Mating the Red Wolf: (Book 10, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas)

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Mating the Red Wolf: (Book 10, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas) Page 5

by E A Price

  Ed pulled off his own shirt displaying his taut muscles. Her wolf mewled happily. “Not so bad yourself,” she purred.

  Amber started seeping into his eyes, and his expression was downright wolfish. “You know, I bet they wouldn’t miss us for a few minutes, maybe we should go inside…”

  “A few minutes?” she asked in disbelief.

  “Gorgeous, we haven’t had sex in a week, we’ll be lucky if I last more than a few seconds.”

  Kim rolled her eyes. “Boy, that sounds tempting.” Ed grinned and started reaching out his hands to her hips, and she placed a palm on his chest. “But how about you cool off instead?”

  She gave an almighty push sending Ed flailing backward into the pool. The kids giggled while Ed’s mother, Marguerite, Christine, Jennifer and Olivia clapped. Ed’s father, shouted ‘bravo.’ Harold Jr. clucked his tongue at them before returning to reading the news.

  Ed spluttered and splashed her. “Very funny.”

  She chuckled and gingerly climbed in. He immediately grabbed her and gave her a hungry kiss. Her wolf huffed as Kim pulled away from the embrace far too soon.

  Ed pursed his lips as his own wolf grunted in frustration. There were only so many cold showers he could take before he exploded.

  Seeing the hurt look on his face, she relented and allowed him to pull her back into his arms. “I’m sorry; I just don’t want to go too far in front of your family. I already feel like they’re judging me, I don’t want them thinking I’m completely wanton.”

  “What’s wrong with being wanton? If you ask me, it’s a highly underrated quality.”

  Kim flicked water in his face. “Olivia’s giving us some funny looks.”

  Ed maneuvered them so he could catch a glimpse of her. Sure enough, she looked pale and uneasy. “Probably the PDAs, not something she’s used to in my family.”

  Sometimes Ed found it amazing that his parents had ever managed to have one son, never mind five. They were warm and loving to their children, but not touchy feely. And they never held each other’s hands or kissed or even gave each other a friendly pat on the back in public. He dreaded to think what happened in private. As for his stuffy eldest brother, Harold Jr., Ed just assumed there was some kind of cabbage patch deal with his kids.

  “Does kissing really bother her?”

  “I’m pretty sure she’s still a virgin; I’ve never seen her even kiss her boyfriend.”

  Kim’s wolf snorted. She could see why. Kurt was okay looking, but he had shifty eyes and she just got the impression he was slimy. It wasn’t anything he said or did – it was just something he put out there. Plus, she was kind of concerned that something might be going on with him and Helena. Although, she wasn’t ready to impart that to Ed until she was sure there was something there. Otherwise, she would come off like a jealous harpy, and she wasn’t jealous of Helena. She had no reason to be jealous. Stupid, red wolf bitch.

  Ed looked thoughtful for a moment. “I’m not really sure what Olivia’s birth family was like; they died when she was 11, and that’s when mom and dad adopted her.”

  Her wolf whined in sadness. “I had no idea, poor Olivia.”

  “Yeah, it’s been rough on her, but she had Will, they were inseparable when they were younger, and he seemed to help her.”

  Kim dared a glance at Will; he looked just as pained as Olivia. “I didn’t think they were that close; they barely spoke a word to each other at dinner.”

  “They’ve had a falling out, but they won’t say about what. He’s another virgin; he spends all day fiddling with computers and has no idea how to talk to women.” He tried to imagine Will with a woman and came up blank.

  “Awww, I think he’s a sweetie.”

  Ed and his wolf grumbled at that. They did not like their mate thinking of anyone else as a sweetie.

  “Did you find the ring?” she asked carefully.

  “No,” he replied tersely. He knew he wouldn’t. It had been in the drawer with his shirts; he remembered very clearly putting it there. Someone had deliberately stolen it. And he had a good idea who. “Jonathan’s looking for it.”

  “Where do you think it is?” she asked quietly. She already knew what he was going to say.

  Ed gave her a small smile. “He’s checking Helena’s room. I figured if Helena noticed someone had been in there, she’d think it was me, so I’m establishing my alibi…”

  “No kidding Miss Marple…”

  “…While he looks. He’d do anything for money.”

