I Love It: 10 Intense Stories to Keep the Passion Alive (Shameless Book Bundles 6)

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I Love It: 10 Intense Stories to Keep the Passion Alive (Shameless Book Bundles 6) Page 12

by Saffron Daughter

  He’d teased and flirted whenever he got a refill or ordered lunch, and she’d been tempted. Boy, she’d been tempted. Especially when he’d pulled a pair of wire rimmed spectacles from his pocket and put them on. But, naughty school girl fantasy or not, she didn’t do casual sex. Damn shame really.

  No! It wasn’t a shame. She had principles and a clear path of how her next relationship was going to happen. When the Cakery could hire another baker and she had time, she’d meet a nice guy. One that was down to earth and knew the meaning of hard work. She would not, absolutely would not, be seduced by cheeky Adonis-like men.

  She walked over to the table he had staked as his territory and cleared her throat. He pulled his attention from his tablet and took off his sexy glasses, focusing those sinful eyes on her.

  “Time’s up. We’re closing now.”

  “Great.” He glanced at his watch. “So, want to make it dinner? I can have us in the city and at Bella Rouge in less than an hour.”

  The way he looked at her made her feel like she was about to kick a puppy. He was so enthusiastic and happy, she was sure it was a plan to get her to say yes. She sighed and collapsed in the chair opposite him.

  “Patrick. We’re not having dinner.” She held up her hand and forestalled what he was going to say. “And, I’m not giving you my number, either. I know the kind of lifestyle you lead, and that’s just not me. You seem like a really nice guy, but I’m sorry, the answer is no.”

  He sat back and contemplated her with his piercing blue eyes. “So, you’re saying no because you think you know me.”

  The change from charming to serious made her pause. She usually didn’t air her dirty laundry, but in this circumstance it seemed appropriate. “Does the name Paul Jones sound familiar?”

  “Yeah, I know Paul.”

  “He and I used to be a couple.” Cate watched for any reaction, but Patrick was obviously a great poker player. “For nearly a year we spent weekends sailing on the Harbour, A-list parties, movie premieres. You name it, we were there. I’m sure our paths could have crossed a thousand times.” She picked up a napkin and started fiddling with the edge. “Things started getting serious when he took me to meet his parents and asked me to move in with him. I thought we were on our way to the ‘I do’s’ and two-point-five kids, so I broke my lease and packed up my stuff. Only, I didn’t know Mummy and Daddy didn’t approve of me and my working class background, so he cancelled our lease and left me high and dry with nowhere to live and no boyfriend.” She looked up, held his gaze and dialled down the scorn in her voice. “So, between that and the society pages, I know more about you than you think.”

  “That’s a shitty thing to do, and I’m sorry that someone I thought of as a decent guy did that to you. But Cate,” He reached across and enveloped her hand in his “I am different. I’d like the chance to prove it to you.” Pulling her hand until she had no option but to lean into him, he used his other hand to gently cup her chin and press his lips to the corner of her mouth. “Tell me you don’t feel this chemistry between us.”

  Gulp. Oh, she felt it all right. Right between her legs. “I can’t do that.”

  “Let me convince you I’m different.” His whispered plea coupled with the sincerity in his eyes made her want to give in.

  It would be simple to lean a little further and touch his lips with hers. To give in to the urge to believe him at his word and take Millie’s advice about testing the weight limit of the work bench. Simple, but complicated at the same time. Things that were too good to be true were the stuff of fairy tales and she’d been front row and centre when they taught the lesson that you didn’t always get the happily ever after.

  But…maybe, just maybe, this was the universe telling her she needed to listen to her gut and ignore the voice of reason in her head. After all, the only way to get to the happy ending was to turn the first page of the book.

  “You can try.”


  “Cate, I’ve got a lady out here wanting to talk wedding cakes.”

  “Okay, I’ll be out in a sec.” Sweeping the fringe out of her eyes with the back of her hand, Cate surveyed the finished product and licked a stray piece of icing from her finger. Her urge to make blueberry friands with a cream cheese glaze had absolutely nothing to do with Patrick. Or her dream last night. Yeah, right. Her subconscious had run with Millie’s idea and she’d woken shaking on the edge of orgasm.

