For the Love of Caden

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For the Love of Caden Page 11

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  James licked his lips slowly; they had suddenly gotten very dry. “I’m…yeah, I’m good I think. I need a shot of something though.”

  Derek nodded slowly. “Yes…alcohol is good right now.”

  Josh smiled wide. “I wish I had my camera.”

  Mark smacked his husband. “Go get them a shot, babe.”

  Riley giggled as Mateo wrapped his arms around him. “You should see your faces.”

  Wayne sat forward looking at both men; they seemed to be in shock. “Seeing as you are both government, you can see where discretion is the key here. I can’t have my boys exposed. The other alphas agreed that this had to happen; Sam and Troy still work for you and sometimes

  circumstances happen when the need to shift is a must. We felt it was better to have you in the loop, rather than out of it.”

  James nodded. “Yes, I understand. You have our word; we will never discuss what we have seen here today with anyone.”

  “Uh huh,” Derek tilted his head looking at Troy. “So you too, huh?”

  “Yep,” Troy smiled. “It’s kind of weird at first, you can hear everything and see further than before, smell ten times more. It takes some getting used to, but in the end, I’m here and alive thanks to my husband.”

  “Werewolves,” Derek shook his head smiling. “Just when I think I’ve heard it all.”

  James looked at the man in the corner and smiled. “I know you, you’re Caden Fournier.”

  “I am Caden,” Caden smiled. “And also a werewolf.”

  “Is anyone not a werewolf?” Derek raised a brow.

  “I’m not,” Josh raised his hand. “Mark and I as well as Mateo and Riley are still human.”

  James laughed. “If anyone could benefit from being a werewolf, it’s Josh.”

  “Hey!” Josh laughed.

  ~~ The fire was roaring, and so were the men in laughter, after two bottles of Jack Daniels lay empty on the coffee table. Wayne explained to the newest members, Kellan and Caden, what to expect from their newfound power. All in all, Derek and James had taken the news quite well, even laughing when Troy and Sam shifted in front of them. James rubbed behind Troy’s ears and smiled when he got a cold nose in his face.

  “I wonder why the fortune teller didn’t see this coming.” James smiled, petting Troy’s head.

  “Maybe she did,” Mateo shrugged his shoulders. “But the most important part was the love Troy would find in Sawyer.” Mateo kissed Riley. “And the love I found with Riley.”

  “And Sam with me.” Dakota kissed Sam on his nose.

  Josh grabbed Mark. “My surprising love.”

  “I’ll say.” Mark laughed softly.

  “Well gentlemen, it’s late.” Wayne stood up. “I have cabins set up for you guys, breakfast will be up at the lodge in the morning. If you need anything we have radios. Preston will accompany you to your cabins.”

  James stood up and stretched. “I am tired; I think the alcohol went straight to my head.”

  “Well, you and the general have the first cabin.” Preston smiled and grabbed his jacket.

  “Wait, we what?” Derek stood up in shock.

  “Bow chick a bow wow.” Josh snickered and then put on his serious face when both James and Derek raised brows at him.

  Preston giggled, zipping up his jacket against the cold. “Well, let’s go.” Preston opened the cabin door and waited for James and Derek to walk out. He followed out behind them and walked down the path. “So, you guys have the closest cabin in case you need anything.”

  “Like what?” James smiled.

  “Food, water, whatever.” Preston grabbed the keys from his pocket. “Wayne keeps them pretty much stocked though, so that stuff is already there.” Preston unlocked the cabin and flipped the switch on, illuminating the living room. “There’s wood next to the fireplace, one bedroom and the couch pulls out.” Preston handed them a radio. “If you need anything, just give us a call.” Preston smiled at the two men; they looked petrified. “Night.”

  “Yes, goodnight, Preston, and thank you.” James finally found his voice. The door shut leaving him and Derek alone, in a cabin, in the woods. “Um, you should probably take the bed, I’m shorter.”

  Derek looked at the couch then made his way into the bedroom. A queen sized bed sat against the wall and Derek swallowed hard. “Well, it’s not really the width so much as it is the length.” Derek felt James standing next to him, and looked down. “So couch or bed, really doesn’t make a difference. I’m going to start a fire and we can flip a coin for the bed.”

