Davis, Liz - Under His Spell (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Davis, Liz - Under His Spell (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 13

by Liz Davis

  Turning her gaze towards the large bay windows, she gestured toward them and asked, “No curtains?”

  Takoda gave little shrug. “Never really saw a need to put any up. I don’t have any neighbors close by, and even if there was someone out there, the trees are so thick they wouldn’t really be able to see in. If it makes you uncomfortable, I can always put some up.”

  Glancing out at the full moon, Lynn found herself entranced by its beauty and she walked over closer to the windowpanes.

  “It’s okay, I like it. Besides, you really do have quite a beautiful view here.

  “Yes, I certainly do,” he said in a deeply seductive voice.

  Coming up to stand beside her, he looped his arm around her hips and pressed his lips to her neck. A flood of moonlight shone through the window, bathing them in the essence of its beauty.

  “You must be exhausted. I’ll take you up to the bedroom now if you like.”

  “Yeah, I am pretty tired. Afraid I can’t do much more than sleep tonight, though.”

  Smiling, he replied, “Hey, don’t worry, I’ll leave you alone. I think both of us really need to get some solid rest, considering what we’ve been through.”

  They turned and made their way to the stairs, the wood creaking as they walked up to the second floor. Once they reached the landing, he led her into his bedroom. The first thing she noticed was the bed, which was queen-size and crafted out of cherry wood. The headboard was ornately carved into a regal-looking design, and there was a black duvet cover on it, along with plenty of large pillows.

  Takoda sat her overnight bag on the floor next to the closet, and then they began to undress. Then were both dead tired but decided it might be a good idea to take a quick shower first, so they went into the adjoining bathroom and stepped into the tub. The heat of the water loosened their tired muscles, releasing the stress and tension which had built up inside both of them. Once they were finished bathing, they dried themselves off and made a beeline for the bed. As they flopped down onto the comfortable mattress, they both released heavy sighs, grateful to finally be off their feet and alone with one another. Snuggling in close to him, Lynn laid her head upon his chest and released a sound of contentment.

  They both had a lot on their minds, but right now all either of them wanted to do was to sleep. Locking her eyes drowsily into Takoda’s, she saw his lips curl into a little smile and she returned it with one of her own.

  They didn’t need to speak any words to each other, as their eyes communicated their thoughts perfectly. The love they felt was strong, and each was happy to once again be holding the other in their arms.

  Heavy worries had been pushed from their minds, and they were simply enjoying the moment. Leaning his face in close to hers, Takoda brushed his lips against her ear and softly spoke into it.

  “We belong to each other.”

  His words tickled her ear, and as she felt his hand stroke her inner thigh she released a sound of pleasure. Her face tilted upward and he pressed his lips against hers, sealing them in an unbreakable kiss.

  * * * *

  A pair of eyes were watching Lynn. She couldn’t see who they belonged to, but she knew who it was all the same. He had managed to follow them here, and now there he was, staring into their bedroom from somewhere out in the forest. Turning over in bed, she reached over to wake Takoda. She had to warn him that Dex was out there, stalking them, but as she realized he wasn’t there, she became filled with panic. Hurrying down the staircase, she began running through the house.

  She checked the kitchen and then the living room, but found that Takoda was nowhere around. As she called out his name, the sound of her voice echoed, and suddenly she was blinded with panic. Something was different about the energy around her, and as she felt a cold chill upon her neck, she knew that Dex was right behind her. Too afraid to even cry out, she remained still and froze in place. She was compelled by an irresistible urge to turn around and face him, but it seemed as if her feet were stuck in place. The room grew pitch black all around her, and then suddenly she saw a pair of eyes glowing brightly in the dark. Infused with terror, Lynn finally found her voice and expelled a loud, shrill scream.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  The sound of Takoda’s voice sliced through her dream state and as Lynn’s eyes fluttered open, she grabbed hold of his arm and clung to his body.

  Slipping his arm around her waist, Takoda glanced worryingly into her eyes. A sheen of sweat covered her forehead and her eyes were lit up with fear.

  “I had a terrible nightmare.” Lynn’s body trembled against him.

