Davis, Liz - Under His Spell (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Davis, Liz - Under His Spell (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 17

by Liz Davis

  She made a move to strike him again, but he proved to be too quick for her, using his inhuman speed to his advantage. In a split second, Dex had his hands wrapped around her throat, holding her captive in his grip. As he slammed her back against a tree, Lynn cried out in pain, momentarily dazed by Dex’s strength.

  Baring his fangs, he leaned in to have a drink but was suddenly halted. A cry of pain and anger erupted from his lips as she dug her fingers into his eyes. Releasing her from his hold, he snarled and staggered backward, enraged by the temporary setback. Using his blindness to her advantage, she delivered a sharp kick to his ribs, injuring one of his ribs in the process. Then she ran off quickly, taking off through the forest. Dex growled angrily, enraged that he’d failed to taste her yet again.

  Takoda threw himself onto Dex, growling menacingly as he ripped and clawed at his flesh. Expelling a loud hiss, Dex bared his fangs and lashed his fist out, aiming right for the Takoda’s muzzle. The force of it sent Dex’s adversary flying backward, but Takoda was back on his feet in record time. Crouching in preparation to spring forward,Takoda waited until Dex began to advance toward him. Leaping up onto his hind legs, Takoda launched his attack and sailed through the air. Lashing his arm out, Dex delivered a powerful backhand, which knocked Takoda to the ground.

  Dex quickly followed up his attack, this time slamming his fist into the back of his enemy’s head. Takoda’s skull exploded with pain, but he pushed on, not willing to give in so easily.

  Snarling viciously, Takoda clamped his jaws around Dex’s leg, sinking teeth deep into flesh. He took Dex down, bringing him onto his knees. Gathering his hind legs behind him, Takoda sprang up and onto Dex’s chest. Once Dex was beneath him, he didn’t waste another second. He was just going for Dex’s throat when he felt a sharp pain sear through his underside. Releasing a howl of pain, Takoda struggled to push through it. Dex had stabbed him, that much was apparent from the warm trickle of liquid he felt, but he refused to halt his attack. He was going to protect Lynn, and nothing Dex could do would stop him from it.

  The knife had come dangerously close to disemboweling him, and he knew that he had to end this fight, once and for all. Gathering every bit of strength he had, Takoda went for Dex’s throat. As his teeth bit, Takoda heard his enemy release a growl of frustration. Not wasting a minute longer, Takoda tore Dex’s throat out in one swift, skillful movement.

  Even as Dex gurgled in defeat beneath him, Takoda didn’t cease his attack. He continued to claw and viciously bite his adversary until the man beneath him was no longer moving. As the last few moments of life ebbed out of Dex’s body, his eyes remained locked into Takoda’s, forever frozen into a permanent stare of hatred.

  With his enemy well on his way toward death, Takoda took a glance backwards and saw that neither Lynn nor Nick were anywhere to be seen. Panic overtook him as he realized that Nick had taken off with Lynn. Utilizing the keen senses of his wolf form, Takoda sniffed the air to determine which direction they’d taken.

  Lynn’s scent came across strongest to him, and he immediately took off in the direction where it led him. As he travelled along the forest paths, he felt a sickness in the pit of his stomach. It was a deep and looming dread that history was repeating itself. It was happening all over again, playing out just as it had on that fateful day Ehawee had been killed. Takoda been separated from her, just as he was now separated from Lynn. His so-called pack brothers had distracted him, ganging up in a vicious attack so that he wouldn’t be able to protect Ehawee. Now history was proving that it truly did repeat itself, because he’d managed to lose track of Lynn and allow Nick to take off with her. Cursing himself internally, he realized that the fight with Dex had distracted him, and while he should have felt victorious at eradicating Dex from their life, he felt nothing more than failure.

  He’d promised to protect Lynn, and now her life was in danger. If anything happened to her, he would never be able to forgive himself, and the pain of losing another would completely destroy him. She was his heart and soul and he couldn’t live without her.

  After what seemed like an endless amount of time, he finally came upon Nick and Lynn. He saw they were standing at the edge of a pathway, and one of Nick’s arms was wrapped around her waist while the other was curled around her neck in a restraining position. Struggling in his arms, Lynn tried to wrestle out of his grip.

