A Dom to Love, Honor, and Obey [Masters of Submission 7] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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A Dom to Love, Honor, and Obey [Masters of Submission 7] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 1

by Jan Bowles

  Masters of Submission 7

  A Dom to Love, Honor, and Obey

  After the death of her beloved husband, Club Submission receptionist Andrea Vicari decides she has no need for another man in her life, because in her opinion, no other guy could ever compare to Joe.

  But then, some five years later, she meets the incredibly sexy and charismatic Zack Marshall. The new Dom in town makes Andrea realize that perhaps she should reassess how she feels.

  The thirty-eight-year-old businessman is instantly attracted to the thirty-two-year-old submissive, who insists on saying no when what she really means is yes.

  Zack doesn’t understand the meaning of the word no, and pursues Andrea with every fiber of his being. He is determined to make her his, bending, twisting, and molding her to his mighty will.

  Will Andrea be able to fight off Club Submission’s new Alpha male predator? And if she can, will she really want to?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary

  Length: 37,424 words


  Masters of Submission 7

  Jan Bowles


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic


  Copyright © 2014 by Jan Bowles

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-796-9

  First E-book Publication: May 2014

  Cover design by Jan Bowles

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  About the Author


  Masters of Submission 7


  Copyright © 2014


  Andrea Vicari couldn’t help but feel emotional as she witnessed Jessica and Cole declare their love for one another. She’d seen this wonderful scenario played out in the Warm Zone at Club Submission many times before. The sense of excitement and goodwill had been exactly the same when club owner Matthew Strong had declared his undying love for his high-flying sub Kelly, and had been no less powerful when his younger brother Ethan had allowed his emotions free rein when telling Beth exactly how much he adored her. On that particular occasion the collaring ceremony had simply taken Andrea’s breath away, causing the tears to trickle unchecked down her cheeks.

  They flowed again now. It was the way Jessica stared into Cole’s eyes with sheer love radiating from her that caused her emotions to bubble over.

  Andrea sighed out loud as she dabbed the tears away with a tissue. It made her feel good to see other people happy and fulfilled. It put a spring in her step, and a smile on her face. However, such displays of raw emotion also made her feel sad, because it brought back wonderful memories—memories of when Joe, her one and only true love, was still alive.

  She’d adored that man—worshipped the very ground he walked on. She’d adored Joe in exactly the same way that Jessica adored Cole right now, the pretty brunette needing to teeter on tiptoe to kiss his lips. She genuinely wished the happy couple all the joy in the world, just as she did for every Club Submission member.

  Matthew and his brother Ethan stood on either side of Andrea, and wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders.

  Matthew spoke first, his voice deep and comforting. “I see the occasion is getting to you again.”

  Dabbing away yet more tears, Andrea wistfully shook her head. “It always does, Matt. Seeing other people’s happiness is infectious.”

  Joint club owner Ethan affectionately kissed her cheek. “It’s Jessica’s perfect moment right now, but this could be you next, Andrea. You deserve to be happy again.”

  Happy again? Matthew and Ethan could read her like a book, and she figured that although she smiled constantly whilst working at reception that perhaps the smile never quite reached her eyes.

  She had been truly happy once. The five years she’d spent with Joe were the happiest of her life, and even though that fucking car crash had taken him away from her far too soon, she didn’t regret a single moment of the oh-so-precious time she shared with this wonderful man.

  Joe had been everything to her. He’d been her rock, and the man who had introduced her to the fetish scene all those years ago. He’d taken a naïve twenty-two-year-old girl and turned her into a confident woman, and that was something she’d be eternally grateful for.

  However long she lived, she figured she’d always miss Joe’s towering presence, and instinctively knew there’d never be a time i
n her life when she’d forget to remember him. The effect he’d had on her development as a human being, and more importantly as a woman, couldn’t be overstated. Joe Vicari had been her friend, her Master, her confidante.

  He’d been her life.