  James looked at the difference between the couch and the bed. “No need, I’ll take the couch.” James went to the small bathroom with his bag and removed his t- shirt and pants. He pulled on a pair of sweats and brushed his teeth. He was going to be alone with Derek. His heart hammered just thinking about it. He heard what sounded like cursing coming from the front room and rinsed his mouth out. He shut the bathroom door quietly and peeked around the corner. Derek was crouched in front of the fireplace trying to light newspaper on fire, except the match kept going out. James smiled and dug in his bag for a lighter; he bent down and handed it to Derek. “This might help.”

  Derek looked at the lighter and then up at James. He was shirtless, in sweat pants, shit. “Thanks.” Derek turned his attention back to the fireplace and finally got the newspaper lit. He turned to see James opening up the couch and helped him. A large blanket was folded neatly off to the side and Derek grabbed it, opening it up to fit the bed. “Are you going to be warm enough?”

  “With the fire and the blanket I should be.” James stretched his arms up and cracked his neck and back. He felt eyes on him and looked up to see Derek’s eyes fixated on his chest. “Derek?”

  “Yes?” Derek snapped his head up and looked at James’ eyes.

  “You okay?” James crawled onto the couch and pulled the blanket over his shoulders. He watched as Derek came over and sat on the edge of the couch. “What is it?”

  Derek’s hand hovered in front of James’ face before his fingertips closed the last remaining inches, touching the soft skin. “I missed you.”

  James closed his eyes as Derek’s fingers brushed across his cheek. “I missed you, too.” The fingertips moved across his cheek to his lips; James opened his eyes and looked into Derek’s. “What are you doing?”

  Derek pulled his hand back. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”

  James sat up and looked at Derek’s face, the eyes told him everything. Derek wanted him. “Why do you keep fighting this, Derek? I know you want me, and as more than a friend. I can see it in your eyes, you want to kiss me.”

  Derek sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “I…I can’t…I just can’t.”

  James rolled over on his side away from Derek. “It’s okay, I understand. Goodnight, Derek.”

  Derek stood up and looked at James on the couch. Yes he wanted him, more than anything he did. He just didn’t know how to make himself take him.

  ~Chapter Eleven~ When Derek woke up, James was gone. He took a quick shower and made his way towards the lodge, where Riley and Mark were standing out front. They both looked over at him and smiled, waving. Derek waved back and jogged the remaining distance.

  “Morning,” Derek looked at the lodge. “Is everyone already inside?”

  Riley took Derek’s hand. “James left this morning.”

  “What do you mean,left?”

  “He said something about work,” Riley gave Derek a sad smile. “But that wasn’t why, was it?”

  Derek heard more voices coming up the trail. Josh, Mateo, Troy and Sam were all joking around with Kellan and Caden. They stopped when they caught his eye and Derek sighed. Here comes the lecture. The men smiled as they passed him and all went inside, except for Josh.

  “Oh God, they left you to talk to me?” Derek sighed.

  Josh crossed his arms and fixed Derek with a look. “Yeah, they did. Want to know why?”

  “Do I have a c

  “No,” Josh pushed Derek onto the bench in front of the lodge. “You run into buildings with heavily armed men inside. You’ve been shot, stabbed, blown up and God help me I’ve never thought you were a coward, until now.”

  “Excuse me?” Derek stood up. “You’d better watch your fucking mouth!”

  “Or what?” Josh tilted his head. “You are in love with James Pruitt. You don’t even have to say it; all of us know it, Derek. You’ve done twenty-five years in the Army. You can retire and work solely with the team now, you know you can. Yet you stay in the Army because you can hide there. You think staying in gives you a reason not to tell the truth. The worst part is I know James loves you and he’s stupidly waiting for a man who can’t, or won’t, be with him. So either let him off the hook completely or reel him in and tell him you love him. Be with him, out in the open and fuck what anyone else thinks. Because if you don’t, you may just end up losing the one thing in your life you can’t live without.”

  Derek opened his mouth then closed it. He looked at Josh. The man was definitely angry. “When did you become such an asshole?”

