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Pocahontas (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales Book 11)

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by Julie Law

  Rebecca tried to turn to her rescuer but the woman didn’t allowed it, gripping even harder. The redhead stilled, not knowing how to react.

  They remained like that for a few minutes, until the strange woman became sure the men wouldn’t come back and released the redhead.

  Rebecca straightened and turned, intending to thank her rescuer. Her words died in her mouth when she put her eyes on the other woman.

  The first thing to surprise her was the fact her savior was a native. That made Rebecca stop suddenly, some small part afraid of what the woman might try, another saying that if the stranger wanted to harm her she woman wouldn’t have rescued her.

  Then the reason of Rebecca’s stupefaction changed.

  As Rebecca let her eyes devour the other woman she became surprised by the beauty of the being in front of her; the woman’s face was lively and young, her skin a light mocha, her lips a pale pink. Her eyes, looking at Rebecca with something like curiosity, were a deep green, mirroring the forest around them.

  Rebecca inhaled deeply, more out of surprise than anything and the strange woman reached for her, poising a hand against her cheek and caressing. The redhead swallowed, marveling at the softness of the woman’s skin.

  “Who are you?” She asked, but either the other woman didn’t understand her or didn’t care to answer.

  The native threaded her fingers through Rebecca’s hair, surprised at the color of her tresses.

  The woman’s hair was much unlike Rebecca’s: it was black and straight, the only similarity between them was the length, though the native’s hair was far longer, almost reaching her waist.

  The redhead blushed, though she wouldn’t be able to say why that was. The woman’s touch seemed to burn on her skin, making it harder for her to breathe.

  Slowly, Rebecca got to her feet and winced as her wounded soles rested against the ground.

  Her savior noticed the reaction and made her lie down again, putting a finger against the redhead’s lips when she started to protest. Rebecca knew the woman only touched her because any sound might alert the men that pursued her, but it made her blush all over again.

  The savior undid Rebecca’s makeshift bandages against the redhead’s protests, which were silenced once the woman’s hands touched Rebecca’s feet.

  Rebecca didn’t know why, but the woman’s touch unsettled her. It didn’t feel wrong, quite the opposite. Her touch made Rebecca’s heart beat faster, her breath sparser. It made Rebecca’s thoughts sluggish.

  The woman didn’t glance at Rebecca’s face as she worked, picking up some kind of herbs from a pouch on her waist and rubbing them against the redhead’s wounds.

  Rebecca winced at first, as a burn spread around her soles, but the pain soon diminished and when the redhead got to her feet, after the woman redid her bandages, Rebecca could walk with much less difficulty.

  The redhead marveled and looked surprised at the other woman, only to be faced with a smile that robbed her breath. The redhead smiled almost automatically in reply and saw the woman’s eyes brightening in response.

  The native tilted her head at Rebecca and then extended her hand in invitation.

  The redhead didn’t hesitate before accepting and grabbing it.

  She followed the dark haired woman through the woods, not knowing their destination, hoping it would be somewhere safe.

  In the back of her head, Rebecca was worried for her family and their reaction to her disappearance. She was convinced the attackers hadn’t breached her home’s security; they hadn’t been very numerous and when she ran away her family’s men gained the initiative.

  Nonetheless, something might have gone wrong, more attackers might have appeared or someone on her family might have gotten hurt. Rebecca wanted to ignore these thoughts for as long as she could, but she knew it wouldn’t happen.

  Even if her parents were alright physically, they were probably worried sick about her.

  Last time anyone had seen her, she was running full tilt into the woods followed by the same men that attacked the mansion.

  Rebecca couldn’t imagine the fates her parent’s minds conjured for her.

  The redhead was so lost in thought she barely noticed as night fell, content in following the mysterious woman’s steps. Only the chill of the night shook her awareness awake and Rebecca shivered with the cold.