  She’d been standing in the Cakery’s kitchen, making blueberry muffins with Patrick in the main room. Alone. The thrum of sexual energy coursed through every fibre of her being. Uninhibited by her objections in reality, Cate had run her fingers through her long blonde hair and pulled her T-shirt down as far as it could go before going to him.

  He looked up as she approached and his gaze over her from head to toe, lighting fires of desire wherever his eyes landed. Without saying a word, she trailed her fingers down his arm before lacing them through his and pulled him out of his chair. Her heartbeat raced as he followed her without question and she knew he was hers to do with whatever she wanted.

  Pushing through the kitchen door, she felt a tug and turned around only to be herded back against the wall beside the door. Any thought of her controlling the situation flew out the window. His mouth was on hers, his hands in her hair and swollen cock rubbing against her pussy through her thin work pants.

  He tasted of blueberries and sex. She wanted to taste all of him, devour his flavour until she burst. Encased in his heavenly arms, she thrust against him, creating the friction she needed against her swollen clit.

  “Hmmm…” With a moan, she closed her eyes and gave herself over to his hands. One on her neck tilting her head back as he laid assault to the column of her neck with wet kisses, the other feeling its way down her body to dip under her waistband and circle her clit.

  “Oh god…yes.” She panted and moved her hands to grip his shoulders, sure her legs were going to give way any second.

  His fingers plunged into her, making her cry out as pleasure exploded. Fireworks ricocheted as the climax caught her off guard and yet it wasn’t enough. He’d scratched the surface. But she needed him inside her.

  She dropped to her knees and ripped open his zipper, his cock uninhibited by underwear burst free. Her moan echoed his as she pumped the impressive length up and down before running her tongue from base to tip on the underside. His hands slapped against the wall above her and she gripped his thighs, digging her nails into his flesh. Circling her lips around the head of his cock, she sucked, flicking the tip of her tongue cross the top.

  “Fuck, you’re…uh….good at that. Gonna, aw fuck, gonna make me come.”

  That’s what she wanted. She needed to feel his pleasure inside her. She bobbed her head up and down, working him faster and faster. His hand landed on her head as his hips started to rock with her rhythm. His fist pulled her hair tighter with every stroke making her pussy ache with need. Leaving one hand on his quivering thigh, she used the other to stroke her clit. Her moan vibrating around his cock.

  “Ah, fuck. Are you touching yourself? Oh, fuck you are… oh, fuck…”

  The desperation and excitement in his voice made her double her effort and take him all the way into the back of her throat. He came and the rush of feminine power set off her own explosive orgasm that left her struggling for balance.

  “Hello? I hope I’m not interrupting?”

  Shit. Cate was jarred back to reality. Shit, shit, shit. She was having her very own wet dream when she should be serving customers.

  Frantically looking for some plausible reason why her face was as flushed and no doubt wearing her I’m-so-turned-on-right-now-I’m-going-to-jump-the-next-man-I-see face, she grabbed the discarded blueberry mixture. “No, not at all. Sorry, I was just….” Waving around excess friand batter?

  “That’s okay. I kind of snuck back here anyway.” The tall, blonde and impeccably dressed woman held her hand out “I’m Carolyn Garret. I believe you had a bit
of a traumatic experience with my brother.”

  Fuck! Getting caught fantasising about having very hot imaginary sex with said brother a traumatic experience? Yep, definitely that.

  Oh, God. Get a grip Cate.

  “Hi, I’m Cate Gallagher. And, yes, he did make an impact.” Both of the women laughed as they shook hands. See, there. Calm and professional. “What can I help you with today?”

  “Well, I’m sure Patrick mentioned I’m getting married soon and I still haven’t finalised my cake. It was such a whirlwind romance and I just want the whole wedding to be as perfect as we are for each other. I know its short notice, but do you think you’d be able to squeeze me in? I remember the Carlyle wedding you did and her cake was stunning.”

