I Love It: 10 Intense Stories to Keep the Passion Alive (Shameless Book Bundles 6)

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I Love It: 10 Intense Stories to Keep the Passion Alive (Shameless Book Bundles 6) Page 6

by Saffron Daughter

  Quiet tones are also not one of his gifts, for it was then that our host looked to us and added, in tone only to be hear by myself and Knox, “The lady is indeed the most beautiful in attendance, but as a widow, she need not be concerned with eligibility.”

  I swear, were I a sweetmeat, the Earl of Allen would have eaten me in that instant.

  Knox responded like a bear. “You go too far, Allen.”

  The earl’s laugh rumbled low in my ear. “You’ve a fierce protector here, I see.” He turned to the duke. “Rest easy, my friend. I know the lay of the land. I jest.”

  If you could have seen the fire in Knox’s eyes, Kit, I know you would have felt as I did. I was torn between wanting to feel the fiery passion and flee from it. Even now I wonder if there is any escaping this game we have begun.

  Perhaps that is why sharing this tale with you is wise. Not only because I know of the delight it shall bring you to read it, but knowing that someone on my side, someone who cares for me, knows of this elicit game makes it seem not so dangerous a thing.

  The next couple of hours are blurry. There was flirting, there was wine, there were parlour games and music and cards. All in all, it was an evening that was fuelled by excess. All the ladies were drinking more than I’ve seen at other gatherings. There was a feeling in the air of liberation that made me realize that most of the guests were well acquainted with each other. Lady Allen was sitting on the lap of a gentleman that was not the Earl of Allen, and the Earl was bouncing a rather young girl on his knee. If she was in her first year out in society that is all she could be.

  The room was thick with smoke from both the raging fire that helped warm us from the chill of winter, and the pipes and cigars. Never have I seen so many people using tobacco. My head began to spin and I knew it was time for me to leave. Whatever game Knox had planned, I was determined to have no part in it that night. The heady sensation of wine, the over-full feeling of too much grand food, and the cloistering smell of smoke was over powering.

  I bid goodnight to Lieutenant Jenner, who had kept me company more than Knox had for the evening, and set off for the door.

  The air in the foyer was much clearer and I sat while the butler called for my carriage. I think it was nearing half past two by then.

  “Leaving, my lady?” Knox’s voice was smooth.

  In a fit of pique, I turned to him. “Yes. It grows late and sadly there’s only so much a boy of barely twenty can do to keep my interest.”

  Yes. I admit. I was goading him. But honestly, what else was I to do? I’d come at his bidding, and then spent the evening barely in his company. Whatever game he was playing at, I’d decided I wanted no part.

  “I apologize for not keeping you company. But I had business to attend to. Trust me, you were not far from my thoughts.”

  “That might be the case, but now your thoughts shall have to keep you warm, for I’m going home.”

  Curse the wine that loosened my tongue.

  And double-curse the way those blue eyes of his can pierce my heart. Honestly, you know I’m not the sort to get poetic about things like a man’s eyes, but there is something about this particular shade of blue that makes me think of a sky just after a thunderstorm. It’s smoky and dangerous, yet hints at something worth waiting for.

  He arched a brow at me—a rather peculiar trait that he’s remarkably adept at—and shrugged.

  “If you wish. But at least let me walk you to your carriage. It’s icy outside.”

  My resolve at this point to go home was firm. It wasn’t until his fingers caressed my arm as he helped me into my cloak that I knew I was lost. I’d come this far. What was the sense in giving up now?

  “If I leave, will I see you again?”

  I hated how soft my voice was. And yet, I feared that this was the end. That my adventure with Knox had ended before it had begun.

  “Of course you shall see me. But only socially. I’ll take your departure tonight as a sign that you have reconsidered my offer.”

  The foyer was vacant. I have no idea where the footman had gone, but it was just Knox and I in the ostentatious room.

  I think you would be proud of how I put my hand on his, stopping my fur cloak from covering my other arm.

  “That is not the case. But the night grows late. If you have something to show me this evening, I suggest you do it now. I grow weary of waiting.”

  Then I placed a hand on his cheek.

