20 erotic swinging and swapping stories

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20 erotic swinging and swapping stories Page 11

by Miranda Forbes

  ‘I’m not finished with you yet,’ she said and went back to finger fucking me even harder than before.

  I orgasmed twice more under her touch before she let me rest. I moved to walk back to where Daniel and I slept but Joy held me tightly in her arms.

  ‘You’re mine tonight.’

  I nodded and lay my head on her breast, falling instantly into a deep dreamless sleep.

  Something changed between Daniel and I after that night. I don’t know if it was a good something or a bad something, things were just different. When Rob or Joy wanted sex with one of us we obediently trotted over. The weeks passed and we began swapping with the other couples until there was no one in the community that one of us hadn’t had sex with. The weather started to get colder but the talk of moving south disappeared.

  Then on one of the days when the wind was blowing extra bitterly Daniel kissed me and told me he wanted to move on.


  ‘I want it to be the two of us again. I want to be lonely together.’

  I nodded, understanding without understanding.

  They tried to talk us out of it, they cried as they watched us packing, but gave us more and more supplies until we couldn’t fit them into the car. I don’t know if they carried on crying when we drove off, I didn’t look back and neither did Daniel.

  We live hand to mouth, mouth to hand. Daniel says he’s happier, he only wants me. Sometimes I say it was easier in the group, but mostly I kneel in front of him sucking his cock.

  Yesterday he asked me if I wanted him to spank me.

  ‘It wouldn’t be the same,’ I said.

  He nodded and we made love facing each other our limbs entwined.

  ‘We’re doing well, aren’t we?’ he said.

  ‘Yes, we are,’ I said squeezing my sex around his. ‘We’re still alive.’

  The Couple with the Dragon Tattoo

  by Giselle Renarde

  It was always a giddy thrill, those nights we met up with Vijee and Lilliana. For people like Gerry and I, so deeply entrenched in our boring little heterosexual lives, having dinner with a lesbian couple was exciting. Maybe it shouldn’t have been, but it was. The fact that Lilliana and Vijee actually identify as polyamorous pansexual BDSM enthusiasts was just the icing on the restaurant cake.

  Prior to Friday, there had never been any suggestion something sexual might happen between the four of us, but that possibility always hung heavy on the air. We knew about their lifestyle, though not from them directly. Friends at our Introduction to Printmaking course had pointed out Vijee and Lilliana, and told us all about the girls’ “lifestyle”. They warned us to “steer clear of those freaky dykes”, to be exact. So what do you think Ger and I did the next week in class? Why, we pulled our chairs up to Vijee and Lilliana’s table, of course.

  Ever since, the four of us have held a standing bi-weekly date for Friday nights. It baffled me that the pair would want to waste their precious time together with a boring couple like us. In fact, I still feel a little honoured every time Vijee e-mails me to confirm dinner. I like them both. So does Gerry. They’re fascinating people in their own rights, and together – well, we’ve never known anyone like them!

  Vijee and Lilliana are a long-term committed couple, much like Gerry and I, but they don’t live together as we do. Vijee is mother of three, and married to a man who knows all about her relationship with Lilliana. For ages I wanted to ask if her husband ever “joined in the fun”, but I could never work up the nerve and I wasn’t sure if it would be rude. Gerry isn’t quite as concerned about coming off as a louse – or a letch, for that matter – so on Friday night he asked the question for me.

  ‘No,’ Vijee said in response. ‘This relationship is just for us.’

  Lilliana smiled at her and they clasped hands at the table, squeezing so hard their knuckles turned white. Seeing those two together, it was hard for me to imagine Vijee with a family, with a husband. It was harder still to imagine Lilliana’s home situation. She acted as submissive to a married couple, a man and woman, and she lived with them in a house she described as “absolutely brill”. Rather than paying rent or contributing to household expenses, she cooked and cleaned for them. She cared for the minutia high-earning business people hadn’t time for. In exchange, they provided her free room and board as well as a moderate salary and, as Lilliana put it, “certain pleasures you might not understand.”

  True, Gerry and I had never been BDSM people, but that didn’t mean we weren’t curious. We’ve tied each other up on occasion, but according to Vijee and Lilliana, that’s child’s play. I wondered what they got up to in the bedroom, I really did. I’m sure Gerry and I would have been terrified at the sight of it. Terrified … and tempted …

  ‘Oh, big news!’ Lilliana announced. ‘We finished our dragon tattoo!’

