The Diamond Bearer's Secret

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The Diamond Bearer's Secret Page 7

by Lorena Angell

  “Max can’t confirm that, Chris.” Agent Whitman says, openly expressing his distrust.

  “Well, I don’t know what to tell you.”

  Whitman clears his throat and shifts nervously in his seat. “Several of the workers stated you are ‘one of them.’ That you can run unnaturally fast. Is this true?”

  “Yes, I can run faster than most people. I guess that’s why my father was interested in me and others like me. He had me spying on the other Olympic candidates in Montana.”

  “I see.” He scribbles something in his notebook. “What about these other ‘powers’ like healing? Can you do that too?”

  Chris calmly responds, “No. I think a lot of that is the placebo effect. The mind is a powerful thing, Agent Whitman. Mind-readers are well-trained in cold-reading techniques. Seers are intuitive and pay attention to details. They’re good guessers. Face it, my father was a paranoid, delusional man, in a position of power. He crossed the wrong paths and got himself killed.”

  “You said Samantha Juarez, or Deus Ex as she called herself, killed him.”

  “Deus Ex was clearly trying to steal a crystal when she was electrocuted. It’s entirely possible she was not working alone. Maybe she had helpers in the compound we didn’t know about. That’s the only explanation I can give.”

  Agent Whitman seems to buy it.

  Chris adds, “Are you investigating the murders General Harding’s soldiers carried out?”

  “Inside the compound?”

  “No. The murdering of citizens related to the prisoners my father held captive.”

  Agent Whitman narrows his eyes and leans forward. “What are you talking about, son?”

  “I overheard my father discuss the murders of one of the prisoner’s parents. I think they were from North Dakota. They were gay men.”

  “I’m going to need more information than that, Chris.” Agent Whitman writes furiously.

  “How hard would it be to search the recent unsolved murder cases in North Dakota? Bismarck, I believe. Look for the murders of two gays. That should stick out, don’t you think?”

  “Do you have names?”

  “No. Sorry. But, my dad spoke like they weren’t the only murders. I would bet there are many open homicide investigations across the nation. I would also assume the murderers are soldiers who were working for my father.”

  “I’ll look into it.” Agent Whitman checks his watch and closes his notebook. He stands and reaches his hand out to shake Chris’s.

  Chris grasps his hand and nods his head. “Thank you.” He then walks him to the door and shows him out.

  After Chris closes the front door, Brand walks over and pats his back, and says, “Man, I wasn’t sure we were going to get out of that one. You did great.”

  Chris plops down in a chair. “I feel like I’m going to be sick.”

  Brand freezes in place and says, “Hang on. He’s coming back.”

  Crimson speaks to my mind, Stay in the room, Calli.

  I motion to Beth to stay put.

  Chris’s thoughts merge with mine. I can’t stand all the spinning with repeating. I don’t know how Brand deals with it.

  How many times did you repeat? I ask.

  I lost count. Brand was getting mad at me for messing up.

  What were you messing up?

  I kept revealing too much, giving names, basically revealing I had powers. I don’t know why I couldn’t think straight.

  The doorbell rings. Chris gets up and opens the door.

  Agent Whitman smiles sheepishly. “I apologize, but I forgot my overcoat.” He points past Chris’s shoulder. Brand picks the jacket up and flings it over his arm, causing something black to fall out of the pocket. The object hits the wood floor with a clunk.

  My eyes focus on the black object that looks suspiciously like obsidian. Brand bends down and picks it up.

  “Sorry about that. What’s this?” he asks Agent Whitman, holding up the rock.

  “Oh, it’s nothing.” Whitman’s ears turn red.

  Crimson says to my mind, It’s obsidian, but not the right kind.

  Chris says, “This looks like obsidian.”

  Whitman chuckles and reaches a shaky hand to take the coat and obsidian from Brand. “After hearing about it from almost everyone I interviewed, I thought it wouldn’t hurt to have a piece of my own. Call me superstitious.” He deposits the rock into his pocket.