  “You will be in your bed soon enough, my lady.” His voice, which is always deep and smooth, had a tinge of roughness to it, as if his desire was blocking his words. “And you are right. I left you alone far too long tonight. Forgive me. From here on in, your education shall be my primary focus.”

  My education. That turn of phrase reminded me of how this entire thing had begun. The night I’d propositioned him and after just one kiss he’d deemed me an innocent. You know well how I protested. A widow is not an innocent, after all. But Knox had teased me with a hidden knowledge of the difference in a man bedding his wife without care for her pleasure, and a man who promises unfathomable pleasures of a carnal nature. As he’d said that night, “There’s a difference in being tupped to make a heir, and being fucked for the sake of pleasure.”

  That word. Can you believe I just wrote that? A week ago I couldn’t even bring myself to say it.

  “Are you ready to begin?”

  All I could do was nod. My throat had gone dry. In that instant, with the door so close, I wondered if I was making a mistake. I still had my cloak. My carriage was enroute. I could leave. Knox wasn’t forcing me to stay. But my legs took control and turned away from the door.

  Knox took my cloak and tossed it onto the chair. Wordlessly, he led me up the grand staircase to the first floor. The sounds of the party disappeared entirely. Down the plush carpeted hall he led me, past rows of the Earl of Allen’s ancestors memorialized in oil by grand master painters, until we came to a sitting room.

  It was dimly lit, only the glow of the fire and several small candles. Rich tapestries hung on the walls, and various chaise lounges were laid about. It was peculiar, for it wasn’t a room laid out for conversation. Perhaps it was a reading room, although I’d never seen a reading room without at least one bookcase.

  “Would you like some champagne?”

  My head was already light from drinking.

  “I’d prefer tea.”

  His laugh made a delicious bolt of anticipation course through me.

  “Why am I not surprised?” He dropped a kiss on my shoulder. “I’ll be back shortly.” He was almost out of the room when he turned back to me. “Don’t get too comfortable and fall asleep. There is much left to explore tonight.”

  As if that were possible.

  Knox wasn’t gone a moment when a door on the far end of the room opened, the part of the room that was more lit than my small corner.

  Three people entered. It took a few seconds for my eyes to pick out their dimmed features. It was the Earl of Allen, the young lieutenant, and the girl who’d been sitting on Allen’s knee when I’d last seen them.

  “It’s so dark in here, my lord,” she giggled.

  “And warm,” the earl said. “Would you mind if I removed my coat?”

  “Let me,” the lieutenant offered.

  Kit, there was something in the way the young man removed the earl’s jacket that made the hairs on my arm stand at attention. It was slow and almost loving.

  “Why don’t you help Jenner?” Allen said to the girl.

  As she slid the blue and gold naval jacket off the young man, the earl came up behind her and kissed her neck. It was a beautiful neck, truth be told. Long and elegant, tapering to rounded shoulders and a youthfully full bosom.

  The earl stroked her arms.

  “Isn’t he a striking looking young man?” he said, peppering her shoulders with kisses.

  “Indeed, my lord,” she gasped.

  “Would you like to undress him? To see if what’s beneath th
e fine clothing is as compelling?”

  I nodded. I couldn’t help myself. God help me. I wanted to see. Please say yes. As if she heard my thoughts, or perhaps it was something no woman could resist, she agreed.

  The earl kissed her neck again.

  And I felt it! Knox. I almost cried out in surprise at the kiss he’d delivered to my neck, but he covered my mouth with his hand.

  “Shhh. Let’s not interrupt them.”

  Suddenly I felt ashamed for not making my presence known. I turned away.

  “No, my lady. This is your first lesson. Watch and see how a woman can be pleasured. Know that there’s nothing abnormal at craving a man’s touch. A man’s mouth.”

  As if I thought such a thing. I’ve craved your touch my entire life, my friend. And taken great enjoyment from it. But that’s not anything Knox need know. Still, as he kissed me again and I turned to watch the three people at the opposite end of the room, I thought of you. Of how you would never have turned away from such a scene. It was then that I decided I must watch, if not for me, then for you. So that I could tell you in detail what I witnessed.

