Dangerous for You

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by Antonia, Anna

  Dangerous for You

  Anna Antonia

  Published by DelSin Publishing, LLC 2014

  Copyright © 2014 Anna Antonia

  All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission from DelSin Publishing, LLC. DelSin Publishing, LLC and the author assume no liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Published by:

  DelSin Publishing, LLC


  Cover Credit: Andrey Kiselev

  Cover Design: CGM Web Designs

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  More Titles

  About Anna

  …Love is most dangerous when it comes late in life.

  —Lord Byron


  I never claimed to be a psychic nor was I particularly superstitious.

  I never won the lottery—not even the ones with free ticket prizes. I was no more likely to call a coin toss correctly than the odds of probability predicted. And though I’d never found a four-leaf clover, I didn’t entirely disbelieve that one could step on a crack and break their mother’s back.

  Yet, when Gabriel got back from Munich somehow I knew something terrible was coming our way. Although I’d made it through my personal journey and had reached the point where I was all in with Gabriel, I couldn’t fully shake off the gloom that things could really be this easy.

  It was so sweet, this thing between us. Mostly living together, playing roughly when the mood struck, and making the mundane wonderful—we were taking all the steps of a life moving forward to a permanent future.

  I really wanted it.

  It’s just like me—always wanting what I shouldn’t want.

  Now here we were on the precipice of everything I feared when I allowed myself to admit how much I loved and needed Gabriel Gordon. When I realized I never wanted to live without him.

  When I saw myself truly and forever being his…

  I allowed a brief glance into his exquisite eyes. Normally the emotion blazing from them was because we were engaged in a beautiful carnal array of passion. Instead, fury crackled, turning Gabriel’s pupils into tiny pinpoints of supreme rage.

  Rage and fear.

  It was a strange facsimile of our first real battle, back when I found out about Embry. I’d welcome that right now. Except this time there was no physical door between us, only the steely stare of the man who’d threatened to take away everything we’d worked so hard for from us.

  Although I shouldn’t dare show weakness, I couldn’t keep my back as straight as it needed to be when all I wanted was to curl into Gabriel and pretend this wasn’t happening.

  But I didn’t run away. I couldn’t. Not when my whole existence with the one man I’d ever loved was at stake.

  “Our Gabriel had a beautifully planned life before he met you, Emma. You’re ruining all that. Again.”

  Before I got a chance to answer, Gabriel exploded. “Don’t you dare say that to her! Emma saved me, Lucas!”

  The older man’s scornful expression couldn’t hide the fury lying beneath his softly spoken words. “Saved you from what? A successful career? A beautiful wife whose family could be counted on for support? What, Gabriel? Tell us both because I fail to see the downside to your previous life, but I see plenty for your current one.”

  No longer the center of contention but most definitely the cause, I stood there silent and fixed in one spot as the storm of words flowed around me. It was a blizzard, freezing me bit by bit

  “I’ve already explained this to you. That beautiful life you’re going on about had no substance.”

  “Substance. Our family coffers and prestige would disagree.”

  “There’s more to life than money and power, Lucas.”

  “Really?” He made a great show of looking about him. “That’s why you leased this penthouse instead of choosing to live next door to your lady love. What? Couldn’t live the simple life for long, son?”

  “My reasons are my own and have nothing to do with what you think you know.”

  “Oh, I can imagine. And when the passion’s gone, Gabriel, what then? What happens when the novelty wears off and all the differences between you are no longer so…how should I say it…cute?”

  “She’s not a novelty. I love her and I want to marry—”

  “For now! Love turns into poison once a lifetime of regret sets in. Don’t you understand that yet? Hasn’t our family history shown you enough?”

  “I’m not you, Lucas, nor am I my father. I love Emma. I always have and I’m not giving her up again.”

  “Really? Let me tell you what will happen when that love fades—you’ll resent Emma for not being what she’s incapable of being. When you’re snubbed time and time again for her being in your life, when your children must bear the weight of her upbringing, the taunts of being less than, then you’ll regret not being with someone from your own background.”

  “Background, huh? You and Father stayed within the circle of your own background. WASP and blue-blooded till the end.” Cruelty touched my lover’s face. “We all know how well that worked out for our little family, don’t we?”

  “Yes, and that is why I’m doing my damnedest to make sure you do better.”

  “Don’t even try to say you’re doing this for me. You’re just worried about what society will say and what they’ll interpret it to mean for the Gordon name.”

  “Believe what you will, Gabriel. You always do.” Lucas turned to me, neatly sending his poison darts in my direction. “Look what you’re already doing to our family. You claim to love Gabriel, but if you really loved him you wouldn’t be this selfish and put him in this situation, would you?”

  I remembered Embry’s words were nearly the same. Who would’ve thought that love could be so dangerous? Maybe it wasn’t love. Maybe it was just me.