  “Get off of me!” She tried to shove Nick off of her, but he only held on tighter.

  There was a gleam of silver as Nick placed a knife against her throat. “I’d stop moving if I were you.” As his eyes caught sight of Takoda, Nick’s lips pulled back into a gleeful sneer.

  Shifting his form to match Nick’s human one, Takoda quickly advanced toward them.

  “Release her. She’s done nothing to you!” His voice was husky and full of emotion.

  “I told you I was here for justice, and that’s why I’m not leaving until I get it. You took my brother’s life,” Nick stated.

  “Let her free! If you want to kill someone, then kill me instead. You can’t take her away from me, I won’t let you!” Takoda felt powerless and weak, but he was determined to save his love.

  “I’m not willing to trade. I’m taking her life, and that’s all there is to it. I watched you kill Aidan, and now you’re going watch her die.”

  “No!” Takoda shouted as he watched Nick press the knife more firmly against her skin.

  As he ran toward them, Takoda was filled with dread, and all he could focus upon was the knife poised against Lynn’s neck. It seemed he was moving in slow motion, because the faster he tried to run, the harder it seemed to advance. As the tip of the knife pressed into her skin, he saw the fear in her eyes and his heart flooded with anguish. This had to be some sort of terrible dream, because fate couldn’t be this cruel to take another love away from him. The air was suddenly filled with the sound of loud caws, and as two crows dived down from the branches above, Nick’s attention was diverted upwards. One of the crows landed on his head and began to peck furiously at his forehead, causing Nick to release a stunned cry and drop the knife he was holding. The other crow flew in circles around Nick’s head, enhancing the chaos of the moment.

  This gave Lynn the chance to escape, and as she freed herself from his clutches, the crows took off, disappearing into the sky as suddenly as they had appeared. Nick’s forehead was smeared with blood and the look in his eyes was one of pure rage. Locking gazes with his adversary, Takoda dared the other man to make the first move. Their eyes locked into a heated battle for a few moments and then they simultaneously shifted, transforming back into the wolf forms.

  Menacing snarls filled the air as they bared their teeth, and they each lunged for each other, rearing up on their hind legs as they snarled and snapped their jaws. Aiming for Nick’s shoulder, Takoda grabbed hold of it with his jaws, tearing out bits of fur and flesh as he viciously bit into him. Releasing a howl of pain, Nick dug his claws into Takoda’s muzzle. The pain only fueled Takoda on, causing him to fight more viciously than ever.

  Sinking his teeth into Nick’s neck, he pinned him down beneath him and held him flush against the ground.

  Nick tried to squirm out from under his opponent and roll his body over so that he could take Takoda down, but his attempts proved largely unsuccessful. There was no way a wolf his size could ever overpower Takoda.

  With a swift skill that Nick would never possess, Takoda had pinned Nick beneath him, and soon he was whimpering and squirming dejectedly. The weaker wolf flattened his body beneath Takoda, which expressed defeat and subservience. The tougher wolf had won and both of them knew it, but this wasn’t about winning. It wasn’t even about trying to avenge Ewahee’s death, because that was impossible. It was about protecting the one thing which meant the most to him in this world, and that was Lynn.

  Takoda took a moment to glance over at her to make sure she was still safe, but even that moment was too long, because Nick used it to his advantage. Realizing that Nick ha
d been feigning, Takoda could see that his adversary wasn’t quite as weak as he appeared to be, and above all else, he was still a sneaky bastard.

  The two wolves battled with each other, claws flying and teeth gnashing as each sought to destroy the other. Each gave and received injuries, trading ferocious bites which grew deadlier by the minute.

  Nick’s jaws snapped fiercely, seeking the flesh of Takoda’s throat. As his teeth made contact with Takoda’s neck, they locked in like a vice. As Nick’s teeth sunk in deeper, Takoda desperately sought to free himself. Nick’s teeth were mere inches from slicing through his jugular, so Takoda knew that he had to act quick.

