For the Love of Caden

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For the Love of Caden Page 7

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “We will be stopping at my friend Claire’s bakery.” Caden smiled.

  “Sounds good.” Kellan’s stomach growled in agreement.

  Caden chuckled. “You are still hungry?”

  “I’m always hungry.” Kellan pulled Caden into his lap; he kissed his neck and ran a hand into Caden’s soft hair. “I love the way you smell, it’s unique.”

  “It’s Frenchman ‘Eau de toilette’.” Caden laughed, as Kellan bit his lips.

  “Well whatever it is, it’s delicious.” Kellan ran his tongue up the rapid pulse in his lover’s neck. “You taste good, too.”

  Caden felt his dick getting hard in his chinos. “You need to stop that, or I will be walking into the bakery with an erection.”

  “Mmm, I love the sound of that.” Kellan cupped Caden’s crotch. “I can smell you, babe.” Kellan growled into Caden’s ear.

  Caden leaned back as Kellan’s hand gripped him through his pants; his breath was taken from him seconds later when Kellan took his mouth in a rough kiss.

  “Kellan…” He gripped Kellan’s hair.

  The car stopped and Kellan growled into Caden’s mouth. “I was just getting started.”

  Caden moaned as Kellan’s hand released his aching prick. He sat up looking out of the window. “Ah, we are here.”

  Kellan got out of the limo and helped Caden out. They walked into the bakery, announcing their arrival with the bell on the door. The smell of the pastries made his mouth water instantaneously.

  “Oh God, that smells wonderful.” Kellan inhaled.

  Caden smiled as Claire came out of the back room. “Allo, chéri.”

  Claire smiled at Caden, and her eyes fell on the gorgeous man beside him. “Eh ban, mon salaud!”

  Kellan smiled. “That I understood - now why would you be damned?”

  “Caden was not lying, you are breathtaking.” Claire looked him over. “Claire Charmaigne.”

  Kellan took her hand. “Kellan Brady, a pleasure to meet you.”

  “The pleasure is all mine, I assure you.” Claire blushed.

  “Tsk tsk, Claire, stop drooling over my man.” Caden winked.

  “I am just glad that heisyour man.” Claire smiled wide. “I have been taking care of your friends, they eat a lot.” Claire giggled.

  “Oh, you’re going to be making so much money.” Kellan looked through the glass at all of the food.

  “Claire, please give me four of everything.” Caden smiled at Kellan who was hypnotized by the food. His cell phone rang and he looked at the caller ID. “I will be right back.”

  Kellan stared at the food. “What is that?”

  “You all seem to like the smell of it; it’s a croissant with almond paste inside.” Claire handed him one. She watched it disappear in one bite. “You are hungry?”

  “Always famished,” Kellan smiled looking at Claire.

  “You are in love with Caden.”

  Kellan smiled, it wasn’t a question it was stated as fact. “Yes, I am.”

  “You would not leave him for any reason, would you?”

  “No, not for any reason.”

  “Good,” Claire smiled. “It is what he needs, to be loved unconditionally.”

  “It’s what he deserves.” Kellan smiled. The bell over the door rang, and Caden walked back in. “Everything okay?”

  “Yes,” Caden smiled. “Are you ready to go to the house?”

  “Yes, it was a pleasure to meet you, Claire.” Kellan kissed her hand.

  “You as well.” Claire said.

  “I expect you at the house for dinner when I call Claire.” Caden arched a brow.

  “I will come, if only for the couscous.” Claire laughed.

  Caden narrowed his eyes. “Pouffiasse.”

  Claire’s eyes went wide. “Such language!”

  Kellan furrowed his brows “Slut?”

  Caden cracked up. “My man knows French.”

  “Take your pastries you foul-mouthed man.” Claire laughed hysterically.

  “Bye, we’ll see you soon.” Caden kissed Claire on her cheeks.

  Caden dismissed the limo driver and they walked the rest of the way. Kellan didn’t mind, it was beautiful out. The streets were quiet. Most people rode bikes from what he could tell and those who did have cars had verysmallcars. Kellan had never seen cars so small. They walked up a gravel road and Kellan looked at the property; vineyards surrounded both sides of the long driveway.

  “You make wine?”

  “For my personal collection, I do not sell it.” Caden smiled gripping Kellan’s hand tighter.

