Dangerous for You

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Dangerous for You Page 9

by Antonia, Anna

  I was looking at Gabriel’s twin.


  Everything unraveled quickly once I met Lucas Gordon. Much later I’d wonder what would’ve happened if I hadn’t gone to the ballet that night. Would I have been able to keep Gabriel a little longer?

  Or was our end already written from the beginning, long before we were born?


  “Hello, family.” The older man’s drawl sounded like honey. Like Gabriel.

  “Lucas! What you doing here?” Marie asked flustered, discomposed in a way I’d never heard her be. Instinct told me to keep silent. So I did.

  “That was rather rude, Marie. You wound me and in front of a guest no less. Whatever will she think of us?”

  Although he smiled I could see it didn’t quite reach his eyes. At all. Instantly, I realized this man was an enemy to me. My euphoria from the last hour evaporated, destroyed as if it never was.

  This suffocating sensation was what I understood, what I’d been used to since I was forced to go to school with people who automatically thought I was trash because I wasn’t like them.

  Aloofness became my cloak, fitting me so well as if I hadn’t cast it off in the last weeks. Except it felt different because I was on edge, unsure of what I should do for the first time. Maybe more so because I could sense Gabriel’s discomfort with each fine tremor pulsing beneath my hand.

  I suddenly remembered our long-ago first night and how I’d seen Gabriel’s family portraits on the wall. I remembered remarking on how physically alike Gabriel and his father were.

  “You’re like his younger twin.”

  “He already has a twin.”

  I now knew who this man was. Gabriel’s uncle.

  How difficult was it for Gabriel to look into the same face as the man who’d beaten him and his mother for years? Judging by the tenseness of his arm beneath my hand—very difficult.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your lovely date, son?” Another smile came and left Lucas’s lips as if it couldn’t stand to be there for long.

  Glancing at my lover’s face, I nearly gasped aloud when I saw the mask drop down. It was like high school all over again. He became hollow. A smiling caricature of the man I’d loved forever.

  Gabriel gained to his feet, pulling me up with him gracefully. “This is Emma, Uncle.”

  Was it my imagination that he added a slight emphasis on the word ‘uncle?’ While I was trying to gauge the currents ebbing around us, Lucas glided forward, stopping until he reached Marie’s side. Panic flew across her face chased by something else I couldn’t decipher.

  “Emma, I’ve heard all about you. How fortunate for me to finally meet you.” He extended his hand towards me. I took it while keeping my gaze pinned on his. Lucas’s intense stare sharpened, as if daring me to look away.

  So of course I didn’t. Staring people down was something I was really good at.

  Who’s going to give in first? Not me.

  Marie cleared her throat delicately. “Lucas, I’m surprised you came tonight. Ballet usually bores you.”

  He broke away. The lines of his face softened, uncaring about our private battle for the moments he spoke to Marie. “Only in the wrong company.”

  Gabriel froze. Infinite moments trickled by. I wondered if he saw the same thing I did.

  Of course he did.

  Lucas didn’t just view Marie as his brother’s widow. She was more. Much more. And judging from Marie’s subtle reactions to Lucas, the way she seemed to consciously keep her feet anchored even while her body leaned towards him ever-so-slightly, she felt the same.

  “I assume you’re here with friends, Lucas?” Gabriel’s clipped tone barely edged this side of polite.

  Lucas’s silver stare settled back on us. He looked at me once and then flicked away. “I’m here with a party—as you already know.”

  Gabriel nodded, his blinding smile making me ache with sadness. “Don’t let us hold you up then.”

  “It’s no holdup, Gabriel, but you are right. I’m here with the Milfords. You remember them, don’t you?”

  Embry’s family.

  My lover replied smoothly, “How could I forget?”

  “I don’t know, son. You tell me.”

  It was now beyond obvious that Lucas’s loyalty lay with Embry. Logically, it made perfect sense. She was beautiful and carried a large fortune along with her good name.

  “Gabriel, Emma, and I have had the best time tonight. I couldn’t ask for a better pair of companions, Lucas.”

