before sucking.

  “Oh, God, that feels good.” She leaned into him and kissed his chest while she slid her fingers around his shaft. “Have to say this fast, because my train of thought is leaving the station. Always wanted to be more perfect than Will.”

  Well, his train was chugging down the mountain with no brakes. “Tree trunks. Get to the damn tree trunks fast or else it’ll be too late.” His legs felt shaky and he wanted to drop to his knees, but then she’d have to take her hand from his cock.

  “Never let myself fail. I . . .” She moaned as he transferred his attention to her other nipple. “I forgot what I was going to say.”

  “Put the story on pause and get to the tree trunk.” He sucked in his breath, trying to control his need and succeeding, for about another thirty seconds.

  “My fantasy. To let someone else win.”

  Every cell in his body groaned in despair. “The. Tree. Trunk.”

  She clasped his cock tighter and started the rhythmic up-and-down motion that would bring instant disaster. He put his hand over hers. “Don’t.”

  Gerry looked at him from eyes glazed with arousal. “I want to be chased through a forest by a naked wild savage. I run, but he catches me. I want him, but on my own terms.” Her sentences came between quick pants. “He tears off my clothes. Does lots of delicious things to my body with his fingers and tongue. I scream and scream and scream.”

  She demonstrated her savage’s technique by circling the head of his cock with the tip of her fingernail. He shook as he thrust his hips forward, grinding himself into her hand.

  Her lips, swollen from his kiss, tipped up in the beginning of a smile, her eyes gleamed hot. “Then he takes me standing up against the trunk of a tree. Thrusting so hard that I can feel the rough bark digging into my bare back.” She closed her eyes and slid her tongue over her bottom lip.

  Abandoning her nipples, Conall slipped his hand past the waistband of her pants. The waistband didn’t put up much resistance. He nudged her legs apart with his knee and then slid his finger back and forth, back and forth over her most sensitive spot. She was moist, hot, and ready.

  She clutched at him with her free hand. “My orgasm spontaneously combusts.” Her grip on his cock tightened. They both groaned. “What the hell was I trying to tell you?”

  “Beats me.” Conall glanced around frantically. A tree trunk. Where the hell was a tree trunk when you had to have one?

  He was so lost in his need he almost didn’t hear the footsteps. When he did, he withdrew his hand. Then he leaned his forehead against hers, breathing in and out, in and out, trying to regain control. “The customer’s coming.”

  She released him and stepped away, but he didn’t miss the tremor of her hand. “That sort of got out of control.” Turning away from him, she repaired the damage.

  He pulled his robe and hood back into place. Whoever was climbing those steps would get an evil-entity fantasy they could talk about for years. In fact, Brynn and Eric might be too late to save the poor jerk.

  Gerry didn’t say anything as she turned with him to face the stairway. What was she thinking? He knew what he thought.

  He’d just fucked up big-time.


  The footsteps stopped. A woman was silhouetted at the top of the stairs.

  “Did I interrupt something?” Sparkle’s soft laughter was filled with sly knowledge. “I certainly hope the something was hot and intense. Passion loves dark places.”

  “What do you want, Sparkle?”

  Gerry shivered. She wouldn’t care to be on the other side of his sword when Conall used that voice.

  “Holgarth said Gerry was up here. I’d like to show her my store, talk a little girl talk.” Sparkle swayed over to Conall. Her short black top showed lots of midriff. Her short black skirt showed lots of leg.

  Gerry was jealous. She was melting into a puddle of ugly goo inside her clothes. “Sounds like fun.” She needed to get away from Conall so she could put her sex drive into neutral before she slammed headfirst into her damn tree trunk. What had she been thinking telling him about that?

  “She should stay with me.”

  Gerry sighed. This wasn’t getting any easier. “Look, Conall, you have a job to do here. I think I’ve had all the fantasy I can take tonight.”

  His sexy mouth set in a stubborn line. “I don’t—”

  “You can’t be in two places at once.” He needed to give her some space so she could figure out where this thing with him was going. “I’ll be with Sparkle. I’ll be fine.”

  She watched him work it over in his mind.

  “You have a choice, O’Rourke. You can give up your job here and follow me around all night—although that is so not going to happen—or you can compromise. I’m not going to take any stupid chances. I’ll be careful around dangerous men.” Gerry hoped Conall recognized that he was one of the most dangerous men she knew. She glanced at Sparkle. “Or women.”

  He nodded. “I guess I can’t stop you.” His expression said he wanted to try.

  It was a grudging release, and she took it. “Let’s go, Sparkle, and have that talk.”

  She followed Sparkle. The cosmic troublemaker’s candy store was right outside the park. Gerry knew Jinx would feel the pull when she left the park. He’d have to move to compensate for it. Good. He was probably doing something that needed interrupting.

  Sparkle led her into the store. Gerry didn’t look around. She was too focused on the huge black cat crouched on the counter over a pile of jelly beans.

  “Hey, Ganymede.” Gerry knew her smile had insincere written all over it.

  The cat looked up from his jelly beans. “Had sex with Conall yet? Do it. Soon.”