  ‘Dragon tattoo?’ When I shifted closer to Gerry, he put his arm around my shoulder. We’d neglected to make reservations, and the best our restaurant could do was cram the four of us at a circular table near the bar. Knees brushed knees. The setting was intimate, to say the least.

  ‘You both got dragon tattoos?’ Gerry asked.

  ‘We both got a dragon tattoo,’ Vijee said.

  I was reasonably confused, but Gerry beat me to the punch. ‘How do the two of you share a tattoo? One gets it Monday to Wednesday, the other Thursday to Sunday?’

  Lilliana burst with a genuine giggle. Vijee tittered along, but her laughter was more subdued and obviously insincere. Sometimes I wondered if Vijee disliked my boyfriend, but it was hard to know. She was gruff with everyone.

  ‘It’s one tattoo,’ Lilliana explained, ‘but it’s on both of us.’

  ‘So it’s the same tattoo and both of you have it?’ I asked. This conversation seemed more confusing than it ought to be.

  Vijee put her arm around Lilliana’s shoulder. ‘It’s one design, one grand scheme, one concept. It’s a double-headed dragon wrapping itself around both our bodies.’

  My insides tingled at Vijee’s pronunciation of bodies. That word became flesh in my mind. I couldn’t help but picture she and Lilliana naked together, kissing, writhing, their skin etched with multicoloured dyes. Dragon heads raging. Dragon tongues mingling. Dragon eyes glowing. I felt my face flush as somebody’s knee brushed mine. My heart raced against the cage of my ribs.

  Gerry must have been thinking what I was thinking, because he kissed my hair so slowly I felt the heat of his lips on my scalp. When Vijee did the same to Lilliana, I nearly laughed. Our dinners always seemed to turn into these couple-versus-couple public-display-of-affection competitions. Gerry and I were not the lovey-dovey type. Generally speaking, we didn’t do much more than hold hands outside of the house. There was just something about this pair, about the freedom of their hands and their lips, that either put us at ease or stimulated our competitive natures – I’m not sure which.

  A childlike grin leapt to Lilliana’s cheeks. Her eyes sprung wide before settling into mischievous slits. ‘Hey, do you want to see it?’ She looked to Vijee as if to seek permission, and when Vijee nodded she asked again. ‘Want to see our tattoo?’

  Gerry was perched so near to me I actually felt him gulp. ‘You want to show it to us?’

  I smiled. I couldn’t help myself. Looking around for our absentee waiter, I said, ‘Why don’t we pay for the drinks and then head back to our place? We can pick up some take-away en route. Doesn’t look like our server’s the least bit interested in taking our orders, anyway.’

  The invitation felt forward as it spilled past my lips, but I couldn’t seem to contain it. I would never have asked them out of the blue, but in light of Lilliana’s offer … well, I felt I had to jump on it before they changed their minds.

  Vijee insisted on paying, which was not uncommon. Most weeks Gerry argued with her, but I think he was every bit as anxious as I was to get our friends home and out of their clothes. Even before we’d settled up, he was coaxing me into my jacket.

  ‘Shaggy,’ Lilliana cooed as he fidgeted in his chair. They called him Shaggy as a tease, because Gerry reminded them of the lanky character from Scooby-Doo. At least, that’s why they claimed they called him Shaggy. ‘He is a bit of a dish, isn’t he?’

  My breath held fast to my lungs as I looked up at Vijee, but her expression betrayed no trace of jealousy. It never did during Lilliana’s mild flirtations. Was Lilliana talking to me, then? Was she asking if I thought my own boyfriend was dishy? ‘Well, yes,’ I finally said. ‘Of course he is.’

  ‘You hesitated,’ Gerry teased, nudging me in the ribs. I could hear the smile in his voice as I observed the twinkle in Lilliana’s eye. ‘You don’t think I’m dishy at all!’

  ‘I do,’ I shot back. I was beginning to feel flustered now, by the impending weight of the evening’s play. It was exactly what we’d hoped for, what we’d discussed at length, what we wanted…but in a sense, there’s nothing worse than getting what one wants.