  Takoda swiped viciously at Nick’s face, sinking his claws into the flesh on the top of his head. As his claws caught hold of Nick’s ear, Takoda sunk them in and gave a quick swipe downward, removing half of the flesh of his ear. As Nick gave a muffled howl of pain against his neck, Takoda felt his opponents jaw loosen. Free from the clamp of Nick’s teeth, Takoda released a growl of fury and went in for the kill. The wolves became an entangled heap as they growled and bit one another. Both were so engaged in their battle for strength and dominance, that the sudden presence of another was left unknown to them.

  As the sound of a gunshot rang through the air, the wolve’s growls changed to a yip of pain, and there was the sound of a body hitting the ground. Realizing that Nick had been shot, Takoda sought out the identity of the shooter, but there wasn’t any time to locate him before a second shot rang out. As the sound of Lynn’s scream pierced the air, Takoda jerked his head toward the sound of his mate. His heart beat furiously and as his eyes landed upon her, he felt a huge sense of relief. She hadn’t been hurt and she was okay, but if she hadn’t been shot then that meant that the shooter was obviously aiming for him. As Takoda glanced at Nick’s wolf form, he saw a pool of blood spreading beneath his body, and he knew that Nick was dead. There wasn’t a doubt in Takoda’s mind that he would surely be next, if he didn’t quickly take action.

  As his eyes fell upon the shooter, he realized that it was David, and he immediately crouched into an attack position. David aimed the shotgun toward him, but Lynn jerked on his arm so that his aim was thrown off.

  “David, no!” she fearfully shouted.

  David threw her a look of puzzlement and aimed his gun again, but the onset of Takoda’s shift halted him from taking a shot. The expression on David’s face was nothing short of awe, watching as Takoda’s wolf transformed in the body of a man. As fur dissolved into skin and his limbs elongated into those of a human, David stood openmouthed at the sight in front of him. Once his shift was complete, Lynn ran over to Takoda and they tightly embraced. Their lips met in a long, passionate kiss, and once they finally parted, Takoda stared deeply into her eyes. Not wanting to let go of her, Takoda continued to hold her in his arms, so grateful have the feeling of her body up against his. As the sound of David’s voice filled the air, Takoda was suddenly reminded of his presence.

  “What the fuck is this?” David asked in amazement.

  Turning his eyes towards David, Takoda saw that his face was pale and his jaw was slack. His brows were also furrowed, and the hand which possessed the gun hung limply at his side. It seemed that Takoda’s display left David nothing short of stunned.

  “Well I guess the secret’s out now. I’m a shape-shifter.” Takoda’s lips turned up into a little smile.

  “A what?” asked David in disbelief.

  “It’s pretty self-explanatory, David. I can shift shapes. If you’re still unsure about it, I can always do it again.” His mouth widened into a grin.

  David’s eyes roved towards Lynn’s face, and then he asked, “So you knew about this? You know what he is and you accept this thing?”

  “That’s right,” answered Lynn in a firm tone of voice.

  Shaking his head in disbelief, David said, “He’s not even human, Lynn. He’s just some freak.”

  “The only freak I know is you,” Lynn snapped in response.

  “Bitch,” snarled David, and he pulled the gun upwards.

  “Hey!” Takoda’s voice boomed, and the birds in the trees above them were startled into flight. Stepping in front of Lynn so that she would be protected, he said, “That’s my woman you’re talking about. You’d better show some respect!”

  Takoda bristled with anger, clenching his fists as he readied himself for a fight.

  A look of fear crossed David’s face, but the gun in his hand remained firmly pointed at Takoda.

  “Apologize,” Takoda demanded. His lips were set in a serious line, and the muscles of his jaw began to flex.

  “What for? I meant it. She’s just a useless tramp anyway.”

  As Takoda’s fist connected with David’s jaw, the force of it sent David sprawling backwards. As David hit the ground, the gun fell from his hands, and he expelled a cry of pain.

  Sneering down at David with eyes full of fury, Takoda said, “I should have hunted you down when I had the chance. I would have enjoyed tearing you apart and listening to your cowardly little screams.”

