Davis, Liz - Under His Spell (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Davis, Liz - Under His Spell (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 5

by Liz Davis

  “Hey, Lynn. Sorry to drop by unannounced, but I tried calling you and there was no answer. You left these behind at work, so I knew you would be missing them.” Holding up a portfolio in his hands, he passed it over to her.

  “Well thanks for bringing it over, but you didn’t have to drive all the way out here. I could have just picked it up tomorrow.”

  “It’s no big deal. I don’t mind.” He flashed her a smile, then held up a bottle. “I brought you some wine, too. I remember you saying how pinot grigio was your favorite, so I thought I’d bring some by for you.” He handed her the bottle.

  “Oh, David, you really didn’t have to do that. That was very thoughtful of you, though. Thank you.”

  “No prob.” Offering her a wide grin, David eagerly awaited an invitation to come inside.

  Yet instead of asking him in, Lynn just gave him a weak smile and awkwardly said, “Well I know you probably need to get back on the road, so I’ll let you go. See you at work tomorrow, okay?” Her palm pressed against the door as she began to close it.

  “Hey, wait,” David replied in a hurry. “It smells pretty good in there. What are you cooking?”

  “Oh, it’s just some pie in the stove. You can come inside and have a slice if you want.”

  The last thing she felt like doing was entertaining company, but she figured it was the least she could do since he’d driven all the way out to her home.

  “I’d love a slice, thanks.”

  Forcing a smile onto her face, Lynn opened the door wider so he could enter. “Come in.”

  “Thank you.” As he walked into the living room he, took a seat on the couch.

  Holding the bottle of wine up, she said, “I’ll pour us a glass and slice us some pie. Be back in a minute.”

  “Sure thing, no hurry,” David responded, loosening his tie and settling back onto the couch.

  Once the pie was cut and the wine was poured, Lynn came back into the living room, holding a wooden TV tray which held two glasses of wine and the saucers of apple pie. After setting it down on the coffee table, she handed David a piece of pie and a fork. Then she settled into an armchair beside the couch.

  “Plenty of room here with me.” He patted the space beside him, inviting her to come closer.

  “It’s okay. I’m more comfortable here,” she politely said, taking a bite of her pie.

  “Okay, no problem.”

  They watched TV as they ate, and even though Lynn’s eyes pointed in the other direction, she could still feel him watching her. He stole little glances at her every now and again, his eyes roving over the split in her skirt which exposed her firm, shapely thighs. Then he moved up to her cleavage, eyeing the outline of her bra beneath the fabric. She could tell he was trying to be sly about it, but she knew what he was doing. After a few moments she realized that the attention he was giving her wasn’t just annoying, it was downright creepy. Lynn had never found herself the least bit interested in extending their relationship to anything beyond the time that they saw each other at work, and the last thing that she wanted was to be eyed like a piece of meat in her own home. It made her sick just thinking about him making any sort of sexual advances upon her. Feeling very uncomfortable with his lascivious eyes upon her, Lynn excused herself and made a beeline for the bathroom.

  As soon as she was gone, David got up from the couch and quietly crept toward the hallway, which led to her sleeping quarters. The steps David took were small, and the carpet which covered the hallway floor muffled the sound of his steps as he made his way toward her bedroom. As he reached her bedroom door, he pushed it open and headed straight for her cherry-oak dresser. Desperate to satiate his curiosity, he began to open the drawers as he searched for the one which contained her undergarments. He pulled open the small drawers first, glancing into each of them until he found what he was looking for. Reaching into the pile of lacy panties and bras, David grabbed a skimpy G-string and pressed it against his nose, inhaling the scent of a light perfume. He started to slip them into his pocket, but a sound which came from beyond the window diverted his attention.

  It almost sounded as if someone were tapping on the glass of the windowpane, but he couldn’t be sure, so he walked up to it and parted the curtains. As he peered out into the night, all he saw was darkness, but then suddenly the sight of a large paw with long claws appeared before his eyes. As it slammed against the window it caused the glass to vibrate, releasing a cry of fear and surprise from David’s mouth. As the face of a wolf came into view, it emitted a furious growl, baring its razor sharp teeth at a terrified and trembling David.