  Lightly stroking her hair, he replied, “It was only a dream, angel. I’m here and everything’s okay.”

  A few strands of hair stuck to her face, and he brushed them away, then placed a kiss upon her forehead. Still holding tightly onto him, she tried to still her body from quivering.

  “You okay, honey? Do you need me to get you a glass of water?”

  “No, I’ll be fine.” Exhaling softly, she felt her muscles begin to relax as she immersed herself in the comfort of his arms.

  “He was in your dream, wasn’t he?” asked Takoda.

  Lynn gave a small nod. “Yes. He was watching me, and his eyes were glowing.” Her body shivered from the memory of it. “It was awful.”

  “Was I in the dream?”

  “No, you were gone. I searched all around the house for you, but you weren’t anywhere to be found. I was so freaked out.”

  Placing his palm against her cheek, he softly stroked it. “I know it was a just a dream, but you do know I’d never leave you alone, right?”

  Nodding her head, she replied, “Yes, of course. I have abandonment issues, that’s all. Guess it stems from being adopted or something, I don’t know. I’m trying to work through those feelings, though.”

  Lacing his fingers through her own, he placed her hand against his lips and kissed it.

  “What we have together means everything to me. We’ve only been together a short while, but already I find it difficult to imagine my life without you. I honestly don’t know how I survived all this time without you.”

  When he said things like that to her, she melted.

  “I feel the same way.” Her orbs gazed deeply into his smoldering eyes.

  Moonlight filtered in from the window across the bed, throwing a silvery pattern on the sheets which covered them. Lying on their sides with their cheeks placed against their pillows, they glanced deeply into one another’s eyes.

  “I wish I didn’t have to go to work tomorrow. I’d rather spend the whole day in bed with you.”

  “Me, too, baby.” Takoda twirled a lock of her hair around his finger.

  Snuggling against his chest, she closed her eyes, listening to the thump, thump of his heartbeat as it pumped steadily against her cheek. The strength of his pumping heart reassured her, making her feel safe and completely sheltered in his arms.

  Curving his arm around her waist, Takoda pulled her closer up against him. The heat of their bodies combined, wrapping them in a cocoon of love and contentment. Studying the features of her face, he admired the fullness of her lips and the beautiful shape of her eyes. She was so soft and feminine. Everything about her was just so right for him.

  There was a large picture window next to the bed, and he glanced out of it, peering out into the darkness beyond. He didn’t sense or see anything out there, but that wouldn’t stop him from being on guard. If there was anything out there, he would know. His sharp ears and keen sense of smell would alert him of any impending threats.

  It angered him to know that the memory of Dex was giving her nightmares. He didn’t want anything disturbing the tranquility of their home, and anything which threatened that would have to be taken care of in a swift and sure manner.

  It almost scared him to realize just how much he loved her. It hadn’t taken long to happen, either. After losing Ehawee, he’d never imagined he would love like this again. There were no doubts
at all that he would keep her safe, but somewhere deep inside, he still worried that he could lose her.

  Using the tip of his finger, he followed the curve of her nose, admiring the perfect contour of it. She wiggled it under his touch and he smiled, loving how cute she looked under a drowsy state.

  “Good night, angel,” he whispered.

  “Night.” Her breath tickled against his chest.

  He stayed awake for awhile, listening to the rhythm of her breathing and enjoying the warmth of her body. And even as she slept, he continued to remain awake, focusing his eyes upon the inky blackness beyond the window.

  * * * *

  Comfortably straddling his back, Lynn ran her fingers through the strands of Takoda’s long hair. His eyes were still closed and he was breathing quietly beneath her, but she wasn’t fooled. He was only pretending to be asleep. Leaning her head down to touch her lips against his neck, she softly brushed them back and forth against his skin, waiting to see how he’d respond. As the corners of his lips tugged upward, she gave a wide smile and called out to him.

  “Get up, sleepy bones. I know you’re awake.”

  “Mmm,” he sleepily mumbled.

  “Come on, get up.” She tugged gently on his hair, but he showed no signs of rising out of bed.