  “Doesn’t he already have lots of money?”

  He groaned. “No one can spend money as quickly as he can.”

  Seriously, Ed wasn’t kidding. Of course, it was never a good idea to give cars to girls you’re about to dump to soften the blow. Especially if your relationships last less than two weeks…

  Kim gave him a quick peck before moving off to swim laps. Ed moved to the side of the pool and watched her graceful form undulating through the water. Pure bliss.

  After a while, Kim took Jamie off to bathe and dress, and everyone else started to do the same. Ed tensed as he saw Helena starting to move into the house but relaxed when Jonathan sauntered out. Jonathan shook his head, and Ed’s wolf growled inwardly.

  He pulled himself out of the water and started drying himself angrily. He was trying to be patient and he was trying to logical, but he was furious. He knew it was just a ring, and that Kim had already agreed to marry him, but it was the principal. He wanted the darn thing on her finger, showing everyone that she belonged to him.

  Ed had a bad feeling that his family might try to object to his engagement to Kim. Although they were polite to Kim, he worried that certain members of his family wouldn’t welcome her with open arms. He was particularly thinking of his brother and his father… Although his father appeared easy going like Ed and Jonathan, he was actually uptight and ruthless like his eldest son. Well, his father hadn’t remained the Alpha of their pack for over twenty years for nothing…

  Although Ed and his eldest brother didn’t get along, he respected him a little more than he did their father. Harold Jr. made no bones about the kind of guy he was, he laid it out on the table, but his father pretended he was a good guy. He really wasn’t.

  Ed recalled the time when Jonathan brought home the most recent love of his life just under a couple of years ago. She was a sweet fox shifter called Ingrid, who had once worked as an exotic dancer… His family was seemingly nice to her, but when Jonathan declared that he wanted to marry her, the gloves came off. The fox was soon dispatched. Jonathan seemed to bounce back, but Ed detected that a certain amount of hurt lingered and Jonathan would never talk about her.

  He needed to make it clear to his family just how serious he was about Kim, and that, in spite of any objections they may have, he was going to marry Kim. This moment had been a long time coming, and he wasn’t about to allow anything to get in the way.

  Ed made his way over to Jonathan, who had stripped off his shirt and was sprawled on a lounger with one arm slung over his face. He sniffed as Ed came near. “I searched all over; it wasn’t in her room. When do I get my money?”

  Ed rolled his eyes. “I’ll wire you the money when we get home.”

  “You better; I’m going to Vegas in two weeks, I’ll need it.”

  Ed shook his head and left him. Both he and Jonathan received the same allowance. But other than for Kim’s missing engagement ring, which was extortionately expensive, he’d barely touched his money. It all went into a savings account that he figured would do nicely as a college fund for Jamie and any other kids they had.

  He smiled as his wolf almost panted at the thought of having pups with Kim. They already had Jamie, but he’d like a boy or two and maybe another girl. They had their whole lives spread out in front of them, and he couldn’t wait.


  Kim led a chattering Jamie through the house. Jamie asked her numerous questions about her new red wolf friends and without waiting for answers, continu
ed talking. Did she know that they all had their own TVs in their rooms? Did she know that they had their own swimming pool? Did she know that they were allowed to pick out whatever toys they wanted when they went to the mall?

  Kim didn’t know any of this but wasn’t overly surprised.

  They made it to their room and Kim was surprised to find Marie, Ed’s grandmother, standing further down the hallway, looking at her feet. With her sharpened hearing, she could hear Marie mumbling the words ‘pills’ and ‘not sure.’

  “Are you alright, Marie?” called Kim as she maneuvered Jamie into their room and told her to play quietly.

  The elderly woman she-wolf looked up in a daze and blinked at Kim owlishly. Kim was a little taken aback; Marie looked so small and frail at that moment. She knew the older woman must be somewhere in her 80’s, but compared to the sharp, ramrod straight woman she met yesterday, she was more like a shadow.