  Cate remembered Suzy’s cake well. She’d done her ‘friend’ a favour with a five tier chocolate wedding cake only to have her be the first to turn nasty when things with Paul went south. “Was that something you were after?”

  “I have no idea. I thought you being the expert I could pick your brain.”

  While they discussed flavours and designs, Cate tried to find something in her attitude that screamed prima donna or bridezilla, but just like her brother, Carolyn Garret was warm and bubbly.

  “Okay, we shut at five on Wednesday, so did you want to come for the tasting, say, seven o’clock?”

  “Sounds great. Got a pen?” Cate found one in her pocket and handed it over. After writing a note on the back of her hand, Carolyn tapped it on the bench. “I’m really sorry for my brother’s lousy driving, but I can’t say I’m not a little thankful right now. It’s such a relief that I know you’re going to do an awesome job with my cake, but I hope he’s made it up to you.”

  Gulp. In her dreams, more ways than one.


  Cate put the final cake sample on the serving platter and went into the main room. Even though it was daylight savings, the room was dark thanks to the sun protector blinds she’d installed to keep out the harsh summer sun. Hearing a knock on the door, she opened it only to find Patrick standing on the step, flowers in hand, wearing a dress shirt and chino pants.

  “Before you say anything, Carolyn asked me to call earlier today to say she had to cancel, but I totally forgot.”

  She folded her arms across her chest and glared. True to form, here came the games and manipulations. “I’m not gullible or stupid. Was the whole thing a set up?”

  “No, no set up. Honestly.” Without taking a step back, or his eyes from hers, he shrugged. “Okay, not the total truth. I didn’t really forget, but Carolyn did ask me to reschedule. I wanted to share a meal with you, so I got sneaky. I don’t think you’re gullible or stupid. I do think I’m verging on desperate though.”

  “Wouldn’t have guessed.”

  “Yeah, and I really don’t think I need another stalker charge on my rap sheet. Relationships tend to get a bit awkward after that.” He fake whispered with a cheeky smile and a wink.

  What was it about this man that made her laugh? She wanted to stay mad, but it seemed impossible whenever he was around. It didn’t hurt that he looked like a GQ cover model or that his voice sent shivers down her spine, but the kicker was the warmth in his smile. That, and his soft bottom lip that she wanted to sink her teeth into. Lick the plump flesh and see if he tasted as good as he looked.

  “Okay, come in. I’ll grab some coffee.”

  While she worked on the drinks and tried to ignore the devil on her shoulder, Patrick hung his jacket on the back of a chair while perusing the sample tray. “So, what’re we tasting tonight?”

  Cate froze. Cake. He’s talking about cake, not body parts. “Carolyn said she wanted something different, so we have the cherry mud cake, Tia Maria mud cake, Cookies & Cream, chocolate mud cake and last but not least, butterscotch with its own caramel icing.”

  “And, I’m guessing that’s your favourite right?”

  “My favourite is all of them. It’s too hard to choose just one.”

  As she approached the table with the coffee, he surprised her again by coming around and pulling her chair out for her. His body heat radiated against her back and she had to stop herself leaning into his muscular chest. She gave herself a mental slap as she sat and pulled her professional mask back in place. With a forced steady hand, she picked up one of the forks, broke off a piece of cake and offered the handle to him.

  “This is the cherry mud cake. I have a recipe for a cream cheese icing that sets it off perfectly.”

  Keeping his gaze on hers, he folded his fingers around her hand and guided the fork to his mouth. He hummed and licked his lips as the flavour registered, drawing her attention back to his very lickable lips. Maybe she should have served ice water instead of coffee because she certainly didn’t need to heat things up.

  “Hmmm. This is fantastic.” He said while finishing off his mouthful. He pointed to the leftover portion, “That’s definitely a possibility.”

  “Wait till you try this.” She sectioned off a piece of the cookies and cream cake and this time he wrapped his fingers around her wrist and slowly nibbled the cake off the fork. Watching his tongue flick over the tines made her think of how that would feel against her clit and the fork clattered to the table.