  “There’s nothing wrong with being careful, Agent Whitman,” Chris says. “Good night.”

  After his car leaves the driveway, Beth and I come into the room and Crimson becomes visible and I breathe a sigh of relief. I say, “That was a subtle reminder we all need charged topazes on our body at all times. We never know when we’ll be in the presence of obsidian.”

  * * *

  We settle in for the evening. Beth and I take two of the three bedrooms. Chris and Brand fight over the couch. I think neither one of them want to seem selfish for taking the remaining bed. Crimson finally settles the squabble by claiming the bedroom for herself, leaving the two guys to figure out their own sleeping arrangements.

  I lie in my bed, pondering the events of the day. The funeral for Anika’s dads was informative, in the sense that I learned much more about Anika. Her fathers were accomplished men with college degrees and good jobs. Yet, their sexual orientation seemed to discount their achievements in some people’s eyes. Anika is a strong, confident girl, which is an indication she had a good childhood. She’s obviously close to her grandparents. Perhaps her nurturing could be considered a group effort. I consider further how everyone is influenced by the many adults around them. The phrase, “It takes a village to raise a child,” comes to mind. Not every child has a village of good people raising them, I know.

  Take Deus Ex, for example. Hearing Chris and Agent Whitman talk about her tonight made me think about the little she’d shared about her neglectful, abusive childhood. She was resourceful and clever, just severely misguided. By the time she met up with adults who could be positive influences in her life, she’d already carved out her slot in the world—and that slot had no room for trust.

  I think about Jonas. He also came from an abusive home. Yet, his personality is entirely different, as if he feels compelled to disprove the theories that he’ll adopt the same behaviors. I know Chris worries about the same thing. He fears becoming like his father.

  I roll over and hear Chris in my mind.

  I love you, Calli.

  I love you too.

  * * *

  The next morning I’m drawn from my room by the smell of something good. I enter the kitchen to find Brand and Chris amidst a mess of vegetable peels, egg shells, and dirty dishes.

  “Calli,” Brand gasps upon seeing me.

  Chris looks up from flipping eggs. “No girls allowed.” He winks, sending my heart all a flutter. “Please wait in the dining room.”

  “Shoo!” Brand flicks his hand.

  I leave the kitchen, feeling even more attracted to Chris. I’m excited to taste whatever he’s cooking up in there and I’m sure it will be good. I sit at the table and let my thoughts wander. Before I know it, Beth and Crimson join me.

  “What’s going on in there?” Beth points toward the kitchen.

  “It’s a surprise. The guys are cooking for us.”

  “Oh, this will be interesting.”

  I scan the table littered with the papers, crystals, and files. “Do you think we should straighten up this mess so we have somewhere to eat?”

  Crimson says, “No, I have things where I want them.”

  Brand’s voice booms from the kitchen, “We’re going to eat in here, just give us another second.”

  I take the opportunity to turn on my phone and try to call my parents. I get the answering machine. After leaving a brief message that I’m doing fine, I end the call and take the phone into my bedroom.

  Chris calls from the other room, “Come and get it.”

  As Crimson, Beth, and I enter the
messy kitchen, which seems to have become even more cluttered since I saw it five minutes ago, Beth exclaims, “Where did all this food come from?”

  Brand sets the last setting on the small breakfast table. “Crimson went shopping.”

  “Yes, I did, but I didn’t purchase a maid,” she says, eying the condition of the kitchen. “Did a tornado touch down in here?”

  Chris ignores her. “Grab your plate and come dish up.” He indicates the lined-up food choices on the stove.

  Beth and I take our plates and fill them with eggs, hash browns, and sliced fruit. The unexpected whir of a blender frightens me a little. Chris is making what appears to be a green smoothie. Yeah, that’s my health nut.

  He smiles at me, muscles flexing in his arms as he holds firmly to the blender. Beth and I sit down at the table. The blender stops and Chris says, “Hey Brand, come here.” I look over out of curiosity in time to see Chris lean his head near Brand and point his finger at me. “See that girl over there? I’m goin’ with her.”