  The whole point of coming to the island was to celebrate Marie’s birthday, but Ed had no idea how old his grandmother would be. The year of her birth was apparently a closely guarded secret that she would take to her grave. Ed had also stipulated that his grandmother detested receiving presents and above all would not have a birthday cake. God help anyone who tried to sing at her. Kim had sarcastically thought that it sounded like one hell of a party, but she was getting a free holiday. So, who was she to complain?

  “Who is that?” asked Marie, in a mixture of fear and suspicion.

  Kim took a step toward her and was surprised when the older woman bared her teeth, and a small growl escaped her.

  Kim’s own wolf started to sit up and take notice, but Kim soothed her; the red she-wolf was just disorientated, she wasn’t threatening them. Kim held up her hands. “It’s Kim.”

  Marie looked at her in puzzlement. “Kim?” She furrowed her brow for a few moments, before a look of realization passed over her face. “Oh, of course, Kim. Forgive me… I’m…I must be a little tired.”

  Kim approached her carefully. “Do you need me to do anything?”

  “I think I’d like to lie down.”

  Kim held out her arm but almost darted up the wall when Harold Jr. snapped at her. “What are you doing?”

  He rushed forward and took hold of his grandmother. Yeesh, anyone would think that Kim was trying to steal his favorite toy. “I was just trying to help.”

  “I’m perfectly capable of helping my grandmother, thank you,” he replied stiffly.

  As muddled as Marie was at that moment, she still managed to give an exaggerated eye roll as Harold led her away.

  Kim sighed. Harold Jr. did not like her. That was pretty darn obvious. Why – she had no idea, and nor did she really care, but for Ed’s sake she would put up with it. She would go through just about anything to be with Ed. Hot coals, broken glass – bring it on.

  She'd felt a connection to him the moment she saw him, and on their first date, she knew she wanted to be with him forever.


  21st September

  Kim grunted.

  “Breathe in, honey.”

  “I am; if I breathe in anymore, I might just inhale all the furniture in the room.”

  Kim tensed as her mom finally pulled up the zipper. “Yes!” exclaimed Angela in triumph. “You can relax; you’re in.”

  Kim stood up straight and let out a testing breath. Okay, it wasn’t too bad. As long as she took shallow breaths and didn’t eat anything she’d be fine. Although, her breasts seemed to be trying to make a break for it – they were pushing the fabric of the dress to breaking point. Ed would probably like that.

  “You look beautiful,” gushed Angela as she led Kim over to the chair and started pinning back her hair.

  “Thanks Mom,” said Kim smiling nervously.

  It was her first date in, oh, about six years, and she was just a tad anxious. Since meeting Ed, he had been a regular visitor to Bar Luna. They had flirted, talked, made out and then talked some more. Kim was pleased that Ed hadn’t tried to push her too fast too quickly. It annoyed the heck out of her wolf who was all for ravishing the young red wolf on the spot, but Kim was relieved. She didn’t need some pushy asshole; she’d dated plenty of them over the years and ended up married to one. She hated the 'me wolf, you wolf, we mate,' caveman bullshit. She wanted someone who would actually take things a little more slowly, and get to know her. And she’d found him.

  And tonight was the night they would go on their first date. She felt as nervous as a 16-year-old who'd just been asked out by her high school crush.

  She’d pulled her date clothes out of retirement, and settled on her favorite - her little black dress. Or rather, her sexy, men fall at my feet, dress. It was just a tiny bit tighter than she remembered. It must have shrunk while it was hiding in the back of her closet. Yep, no other explanation for it.

  Her mom carefully finished her hair and Kim applied a thin layer of make-up. Not too much and not too little.

  Angela beamed at her in the mirror. “I gotta get to work, honey. I love you.” She kissed the top of her daughter’s head.

  Kim blew her a kiss as she left.

  “Knock him dead,” called out Angela as she left.

  Angela usually worked at the hardware store in town. The store was owned by a local coyote shifter who found that Angela was good for business. Men seemed to get a kick out of buying hardware from an attractive six-foot she-wolf. More than once, an unsuspecting male customer had wandered in looking for nails and come out with several new power tools he had no idea he needed. However, that night she was covering Kim’s shift at Bar Luna. Angela insisted; she was more than a little keen for her daughter to get out and enjoy herself.