  The covers had been kicked off in his sleep, leaving the bedsheets tangled around his feet. His cute little butt was on display for her, and unable to resist herself, she gave him a firm but playful smack.

  Suddenly and without any warning, he flipped over, causing her to slide off of his back and onto the bed. He pinned her beneath him with startling quickness, and his lean, naked body pressed flush against her fully clothed one.

  “So now that I’m up, what are you gonna do with me?” His eyes swept across her breasts, which were clad in a close-fitting V-neck sweater.

  Her heart raced excitedly, enjoying the way he held her down beneath him. He’d done it so quickly she hadn’t had time to react. She kind of enjoyed the feeling of being pinned down helplessly by his strong arms.

  “Mmmm, don’t tempt me. I have to be at work in forty minutes.”

  “It only takes twenty minutes to drive there.”

  “But you haven’t eaten breakfast yet.”

  “I’d rather eat you.”

  The space between her legs instantly grew wet. The way he was looking at her made her feel as if she were some sort of delicious dessert. His hard-on pressed urgently against her leg, coaxing her to give in and let him have his way with her.

  Mustering all the willpower inside of her, she reluctantly answered, “Oh baby, you know I’d love to, but I have to be at work soon. I’ll happily take a rain check, though.”

  Giving a little sound of disappointment, he responded, “A rain check, huh? All right, but just be sure you cash it in by no later than midnight.” Giving her a little smile, he gave her a tender peck on the nose.

  “Why midnight?” she asked with a grin.

  “Well you can’t expect me to go longer than a day with giving me the pleasure of being inside of you. That just wouldn’t be fair.”

  “Mmm, yes I suppose that would be cruel. So what happens if I refuse?”

  “Well then I’d have to throw you down on the bed and have my wicked way with you.” Giving a mock-evil laugh, he slid his hands beneath her skirt and stroked his fingers against her thigh.

  As their lips locked together, their tongues thrashed heatedly against each other. Moaning into his mouth, she felt his stiffness rub firmly against her.

  “You make it so hard for me to get up and go to work. Why do you do this to me?” Her voice was filled with playfulness.

  “It’s your fault for being so damn sexy.”

  Lynn’s lips widened into a smile. “Well, I guess I better warn you now, I’m not going to let you get much sleep tonight.”

  “Good, because I wasn’t planning on letting you get much, either.” He gave her one last peck and then lifted himself the bed.

  Walking over to the closet, Takoda pulled out some clothes and began to get dressed.

  As he pulled on his boxer briefs, she couldn’t help but stare at the huge erection beneath them. His penis was so stiff that the fabric of his underwear jutted out obtrusively in front of him.

  “You could put an eye out with that thing, you know.” Her lips pulled into a smirk.

  Takoda took a glance down at his penis, and then looked back up at her. “You really know how to rub it in, don’t you?” he said, in a teasing sort of way.

  “Sorry, I don’t mean to laugh, but it just looks kind of funny poking beneath the fabric like that.”

  Walking over to where she sat on the bed, he pushed her back against the mattress and climbed on top of her. His eyes were filled with a serious look, one which clearly expressed his physical needs.

  “It could be poking you, if you’d let me.” He shifted his body so that the tip of his penis rubbed up against the spot between her legs.

  “I can’t,” she weakly said.

  “You sure about that?”

  “Yes,” she meekly replied.

  Her panties were more than a little wet now, and she realized she would have to change them before leaving for work.

  Takoda stared at her for awhile longer then said, “All right then.”

  He got up from off of her and left her lying there alone. She was more than a little surprised that he’d given in so easily and had expected him to try and tempt her for at least awhile longer. She was just about to get up off the bed when suddenly he spun around and jumped on top of her, releasing a wild, animalistic growl. A peal of laughter escaped from her mouth as he began to wrestle with her. Holding her arms above her head, he leaned in to blow raspberries against her neck. The feel of his lips upon her skin provided a tickling sensation, prompting her to release a string of giggles. Her stomach began to hurt from laughing so much, so she begged him to end the blissful torture.

  “Please, stop. I can’t take anymore,” she said between laughs.