  Brand’s confused glare shoots between me and Chris. “Well, duh!”

  I smile brightly, feeling giddy and proud to be claimed. For the first time in my nineteen years, I feel what my middle-school classmates must have felt. My excitement quickly fades as I dwell a little too long on the reason— Crimson or Maetha probably interfered with any potential boyfriends, keeping me in the proper mindset for the diamond delivery. Before I can start feeling sorry for myself, Chris sets a tall green drink in front of me.

  “Thank you,” I say, bringing the smile back to my face. As he moves away, I reach out and grasp his arm. He turns around and I whisper, “And . . . thank you.”

  * * *

  We enjoy our breakfast, laughing and sharing fun stories. Afterward, we clean the kitchen as a team. Then everyone joins Crimson in the dining room.

  Crimson says, “Brand and Beth, when you investigate the employees of the compound to see what they know about people with powers, you need to be on the lookout for anyone who may be telling others about the facility. Even though they’d get in trouble from Agent Whitman, I’d bet there will be at least one who can’t contain the things they saw and participated in. You can stay here at the house while you investigate. I’ll have Melvin Phillips get you a corporate card and an extra set of keys. He’s the man I told you about yesterday who will be coming by today to take care of business.”

  Beth says, “I’ve gone through the files and have written up a list of individuals who live here in Denver. I was hoping Brand and I could get out today to start our investigation.”

  “The sooner the better,” Crimson agrees.

  Beth turns to Brand, “I’m ready when you are.”

  “Then let’s go!” he says enthusiastically.

  Brand and Beth leave the house within a few minutes.

  Crimson says, “Calli will you put on a pot of tea?”

  “Sure.” I go into the kitchen and fill the kettle with water and turn on the burner. While the water heats up, I load a tray with assorted tea bags, cream, and sugar. The kettle begins to whistle. I reach for the handle in a careless manner and accidentally touch the burner with the side of my hand. I yank my hand back expecting to feel pain and burning, but feel nothing. I’m pretty sure I touched the electric coil, because I felt the heat, but I’m not burned. The only thing I can figure is my healing power is so intense I healed before the skin developed a blister.

  Entering the front room with the tray, I set it down on the coffee table near Crimson.

  “Sit down, Calli.” Crimson pours herself a cup of water and adds a tea bag.

  I sit across from her on the large sofa. Chris comes in from seeing Brand and Beth on their way. He sits beside me.

  Crimson spreads her arms out wide and a blue mist encircles us. Then, she says, “Do you recall when I said you were chosen for a larger task than what you’ve already accomplished, Calli?”


  “When I chose you for the event, I had no idea your love interest would be Chris, or that he would also be a Diamond Bearer. The random, spontaneous choices of others can greatly affect the once perceived outcome. Future-sight isn’t always dependable—remember that. However, one dependable aspect of being a Seer is knowing when natural cataclysmic events will happen and where. That said, I’m incredibly happy Chris will be by your side, Calli, to support you as you progress through your mission.”

  “What is my mission?” My heart rate picks up in anticipation.

  “As you know, I can see the cosmic energy rays as they hit the earth. I can also foresee cosmic energy before it hits. This is how I’ve been able to make sure the children of Maetha’s line have been Unaltered. I make sure the expecting mothers are safely out of range when a blast hits. For instance, when your mother was pregnant with you, I compelled her to go visit her parents where she wouldn’t be affected.”

  “What power would I have had if you hadn’t moved my mother?”

  “The nearest energy ray held the Healer power. However, you wouldn’t have developed superpowers. I imagine you would have still grown up with the desire to go into the medical field. Usually the people who are near a Healer-powered energy ray tend to gravitate toward professions of helping people.”

  She takes a sip of tea, then continues.