  The young girl, Maria, was indeed helping Lieutenant Jenner. His white breeches slid down his legs. Allen was also wasting no time, and had loosened Maria’s bodice. I was shocked to see her corset was red. What sort of a mother permits such a bold colour? Indeed, my corset was a very proper, if spectacularly decorated, cream silk. Then again, Maria was in a room about to be ravished by two men. Her mother should be questioned on far more than the colour of her daughter’s stays.

  But my mind couldn’t rest long on thoughts of anything other than what was happening, both in front of me, and behind me. For each kiss Allen gave Maria, Knox did the same to me.

  It was as if I were Maria, able to feel the touch, and yet watch how her body reacted to it.

  When the earl loosened her stays, mine also grew less taut. And when he cupped a firm round breast in his hand, his finger slowly teasing her ripe pink nipple to a hardened point, I too felt the warm air caress my skin, felt Knox’s hard smooth hand flick at my nipple.

  You know that moan I make when my breasts are fondled? What is it you call it? My mew? The very same sound escaped me.

  “You must be silent, my darling,” Knox commanded. “You don’t want to scare poor Maria away, do you? You want to see more of her, yes? And more of the gentlemen?”

  My body answered for me, as between my legs I felt hot and wet. I nodded.

  Across the room, Allen was clearly in command.

  “Have you seen a man’s prick before?” he asked the blonde cherub.

  “I’ve felt it in the dark, my lord. But never seen it in the light.”

  Well, clearly Maria was a naughty girl. And I was glad for her. And I.

  The lieutenant removed his shirt, which had been covering his cock. It stood erect, as if at attention. I was too far away to see it in detail, but there was no mistaking how long and full it was.

  The way he stood there with it on display for both Maria and the earl made me suspect this wasn’t the first time he and the earl had done this. He was too at ease. Too confident. And altogether too proud of his fine expression of manhood.

  “Stroke it,” Allen commanded, fondling her breasts from behind.

  “You have a choice now, Lady Xavier,” Knox whispered as he touched my breasts. “I can do to you as Allen does to Maria, or you can do to me as she does to Lieutenant Jenner.”

  “Can’t we do both?”

  “Not if you don’t want to be discovered.”

  “You decide.”

  My breasts grew chill as he removed his hands.

  “No. You must choose what will give you pleasure.”

  I hadn’t thought I would have any control in this. Part of me wished I didn’t. But knowing he would do my bidding was powerful.

  “Tell me what you wish, my lady.”

  Maria was stroking Jenner’s cock with soft, tentative fingers. Allen was kissing her throat while working her breasts. I could hear her panting.

  “Touch me. Kiss me like that.”

  My words came just as the Earl of Allen moved in front of Maria to take her breast into his mouth.

  “Gladly,” Knox said before divesting me of my corset. Unlike Lord Allen, who had simply stood before Maria, Knox got down on his knees before me and pulled me closer. His tongue flicked over my tight nipple before he took it into his mouth. I have no idea how Allen might have been suckling Maria, and I honestly couldn’t care, for what Knox was doing to me was breath-taking.

  His lips were kissing my breast while his tongue danced over my nipple, flicking it, sucking it, teasing it in short round bursts. It became impossible to tell what was firm prodding tongue and soft lips.

  My eyes closed and I forgot about what I was supposed to be watching at the other end of the room. There was no way to concentrate on what was happening there when I was about to lose myself in Knox’s kisses.

  All too soon he pulled away. “Open your eyes,” he whispered.

  Across the room, the scene had drastically shifted. I had no idea how just Knox and I alone could continue our mirroring of what they were doing. Jenner was sitting on the back of a chair so that his cock was closer to Maria’s face. Her gown was off, her corset off, and from they way they were arranged, I could see both of them from the side.

  “They know we’re watching,” I whispered. I know it was true, because at my words, Lord Allen looked our way for a moment before sinking to his knees, just as Knox was. He nodded briefly, and then returned to the couple in front of him. I watched as he ran his fingers down her stomach, over what I imagined was a soft mound of hair, and then his fingers had to have descended into her quim. It must have been so, for that’s what Knox’s fingers did to me.