  “Is that so?” his voice lost its edge, becoming gentle and perhaps even sweeter.

  “Yes. Emma and I will have already made plans to see more shows this year, haven’t we?”

  With a handful of softly spoken words, Marie staked claim on approving of my relationship with her son in direct defiance to her brother-in-law. I could kiss her for being so supportive. Instead, I let my genuine smile speak for me. “I can hardly wait. Just name the date and I’ll be here.”

  Before Lucas could comment, Gabriel gave him our backs. The mask disappeared as he asked gently, “Mother, would you like me to call for refreshments? Emma and I will be stretching our legs for the rest of intermission.”

  Marie shook her head, eyes wide and as watchful as my own. “Thank you, sweetheart, but I’m not thirsty.”

  “Uncle.” Gabriel inclined his head slightly before turning around with me in tow. Our sedate pace belied the itch to run plaguing my legs. Lucas’s stare speared us like a physical threat.

  “It was a pleasure meeting you, Emma,” Lucas called out pleasantly false. “I look forward to seeing you again. Truly.”

  Gabriel didn’t slow our leisurely progress, but I felt the hardness in his body seep into mine. While I would’ve preferred to have ignored the man entirely, I looked over my shoulder. Our gazes clashed again.

  “Goodbye, Mr. Gordon.”

  The door closed behind me but the cold sensation of enmity remained.

  Why is Lucas so hostile towards me? Is it just about Embry or something more? What exactly does he know about me?

  Gabriel’s feet picked up speed. He nodded to the few people we passed, calling out a friendly greeting to those he knew but not stopping to chat. Like a faithful shadow, I made sure to keep up with him even though I didn’t know where exactly we were going.

  It became apparent my lover’s direction had a purpose. Soon we slipped out from the main hall and into a dimly-lit cordoned corridor. Gabriel stopped at a door and then slipped something out of his pants pocket. A jingle of metal and then the lock unlatched.

  “Gabriel, did we just break in?”


  “Aren’t you afraid we’ll get caught?”

  He slanted a look over pursed lips. “Afraid? Never.” Gabriel pulled me inside and promptly closed and locked the door. Looking around, I could barely make out the shadowed shelves but it looked like we were in a utility closet.

  “Do you have your purse with you?”

  I held up my wrist to show the tiny rectangle.

  “Good.” Gabriel bared his teeth in a wolfish grin. “That makes things much easier for me.”

  Backing up, I swallowed and whispered, “What do you plan on doing?”

  “Why you, of course.”

  “No. Seriously?”

  Gabriel closed the distance between us. A ruthless cast took hold of his beautiful face. I was prey and he was my predator. Excitement skated across my spine as I took one step back for every one he stepped forward.

  “Where are you going, Emma? Are you trying to get away from me?” he asked with a throaty growl. “You won’t, you know. Not now. Not ever.”

  Perhaps I should’ve been disturbed by his ardor. Maybe if I was anyone else I would be. But I wasn’t.

  Instead, I was wet.

  My back bumped against the wall. “Maybe I’m not trying to get away. Maybe I just want you to chase me.”

  “So my Emma wants to play games, d
oes she?” Gabriel’s arms caged me. As always, his cologne intoxicated me. Long after my youth left me and all my senses were dulled, Gabriel’s scent would be the one I remembered even if I forgot everything else.

  “I like to play with you.” I ran my hand down the center of his wide chest. My palm came back to rest over his heart, claiming it for myself.

  “Good.” Gabriel’s fingertips feathered across my powdered cheek. “We don’t have much time.”

  “Time for what?” I whispered softly. His heartbeat quickened much like mine.

  “Time for this.” He pressed his other hand between my legs. I immediately spread them wider, shamelessly eager for his touch.

  Oh my God!

  I whispered his name. My fingers dug into his shoulders as he played me beautifully. I wanted to kiss him, but the glossy lipstick on my mouth prevented me from doing so. Gabriel, attuned to my needs as always, captured my lips anyways. He swallowed my moan while his hand moved faster and deeper.