  “I do love your nephew, Mr. Gordon. All I want is his happiness.” As far as opening volleys went it lacked heat but not sincerity.

  If anything, my declaration only seemed to anger Lucas further. “And you think it will be with you.”


  “And if loving you destroys everything Gabriel has worked so hard for—what then?”

  I didn’t have to answer. My face betrayed everything.

  I can’t let that happen.

  Gabriel’s brows snapped together. Desperation underscored his command. “Emma, don’t you dare listen to him! He’s just trying to get in your head!”

  Mr. Gordon, how do you like my head so far? Do want to push on my brain a little harder? I think that you do. Try this spot here. It runs straight to my heart.

  “Of course, she’s listening. I’m already there, can’t you see?”

  I didn’t deny it. Gabriel’s frustration crackled. I wanted to apologize for not being able to deflect his uncle. I was born about a hundred years too late to win against Lucas.

  Confident a
gain in his control of the situation, Lucas Gordon smiled. A voice smooth as honey, one designed to delight the senses before shredding everything asunder, poured into the small space between us.

  “Regardless of her unfortunate background, your lovely friend is quite intelligent. After all, she must be to pull herself out of the gutter.”

  It was rather painful to look at him, this person who was Gabriel’s uncle and not only his uncle, but his father’s identical twin. The resemblance between Lucas Gordon and Gabriel was uncannily close. To be looked at with contempt from a barely lined face that looked so much like my beloved’s—agony.

  The gutter remark stung as it was designed to. I gathered my pride, having had long practice to defending myself from pointed barbs. I didn’t bleed then—I wouldn’t bleed now.

  I tipped my chin up, arms left by my side to dangle with surface poise. I viewed Lucas as I would anyone who’d attacked me for their pleasure, without deference and without emotion. He held my attention, but I knew my expression would not betray me again.

  “Throw me into a thousand gutters and I’ll climb out of every single one. Only the strong survive in this world, Mr. Gordon, and I’m strong.”

  His broad smile was just like Gabriel’s. Identical in every way except for the flavor of malice. “That they do and so you are. Whether you’re capable of listening to reason is the question here…”

  Gabriel immediately stepped between us, using his body to shield me from his uncle. “Emma, don’t talk to him. And you—don’t insult her.”

  “How am I insulting her, Gabriel? I’m praising Emma for being able to rise above her family’s extremely humble beginnings. Ah, I mean her mother’s because Emma doesn’t have any other family to speak of, does she?”

  The offended innocence in the elder Gordon’s purring tone might’ve had a better chance of being believed if it wasn’t accompanied by a faint sneer.

  I stood there, visually unmoved because it was my only power in this situation when the words were true. I couldn’t lash out because I’d prove myself uncouth. I couldn’t show how much it hurt because then I’d have given that person confirmed power over my emotions.

  All I could do was stand here and be like a statue that belonged on the empty pedestal in Gabriel’s foyer. He, on the other hand, didn’t suffer from my choices. Gabriel defended me without hesitation.

  “Money can’t buy compassion or ethics, Lucas. Humble or not, Emma and her mother are better than you.”

  “Me? What about you?”

  Dignity permeated Gabriel’s simple answer. “Especially me.”

  I wanted to argue, to refute my lover’s condemnation of himself. Instead, I remained silent. Not because I wanted to, but because Gabriel wanted me to. A house divided was bound to fall. Lucas would pounce on any opportunity to drive a bigger wedge between us.

  I wasn’t about to willingly hand him any ammunition. Still, I reached out and pressed my hand against Gabriel’s back.

  Thank you so much for standing by my side. I love you so much for this.

  I hoped Gabriel could sense my gratitude.

  “Indeed.” Lucas stood up, approaching us with the insolent arrogance of a man who’d already been assured of victory. Gabriel shifted further until I could barely see his uncle.

  “Come now, son. It’s not like I’m going to hurt her. That’s your job.”

  Even though I couldn’t see his face, I could practically feel the anger radiating from Gabriel. I wished I could soothe his rage away. I wished I could say it was going to be okay.

  I couldn’t lie.

  “Don’t call me son! Not if you’re trying to do this to me!”

  “You know how it is between us, Gabriel,” Lucas replied softly, seemingly unfazed by his nephew’s shout. “You are like a son to me. The only one I’d ever have. Nothing you say or do can change that.”

  Gabriel’s back stiffened, muscles going granite beneath my fingers. I sensed there was more angering him than Lucas being a doting uncle.

  “Stop it. Please.”

  “I know you find it hard to believe but I’m not doing this to you. I’m doing it for you.”

  Lucas leaned around Gabriel’s arm and looked me in the eye. I felt like the prey to his predator. It jolted me for a moment. He smiled with smug satisfaction.

  “You’ve heard my proposition. So what’s it going to be, Emma? Once I run you out of Med-Tech and every other job in the city, what’s left for you? Are you going to work for Gabriel? That will be your only option. At least, for as long as I want it. And it won’t be for long, Emma.”