  Kim stiffly got to her feet and made her way downstairs. She started walking laps of the living room, hoping to loosen up the dress a little. Jamie huffed at Kim every time she walked in front of the TV. Jamie was sat watching her favorite TV show, Emily Wolf of Wolften Hollow. It was a very basic cartoon show about a young wolf shifter called Emily. It was heavy on moral messages about being kind to others and not judging people based on their species. Although Jamie knew every episode inside out, she would watch them over and over again.

  “Mommy!” admonished Jamie, dark red pigtails bobbing, as Kim stopped in front of the TV to check her watch.

  Kim groaned and decided to walk around the kitchen instead. As nervous as she was about the actual date, and the fact that she was worried about splitting the seams of her dress, she was a little agitated that the babysitter hadn’t arrived.

  She usually hired the twin sisters of their pack’s Chief Enforcer, Acksel, but, tonight, both Gwen and Britt were busy. Instead, Kim had hired the daughter of her mom’s boss. Hannah was a sweet girl but a little flaky, and easily distracted.

  Kim grabbed her phone and almost jumped as it rang in her hand. She answered to find Hannah on the other end. Hannah’s grandmother had been injured in a car accident, and the whole family was at the hospital waiting for news. The young coyote was sorry that she wouldn’t be able to make it for her babysitting duty. Kim grudgingly had to admit that was a good reason for canceling, and then she felt bad for thinking uncharitable thoughts about Hannah. She told the coyote shifter that she hoped her grandmother was okay and rang off.

  Crap! She needed to find a replacement and pronto. There was a sudden rap at the front door, and Kim groaned. Of course, he would be on time. If only he weren’t so thoughtful!

  She went to the door and flung it open to be met by a beaming Ed holding a huge bouquet of flowers.

  Ed took her in, head to toe. “Wow!” he breathed, “just wow.”

  Kim, in spite of herself, blushed at his lusty gaze and felt her womb flutter as she surveyed him. He was dressed in a well-cut black suit, with a white shirt. It showed off his trim, tight figure to perfection, but certainly didn’t do anything to hide the prominent bulge in his trousers. It gave her a thrill to see how turned on he was.

  “Are those for me?” she asked i
nclining her head toward the mixture of lilies and lavender.

  “Nah, I just like carrying around flowers, it makes me feel muy macho.”

  “They suit you.”

  She giggled and took them from him. He leaned in and gave her a soft kiss on the lips, eliciting a sweet moan from her.

  “You ready to go?”

  Kim inwardly sighed. “I’m sorry; my babysitter canceled. I don’t have anyone to watch Jamie.”

  Ed shrugged. “It’s fine, you know, we don’t have to go out. We could just stay in and order a pizza.”

  “Really?” Kim felt a glimmer of elation and her wolf yipped.

  It wasn’t that Kim didn’t want to go out to a fancy restaurant and be wined and dined… actually it was kind of that. She really was more of a pizza and beer kind of girl. But she had been worried that Ed was expecting something a little bit more sophisticated from her. He had been happy to drink in Bar Luna, but he did kind of stick out. Not that Kim thought that there was anything wrong with that. Ed’s well-tailored form and freshly shaven face were a welcome relief from the uncouth louts that made up the majority of her regulars.

  “Of course.” Ed looked round her. “So, do I get to meet Jamie?”

  “Oh!” she exclaimed, surprised at the hopefulness in his eyes. “Well, I, umm, suppose so.”

  Ed beamed and Kim tried to smile back, but her stomach seemed to have turned to jelly. Over the past week, she had briefly considered about how she would broach the subject of ‘mommy dating’ to Jamie, but she just hadn’t realized it would happen quite so soon.

  She led him into the house and had a brief panic before her wolf told her to pull it together. Damnit, she was a feisty she-wolf; she could handle her boyfriend meeting her daughter. She hoped.

  Kim led Ed into the living room, and Jamie managed to wrench her gaze away from the TV to look Ed up and down; a shy look stole over her little face.

  “Jamie, this is Mommy’s friend, Ed. Ed, this is Jamie.”

  “Hello, Jamie,” said Ed, warmly.

  She gave him a small wave, and Ed plonked himself on the floor next to her. “What you watching?”


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