  Swallowing thickly, David said, “You can threaten me all you like, but remember, I’m the one who has the gun.” Grabbing hold of the gun, he pointed the barrel of it at Takoda’s head.

  The gun could have been a toy to Takoda. David had insulted the woman he loved, and there was no way he was going to let that go.

  “Why don’t you get rid of the gun and fight like a man? Or are you not able to?”

  Emboldened by the feel of steel in his hand, David’s only response was to cock the gun.

  At the sound of the chamber clicking, Lynn rushed up behind Takoda and grabbed hold of his arm, desperately tugging on it. “Baby, let’s go. He’s not worth it.”

  Takoda’s steely gaze remained planted upon David.

  “Sweetie, please.” Lynn tugged harder at the sleeve of his shirt, urging him to respond.

  “You spineless fool.” After speaking those parting words, Takoda took hold of Lynn’s hand, and they turned and walked away.

  “Get lost, David,” Lynn said over her shoulder.

  Something inside of Takoda urged him to look back, so he did, and as soon as he turned his head around, the sound of a gunshot rang through the air. White-hot pain ripped through Takoda’s torso, causing him to stagger backward and fall. As his body hit the ground, Lynn gave a loud scream and got down on her knees, leaning over his body as she released grief-stricken sobs. He felt the warmth of her hand as she softly stroked his cheek, and he wished he could tell her that everything would be all right, but then realized that it would be a lie.

  Takoda heard David expel a panicked curse, and as he tossed the gun aside, it fell to the ground, landing a few inches away from Takoda’s face. There was the sound of David’s retreating footsteps as he fled the scene.

  With his cheek planted against the ground, Takoda was given a direct view straight into the barrel, and as his eyelids grew heavier, that was the last thing that he saw.

  * * * *

  One week later

  Lynn couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen the stars shine so brightly. She’d always been in awe by the beauty of them, but tonight they seemed especially amazing. The rooftop she sat on provided her with quite a spectacular view, and due to the way the house was built, there was more than enough room for her to sit comfortably upon it without any worries of falling off.

  Although the view was beautiful, sitting out here alone made her feel terribly lonely. Releasing a heavy sigh, she looked up into the sky and thought of Takoda, recalling the beauty of his eyes and his wonderful smile. As she continued to stargaze, she released all of her uncertainties about the future, and imagined them being carried away by the light breeze which swept through the air.

  As a sound came from behind her, she opened her eyes and turned around.

  “Hey, beautiful, mind if I join you?” Takoda asked from the window.

  “Of course not, come on out.” Her lips curled into a sm
ile as she watched him climb through the window and walk out onto the roof.

  “You left me all alone in bed. Is everything okay?”

  As he wrapped an arm around her waist, she lay her head against his chest and breathed in his scent. Takoda smelled of soap and pine and something else she couldn’t determine. It was a fragrance which was all his own, and she loved it. As she snuggled up against him, Lynn was careful not to bump against the bandage on his torso. It was still sore from the bullet wound, but his injury was healing up well, so she was happy about that.

  As he took her hand in his, she felt him give it a light squeeze. Blissfully happy with the presence of him here next to her, Lynn once again found herself feeling grateful that the bullet hadn’t done more damage.

  The sound of Takoda’s voice broke the stillness of the night. “You don’t have to be worried, you know. I’m right here with you, and I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I know,” she softly responded.

  Pressing his lips to her neck, he gave her a sweet, tender kiss.

  Lynn was thankful that David had been a lousy shot, because she never would have been able to go on without Takoda. The connection they shared was beyond special, and if she ever lost him, she wouldn’t be able to go on. She loved him so damn much that sometimes it scared her. Lynn’s heart beat rapidly in response to the sudden flood of emotions within her. Placing a finger beneath her chin, Takoda tilted her face upward so that her gaze rose up to meet his.

  “Stop torturing yourself with bad thoughts. We’re together, and nothing’s going to change that.” His gaze was tender and full of love.

  Bringing his lips to her mouth, he engaged her in a soft, sweet kiss. As he released her lips, she was left in a sort of lovesick daze. It seemed that every time their lips met, they were experiencing their first kiss all over again.


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