  Her clothes had gotten ripped on the run and much of her skin faced the open air of the night settling around them. A glance at her rescuer let Rebecca see the woman was much more loosely dressed than the redhead, with only a small skirt around her waist and a top that hid little more than her breasts.

  The Englishwoman wondered how the dark haired woman could resist the cold.

  The brunette looked back and smiled, saying something in her native language and pointing towards a clutch of trees a little further ahead.

  Rebecca raised an eyebrow and eyed the trees, trying to see if there was anything special about them and failing.

  The other woman took hold of Rebecca’s hand and drove them forward, pass the trees and into the entrance of a small cave hidden behind.

  To call it a cave might have been too generous, a part of Rebecca’s mind whispered. It was barely more than a hole in the rocky surface of a small hill, not even their height high and nowhere near as large as it was tall.

  It was quite cramped and Rebecca hesitated before entering, but it widened a little after the entrance and further ahead the soil was fairly soft.

  Any protests Rebecca might have had about their refuge disappeared once the other woman made her lay on the ground, the redhead blushing to the roots of her hair when the woman pressed against her front, both laying face to face.

  Part of Rebecca knew the other woman only put them like that for the warmth they could share, but the feel of another’s body so close to hers, of all the woman’s shapely curves pressed against Rebecca’s made the redhead flush.

  The smile she saw in the native’s lips didn’t help, nor the arm the woman put around Rebecca, pulling them tight against one another.

  Nonetheless, once Rebecca got past her embarrassment, she was quite comfortable and it didn’t take long until she closed her eyes and slept.

  Chapter 3

  Rebecca woke to someone shaking her softly. At first, she kept her eyes closed, wanting to hide herself amongst the covers. She liked to sleep late, no matter how much her mother nagged her about it.

  The smell of earth alerted Rebecca, letting her know something was wrong. Soon the memories of the past day made themselves known, and the redhead opened her eyes with a wince, her feet throbbing in pain.

  Rebecca resisted the urge to cry out and almost moaned, only stopped by the hand that fell upon her cheek, a caress that made her look up at her savior.

  The native smiled down at her, and Rebecca found herself blushing.

  “Who are you?” She asked, gently, but the other woman simply tilted her head, her confusion apparent in the motion.

  “I’m Rebecca,” The redhead said, pointing at herself. Then she pointed at the other woman. “Who are you?”

  The woman’s reply wasn’t easy to understand and it took a couple of minutes until Rebecca pronounced the other woman’s name in an accepted manner.

  “You’re Pocahontas?” Rebecca questioned at last, and the other woman nodded, amused at the fumbling of the redhead.

  Rebecca wanted to pout at the Pocahontas’s amusement, but she thought of where she was and what had happened and her cheer disappeared.

  She needed to return to her family, let them know she was alright, but she was lost in the forest, with no way home. A glance at her savior let Rebecca even more confused.

  She found herself unwilling to leave Pocahontas behind. The woman saved her and Rebecca wanted to repay that in some way, but she needed to be able to talk to the other woman to convince her to come with her.

  Pocahontas, unknowing of Rebecca’s thoughts, extended a hand towards the redhead, making an
encouraging sound when Rebecca didn’t notice it.

  The Englishwoman looked at it for a few moments and then sighed, grabbing Pocahontas’s hand and following the woman out of the hole that had been their refuge during the night.

  The dark haired woman led Rebecca though the woods for a few hours. They stopped at times; the first was when Pocahontas gathered some leaves from a plant Rebecca didn’t recognize.

  After doing it, the native had gestured for Rebecca to sit on the ground and the redhead obeyed with curiosity.

  Pocahontas used those leaves, conjoined with more of the herbs she used before, to make some kind of dressing for Rebecca’s wounds. The redhead didn’t know how, but the medicine eased the pain almost immediately.

  It was still there, but easier to bare, allowing them to move faster.

  What followed were some of the most intense days of Rebecca’s life.

  The brunette led her around and around, until Rebecca lost any hope of finding her way home. She missed her parents, wanted to see them again, but she had no way of explaining herself to Pocahontas, and nothing short of a miracle would lead her home if she started moving around on her own.