  After an appropriate and respectful time for bereavement, she’d been approached by several well-respected Masters at Club Submission, and although flattered by the attention, she’d turned them all down, believing that no other Master, however impressive, could replace her Joe.

  However, since his death some five years ago, she’d found it impossible to cut the ties with the lifestyle they’d enjoyed so much. Salvation had come her way when Matthew had offered her the position of receptionist at the club. She’d jumped at the opportunity, immediately giving up her job at a well-known car hire firm without a second thought. Truth be known, the mundane nature of the work at Boston Auto Rentals, and the lack of any perceivable challenge, had made her decision to quit an easy one.

  Making the move had been a wise choice, because it meant she kept in touch with her friends at Club Submission. She wasn’t an active part of the D/s scene anymore, but she still enjoyed the social aspects of the lifestyle. However, in the last year or so things had begun to alter, and she realized that something was starting to change within her. Deep down she knew that Joe would want her to engage with the world again, now that he wasn’t around to protect and guide her himself. He’d been that kind of guy—a guy who embraced life, especially its carnal pleasures.

  Working on reception, with just a computer monitor and telephone for company, Andrea witnessed the D/s scene on a regular basis, yet still she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was somehow stagnating. By not living the rest of her life with the zest and enthusiasm that Joe would have expected from her, she felt as though she were letting him down. If she thought about it for long enough, she could almost visualize him berating her for wasting her life. “Get out there, girl. Don’t just watch life as it passes you by. Grab hold of it with both hands and embrace it. Life isn’t a fucking rehearsal, babe. This is it.”

  He was right, but then Joe had always been right, and as the champagne flowed and the people around her enjoyed themselves, Andrea knew she needed to reassess her life. She sorely missed the physical attention that Joe had lavished upon her, be it in the form of sex, or discipline. Oh yes, when she displeased her Master, and the occasion demanded that he take control, Joe wouldn’t hesitate to put her across his knee and spank her bare butt with her panties around her ankles. Spanking was an integral part of their sexual relationship. Something as a naturally submissive woman, she now very much missed.

  Cole raised his glass of champagne before speaking in that gravelly Bronx accent of his. “They say a man is lucky if he can count his true friends on the fingers of one hand. Well, if that’s true, I’m luckier than most, because I consider everyone in this room to be a real friend.” He raised his glass again. “So, Jessica and I thank everyone at Club Submission for being here for us, in both the good times and the bad.” With those final words he downed his champagne in a single swallow.

  Andrea patted Matthew and Ethan’s protective hands as they rested on her shoulders. “I reckon I’m going to cry again, guys. You’d think I’d be used to this sort of thing by now, but I’m not. It makes me well up every time it happens.”

  “That’s because you’re human, honey.” Ethan squeezed her hand. “Maybe you should think about moving on with your life, Andrea, and rejoining the scene. Everyone here at Club Submission knows that’s what Joe would have wanted.” He spoke the truth, but she still didn’t feel quite ready to take that final step, believing, however misguidedly, that she would betray Joe’s memory if she did.

  “I know what you’re saying is right, Ethan, but I just can’t imagine myself with anyone but Joe.”

  Chapter One

  Friends into the fet scene had suggested to Zack Marshall that should he travel to Boston on business, then he should make a point of paying a visit to Club Submission. Well, he’d taken their advice, because he now sat in the parking lot, taking in the impressive entrance which was guarded by a pair of imposing bronze ravens that stood approximately four feet tall.

  As the owner and CEO of Marshall Aeronautical, his work took him all over the United States, as well as many other far-flung parts of the world. His business, which he’d built from scratch with his bare hands, supplied the guidance and navigation systems for just about every airline in the US, and he was now expanding overseas, with China and Brazil becoming important markets for his company’s growing range of cutting-edge products.

  He watched a couple of scantily clad, young women in their early twenties ascend the flight of stone steps to the entrance of the club, and couldn’t help but smile. From what he’d already seen, Club Submission was the place to go if you enjoyed the darker, more adventurous side of the sexual world.

