Trouble in the White House

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Trouble in the White House Page 2

by Brenda Hampton

  “I won’t argue with you on that, and good luck on your new business venture, whatever it may be. I should be back in Washington no later than ten or eleven tonight, but I want you to consider doing something for me. Raynetta is having an LGBT gala at the White House next week. I would love for you to be my guest, and I’m sure Stephen would love to see you.”

  Ina knew how I felt about Raynetta; it was no secret. She could also sense that I was up to something, so she appeared reluctant to accept my offer.

  “I’m not sure if I should be in Stephen’s presence, Teresa. It’s been years since I’ve seen him, and it may seem awkward if I just all of a sudden showed up. Besides, I still have very strong feelings for him. And while I am more than satisfied with my current boyfriend, you know that Stephen will always have my heart.”

  “He may feel the same way. It’s just that he’s been so unhappy lately. He and Raynetta haven’t been getting along, and I thought it might take a woman like you to perk him up. I’m not recommending that you have sex with him or anything like that. By all means, he is a married man. But just show up. Be there for him. Talk to him, and let him know that you support him and still care. He needs that right now, and unfortunately, the love I have for him doesn’t seem like it’s enough.”

  Ina sighed, knowing that she couldn’t resist. “Let me think about it. I’m hesitating because seeing Stephen may also make me want to tell him about Joshua. I figure that’s the last thing you want, so that’s why it may be best for me to keep my distance.”

  “What I want doesn’t matter anymore. Think about what you want, and if this is the perfect opportunity for you to go get it, don’t hesitate to jump on it.”

  On that note, I left it right there. We hugged again, and then I watched Ina slowly walk toward the door, as if she was deep in thought. Raynetta thought that she was the only woman who had a figure that was out of this world, but she didn’t have anything on Ina. Her curvy hips had gotten wider over the years, but her tiny waistline was perfect. Her P-shaped ass could snap a man’s head to the side in a second, and as a longtime beautician, she kept her short pixie-cut style always on point. She was a winner for sure, and with her being Stephen’s first love, there wasn’t a chance in hell that I would come out on the losing end of my battle finally to rid my son of his lying, cutthroat, and vindictive trophy wife.

  First Lady,

  Raynetta Jefferson

  I hadn’t felt this amazing and free in a long time. Stephen and I had finally got our act together. There was plenty of lost time to make up for. I loved my husband with every fiber of my being, and it hadn’t dawned on me how much I had been putting his needs aside. I had become so bitter and angry about so many things. That included his mother, whom I hadn’t seen in weeks. It had been very peaceful around the White House lately, no denying that. Stephen had said she was alive, and that was good enough for me. He’d also mentioned a little spat they’d had. I was so proud of him for taking up for me, and for finally putting Teresa in her place. I was sure she didn’t appreciate what he’d told her, but maybe she would learn to stay out of our business and get some of her own.

  My assistant, Claire, and I had been in my office for hours, putting the final touches on the LGBT gala, which would be held in a few days. I was overly excited about it, and planning events like this was my specialty. Claire was excellent at event planning too, and every single thing that went on at the White House had her name written all over it. People raved about our parties, especially the media, which praised us for seeming to have it all together.

  “The only thing left for us to do,” Claire said, sitting across from me, with her legs crossed, “is to go over the guest list again, confirm names, addresses, Social Security numbers, and then give a final copy to the Secret Service. Other than that, the menu is done, and so is the itinerary for the night.”

  “Then that about takes care of everything. You did get in contact with the musician, Mr. Cook, didn’t you?”

  “Yes. He, along with all his band members, has already been cleared.”

  “Great. I’m looking forward to the gala. Stephen is too. I’m also glad that your sister and her wife will be joining us. I hope that your parents change their minds and decide to come.”

  “Not a chance in hell. They don’t approve of my sister being married to a woman, but who cares? My sister is happier than she has ever been, and she’s married to an amazing woman. They’re planning to adopt soon, and I couldn’t be happier for them.”

  “Awww, that’s so sweet. I’m sure that adding a child to their union will enrich their lives in ways they never thought possible.”

  “No doubt. And since we’re on the subject, and you and the president have been shaking things up quite a bit lately, when can we expect to have a little one around here? I hope I’m not being too nosy, but I’m pleased that the two of you have reconciled your differences.”

  I coughed, then reached for the bottled water on my desk. After taking a sip, I screwed the cap back on. “What makes you think we’ve been shaking things up around here, and who says that we’ve reconciled our differences?”

  Claire uncrossed her legs, then moved closer to me. She swooped her long hair behind her ears, then pointed to me as she whispered, “Because, my dear, there is only one thing that can cause a woman to glow like you’ve been glowing. Your entire demeanor has changed, and I haven’t seen you smiling like . . . like a Cheshire cat in a very long time. Not to mention all the lip smacking and body rubbing I’ve seen going on between you and the president these past few weeks. Plus, there has been no gossip about the president’s middle-of-the-night runs, so it’s pretty obvious that the two of you have patched up things.”