  “This is mine.”

  I responded to the guttural groan, wanting to shout my affirmation to the world.

  “I own this, Emma. I own all of you, but most especially this. Don’t I?”

  I nodded, frantic and breathlessly robbed of speech. Gabriel curled his fingers downwards and my back arched sharply. It was a glorious substitute for his hard shaft. He leaned down and thrust his tongue deep into my mouth.

  Gabriel controlled me magnificently with each slippery stroke of his fingers. I was his to do with as he pleased.

  All too quickly I felt the telltale tingle spread throughout my belly. Gabriel broke off our kiss to whisper carnal encouragement in my ear.

  My hips snapped against his hand as my orgasm crashed over me. He greedily took all of my cries into his mouth, groaning as I tightened around his long fingers.

  I felt Gabriel reach into his jacket pocket while he pulled me closer. Knowing what was coming, I clumsily undid his belt and unzipped his pants. I sighed in bliss when I freed him. Gabriel thrust into my hand as my fingers barely wrapped around his thickness.

  I would’ve dropped to my knees, but his hand closed roughly around my arm.

  “No. I want to be in you. Now.”

  Quickly he sheathed himself and lifted me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him breathless. Pinned against the wall, I was open for his ravishment. Gabriel didn’t take the time to tease me. He thrust deep.

  I tore my mouth away from his and cried out softly, trying my best to keep quiet and not get caught. He was just so large I couldn’t think of anything other than how deliciously full he made me. Gabriel branded me with each stroke. The sound of his breathing in my ear became the soundtrack of my happiness.

  His fingers dug into my upper thighs. The bite added to the eroticism of our fervent joining. Gabriel’s muscles strained against mine. His hardness called to my softness, demanding that I submit. Instinctively, I swept my arms around his back, hungry for contact as he thrust faster. I squeezed from above and below.

  Gabriel buried his face against my perfumed neck. I could feel he wasn’t going to last much longer. My love poured obsessively from my lips in a sonnet of passionate words and broken sighs. He answered with one final thrust before his large body shuddered.

  The seconds slipped away. Nothing mattered but being in his arms for as long as we dared.

  My eyes became drowsy. I could barely summon the energy to care if we ever left this room. Only the knowledge that Marie was waiting for us to come back kept me from asking Gabriel to call Waylon.

  “Baby, I don’t want to leave you. Can’t I just stay inside you forever?” Gabriel’s breath rhythmically tickled the little hairs along my nape. He squeezed my hips.

  “I insist on it.” I laid my head on his shoulder, fingers absently playing with his lapel. “You have no idea how tempted I am to ditch the ballet right now.”

  “Hmm…you have no idea how close I am to agreeing. My mother is a saint—she’d understand.”


  “Yes, my love?”

  “Can you not mention your mother while we’re in this particular state?”

  He laughed and apologized. “Whatever was I thinking?” Gabriel kissed me softly. “Do I have to let you go?”

  “I’m afraid so, but not for long.” I winked and gave him my sauciest smile before ruining it with a big yawn.

  “Baby, I love it when you’re like this. So soft, so giving…exhausted from my lovemaking.” He flashed me his cockiest grin before setting me down on my wobbly legs.

  “Lovemaking? I’d call it something a wee bit stronger.”

  “Very well. Fucking. Is that better?

  “Perfect.” Closing my eyes, I leaned back against the wall. “We look like we’ve been doing exactly what we’ve been doing.”

  “It’s a good thing we were both prepared then, isn’t it?”

  I cracked one eye open. Gabriel apparently had located a sink. I saw him adjust his clothing and throw something wrapped in a paper towel away. Briskly, he pulled out a handkerchief and held under the faucet, wetting it enough before coming back to me.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up, my girl. Now stand still while I wipe the lipstick from your mouth.”

  “Chin, cheeks, and probably my ear and neck.”

  “Oh yes. All of those places show the marks of our passion.”

  I yawned again. “This will probably be the last time I wear red lipstick.”