  “Shit!” David stumbled backwards, dropping the pair of panties he’d been holding in his hand.

  The sound of the wolf’s snarls deepened as its murderous eyes stared into David’s. The animal’s fur bristled and its hot breath clouded against the glass. Menacing sounds ripped through its throat and a trickle of saliva ran down its muzzle. David backed away from the window and then turned and rushed out of the bedroom, his breath coming out in quick, harsh gasps. As he took a seat on the couch, David struggled to compose himself, not wanting to appear flustered once Lynn came out. Grabbing a glass of wine, he gulped down a large sip and leaned back against the couch. Then suddenly, David’s eyes were drawn toward the large picture window in the living room, and what he saw nearly caused him to drop his glass of wine. The wolf’s yellow eyes glowed at him from beyond the glass, and a low, deep growl emitted from the animal’s throat. Even from where he sat David could see that the wolf’s eyes were full of murderous intent, and David was frozen in place. It seemed that his eyes were unwillingly locked into those of the feral animal, and as a snarl rumbled through its throat, it leapt up onto the glass. Long claws extended from its paws, and it pressed its sharp nails up against the glass, creating long scratches against the windowpane. David was certain the animal would find some way to break through the glass and attack him, but then suddenly the wolf grew quiet and its ears pricked upward.

  Then suddenly it took off, rushing off into the night and disappearing into the darkness. David was left befuddled as to the reason why the wolf had just suddenly backed off after such an aggressive display, but he was also wonderfully relieved. As the sound of Lynn’s footsteps came closer to the living room, she heard him call out to him in alarm.

  “David, are you okay? I heard some strange sounds coming from out here.”

  David’s face had turned an ashen-white color and his voice trembled as he responded, “There was a wolf outside of the window.”

  “A wolf?” She furrowed her eyebrows and then continued, “Are you sure it was a wolf? I haven’t seen any around before.”

  “Yeah, it was a huge gray one. It seemed to come out of nowhere.” Taking another drink from his glass of wine, he gulped it down until there was only a small pool of liquid remaining in the bottom of the glass.

  Walking over toward the window, Lynn glanced out of it, staring into the inky darkness as she searched for signs of the wild animal. “I’ve never seen any around these parts before. They usually prefer hanging out around the forest.”

  As she turned to face him, David could clearly see that her eyes were filled with concern. He could tell from the expression on her face that she felt bad about him being scared, and having her look at him in that way caused him to feel nothing less than pathetic. He didn’t have a chance in hell of ever hooking up with her now. He’d completely blown it, thanks to his fear over that damn wolf.

  “Well if you want to stay over for a bit, you can. Just to make sure the wolf is gone.”

  The reluctance in her voice was badly concealed and he could tell she was only saying it to try and be polite.

  “No thanks, I’ll be fine. I’m sure it’s gone by now, anyway.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay, David?”

  As he felt her touch on his arm, David glanced down at her hand. He’d been waiting a very long to feel her touch upon him, but he never would have guessed that it’d h
appen like this. It bothered him that she was touching him out of pity and not out of genuine interest and attraction.

  “Yes, I’m fine.” Averting his eyes from her caring gaze, he twisted the doorknob and headed outside.

  David felt like half a man now and could barely even maintain eye contact with her. As he headed down the steps of the porch, Lynn called out after him.

  “Have a safe drive home, and I’ll see you at work tomorrow. Thanks again for dropping my portfolio off.”

  Giving a wave in response, David muttered a weak good-bye, then continued toward his car. As he unlocked the door to his vehicle, he got a strong feeling that the wolf was still out there, watching him with those hungry, yellow eyes. David knew that if the wolf was out there watching him, he could easily attack and kill him at this very moment.