  “It’s so beautiful; I’ve never seen so much lavender.”

  “It gives the wine a unique taste; I let it grow wild all over the property.”

  The two story house came into view and Kellan gasped. Red roses weaved up the front of the house almost reaching the roof. There was a table and chairs off to the side of the front porch with an umbrella, lavender surrounded the house.

  “It’s beautiful, Caden.”

  “Thank you, come inside.” Caden unlocked the front door and went about opening all the shutters, letting light and air in.

  Kellan walked around the house, all the furniture had an antique look. The kitchen was light and airy with a small table and four chairs; a pantry was across from the stove with only a curtain to hide it. Kellan smiled and walked towards the first bedroom, the king sized bed took up most of the wall and the frame reminded him of crowns.

  “It is solid oak,” Caden peeked over Kellan’s shoulder. “Rococo style.”

  Kellan smiled. “Late Baroque.”

  “Ah, we have a scholar?”

  “I studied France a lot when I was learning the language,” Kellan looked at the antique armoire in the corner. “It’s beautiful, you know.”

  Caden walked around the room. “I always wanted some kind of antique feel to my home, and that is also why my hotels have antique furniture in some of the rooms.” Caden smiled, pulling Kellan out of the room. “I wanted people to have a sense of home if they needed it. The other two bedrooms have walnut beds; I love the smell of real wood.” Caden pulled Kellan back into the kitchen. “My mother loved the kitchen; the window opens to a beautiful view of the ocean. It was right here that I learned to make couscous.” Caden smiled, closing his eyes. “I can almost smell the seasonings, hear her softly humming.”

  “You miss her,” Kellan held Caden tightly.

  “I do, she had a way of making me smile when I was sad.” Caden looked up at Kellan. “The way you do.”

  Kellan looked into beautiful blue pools; he touched his lips softly to Caden’s as he wrapped him up tight. “I couldn’t have asked for a better mate.”

  “You are sweet,” Caden smiled. “You should go take a shower; I’ll get us something to eat.”

  “Okay,” Kellan stepped away, giving Caden a smack to his ass. “I’m sure I can find the


  “Towels are right next to the shower.” Caden called over his shoulder. He looked in the pantry and found fresh bread; thank God for Claire. Caden chuckled and looked in the refrigerator, it was stocked as well. He grabbed the Camembert and Brie cheeses, as well as salad fixings. He heard a low whistling from the bathroom and smiled. “You have found the tub?”

  “Jesus, is this copper?” Kellan’s mouth dropped open.

  “Yes it is.”

  “How much did this set you back?” Kellan laughed.

  “Almost seventy thousand dollars.”

  Kellan coughed and almost choked. “I don’t even want to touch it now.”

  “It is just a tub,” Caden laughed. “Just get in it.”

  After a half an hour, Kellan came back fresh from the shower and looked at the kitchen table. A large salad bowl was filled with what looked like romaine lettuce, spinach leaves and cherry tomatoes. The smell of garlic filled the kitchen, as well as vinegar. Kellan sat down and looked at the loaf of bread.

  “Wow, this looks good.” Kellan t
ook a bite of one of the cheeses.

  “Eat as much as you want, there is more.” Caden smiled, filling a large bowl with salad.

  “You know how much I can eat right?” Kellan arched a brow.

  “I love that you have such a voracious appetite.” Caden sat back, munching on his bread.

  “It’s not just for food, either.” Kellan looked over Caden’s body; he was dressed casually in jeans and a t-shirt.

  Caden smiled wickedly. “Eat first; you will need your strength.”

  Kellan laughed and took a bite of his salad. It wasn’t a huge meal, but it was enough. Kellan sat back and looked at Caden sipping his wine. They talked about Caden’s job, which was really not a job, just fun. Kellan listened intently, while Caden told him how he came into so much money, how his life changed when his mother died and how he managed to survive when his father told him he’d fail. By the end of dinner, Kellan wanted to know every damn thing there was to know about Caden. They fell into bed after washing up and Kellan pulled Caden close to him. The bedroom window was open and the sound of waves crashing onto the shore was peaceful, as well as the warm breeze with the smell of lavender.

  “I already love it here.” Kellan kissed Caden’s forehead.

  “I’m glad.” Caden closed his eyes; he’d left everything to Kellan, all his money and properties. He was happy in the knowledge that Kellan loved the house, and hoped he would still love it once he was gone. Caden felt his throat constricting, he’d been ready to go, and then he met Kellan. “Good night, my love.”