  “The day we met.” Josh sighed and took a deep breath. “Just think about it Derek, don’t let James get away. You think I was ready for Mark? Look what I did. I ran away because, first off, I kissed the man after the abuse he’d been through, and secondly, I have fucked women my whole life. Don’t you think I was a little freaked out when I couldn’t stop getting hard around Mark? I’m in love with him; fuck Imarriedhim and I wouldn’t change one damn thing about the man. You love James and James loves you, although right now I have no idea why.”

  “Thanks,” Derek stood up and looked at Josh. “How long have you guys known?”

  “Forever Derek, it’s all over your face whenever you look at him. James is a good-looking guy, how long do you think he’s going to stay single?”

  Derek’s head snapped to attention at that statement. “Has he said anything?”

  “See, right there Derek, look at how you reacted to just the thought of James being with someone else. What will you do if he finally moves on and then you have to watch him with someone else?”

  Derek sat back down on the bench. “I haven’t thought about him with anyone else. I choose not to think that way. I’m deployed half the time and I can’t bear the thought of him with anyone else. I call him all the time.”

  “Yeah? Do you tell him you miss him? Or do you just talk about bullshit?”

  “I told him I missed him last night.”

  “And?” Josh crossed his arms.

  “And then I…” Derek looked up at Josh. “I fucked it all up.”

  “You have to go back. I suggest you fix this shit before you lose James altogether.” Josh sat down next to Derek and smiled. “Don’t let fear cloud your judgment, take what’s yours. Because you and I both know Jamesisyours.” Josh stood up and rubbed his hands together. “Now, let’s go eat before I pass out. My husband fucked my brains out last night and I need to recharge.”

  “Jesus Christ, Montgomery,” Derek stood up and chuckled.

  “Think about it, Derek - you and James,” Josh smiled and winked. “You belong together.”

  Derek sighed as Josh went into the lodge. He looked at the sky. He had a lot of thinking to do. ~~

  Caden sighed at the mountain of paperwork on his desk. He’d put it off thinking he’d be dead by the time it had to be dealt with. Now he had no choice. Kellan was back at work and he already missed him. They’d been back in Washington almost a week now and Kellan had moved in with him. They’d fucked in every room of the house and had started on the porch and beach. Caden smiled at the thought. Being with Kellan, everything fell into place. He’d always been a dominant lover; with Kellan he could be as rough as he wanted to. Kellan had promised him a run over the weekend and Caden was confident that he’d be able to shift back afterwards. His lupine side was strong, but he’d become stronger. A knock on his door had him looking up. Evangeline poked her head in.

  “Hey boss, is it okay to come in?” Caden smiled. “Get in here, how have you been my dear?”

  Evangeline pulled out a scan and put it on the desk. “Never been so happy to see a clear scan, not one trace of the cancer exists anymore.” Evangeline smiled sitting on the edge of the desk. “You and Kellan were fated to meet.”

  Caden picked up the x-ray and smiled. “I cannot believe it. Kellan told me it would be gone, but to see it for myself.” Caden shook his head. “It is truly a miracle.”

  “They offered me chief of staff at the hospital.” Evangeline waited for Caden to have a coronary. She’d been his doctor from the very beginning. “I’ll still be your personal physician.”

  “I am so happy for you!” Caden jumped up and hugged her hard. “You know I do not need a doctor now.” Caden’s smile faded. “What about Dr. Romasko? Is he aware?”

  “I haven’t told him yet,” Evangeline sighed. “I’m headed to the hospital now.”

  Caden smiled. “He is a strong alpha male Evangeline; I hope you know what you are doing.”

  “I’m not letting a man make decisions for me, Caden. Yes he’s gorgeous and smart and everything I have ever looked for in a man, but at the end of the day this is my career.”

  “That’s my girl!” Caden hugged her hard. “Now go, be a good doctor.” Caden smiled and smacked her ass. “I must call my man.”

  Evangeline smiled and made her way to the door. “Caden?”


  “I love you.” Evangeline blew him a kiss.