  So the question was, why wasn’t the wolf making its move upon him? Not wishing to linger upon the question, David quickly got behind the wheel and slammed the car door shut behind him. He gave another wave to Lynn and offered her a small smile. After returning his wave he watched her go back inside the house and shut the door behind her. As he turned the key in the ignition, the engine came to life and he turned the headlights on.

  His gaze was briefly drawn toward the passenger side window, and for one short moment he was certain he saw the wolf’s yellow eyes staring at him in the darkness of the night. But when he took a second glance at the same spot, he saw that the glow had disappeared.

  Not wanting to waste a moment longer, he put his car into drive and took off, leaving a trail of dust as his tires rolled forward.

  * * * *

  The wolf had been patiently waiting below the steps of the porch, hoping that David would come out alone. He’d planned to attack and kill the man, but the appearance of Lynn had caused the gray wolf to decide against attacking. Now that Lynn wore his mark, that meant that she was his, and the wolf was willing to do anything it took to protect his mate.

  As the sound of David’s car engine retreated, the wolf emitted a growl and then crawled out from beneath the porch steps. The memory of this other man was still sharp in his mind, and his right now his feral instincts were urging him toward murderous actions. The wolf knew, however, that what he needed the most right now couldn’t be done.

  Heading toward the back of Lynn’s house, the wolf trotted toward her bedroom window. Jumping onto an old tree stump, he tilted his gaze upward and peered through the window. Peering curiously into the window, the wolf saw that Lynn was staring into a full-length mirror. Her back was to him, but he could see in the reflection of the mirror that her hand was upon her shoulder. Her fingers rubbed back and forth at a spot just beneath her collarbone, and he instantly knew what she was stroking at.

  It was his mark, the one he’d made upon her. Judging from the look on her face, she seemed to be intently fascinated by it. Her eyebrows were knitted together and her head was cocked in confusion. As he watched her rub at the scar, he caught the strong scent of her body, and nearly found himself overwhelmed by the fragrance of Lynn. A light, floral scent emitted from her room, and yet there was also another scent. It was a scent far more powerful than perfume could ever be, and as he pressed his nose against the windowpane, he realized it was the scent of her. Her own unique smell, which filled him with a deep and anxious longing.

  As he indulged himself in the scent of his mate he realized that watching her like this was pure torture, so he turned his back to the window and retreated to the woodsy area behind her house. It was only a matter of time before she became his, but he still felt an urgent need to have her. Lifting his muzzle to the sky, the wolf emitted a long, loud howl.

  The wolf sat on a small hill behind Lynn’s house and his eyes were peeled upon her bedroom window. As the filmy curtains parted, he saw her face peer out into the night and he knew that she had heard his howl. He found himself wondering if something inside of her knew, if something within her body responded to the sound of his call.

  He’d been hoping that something inside of her would be drawn to his call, but how long would it take before he could tell her the truth and explain what it truly meant? The answer to that was inside of him and he knew that as long as he kept quiet about his true nature, he would continue to be lonely and apart from her. As the bedroom light shut off, the windowpane darkened, and the wolf knew that Lynn had gone to sleep.

  Choosing to shift back into his human form, the wolf began his transformation. Bones creaked as organs shifted themselves internally, and his rib cage became smaller as his neck thinned out. Limbs grew longer and his muzzle transformed into a mouth. Then, fur disappeared and it dissolved into smooth skin.

  Once the metamorphosis completed itself, Takoda stood tall and proud in his human form. His hair lay like a blanket across his wide shoulders and his nude form was illuminated in the light of the pure, silvery moon. He started down the hill, heading toward his pickup truck. As Takoda descended the hill, his feet covered the tracks he’d made as a wolf, replacing them with the footprints of a human.

  * * * *

  Engaged in a fitful night of sleep, Lynn’s dreams were filled with places she’d never seen before. The dream she was currently having took place in the wilderness, and she was walking along a path in the forest, searching for something or someone. She wasn’t sure just what she was looking for, but something inside of herself told her to keep on going. Paths changed and some of them converged, until finally she found herself walking along a road in the forest that was lined with pebbles. It seemed that the further she went, the large the pebbles grew. Eventually the pebbles became rocks and then increased in finally became the size of large stones.