  We left the restaurant, deciding to forego take-away. I couldn’t have eaten a bite anyway, not with the conflation of anticipation and doom flitting through my core. My pulse raced as we walked home from the restaurant. Gerry and I rushed on ahead, arm in arm, while Lilliana in her five-inch heels and Vijee, who was less than a pillar of physical fitness, struggled to keep up.

  I was all excitement when I reached for my keys. They rattled in my hand as I brought them to the door. Gerry had to hold the damn things steady as we slid the metal key into the lock. We turned it together.

  Our flat hardly seemed our own when Vijee and Lilliana filtered in. There was something foreign about the space. It smelled fresher than usual. Perhaps that was only Lilliana’s bright citrus perfume I was catching on the air as we all took off our jackets and tossed them on the sofa. Everything felt new, streamlined and ideal. The flat seemed cleaner than usual, despite the sink full of dishes and the plates of half-eaten biscuits Gerry managed to spread about the place. None of that mattered.

  I caught Gerry’s eye, and felt overwhelmed by the love glowing there. When he reached for my hand, I gave it to him without hesitation. ‘So, then,’ he said, weaving his fingers together with mine. ‘Let’s see this dragon tattoo.’

  Lilliana nodded to the bare front window. ‘Somewhere a little more … private?’

  Vijee looked her up and down and cracked a smile – a rarity. It wasn’t that Vijee was mean or irritable; she just wasn’t one for smiling. Every time she grinned or chuckled, it felt like a great reward. I found myself seeking her approval, hoping she’d grant me so much as a smirk, and when she did I always felt strangely elated.

  ‘The bedroom,’ I said, almost in a whisper. The word had been stuck in my throat. ‘Come into our bedroom.’

  ‘This is a lovely flat,’ Lilliana said as I led the way.

  Gerry went on about the neighbourhood, proximity to the trains, and assorted nonsense, but his familiar voice soothed an ache in me that could only be described as insecurity. There were things we’d always wanted, Ger and I, and I was chuffed to bits we’d experience them together. What’s a long-term live-in boyfriend for if you can’t share him with a polyamorous couple?

  Lilliana and Vijee leaned against our bed as Gerry confessed to stealing a wireless internet signal from the people downstairs. I pressed my cheek to his shoulder, hoping he’d never stop talking. I needed to hear his voice. He chattered on even as Lilliana unbuttoned her ruffled black shirt and slipped off her velvet shirt. Leaning back against the wardrobe, I felt I was watching a film of two women undressing in my bedroom. It all seemed surreal.

  Vijee disrobed as if by magic. One moment she was fully clothed, the next she stood at Lilliana’s side in nothing more than a black bra and knickers. Lilliana struggled out of her lace-trimmed satin slip, but it got stuck at her large breasts and she needed Vijee to tear the bloody thing over her head. ‘What would you do without me, heh?’

  ‘I’d keep my clothes on, I reckon.’

  Gerry rambled on about refitting the fixtures, but I think everyone had stopped listening to him by that point. Certainly, I had.

  ‘Are you ready for the full effect?’ Vijee asked.

  ‘Absolutely!’ I clapped my hands in front of my chest, transported back to my sister’s hen night – male strippers and all that. Lilliana and Vijee’s bodies were far less firm, and yet this was wildly more arousing.

  Vijee unfastened her bra at the back, letting it fall forward as she pushed her black panties to the floor. It wasn’t until Lilliana kicked off her big boots that I realised for the first time she and Vijee were the same height. It was also in that moment I got the full effect of the wild colours streaked across their skin. There be dragons! With that mirrored tattoo caressing Lilliana’s porcelain skin and Vijee’s darker flesh, they reminded me of the yin yang symbol. A green, blue, and purple dragon wrapped its thick, serpentine body around their legs and bellies. One head swept past Lilliana’s left breast, the other head past Vijee’s right breast. The girls wrapped their arms around each other’s waists and both dragons kissed tongue to tongue, like the snakes of the Caduceus.

  When Vijee turned slowly to Lilliana and licked her just behind the ear, I heard Gerry inhale sharply at my side. My pussy pulsed as I watched them, and my hand sought Ger’s, fluttering like a blind bird. His fingers clasped mine as we gazed lasciviously at the real-life movie playing before our eyes. Vijee cupped Lilliana’s pixie face in her hands and ran her tongue all the way up the girl’s face, from her chin, past her painted lips and her nose, all the way up to her forehead. I couldn’t help wondering if it was an act of care or ownership, like a mother cat licking her kitten. I love this and it’s mine.