  Unlike Maria, I was not naked from the waist down. My gown had slipped but my petticoats were still there. Still, Knox had raised them so that while I was on display for him, I knew that should Lord Allen look our way, he would only see our silhouettes.

  While one of Knox’s hands teased the nub of my clitoris and the wet folds of my quim, the other continued to stroke my breast.

  I lost my step for a moment and Knox caught me.

  “Move back,” he said, and with one hand inside me, and the other above me, he pushed me until I was against the wall.

  The solidness was welcome, dear Kit, for it allowed me to rest and enjoy the way Knox was touching me. I could also now watch more easily the depraved scene before me.

  But who am I to judge what Allen, Maria and Jenner were doing as depraved? My own voyeuristic nature is perhaps worse than what they were doing, especially Maria, who had no idea that there was an audience taking in her pleasure. That I was a mirror of her desire. No, Kit. If I’m to be honest, I am the depraved one. And God help me, I loved it.

  I loved watching the way her body trembled as Allen worked her pussy. I watched in rapt fascination at the way her head bobbed as Jenner thrust his hips toward her face, knowing that it was his cock that moved inside her mouth.

  Above all, I loved the sounds I heard. The grunting of Jenner and the muffled groans of Maria.

  And then Knox deviated from the tableau. While Allen was still fingering Maria, Knox grasped my buttocks and kissed my upper thighs. His mouth forged a trail of kisses up the length of my inner leg until I felt his warm breath on the downy hair of my pussy. I remember you once calling that travelling along petticoat lane.

  I didn’t have long to wait until I felt his tongue dart inside of me. My legs began to quake as he nibbled and stroked my clitoris before penetrating me with his tongue. Forgive me, Kit, but never have I felt so aware of what was happening to my body. Each thrust of his tongue filled me with a lust I’d never imagined possible from amorous congress. I wanted more and yet I didn’t want him to stop.

  It was a struggle to keep from screaming my pleasure as wave after wave of heat washed over me. Knox stuffed three fingers into my mouth, and I sucked on
them as a means to control the sounds that wanted to escape.

  Again, I managed a glance at the others in the room. What I saw thrilled me, because I knew what Knox would do next.

  But I didn’t wait for his command. I knew what I wanted. I let myself slide down the wall and positioned myself on my back so that I could still see the threesome.

  Just as Maria lay on the floor, Jenner kneeling above her face, Allen straddling her hips, I fumbled at Knox’s tight breeches, releasing his prick.

  “Am I to be Jenner or Allen?” he asked, kissing me. The taste of my own juices on his lips was decadent.

  “I want you inside of me. Now.”

  “And shall I cum inside of you? Spill my seed inside of you?”

  Some things are too painful to say. This wasn’t the time to admit to being barren. Instead, I nodded.

  “I want you to fill me,” I said.

  I lightly stroked his prick, which was of a grand size.

  He growled slightly, and shifted on top of me.

  Never have I been entered so fiercely. The word we talked off. Fucking. That is the only way to describe what Knox did to me. One moment I was empty and wet. The next I felt the tight opening of my quim slide wide as his cock rammed into me. The force of his balls slamming into me rocked me back. Before I could adjust to the stretching sensation, he had pulled out only to drive into me again. Harder and harder his cock rocked me, the sound of flesh hitting flesh drowning out any sounds I might have heard from Lord Allen and company.

  And yet, my body thrived on this roughness. My hips rose to meet each thrust, and I was pulling myself back as he pulled out, longing to feel the force of his penetration again and again.

  I was on the cusp of climax when he slowed his rhythm, as if he knew I would be good for nothing if we continued this brutal pace. Slowly now he teased me, letting his long cock rest inside of me, easing back and forth. He lowered his mouth to my breasts, licking them as he gently rocked inside of me.

  A slight shift of his body and now each stroke of his cock not only filled me to my core, but rubbed against my swollen clitoris with each gentle movement.

  “There’s no need to hold back, my beauty,” he said, pausing from his ministrations of my breasts to speak.


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