  I rolled my eyes and shook my head at the same time. “You all are so nosy around here. With all the work that needs to be done, how does anyone find time to keep tabs on me and my husband? And as for the baby thing, don’t get your hopes up. That’s not going to happen anytime soon.”

  Claire cleared her throat, then sat back in the chair, with her arms crossed. “Like it or not, you guys have an interesting life, one that is so intriguing to many people, including me. I’ll wear my nosy badge with great pride simply because I get a thrill out of working with you and knowing your every little move. Sounds horrible? Yes. And maybe I need to get a life, get a man, whatever. Until then, you are stuck with me, and there is nothing you can do about it,” she teased.

  “Yes, I can. I could fire you, but then the next assistant would come in and do the same thing. You’re so lucky that I like you, because if I didn’t, your nosy tail would be out of here.”

  We laughed. Then, as Claire handed me the long guest list, she inquired again about me having a baby.

  “I know you’ve been waiting to have a child, but I figured you would soon change your mind.”

  Normally, this subject was off-limits, but since I trusted Claire not to run her mouth about something so personal to me, I revealed how I truly felt.

  “I’ve given it much thought, but I’m still not there yet. And even though things have been going well between me and Stephen, I just can’t ever see myself having a child. I know how he feels about it, but this is my body. I can do whatever I decide to do with it.”

  “You’re absolutely right, but have you told him that you’re adamant about not having a child? And what about your birth control pills? Wouldn’t he know if you’re still taking them?”

  I bit my nail, thinking about a conversation I had with Stephen just last week. Out of the blue, he’d asked about my birth control pills. Trying not to spoil the mood, I’d said what I had to.

  “I told him that I stopped taking my pills. In actuality, I haven’t stopped, probably never will, or at least not until I’m a very old-ass woman with gray hair. I will let him know my final decision about not wanting a child. I hope that he understands why. If not, there’s not much that I can do. There is no compromise that I’m willing to make, and it’s not like he’s going to
divorce me over a decision that is mine to make.”

  “Well, it seems as if your mind is made up, so what else needs to be said, other than I think the two of you would have a beautiful baby? It would be a bless—”

  I quickly cut Claire off, feeling as if I had already shared too much information. “I’m done, Claire. Let’s direct our attention to the list.”

  We started going over the list, double-checking the spelling of names and everything else. We also examined the preferred seating arrangements. I paused when I saw Teresa’s name, along with that of one guest, Ina Monai Chatman.

  “Did my mother-in-law request that her name and one guest be added to the list? I don’t recall adding her,” I said.

  “Yes, she put in the request a few days ago. I didn’t think it would be a problem.”

  “No problem, but did she mention anything about her guest? More importantly, has her guest been cleared yet?”

  “I assume so, because I haven’t heard anything back yet from Homeland Security or the Secret Service. Teresa said Ms. Chatman was one of her friends who supported the LGBT community.”

  Trying not to be so ugly, I brushed it off. Ina was probably one of Teresa’s old uppity friends who sat around with her all night, gossiping and judging people.

  Claire and I wrapped up everything around noon. At three o’clock, I was scheduled to join four other first ladies at a new library in Washington, D.C. The library was named after one of the first ladies who had focused her time while in the White House on reading, writing, and higher education. I was delighted to attend the event and offer my support. It definitely made me think more about my own legacy. Stephen had suggested that I create my own legacy as well, but I just wasn’t sure what cause I wanted to dedicate my time to and totally get behind. This was still his first year in office, so I felt as if I had plenty of time to decide what I wanted to do.

  After glancing at my watch, I made my way to the second level of the White House. I had only a few minutes to chill before I had to get ready and go to the library. My mind was all over the place. Wondering where Stephen was, I reached for my cell phone in my pocket. I was about to send him a text message, but as I stood in the Center Hall, right in front of the Yellow Oval Room, I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up, and to my surprise, I saw Teresa sitting in a chair next to the fireplace. A fake smile covered her face, and as usual, she was dolled up, as if there was a party going on. Pearls were draped around her neck, her salt-and-pepper hair was styled in a layered cut, her makeup was flawless, and the white linen pantsuit she wore would look better on someone like me. I refused to pay her a compliment; the least I could do was speak.

  “Hello back,” she said from a distance. “And why are you still standing in the hallway? I’m not contagious, and I promise you that I don’t bite.”

  I wasn’t sure why she was being so friendly, and in no way did her fake kindness move me. I did, however, want to know why she was here. I walked into the room to address her.

  “I never said you were contagious, but I do have somewhere to be soon. I’m surprised that you’re here, especially after the unfortunate, brutal argument I heard you had with Stephen.”

  She threw her hand back, as if it were nothing. “Yeah, well, we do have our differences at times, as do the two of you. But like always, he respects his mother more than he does anyone. He apologized to me, and I accepted. I told him that I was still concerned about my safety, and that I thought it would be wise for me to stay here for at least another month, maybe two. He encouraged me to stay for as long as I wanted to, so here I am. I thought it may be a good opportunity for you and me to kind of squash our little beef, especially since you and Stephen seem to be getting along a little better these days.”