  “As I do you.” Caden winked. Caden picked up the phone and dialed Kellan’s cell, it rang twice before Kellan’s gorgeous, sexy voice came over the line and Caden hardened.

  “Hello baby,” Kellan chuckled.

  “You are the only one I allow to call me that.” Caden played with his tie as he smiled from ear to ear.

  “It’s because I’m good in bed isn’t it?”

  “That may have something to do with it. It could also be that you are fantastic looking and I cream my pants looking at you.”

  “Well now,” Kellan laughed. “You are picking up some American sayings aren’t you?”

  “Will you be home for dinner?”

  “Yes, I will be. I look forward to being alone with my man.”

  Caden smiled to himself. “I will make you something fantastic and we will have dessert in bed.”

  “Can’t wait, baby, love you and see you soon.”

  “Love you, too.” Caden hung up and couldn’t help his huge smile. This was what love felt like. He never wanted it to end.


  Alexander looked through the chart on one of his patients and sighed. The woman was not making as much progress as he had hoped she would. He placed the chart back in the door and exited the room quietly. Walking the silent hospital corridor he thought about the conversation he’d had with Wayne and Archer. It came as a shock to know that Wayne could heal with a drop of his blood without having to change the person into a werewolf. Wayne had passed that on and now Caden had the same power, as did Kellan. Alexander sighed; he was between a rock and a hard place. The

  responsibilities that came with the ability to heal the sick were more than he believed Kellan could carry. The man would kill himself trying to save everybody. Alexander entered his office and smiled when he saw Evangeline in the chair behind his desk.

  “Making yourself at home?”

  Evangeline stood up and smoothed out her skirt. “I wanted to talk to you about something.” “Could it be about the chief of staff position?”

  Alexander smiled when Evangeline looked

  surprised. “You do not need to talk to me about it, I

  recommended you.”

  “You what?” Evangeline sat back down. “None of the doctors here want the job, I asked

  beforehand. None of us want to be stuck behind a

  desk; we are doctors first. The others,” Alexander

  shrugged his s
houlders. “are not as qualified as


  “So you’re really okay with this?” Evangeline

  stood up and made her way around the desk. “Of course I am. I would not be smiling would I?” Evangeline gave her wicked smile. “You only

  have to take orders from me at work.” Evangeline

  ran her hand down Alexander’s chest. “I’ll take

  orders from you in bed.”

  “Oh my…”

  “Oh yes…”

  ~~ Kellan parked his truck on the side of the street; he shut the ignition off and looked up and down the block. The street was clear, no media vans. Kellan let out a sigh of relief and got out of the truck. Unlocking the front door, he smelled dinner and then heard the sounds of water. He dropped his bag off by the front door and followed the sounds to the bathroom. Caden was in the shower, surrounded by steam. Kellan’s mouth filled with saliva watching his boyfriend’s muscles flex as he washed his hair. He undressed and got in behind Caden, running his hands up and down his torso.

  “Hello, my love.” Caden leaned his head back, connecting with Kellan’s lips.

  “Mmm.” Kellan bit Caden’s lower lip, sucking it in. “You taste so good.” Kellan ran his hardened cock along Caden’s crease.

  Caden wrapped his arms behind Kellan’s neck and arched his back. “I want to feel you.” Spreading his legs out, Caden coaxed Kellan’s cock between his legs and slid down.

  “Ohhh fuck!” Kellan sunk into Caden in one thrust. He held onto the bathroom wall trying to steady himself as Caden grabbed the top of the shower door. Gripping Caden’s hips, Kellan began a slow fuck.

  Caden gripped the top of the shower and thrust back onto Kellan. His feet left the floor as Kellan gripped his hips, elevating him and fucking him at an angle. Caden’s teeth elongated and a loud growl rose from his chest; Kellan’s fingers tightened on his hips as the thrusting became pounding. Being slammed into the shower door was fucking turning him on beyond belief, Caden was afraid they’d break it. His orgasm spilled as Kellan’s exploded inside him. His feet back on the bathroom floor, Caden leaned against Kellan’s chest trying to regain his sanity. Kellan was stroking his still-sensitive cock as their lips met and Caden gripped Kellan’s hair, deepening the kiss.


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