  It was his good friend and business associate, Kyle Smith, who’d first alerted him to the carnal delights of Club Submission. “You need to go there, Zack, because some of the things they do in that club will blow your fucking mind. I was there six months ago, and some of the women, and what they get up to…”

  Marshall Aeronautical was expanding at a phenomenal rate, and the six-hundred-thousand-square-foot premises located in Cleveland, Ohio, just a few miles from the shores of Lake Eerie, was simply too small for his present and future needs. That was why he’d flown to Boston and booked into the Corinthian Hotel for the next two weeks. The business in Cleveland, which employed five hundred and seventy people, would remain in full production, just as it had for the last eighteen months, but Zack was a realist, and understood that larger, state-of-the-art premises were needed to continue the meteoric rise of his company. After exhaustive research, he’d concluded that Boston, with its easy access to the rest of the world, was the right location for this seismic change to take place.

  As another pair of beautiful, young women entered the club, Zack realized that mixing business with pleasure was something he’d always enjoyed. When one of the girls tripped on the stone steps, probably because of the height of her skyscraper heels, he realized that no panties of any description lay beneath her short leather skirt.

  “Jesus. Fucking. Christ.” He pushed his rock-hard prick into a more comfortable position as it thrust painfully against the inside of his pants. “Do you girls have any idea what you’re doing to this guy?”

  He certainly wasn’t new to the BDSM scene, and held membership for clubs in many states, Ohio, Montana, Texas, and Washington to name but a few. However, on the limited evidence he’d already amassed, Zack figured that Club Submission would be right up there with the best of them.

  Often working fifteen- or sixteen-hour days for weeks on end, Zack was under no illusion that his private life had suffered as a consequence of his business success. This was something he aimed to remedy with the soothing help of places like Club Submission. In thirty-eight years on this planet, he’d enjoyed many a D/s relationship. The most recent with his beautiful, blonde submissive, Jane Manison, lasted barely two years before his insistence on putting Marshall Aeronautical first caused their relationship to finally fall apart.

  Zack shook his head.

  “How many times are you going to fuck up your private life, man?”

  Jane was a beautiful, intelligent woman, who’d slipped effortlessly into the submissive role, yet, despite her cerebral attributes and stunning good looks, Zack knew Jane wasn’t the special and exciting individual he wanted to settle down and spend the rest of his life with. Maybe that was why he felt compelled to work late every night, causing their eventual breakup to become inevitable?

  Zack looked at himself in the rearview mirror of his Mercedes, he figured he looked a little tired, but other than that not too bad.

  “Right then, Marshall. Enough of this distant voyeurism. It’s time to go inside and check this place out. Let’s see if Kyle was telling the truth or talking bull
shit as usual.”

  As he made his way across the parking lot, yet more women entered the club, and from what he’d seen so far, he guessed that girls outnumbered boys by a ratio of three to one. Well, he wasn’t about to complain about those statistics, especially as they were in his favor.

  After climbing the stone steps, he reached the large bronze ravens apparently guarding the entrance, and he instinctively ran his hand over their sensual shape before pushing open the heavy oak door.

  The reception area was subtly lit, and he reckoned the guys who owned the club knew how to give their customers what they wanted. An attractive blonde woman in her early thirties sat behind a desk, and stunning hazel eyes lifted to his as he made his way toward her.

  “Good evening, sir, and how can I help you tonight?” The receptionist’s voice was warm and engaging, and this lady seemed to have a nice way about her.

  “My name’s, Zack Marshall. I phoned earlier.”

  He watched her tap a perfectly manicured index finger to her lips. A small, almost insignificant gesture that he found sexually arousing. “Ah, yes, Mr. Marshall. I recognize your voice.”

  Zack idly took a book of matches from a silver bowl, which was strategically placed on the reception desk. “And I remember your voice, too. Andrea, isn’t it?” He held out his hand, which she immediately took in her own. “Good to put a face to the voice.”

  When she smiled, he enjoyed the way her nose crinkled slightly, and her hazel eyes sparkled. Pretty blonde hair fell around her shoulders as she tapped his details into her computer.


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