  Removing his lips from her neck, Takoda gave her a broad grin and pulled her up by the arms.

  As the smell of food wafted through the air Takoda asked, “Something smells good. Have you been cooking?”

  Nodding, she replied, “Yep. I made some eggs and hash browns, so come on down and eat.”

  “Sounds great. I’ll be down in a minute.”

  Lynn headed downstairs to prepare their plates of food and set the breakfast table. Then she poured two cups of orange juice and set out the silverware. Once Takoda made his way downstairs, they both took a seat at the table and began to enjoy their breakfast.

  “The hash browns are delicious. You made these from scratch?”

  “Yep. There wasn’t much food in the fridge, so I thought I’d make do with what was there.”

  “Well, you did a great job. Thanks, babe.”

  “No problem.”

  Once they were finished eating, he helped her clear the plates away. Then she grabbed her purse and jacket, and he got his car keys.

  “All ready?” he asked her.


  Crisp air surrounded them as they stepped outside, filled with the dewy freshness of the early morning. Once they were in the car, Takoda switched the heater on to warm the interior, and then he started the car up and they were off. As they drove along the road, Lynn found herself entranced by the beauty of the forest. The car was quiet except for the humming sound of the heater, and although Takoda didn’t say a word, she could tell he had something on his mind.

  Not wanting to push him to talk about it, she patiently waited for him to bring it up on his own. Finally after what seemed like endless silence, the sound of his voice filled the air.

  “I don’t like that David guy, and I really don’t want you working around him. Is there any way you can avoid him?”

  Turning her attention away from the window, Lynn replied, “Not really. He works a few cubicles away from me, so he’s always close by.�

  “And you don’t wonder about him?”

  “What do you mean?” she asked curiously.

  “Well he’s a pretty shady guy. I know how much he likes you, and I just don’t like the idea of you being around him. He’d probably try and take advantage of you if he ever got the chance.”

  Remaining quiet, Lynn though back to the previous evening and recalled how David had tried to kiss her. She briefly considered telling Takoda about it, but decided to keep quiet about it instead. She knew he was already on edge about Dex, so she didn’t want to add to his already-heavy concerns.

  “Well, I do try and avoid him as much as I can. He can be very annoying, not to mention a bit of a creep, but he’s basically harmless. He just has a little crush on me, that’s all.”

  “It’s more than a crush. I spoke to him on the phone yesterday while he was driving you home, and he refused to let me speak to you. Now doesn’t that seem strange to you?”

  “Wait, how did you get in touch with him?”

  “I found his cell phone outside of that bar, and he ended up calling it to find out who had it.”

  Giving a look of disappointment, she said, “He didn’t even tell me you called. I had no idea, sorry about that.”

  “Yeah, the dude’s a complete weirdo. So now you know why I don’t want you hanging around him.”

  “Of course. When I get to work, I’m definitely going to have a talk with him. That was completely out of line.”

  They spent the rest of the drive making pleasant conversation, and Takoda even made a few jokes, but Lynn could tell he was still worried about things. As his truck pulled up in the front of the entrance to her office, he leaned over to give her a deep kiss. His fingers slipped into her hair as he did it, stroking the curly strands of her hair. Lynn released a little moan into his mouth, feeling a spark of excitement between her legs.

  As they pulled back from the kiss, he asked, “What time do you get off?”

  “At five. See you then?”

  “Yep, I’ll be here early.”

  He gave her one last peck on the lips, and then she got out of the car.

  As she reached the lobby door, she could still hear Takoda’s truck idling by the curb, so she turned to give him a wave before she went in. As he returned it with one of his own, she could see in his eyes that he was reluctant to leave. Even though she knew they’d see each other at the end of the day, it was still difficult to be away from him. She paused to watch as he pulled away from the curb and drove out of the parking lot to begin his own day of work. Giving a sigh of contentment, she continued to the elevators and pushed the button to go up. She tried to put herself into work mode, but instead found that her thoughts were being redirected to him. It wasn’t even 8:00 a.m. yet, and already she was eager to be back in the arms of her lover.


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