  She let out a nervous laugh as she looked up at him and was trapped by his lustful eyes.

  “Whoops. Here, try this one.” She scooped up a piece of the butterscotch cake and smeared it with the caramel icing, her hand shaking slightly as she held it out to him.

  He smiled at her and instead of gripping her hand, ran his fingertips down her inner arm until he reached where her elbow rested on the table. Goosebumps followed in their wake and her heart raced. Slowly, as if asking for permission, he leaned forward and placed chaste kisses on her outer wrist and she squirmed on the chair. This was even better than her dreams, but she wasn’t going to have sex with him…right?

  He encircled her forearm and lifted it, continuing to kiss his way down her arm. He guided the fork to her lips and licked his own as she accepted the cake. She couldn’t look away from his face, but his attention was firmly on her mouth, his delicious intent clearly shining through.

  She’d barely swallowed the cake when his lips found hers and he licked and nibbled them, before forcing them to open and delving into her mouth. His flavour combined with the richness of the coffee and the sweetness of the butterscotch gave her a sugar high that felt better than it should.

  “Mmmm, sweet with the just right amount of spice. But just to be sure….” With one hand behind her head, he pulled her in for another one of his drugging kisses, leaving her pulse racing and her panties wet. The man could kiss, and with that being one of her favourite things, he was definitely winning points.

  Closer. She needed to touch him everywhere. On instinct, she moved in for a deeper kiss and found herself straddling his lap in his chair. She wasn’t sure she could get much hotter, and was one hundred per cent sure that if she rubbed herself against him she could come in a New York minute.

  She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and gave herself over to the kiss. His hands grabbed her arse cheeks and squeezed before jerking them forward so their groins were snug against each other. His cock – long, hard and rubbing against her – had her grinding her hips chasing the electric sensation it created.

  She threw her head back and gasped when Patrick palmed her breasts, massaging the aching flesh in a way that made her melt into a puddle. Not caring that he exposed her toneless belly, instead all her focus came down to Patrick’s hands on her skin. Learning her curves and pushing under her sports bra to give her the skin on skin she’d needed.

  “Fuck yes. Touch me. Feels so good.”

  Her eyes flew open when he pinched her sensitive nipples and sent shivers racing down her spine. He shifted his head against her bared throat and left wet, open mouthed kisses along the tendons of her neck. Moving one hand to the centre of her back and using his body weight, he pushed her slightly backward ma
king her grip his shoulders and clench her thighs.

  “I think I just need another taste to make up my mind.” He whispered near her ear. She swallowed audibly before something warm and gooey landed on her neck followed by his tongue.

  “Hmmm. The caramel sauce is the winner. I’d like to drizzle it all over your naked body and lick you from here,” he ran a sauce slicked finger across her swollen lips, “to here.” His finger trailed down her body, coming to rest against her pussy.

  Delicious shivers coursed through her as she imagined him laying her out across the table behind them and doing exactly that. But, enticing as that sounded, she needed to think with her head and put a stop to this before it got even more out of hand.

  She shifted back so their pulsing private parts no longer touched.


  With a finger against her mouth he quietened her. “Ssshh. I know we’re not going any further tonight. All I’ve done is shown you how great we could be in bed, or hell, even that table.” They both laughed, easing the thick sexual tension in the air. “You need to get to know me so I can convince you I’m more than a hot stud who can rock your world, yeah baby,” he said finishing with an Austin Powers impersonation.

  She chuckled as she shook her head. “You’re an idiot.”

  “See, you’ve already discovered one of my key personality traits. How does hanging out tomorrow night sound?”

  She couldn’t help herself, she played with his shirt buttons just to get more hands on time with his chest. “Sorry, I’m busy.”

  “What about dinner Friday night?”

  “That’s out, too. I have a wedding in the Hunter Valley on Saturday and I’m going to be putting the finishing touches on the cake. Guess you’ll just have to find somewhere else to loiter for a couple of days.”

  “If I have to.” He sighed dramatically. “I better have one more taste, just to get me through.” His fingers twined in her hair and pulled her down for another kiss that threatened to get her engine revving again.


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