  I wanted to throw up. Stephen hadn’t mentioned any of this to me. And why would he want her to stay here, knowing what a pain in the ass she was? This seemed like a no-win situation for me. For him to apologize to her was ridiculous. She should have been the one apologizing to us. I just didn’t get it, and I hated for her to see how much she had gotten underneath my skin. The frown on my face said it all. The smirk on hers implied mission accomplished.

  “Yes, we are getting along a lot better, and this time, no one will be permitted to interfere. So stay as long as you want. Just stay out of my way, and please stop being so fake.” Having nothing else to say to her, I turned to walk away.

  She released a cackling laugh. She always had to have the final word, so I wasn’t surprised when she spoke. “Being a bitter bitch suits you well. And when you get back this evening, meet me in the Queens’ Bedroom. That’s where I will be, because I’m the number one lady in this house. We have so much to talk about, and trust me when I say the news I want to share with you is going to knock your socks—well, your dirty panties—off. Until then, have fun and tell the other first ladies I said hello.”

  Ignoring her silliness, I kept it moving. But the second I entered the Master Bedroom, I reached for my cell phone to call Stephen. Thankfully, he answered.

  “Make it quick, baby. I just arrived at the Pentagon for a meeting,” he said.

  “I’ll try to make it quick, but why is your mother here? She’s already causing trouble, and I think it would be best if she stayed at her own house. The Secret Service can certainly watch over her there.”

  “They can, but I kind of feel as if it is my duty to make sure she’s protected, considering all that has happened. I’m still concerned about her drinking as well, and I know that she hasn’t fully recovered. She told me how she feels about being alone. Having family around, especially me, may help to put her at ease.”

  All I could do was shake my head with disgust. That manipulative heifer had Stephen wrapped around her finger.

  “No matter where she lives, she’s going to drink what she wishes. You don’t have time to babysit her, Stephen, and I don’t know why you don’t—”

  “When all is said and done, she’s my mother. That will never change. I know how you feel, but please do not spend your time worrying about her. Focus on us, like you’ve been doing, and everything will be fine. Now I have to go. I’ll be home real late, so enjoy the rest of your day and get some rest.”

  Like I said, this was a no-win situation. He just didn’t get it, but what the hell ever. I sighed before telling him I loved him.

  “Love you too.”

  The call ended, and several hours later, I found myself in the presence of some of the most remarkable women, all of whom I had so much respect for. We laughed, talked, and also gossiped about unforgettable things that had occurred in the White House. I could only smile when one of the oldest first ladies reached for my hand and held it in hers as she offered me some sound advice.

  “Stay strong. Always smile for the cameras and let no one see you perspire. Behind closed doors, fight for what is rightfully yours, and make sure your husband knows that you are the real commander in chief, not him. Now let’s go take these beautiful pictures for the history books yet to be written.”

  With great pride, I stood before the photographers as I held hands with the two other first ladies at my side. The cameras flashed for several minutes, and no matter how I felt inside, you’d better believe I was smiling.

  President’s Mother,

  Teresa Jefferson

  Unfortunately, Raynetta never did come to the Queens’ Bedroom to chat with me that evening. I had planned to show her the photo album I had been keeping of my grandson for years. I wanted her to know about him first simply because I knew she wouldn’t have the guts to tell Stephen about Joshua. She would keep it a secret, and it would just be one more thing for him to be upset with her about, in addition to her flat-out refusal to have his child and her secret meetings with his enemies.

  What Raynetta didn’t realize was the walls in this place talked. So did that bigmouthed assistant of hers, and it didn’t surprise me when the head chef, Frank, mentioned what Claire had said to one of his staff members. Since
I had been whipping up some of my own dishes in the kitchen, Frank and I had gotten real close. He didn’t move me with his cooking, but for a fifty-eight-year-old man, his sex was pretty good. I needed some sweet loving from time to time, and I could never resist a man who was tall, midnight dark, buffed, and handsome. He was extremely polite, and his kindness reminded me of those house Negros back in the day who happily served their masters. He had a thick Southern accent too. I had nothing against him, but there were men who were what I considered too damn nice.

  “Ah,” he said, relieved, as he got off me and moved next to me in bed. “Is there anything . . . anything else I can get you, other than another orgasm?”

  Since I had faked the last one, there really was nothing else he could get me. “No, but what you can do is give me some space. You know you can’t sleep here, so go ahead and retreat to your sleeping quarters and rest well. You have a big evening ahead of you, and I can guarantee you that the first lady is going to keep you and your staff very busy at the gala later tonight.”

  “I reckon that she will. And, hopefully, you and I can finish up soon.”

  Frank kissed my cheek before yanking the covers aside. As he sat on the edge of the bed, my eyes examined the muscles in his back and his broad shoulders. Even the back of his thick neck was sexy, and his strong hands worked wonders on my body. I had finally found a big, southern, pork chop–eating man who could satisfy my every need.

  As he took his time getting off the bed, I kneeled behind him. With my slightly sagging breasts pressed against him, I rubbed his back and massaged his shoulders.

  “You feel tense,” I said. “Maybe you need a warm bath and a relaxing body rub before you go.”

  Frank turned his head in slow circles, making his neck crack. As I began to plant soft kisses against his neck, he closed his eyes.


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