  Rebecca depended completely on Pocahontas for her survival. When they were hungry they ate roots and some small animals captured by the dark skinned woman.

  The redhead hesitated at first – it was one thing to eat an animal prepared in a kitchen, where you didn’t need to see it being skinned and gutted – but the taste was the same.

  At night they would sleep together, bodies pressed against one another. That never stopped bothering Rebecca and she couldn’t understand why. It didn’t feel bad, quite the opposite – she liked to lay with Pocahontas beside her, she liked to be touched by that mocha-colored skin, but some part of her mind told her it was wrong to enjoy it.

  Communication between them improved, mostly based on gestures and signs. Rebecca’s wounded feet healed quickly, driven by the herbs and care Pocahontas dedicated to them. They scabbed and a new layer of skin soon appeared.

  In the future, if anyone asked, the redhead wouldn’t be able to tell if she hated or enjoyed those days. There was a sort of freedom to be enjoyed on the woods, with no schedules to be met, no chores, and no expectations. Rebecca found herself oddly comforted by it.

  Then it all became a little more complicated.

  It happened on the fourth day of their journey. The brunette led Rebecca towards a natural spring, surrounded by a small pool of water.

  At first the redhead marveled at the beauty of the place and after dipping her fingers into the water she realized it was warm. A splash shook her out of her contemplation and she turned to find her companion in the water, naked.

  Rebecca looked aside so quickly she barely saw Pocahontas’s skin. A flash of the woman’s uncovered breasts repeated itself in Rebecca’s mind, and she shook her head, trying to forget it.

  A questioning sound from the other woman made Rebecca shudder. She knew what the native wanted, for Rebecca to join her in the water.

  Embarrassment held the redhead back at first. She didn’t want to show her body to Pocahontas, fearing she would be found lacking. After a moment, she realized what she had thought and shook her head, surprised at the trail her mind followed.

  Rebecca shot a look at her companion, who was who was happily swimming from one side of the pond to the other, and looked down at her clothes, full of dirt from moving around the forest for days.

  The redhead was filthy and smelled worse and she knew it. The warm water might be the only chance she would get to take a bath in a while.

  Turning her back on Pocahontas, Rebecca started unlacing her dress, letting it fall down her body. Her underclothes soon followed and part of her felt naughty at the thought of bathing completely naked in the middle of the woods.

  Looking over her shoulder, Rebecca made sure her companion wasn’t paying attention and slipped into the warm water. The first touch made her close her eyes with pleasure and Rebecca let her body relax.

  The tension in her muscles eased, even as her skin broke into goose bumps at the contrast between the warmth of the water and the cold of the air.

  The redhead only opened her eyes when she felt the water move around her and she found herself face to face with Pocahontas. Rebecca opened her mouth to question what the brunette was doing, and then closed it without a word as she felt the native’s gaze roving over her body, resting on her chest.

  The Englishwoman knew she should turn away or hide herself behind her arms, but there was something about the other woman’s gaze that made feel good.

  Her nipples became erect and Pocahontas’s attention sharpened.

  That awareness gave Rebecca enough of an impulse to cross her arms atop her chest, hiding her mounds at the same time she looked aside. She felt conflicted; part of her was embarrassed, knowing it wasn’t right for Pocahontas to look at her like that, but another part, a deeper and darker one, was excited.

  The dark skinned girl’s gaze thrilled her more than she could ever admit.

  There was a fire in Pocahontas’s eyes and part of Rebecca wanted to be devoured by it.

  The native closed the distance between them and Rebecca shuddered.

  Pocahontas reached out with one hand, clearly not embarrassed, and caressed Rebecca’s face, her touch soft and tender. She barely touched Rebecca, but it was enough to send a jolt through the redhead’s body, making her jump in place.

  Rebecca couldn’t contain herself.