  Gerry scowled at the cat. “Anyone ever tell you you’re bossy and abrasive?”

  “No, but I like it. Sort of classy. Usually it’s the same-old, same-old: bastard, son of a bitch. You know, people have no creativity when it comes to insults.” He turned his attention to Sparkle. “Hey, babe. Got any cake? I’m in the mood for a chocolate layer treat.”

  Sparkle gave him a slitty-eyed glare. “Uh, does this look like a bakery? And eat those jelly beans, then get off my counter. The Department of Health will write me a shitload of citations if they catch you u
p there.”

  “Hmmph.” He scarfed down the remaining jelly beans and leaped from the counter. He padded to the door and looked expectantly at Gerry.

  With a huff of impatience, she pulled the door open and then closed it once he was gone.

  “Cat hair. I wish he’d choose a hairless breed. No chance of that, though. In human form he’s got hair down to his beautiful butt.” Sparkle walked around the counter, retrieved a paper towel and absently wiped off the counter. “You know, he can open doors himself, but he just likes people to wait on him.”

  Gerry had no answer to that. “So what’s all this girl talk?”

  “Looking at your outfit is like sticking a needle in my eye.” Sparkle bent down and lifted a box onto the counter. Rooting around, she piled things on the counter. “Strappy sandals with one-inch heels. Stylish but still comfy enough to run down a werewolf in.”

  “Gee, that’s really generous of you but—”

  “Sexy shorts. It’s too hot here in September to wear tons of clothes.”

  “I need lots of clothes because—”

  “Flirty top that just skims your waistline and takes the big plunge where it’ll do the most good.”

  Gerry held up her hands. “Okay, time for a reality check. I’m a working girl. I have bad guys to catch. Don’t think I’ll do it with sexy and flirty.”

  Sparkle shook her head, her amber eyes sad. “So young, so naive. Sister, women have caught more men with sexy and flirty than with all those weapons you’re dragging around with you.”

  Was there anyone who didn’t know about her weapons? “But—”

  “Here’s the bottom line. Once you start hunting big game, you’ll be dead before you can reach for that ankle knife.” She pointed to the clothes. “Change.”

  “No.” Gerry felt like a mutinous two-year-old.

  Sparkle rolled her eyes, and then she stared at Gerry. Her pupils contracted to pinpricks as her eyes began to glow.

  Holy crap. The air whipped into a whirlwind around Gerry. Before she could open her mouth to scream, the mini-tornado had sucked up the clothes Sparkle had laid out and . . . Impossible. Her own clothes disappeared. Just freakin’ disappeared off her body. Everything became a blur as she staggered around the store trying to escape the wind.

  Suddenly the air stilled. Gerry pressed her back against the door as she stared down at herself. But running from the store wouldn’t change the fact that she was wearing Sparkle’s outfit. Her own clothes? She glanced around. Gone. The only things of her own she still wore were her shoes.

  Okay, she could handle this. Sure, it pointed out in triplicate what kind of power some of the bad guys she’d be hunting had. And yeah, it sort of highlighted how ineffectual she was. But she’d learn and get stronger. Hopefully sooner than later.

  Her weapons lay scattered on the floor along with the sandals Sparkle wanted her to wear. “Why didn’t you put the shoes on me?” She didn’t bother asking Sparkle how she’d undressed and then redressed her. Wasn’t a power Gerry would have anytime soon. Besides, she was too angry to care.

  Sparkle pursed her lips. “Shoes are hard. I can’t do shoes without knocking you down. Mede’s a lot better at this than I am. He doesn’t even need the wind.”

  “Who gave you the right to . . .” Gerry was so mad the words stuck in her throat.

  “No one gives me anything. I take what I want.” Sparkle smiled to soften all that arrogance.

  Didn’t work. Gerry glanced down again. Her shoes looked ridiculous with her new outfit.

  “You’re probably thinking about ripping those yummy clothes off your body. I’d consider consequences first. Although a naked run through the park would sure get Conall’s attention.” Sparkle looked hopeful.

  Gerry slid down the door until she was sitting—needed a few minutes of rest to stop shaking—and yanked off her shoes. The mindless act of changing shoes gave her a chance to pull herself together.

  “This wasn’t just about the clothes.” Sparkle played with the glittery bracelet at her wrist.

  Diamonds? Probably. She must’ve convinced another customer that the bracelet was fair exchange for a new and improved sex life. Gerry used the door to steady herself as she stood.

  Sparkle walked around the scattered weapons. “I can’t believe all this junk. No wonder you looked all bumpy and lumpy. Lethal weapons are good in moderation. They should fit in with the sensual flow of a woman’s clothes, though. Oops, I forgot. Your clothes didn’t have any sensual flow.” She fixed Gerry with a piercing gaze. “Bottom line. Not one of these weapons helped you stop me.”

  “You made your point. Maybe that means I just have to be more proactive. I’ll attack the criminals before they can use their powers. I might not have the skills of an ancient vampire, but I still have preternatural speed.”