  “Night Caden, I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  ~~Chapter Nine~~ Dakota sat with Wayne and Conner for the morning shift. Sam was on his way back and Sawyer and Troy were patrolling the road with Jagger and Xander. They were joined by Mateo and Josh overnight, and now the two of them sat on top of the house with tranquilizer rifles. Dakota heard rocks rolling down the embankment and looked up to see Alexander. He smiled and cocked his head to the side.

  “Not very stealthy,” Dakota winked.

  “I am not in wolf form.” Alexander whispered. The hair on his neck stood straight up and

  Dakota took a deep breath. “Oh my God, what is that?”

  Wayne stiffened as well. “You smell it, too?”

  Dakota looked up as Sam joined them. “Do you smell that?”

  “Smell what?” Sam looked at Dakota and Wayne. “I don’t smell anything but the air and Caden.” Sam motioned below to the beach below. A slight breeze wafted another scent, Sam inhaled deeply. “Oh God, now I do. What is that?”

  Wayne closed his eyes. “It’s Caden, he’s sick.” Wayne opened his eyes, looking at Alexander. “You should know anyone with my bloodlines has unique abilities.”

  Alexander couldn’t help the intake of breath; both Dakota and Wayne looked at him. “What?”

  “It’s the smell of death, Dakota,” Wayne narrowed his eyes at Alexander. “We can smell it, Alexander. Tell me now.”

  Alexander sighed. “He has cancer, a very aggressive cancer. It has spread throughout his body.”

  “Oh no,” Dakota looked at Caden smiling, as he walked barefoot down the beach.

  Sam heard a loud whistle, and looked up to see Mateo waving his rifle. “Something’s up.”

  Wayne shielded his eyes, scanning the beach. He moved closer to Conner. “You stay right by me, understood?”

  Conner nodded.

  ~~ Kellan woke up in bed alone; he went to the kitchen to find a note from Caden telling him to meet him down at the beach. Kellan changed and walked down the path, hearing the waves hitting the shore. He smiled, seeing Caden down the beach quite a ways down. Almost as if he sensed him there, Caden turned and gave him a brilliant smile. Kellan waved and started walking. His smile turned to horror as Carson flew out onto the beach, grabbing Caden.

  “No!” Kellan ran.


  Caden felt the arm across his throat and tried to breathe. “Carson, let go.”

  Carson’s eyes darted around the beach, the smell of werewolves hit him full force. “I see you’re not alone.”

  “No, I’m not.” Caden watched as men came down from the hill; one in particular looked very menacing. “That one does not look happy.”

  “Don’t come any closer, Wayne!” Carson shouted. “I’ll bite him!”

  Wayne stopped; Caden might not survive the bite, not with his immune system so weak. “Just let him go.”

  “No way, you’ll kill me this time.” Carson shook his head, growling as his eyes fell upon Conner.

  Wayne pulled Conner behind him, glaring at Carson. “Back off, Carson. Now. This won’t end well for you.”

  The sound of rapidly approaching feet had Carson turning in the direction of the sound. Kellan was almost on top of him. In a flash, his canines elongated and he bit Caden.

  “No!” Wayne shifted and sent a mental message to Dakota, who shifted seconds later.

  “Caden!” Kellan shouted. He ran into Carson, shoving him full force into the sand.

  All hell broke loose as Jagger and Taylor jumped on their father. Seconds later Mateo and Josh pumped Carson full of tranquilizers. The beach was pure chaos and the shouting was deafening. They all stopped as Caden’s roar of pain sliced through all of them. Kellan saw Caden on his knees in the sand, his hands out in front of him, his fists balled tightly. His face was one of pure agonizing pain.

  “Caden!” Kellan flew to Caden’s side. He was promptly knocked out of the way by Wayne and Dakota. “What are you doing?” Kellan shouted. He watched in horror as Wayne bit down on Caden’s throat and Dakota sunk his canines into Caden’s thigh. “What the hell!” Kellan felt a hand on his shoulder and he was being dragged away by Scott. “Let go!”

  Alexander grabbed Kellan. “They must do this Kellan, or Caden will surely die.”

  “What? No one dies from a werewolf bite!” Kellan shouted.