  “Never say that, Emma! I love you in red. You look very sexy.”

  “Very sexy?”

  “Very, very sexy.”

  Gabriel gently scrubbed my face, leaving me several times to rinse the handkerchief, before he declared me clean. He then asked for my compact and lipstick. Docilely, I stood there while he repaired the cosmetic damage with careful strokes of powder and then lipstick. I wasn’t confident he’d have much luck but when he held the mirror in front of me I was pleased.

  “You know if the billionaire thing doesn’t work out you can always be a makeup artist.”

  “Thank you, Emma. I’ll keep that in mind when I update my resume.” Gabriel went back to the sink and quickly scrubbed his face clean before wringing out the stained linen and pocketing it. He straightened his bowtie, smoothing out any errant wrinkles across his shirt before working on me.

  Soon we were as presentable as possible.

  Gabriel glanced at his watch. “Intermission is just about to end, Emma. Ready to stroll back without a care?”

  I inhaled and exhaled quickly. “Okay. I hope the guilt doesn’t knock me over when we see your mother again.”

  “Me too.”

  “Wait. Did we do something wrong, Gabriel? I mean, was this a trashy thing to do?”

  He cocked his head in contemplation, gaze studying the ceiling. “A little.”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  “Don’t be so glum, babydoll. We were trashy together. Besides, we can always blame it on my animal instincts.”

  “I had some instincts going on of my own.”

  Gabriel pecked the top of my head. “So you did. Are you ready?”


  He took my hand and led me to the door. He slowly opened it, sticking his head out slightly and looking both ways before easing us both back into the hallway. We didn’t walk fast so as to not appear guilty of wrongdoing, but I couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief when we made it to the main area unscathed.

  As we went up the stairs towards the boxes, we thankfully met few people along the way. I squeezed Gabriel’s hand and murmured, “I think we’re getting away with it.”

  “It feels good to be bad sometimes.”

  I laughingly agreed. Feeling the heat from someone’s stare, I looked over my shoulder, hoping someone hadn’t come up behind us and overheard our conversation. I nearly stumbled when I saw Embry standing next to Lucas at the bottom of the staircase.

  Their stony expressions told me we weren’t fooling an

  I turned away, disturbed, and unsure of what—if anything—I should do.

  “What’s wrong, Emma?”

  “Nothing! Let’s hurry so we’re not late.” I threw in a smile for good measure, hoping Gabriel would attribute my manic nervousness to the obvious. I also hoped he wouldn’t look over his shoulder as well.

  Happily, luck was on my side this time.

  We entered the luxurious room, greeting Marie as if nothing was out of the ordinary. I sat down in my plush seat and waited with an ear out for the door, sure that Lucas was going to bring Embry into the Gordon box and wondering what I would do if he did.

  I had no desire to repeat my last encounter with Embry, much less in front of Gabriel’s mother.

  My pleasure evaporated. Despite my earlier love for the production, I couldn’t concentrate. I alternated between nervousness and anger at the situation at hand.

  Lucas’s and Embry’s appearance was no coincidence. It was a clear message to me that she had his support in supplanting me. Covertly watching Gabriel in the dark, I wished I knew what the right thing to do was. If I kept it to myself and Lucas made a move against me, then Gabriel would be furious I hadn’t told him about tonight. If I let him know, then it might cause a rift in his family.

  He’s already lost his father. How can he lose his uncle too?

  And what about Marie? Obviously she was close to Lucas. I couldn’t be the one to disrupt their small family, especially after she’d been so kind to me.

  So I did nothing.

  I sat there in my seat and watched the stage with blind intensity while keeping an ear out for the door. I clapped when appropriate and I even managed to discuss my favorite parts of the show with Marie.

  Dinner was a light affair until dessert. The three of us gorged ourselves on waffles topped with fruit, whipped cream, and chocolate. Gabriel offered to roll us both to the limo and we nearly took him up on the generous offer.

  Later than night Gabriel undressed me and asked so sweetly, “Did you have a good time tonight, Emma?”

  “I had the best time ever.”



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