  ‘I can take pictures, if you like,’ Gerry blurted. They both looked to us without separating head from head. ‘Of the tattoos! Sorry, I meant … nothing sleazy. Photos of your tattoos, and the two of you together. I’ve taken courses. I’m not terrible at it. We can borrow a white screen from my mate and we’ll do like a pro shoot.’

  ‘Not tonight, I hope.’ Vijee brushed her fingers through her black bush. ‘I’d prefer to do some hair removal before we immortalize our ink.’

  ‘Me too,’ Lilliana said, though her pussy was nearly bare as it was. She had only a slight strip of dark hair above the V of her thighs, which looked faintly like an arrow pointing down.

  Gerry shook his head. ‘Not tonight. Another night. Skip our next dinner, maybe? Do it on a Friday?’

  ‘Or Tuesday after Printmaking?’ I suggested. I wanted them to know I was on board with this, with all of it … whatever it was.

  Nodding cheek to cheek with Lilliana, Vijee let a sly smile bleed across her lips. ‘Go over there.’ She slapped her girl on the behind. ‘Go tell Shaggy thank you.’

  Lilliana brought her hands up to her cheeks so her forearms blocked our view of her hard cherry nipples. She stood in front of Gerry like a shy child compelled to thank her uncle for a Christmas gift. Dropping her hands to her sides, she pried my fingers from his and raised them to her bright red lips. She held Gerry’s fingers so close to her mouth I was sure he could feel her breath on his skin. I found myself experiencing Gerry’s desire, anticipating her next move.

  ‘Thank you, Shaggy.’ It was little more than a breath but I felt her words inside me, coaxing juice from my lower lips.

  Just when I thought Lilliana would kiss my boyfriend’s knuckles, she extended his index finger and slowly closed her mouth around it. Ger let out a glorious groan that pulsed inside my core. She sucked on his fingers one at a time, consuming, letting each one in until her lips touched his knuckle. It was mesmerizing and magnificent to watch her sucking those fingers like five little cocks, devoting care and attention to one and all. She was a minx, that girl. My excitement at having her in our bedroom was surpassed only by the control in Vijee’s eyes as she looked on.

  ‘And thank you, too,’ Vijee said to me. She leaned against the bed and patted the mattress. ‘Come, Marva, sit. This stands to b
ecome an extended thank you.’

  Lilliana nodded in eager acquiescence, her mauve-grey eyes on me all the while. My pussy throbbed as I watched, speechless. I could have sworn my feet never touched the ground as I cut a quick path to the bed. My body felt weightless next to Vijee. In fact, I nearly tumbled into her lap when I sat down beside her.

  We watched in silence as Lilliana unbuttoned Gerry’s shirt, sucking his fingers all the while. The sound of his belt unbuckling and his trousers unzipping summoned the sweetest of aches between my legs, and I was certain Vijee recognized my distress. I watched her watching me in the mirrored wardrobe. Vijee and I were so much darker than Lilliana and Gerry, and I wasn’t sure what that meant, if it meant anything at all.

  ‘Does this make you at all jealous?’ Vijee asked as we watched Lilliana pumping Ger’s erection in her smallish hand. ‘My girlfriend jerking off your dear Shaggy – are you envious at all?’

  ‘Envious? Yes. I love touching my boyfriend’s cock. But jealous? No.’ I breathed a sigh like fresh summer air. ‘No, I’m not jealous at all.’

  And that was God’s honest truth. Watching them together was like watching true-to-life porn, a film created exclusively for our enjoyment. It nearly killed me to resist touching myself as he and she pressed their naked bodies together. Vijee must have felt the vibes, because she set a hand on my thigh and whispered, ‘Will he be jealous when I do the same to you?’

  I didn’t speak. I couldn’t. As much as I’d expected this, I wasn’t sure what to do when the moment arrived. Her hand moved the length of my thigh, warming my flesh as it travelled. Vijee’s soft brown skin was lighter than mine, but her fingernails were painted the same pink as the pinstripe shot through my grey slacks. I felt too “business” in the outfit I’d worn tonight. If she undressed me, perhaps I’d be more comfortable?


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