  She decided to stop ignoring her desires and turned her gaze back to the other woman, letting her eyes move over Pocahontas’s torso, feasting on the breasts of her savior.

  Without meaning to, the redhead licked her lips, which made the other woman smirk amusedly.

  Rebecca didn’t see that reaction, eyes busy appreciating the other woman’s body. Once the redhead got her fill of Pocahontas’s chest, she let her gaze move down, studying the native’s muscles, her defined abs and toned stomach.

  Rebecca’s eyes moved even lower and she saw something that froze her in place.

  At first, she tried to deny it. She couldn’t be seeing what she thought she was seeing between the other woman’s legs, but no matter how much she blinked, or how she tilted her head, it didn’t change. Between her savior’s legs, Rebecca could see the hard flesh of a cock.

  Her mouth fell open and she tried to speak, only for no words to come out.

  Pocahontas used Rebecca’s confusion to advance, and before the redhead could protest she closed the distance between them, pressing her body against Rebecca’s.

  When the redhead looked up, intending to pretest that advance, the mocha skinned woman leaned down and pressed her lips against Rebecca’s, robbing the redhead of all sane thought.

  The Englishwomen closed her eyes without meaning to, focusing all that she had on her sense of touch, in the sensations Pocahontas’s lips invoked in her.

  The kiss was a bare brush of flesh, but the redhead had never been kissed before, she had never felt such an intimate touch.

  She tried to kiss back, a little awkwardly, unexperienced, but Pocahontas was undaunted, deepening their connection, pushing forward and letting her tongue taste Rebecca’s lips.

  The redhead startled and opened her mouth, unknowingly granting Pocahontas was she wanted. The dark haired woman’s tongue entered Rebecca’s mouth and dueled with its counterpart.

  The two parted after a few moments and Rebecca shuddered, already missing Pocahontas’s presence, her touch, and feeling a heat she had never felt before. That feeling only worsened when the other woman pushed forward, pressing her body harder against the redhead’s.

  “Wait,” Rebecca whispered, needing time to process her thoughts, unable to get past the feeling of the other woman’s hard flesh against her inner thighs.

  Pocahontas didn’t pause and leaned down, kissing Rebecca’s shoulder, poising her hands on the redhead’s waist.

  No matter how much Rebecca
wanted to deny it, she loved the other woman’s touch, her caresses and her kisses. Her breath became harsher, her chest heaved with her need and lust like she had never felt invaded her body.

  The redhead might be unused to such feelings, but her companion obviously was not.

  The dark haired woman pressed her body against Rebecca’s, her mocha colored skin contrasting against Rebecca’s pale one, their equal-sized chests caressing each other’s. Pocahontas shifted her legs, moving herself between the redhead’s thighs and Rebecca moaned.

  Her breath became fast, almost panicky. She knew she should stop what was happening, that it wasn’t right. She was a lady, not some common harlot, she couldn’t let herself be taken like one.

  Deep down though, she wanted it to happen.

  She might have been unable to recognize it before, but now she knew she was attracted to the other woman and wanted to be with her. It explained some things; if women were more to Rebecca’s taste it made clear why her suitors never impressed her.

  Whatever thoughts were running inside Rebecca’s head went out of the window when Pocahontas moved a hand between their bodies. The native took hold of her hardness and stroked herself a couple of times.

  Rebecca just watched, uncertain, and didn’t protest when her companion pushed that hard flesh against her folds, hesitating between a prudish reaction and one that certainly was not.

  Her hesitation gave the other woman all the time she wanted, and Pocahontas pushed, settling their fates.

  Rebecca wouldn’t be able to describe how the next few moments felt. She remembered the motions, the other woman entering her again and again, ever deeper. She remembered how their bodies fused as one, and she supposed it felt good.

  She was too overwhelmed at the time, unable to process all the sensations.

  Eventually pain brought her out of her daze, as her maidenhead was taken. It hurt for a few moments; Pocahontas kept moving throughout them however and pleasure followed that pain.


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