  Before I could answer, Lucas crossed the line.

  “Or is your mother going to have to pay the price for her daughter’s indiscretions? She is rather young, after all. Only three years younger than me if one can believe it. I’m sure she can pick up and start over in another town—there’s always toilets that need to be cleaned and she is an expert on it, isn’t she?”

  I narrowed my gaze, knowing a dangerous rage projected before I could contain it. “You leave her out of this. Your problem is with me. Not my mother.”

  Lucas dropped the veneer of impeccable indifference. Emotion bled over into the smooth lines of his face. “Then give me what I want.”

  “Go to—”

  “Emma!” Gabriel hissed, giving me the unspoken command of silence.

  Swallowing the rest of my rage was a bitter experience indeed. Gabriel shifted again until I was completely hidden beneath his back. I didn’t want to be there. Although I trusted Gabriel to handle any insults thrown my way, I still wanted to rush out from behind him and punch his uncle in the mouth.

  Gabriel squared his shoulders. “Stop threatening Emma and stop insulting her mother.”

  “Or what?”

  “Or I’ll make you stop,” he answered quietly. Too quietly.

  “Is that a threat, Gabriel?”

  “It’s not a threat. It’s a guarantee. You’ve crossed the line.”

  “Look at us, son. Look at what she’s done to us. How can you turn your back on our family and take her side against us?”

  “I’m not. Emma’s my choice, Lucas, and you’re the only one who won’t respect it.”

  “You can’t be reasoned with and so you can’t be trusted. If you won’t back down then I’ll have no choice to recommend your removal from Gordon Industries.”

  “Do it. I don’t give a shit and never have. I’ve got enough money to last me two lifetimes.”

  “Perhaps, but are you willing to lose your livelihood and pride for this girl?”

  “I won’t lose. Besides, you like the money I bring in too much to let it all go to hell.”

  “I have enough money to last me a couple of lifetimes as well. Imagine all the layoffs that will happen once you’re gone. You think they’ll be as well off as us? Why don’t we ask Emma’s opinion?”

  “Fuck off!”

  I startled, feeling it almost impossible to draw in a breath when there was so much anger and hostility in the room.

  Based on the triumph oozing in his tone, I imagined Lucas’s smile split like the seas. “You have no power in this situation, Gabriel, and you know it. I control the board. Not you. I’ll have you ousted. You’ll be on the street faster than a phone call and so will a significant portion of our workforce.”

  And there it was. The ultimate threat. The one I could never let Gabriel or anybody else suffer.

  “Tell me how many fucks I give, Lucas. Don’t threaten Emma or her mother again. I won’t tolerate it. If anything happens to either of them, I don’t care what it is—someone bumps into them on the street—I’ll burn everything down to the ground myself. Understand?”

  That’s not true, Gabriel. You care about your employees—even the ones you don’t know. You’d never let me down like that.

  Even though I remained docilely behind Gabriel, Lucas read me through and through. He’d gotten to me and he knew it. Giving us his back, he said over his shoulder as he walk
ed away, “I’m finished here. I trust you’ll both make the right decision.”

  “I’ve already made it for us, Uncle.”

  He stopped and turned around. “Embry will be expecting you to make this up to her, Gabriel. So will I. A romantic trip to Paris will be a nice start, don’t you think? It’s the least you can do considering everything she’s been through because of you both.”

  And then Lucas was gone, taking all the air with him.

  Gabriel turned around and immediately dragged me against him. “Baby, I’m so sorry. I never thought he’d be this way. I should’ve seen it coming. I should’ve…”

  “It’s okay,” I murmured numbly. Why was I lying to him? Nothing was going to be okay again. Ever.

  “No, it’s not.” He cupped my face. “I’m sorry you had to hear that. I should’ve thrown him out as soon as we got here. I would’ve if I had any clue he’d be this damned unreasonable.”

  “You’re not responsible for what your uncle said.”

  “Maybe not, but he’s not going to be allowed entry up here anymore. I promise.”

  “Are you sure? He’s your uncle.”

  Gabriel grimaced and shook his head. “I won’t risk you. He goes against you, I’ll cut him off.”

  And so it began. Gabriel was willing to cut off his uncle to respect and protect me. Who next? Business associates? Friends? Casual acquaintances?

  I don’t want this.

  How did things spiral so far out of control? Before I met Lucas Gordon, we’d been so happy together and blissfully unaware of what was to come our way. I didn’t have to look into Gabriel’s eyes to know they reflected the same grief.

  “Emma, you still love me, right?”


  I knew it would come to this. Somehow I always knew.

  My bruised heart suffered another jolt, clenching so painfully I could barely draw in breath. I knew something Gabriel didn’t know or didn’t want to acknowledge.

  Our strange fairytale was unraveling.



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