  “Kellan!” Alexander turned Kellan to face him. “They will if their immune system is compromised, their body is too weak to handle the change.”

  “What…what do you mean?” Kellan looked at Caden writhing on the sand. “Let me go to him.” Kellan ran to Caden’s side. “Oh God, Caden.”

  Caden tried to open his eyes but the heat was searing through every part of his body. He managed to open one and look at his arm. Where the vein was supposed to be blue under his thin skin, it was red. Fire was shooting up his arm at an incredible rate.

  “Kellan…” Caden opened both eyes to look at his lover’s face.

  “Oh God, I’m so sorry.” Kellan whispered.

  “I…” Caden’s body convulsed, his back snapped and he screamed in pain.

  “Oh God, Caden…” Kellan tried to hold him in his arms but Caden’s body was thrashing about. The change was different; Caden’s hands would form claws, and then go back to fingers, his skin rippled and hair grew then receded. Kellan winced, hearing bones cracking and Caden’s agonizing screams were hurting his heart. “Jesus!” Kellan looked at Alexander. “We have to help him!”

  Alexander shook his head sadly. “We cannot. I’m sorry Kellan, but it has to be like this.”

  “Why?” Kellan looked at Alex. “What aren’t you telling me?” Caden stilled in his arms and Kellan realized he’d stopped breathing. “No!” He put Caden down and started CPR.

  “Kellan…” Alexander started forward.

  “Don’t you come any closer!” Kellan shouted. He resumed CPR, giving Caden breaths. “Oh God, don’t leave me.” Caden remained lifeless and Kellan pumped his hand over his heart. “Come on! Don’t you dare fucking leave me, Caden! Do you hear me?!” Kellan’s hand came down hard in a fist on Caden’s chest and Caden’s eyes flew open. “That’s it, come on, take a breath.” Kellan wrapped his arms around Caden, crying. “Breathe, please…”

  “Kell…” Caden’s eyes closed and he felt his body exploding with heat.

  “Talk to me,” Kellan caressed Caden’s face.


  Kellan felt Caden’s body go limp, the panic hit and he searched for a pulse. It was there, going a mile a minute. Kellan looked up at the circle of werewolves around him. “What the fuck is going on?”

  Wayne looked at all the men. “Get Caden to the house; take Carson to the house as well. Keep him pumped full of that shit until I can get him out of here.”

  “Wayne,” Jagger looked at his alpha. “Why didn’t you just kill him?”

  “I know what you said Jagger, but family is family. He won’t be killed, but where he’s going he’ll be wishing he was.” Wayne looked down at Kellan. “Get Caden into a bed, he’s not done yet.”

  Kellan picked Caden up and looked at Alexander. “I want answers.”

  Alexander nodded. “I will give them to you.”

  They all turned to see Archer running with John, Sawyer and Troy, they all came to a stop and Archer looked at Carson down on the sand.

  “Well, I see he made it here.” Archer raised a brow.

  Sawyer looked at them. “He came in by sea; we didn’t realize it until we smelled it on the sand.”

  “Well, I see you guys had some problems.” Troy motioned to Caden in Kellan’s arms.

  Archer looked at the sky. “Let us get inside.”

  ~~ It was so quiet in the bedroom you could hear a pin drop. Caden’s body was shifting back and forth from wolf to human, as if trying to make up its mind. Kellan kept a cool wash cloth on Caden’s forehead, he was soaked in sweat and his body kept convulsing. Kellan looked up at Alexander.

  “What the hell is going on? Why is his body reacting like this?”

  Alexander sighed and rubbed his face. “Caden has a very aggressive form of cancer Kellan; he had maybe a few months left to live.”

  Kellan looked down at Caden on the bed. “Why didn’t he tell me?”

  “He wanted to live the last months of his life happily. I think he knew if he told you, you’d try to change him and he didn’t want you to have the guilt.”

  “Fuck that!” Kellan stood up. “I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about guilt! I would have saved him!”

  Dakota coughed softly and walked to Kellan’s side. “Look, you say that now, but those of us who have done it do feel guilt. I know I do over Sam and I know Sawyer does because of Troy. But even those were in the best of circumstances, if you could call it that, both Troy and Sam were in perfect health. Wayne explained it to me about Caden. Carson’s bite would have surely killed him, but because Wayne and I are different, Caden may have a chance.”


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