  Sparkle shook her head. “So do they, and a lot more, sister.” She glanced at the door. “Edge should be here any minute to watch the shop. Then we can walk for a while, and I can lay some secrets of life on you.”

  Secrets of life? Gerry didn’t have time to think what that meant before Edge slammed into the shop. Anger vibes rolled off him in waves. He didn’t even glance at Gerry.

  “We need to get the rules straight, lady.” He slapped the countertop so hard Gerry expected the chocolates inside the case to bounce into the air. “You’re playing dirty. And while I sort of admire that, it pisses me off. I don’t like rumors . . .” Edge seemed to notice Gerry for the first time. He bared his teeth at her. “Want to try and take me down again, sweetheart? If not, get out of here so I can talk to Sparkle.”

  Gerry stared at him. She’d had one too many people telling her what to do tonight. “Gee, Sparkle said you were the hired help. Kind of uppity for a candy store clerk, aren’t you?” Yeah, she had a death wish.

  Sparkle yawned. “Cheating is part of the game, Edge. Watch the store while I go for a short walk with Gerry. When I come back we can discuss the ‘rules.’ Although if you haven’t figured out there are no rules, then there’s not much I can say.” She headed for the door. “The licorice all-sorts are on sale.”

  Gerry trailed Sparkle from the shop. Wow, tough lady. “Um, how much do you know about Edge?”

  “Not much.” She seemed to be mad about that. “But I don’t want to talk about him. Let’s talk about Conall.”

  “What’s to talk about? He’s an immortal warrior cursed to follow me around for the rest of my existence. Now it’s my curse, too. End of story.” Gerry left out a few minor details. Like he was so sexy he made her teeth hurt.

  Sparkle strolled past the entrance into Live the Fantasy. No, not strolled. Gerry doubted Sparkle even knew how to “stroll.” Every move she made was orchestrated for maximum sexual impact. Men with glazed eyes and gaping mouths littered the path behind them.

  “You know, you really need to practice squeezing those old lemons, adding lots of sugar, and stirring up some sexual lemonade with Conall.” Sparkle winked at her. “Otherwise the next eight hundred years will be pure hell.” She looked thoughtful. “Personally, pure anything doesn’t do it for me.”

  “It’s not that simple.” Gerry wished it were. Without the curse, they could make hot and crazy love until Houston’s branches took over the castle. And once Conall was out of her system, she could forget him. “There’re things you don’t know about.” Like Morrigan killing one of Conall’s descendants if she got ticked at him.

  Sparkle frowned. “Really? Morrigan would do that? No, forget I asked. Of course she would. She’s a goddess.”

  Damn. Gerry kept forgetting that almost everyone she’d met here could read her mind. Except Conall. Thank God. “I need to ask Eric if he’ll teach me how to shield my thoughts.”

  “It won’t do any good. I go where I want to go. And the path inside your head is pretty well worn.”

  Sparkle looked preoccupied. Not a good thing. A thinking cosmic troublemaker had to be a danger to all humanity.

  Suddenly Sparkl
e brightened. “This isn’t a long-term fix, but then we don’t need one, do we? When you know you can’t stand one more second without Conall’s hot, naked body pressed against you, when you think you’ll explode unless you feel him deep inside you, when . . .”

  “Yes?” The mental images were pushing Gerry to the edge.

  “Well, when that happens, contact me and I’ll be your lookout.” She grinned. “I’ve never been a lookout before. I’ll wear my totally sexy and cool black bodysuit so I’ll blend in with the night. Maybe my black nail color so I’ll be completely coordinated. I have an incredibly erotic black mask I wear for Mardi Gras. I can’t wait.”

  Gerry wasn’t too sure about Sparkle as lookout. “So what will you do if Morrigan shows up?”

  Something dark and powerful moved in Sparkle’s amber eyes. And for the first time, Gerry realized that this was a being she wouldn’t want to tick off.

  “Got it.” Gerry thought the powers that be in Texas should change all those signs along the highways to: Don’t Mess with Texas or Sparkle Stardust.

  Sparkle’s expression cleared. “Now let’s chat about some sensual techniques you can use on Conall. I know ways to drive him wild by just touching—”

  “Yoo-hoo! Gerry, wait up.” Gerry turned. Fulvia, Tullia, and Varinia were hurrying to catch up. They all wore identical white shorts, white tops, and white shoes. There was something creepy about that.

  Sparkle made a rude noise. “Just what we need, the three virgins from hell.”

  “You know they’re virgins?” What was with the “from hell” comment? They’d seemed friendly the last time she met them. Okay, so they were a little fixated on male bashing.

  “Oh, we go back a long way.” Sparkle smiled as the women caught up. The smile didn’t reach her eyes.

  “What a coincidence. We’re all walking in the same direction.” Tullia giggled at her observation. “How do you like my new sandals, Sparkle? My Italian shoemaker’s a genius.”

  Sparkle glanced at the shoes. Gerry had never before seen that much open lust for an inanimate object in a person’s eyes. She studied the shoes. Beautiful but impractical. Guess she could describe her lust for Conall with the same words.


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