  Then suddenly she found herself standing in front of a person who was kneeling on the ground, and although this man’s back was to her, Lynn instantly recognized the person as Takoda.

  With his knees planted on the ground, Takoda was leaning forward over something which was lying on the ground. His shoulders shook in silent grief and as she walked closer toward him.

  “Ehawee….Ehawee, nooo!” Takoda cried out in anguish.

  “Takoda?” Placing her palm against his back, Lynn tenderly stroked it. “Honey, what’s wrong?”

  Turning his head to face her, she could see that tears were flowing from his eyes. “She’s gone. One of those things killed her.”

  “Who did they kill? Tell me.” Lynn’s voice was filled with urgency.

  She waited for him to answer, but he chose instead to remain quiet. Curious as to who he was grieving over, Lynn glanced over his shoulder and saw there was a wolf lying on the ground. Its fur was matted with blood and its head was cocked at an odd angle. Peering closer at the animal, Lynn saw that the wolf’s neck had been slashed and she sadly stared at its lifeless body. Finding herself at a loss for words, she began to wonder just who or what could do such a terrible thing.

  Still kneeling beside the animal, Takoda tenderly stroked its blood-streaked fur, speaking softly to it in a language that Lynn didn’t understand. It was clear that he felt great love for this animal, and as she listened to him quietly talk to it, she realized that a gradual change was happening. Takoda had lifted his gaze from the body of the wolf’s, and his eyes stared out into the forest. They darted back and forth, seeming to search for someone who was hidden in the thickness of the trees. Then suddenly and without any warning, Takoda’s voice boomed through the air. Caught off guard by the sound of it, Lynn’s shoulders gave a nervous jolt upward.

  “Come out from your hiding place, you cowards. Come out and face me now! I will not leave until you show yourself!” Rising up from the kneeling position, Takoda got onto his feet and angrily clenched his fists.

  She didn’t know who he was calling for, but she knew that whomever they were would surely pay the price for the slain wolf. The sound of rustling leaves from somewhere in the forest caused Takoda to direct his attention there, and as he focused upon a point in the trees, he began to walk toward it. She noticed th
at his nostrils flared with anger and the muscles in his jaw were flexing. As he walked off the path and headed into the thicket of trees, Lynn called out to him.

  “Wait, I’m coming with you.” She struggled to catch up with him, but with each step that she took, he seemed to take three. He was moving too quickly for her, and she didn’t have any hope of being able to catch up with him.

  Eventually he was so far ahead of her that she gave up trying, and before she knew it, he’d disappeared into a thick, unrelenting fog.

  “Takoda!” As she called out to him, the sound of her voice echoed through the forest, reverberating the sadness in her voice.

  Then suddenly she woke up, and as she realized she’d been dreaming, her pulse began to slow. Yet despite the fact that she was now awake, she found that she just couldn’t shake the sharp pangs of emotion which lay inside her heart.

  As she thought about the dream, she recalled how strong his emotions had been. She’d been able to feel everything that he felt and somehow she knew that Takoda truly was connected to that wolf in some way. She wasn’t sure exactly how, but that animal meant something to him in his real life.

  Lynn took a few swallows of water from the glass which sat on her bedside table, and then she lay her head back against the pillow. She pulled her covers up over her, but after a few short minutes she’d kicked them back off again. It was a cold night out, but for some reason she was feeling unbearably hot. She was used to sleeping beneath a heavy quilt, but tonight she couldn’t even stand the feel of a thin sheet across her body. In the back of her mind something was telling her that there was something wrong here, and yet she chose instead to ignore it.

  Releasing a heavy sigh, she turned her mind back to the dream she’d had. She was hoping to find out the meaning behind it, and since she’d read enough dream books to last her a lifetime, Lynn figured she could at least work out some of the symbols.


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