  “Two thousand or so years ago, an amazingly strong ray hit the earth in what is now northwest Oregon. I was perplexed with its rarity. Never to my knowledge had that particular power hit the earth, at least no one wielded the powers. I looked to the future to find out when that power would hit the earth again.” She stops speaking momentarily and looks me in the eye. “In two years the cosmic energy blast will hit the same area, bringing the potential for a new power to arise unlike any modern-day clans have ever seen. This time over half a million individuals will be at risk in the Portland, Oregon region. This cosmic ray will be different than anything you’ve experienced. It will be deadly to those in the immediate contact zone. A large amount of radiation will accompany this blast. The people outside the blast zone will have the potential for developing illnesses and deformities, and as with all cosmic rays, any pregnancies in the proper development stage will be affected by the ray.

  “The Bearers must be made stronger and join together to help reduce the number of casualties from the ray. The greater Portland region will need to be evacuated. The clans will need to unite and provide refuge for any affected individuals in the aftermath of the blast. Calli, this is your mission. You are the one to unite the Bearers and the clans in preparation for this blast. After the event takes place, you’ll lead the operation to find and care for those affected by the ray.”

  “Whoa! What? Me?” I squeak out. I’d expected some kind of mission, but nothing on this scale. I’m utterly flabbergasted.

  Chris’s eyes widen and his alarmed expression tells me he’s also blown away.

  “Why me, Crimson? Why not one of the older, more experienced Bearers? Why not you?”

  “Believe me, I’ve looked to the future with many others in the leadership position, including myself. No one can accomplish what you can. Experience or age isn’t a factor.”

  I laugh outright. “Are you kidding? The older Bearers aren’t going to listen to me, let alone follow my orders.”

  “More Bearers will accept you as their leader than you realize.”

  Chris asks, “What kind of power will the blast contain?”

  “This cosmic energy event will bring the power to control the elements of the world: water, fire, wind, etc. The future is difficult to read, but from what I can tell, some people will only develop one or two of the elemental powers, while others will hold the full range of destructive forces. Once the individuals who absorb this power die, the power will die with them.”

  I feel sick to my stomach. I take some deep breaths to try to calm down. “Not that I can even begin to wrap my mind around what you’re saying, but what exactly do I have to do?”

  “I don’t have
that answer. All I know is the future is optimistic with you in charge. Anyone else in your place will not make the same choices. I believe your strength comes from your fresh way of thinking, your problem-solving skills, and your willingness to try new things. Your brain works in a different way and it’s this difference that will save humanity.”

  What? What did she just imply? My chest tightens. I say, barely able to speak, I’m so shocked, “Are you saying the world will end if I don’t do this?”

  “Humanity as you know it will die off in one-hundred-fifty years if you don’t fulfill your mission.”

  I look away from her for a moment and take a second to gather my emotions, trying to still my anxious breathing. In the back of my mind I can almost hear Brand saying, “What’s the big deal? It’s not like it will be the end of the world . . . oh, wait.”

  Chris says, “So Calli’s job will be to help protect people from the blast and then round up any who display powers and watch them till they die?”

  I can’t help but notice he seems to accept I’ve apparently been born to do this task. A minute ago his jaw was on the floor with mine. Why isn’t he almost hyperventilating like I am?

  “Yes, you’re correct, Chris.”

  I say, “You’ve known for a long time this was coming.”

  Crimson nods. “I’ve been preparing for this moment for many centuries. Maetha too.”

  She could have told me a little sooner. If Maetha had let me know what was in store for my future, I wouldn’t have accepted the diamond. Maybe that’s why she didn’t say anything. I rub my sweaty hands across my pants to dry my palms. I can’t seem to swallow fast enough and I’m certain I’m going to be sick. Focusing on my diamond, I try to ease my panic attack.

  Chris asks, “Do you have any of the powers in the Primal Stone?”


  “Can you show us what we’re up against?”

  “Melvin Phillips is coming over any minute now to get some paperwork signed. He doesn’t know the extent of my powers and I’d like it to remain that way. After he leaves, we’ll continue this discussion.”


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