Trouble in the White House

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Trouble in the White House Page 21

by Brenda Hampton

  Nearly five hours later, thankfully, the men were caught. But as they surrendered by lowering their weapons and holding their hands up in the air, the officers unloaded their weapons, killing the men dead in the street. The video of this played over and over again on television. Everyone who had something to say found a way to say it. The TV reporter talked to a number of people on the street to get their opinions.

  “The officers didn’t have a choice. One of the men looked as if he was moving forward.”

  “If you look closely at the video, you can see that the one on the left had a knife in his hand.”

  “Those men surrendered! They deserved to have a trial, just like everyone else in this country.”

  “How can anyone defend what we all witnessed with our own eyes? Those officers are no better than the men who killed those women.”

  “They were thugs. What’s the big deal?”

  Everybody weighed in. In an effort to calm a nation that was overwhelmingly divided on many issues, I went to the podium in the press briefing room to speak. Feeling the way I felt, I wasn’t sure if the message I attempted to convey about peace, responsibility, and accountability was received well or not. But in the moment, it was all I could do. I was exhausted—everyone could tell. Even Michelle. This was apparent to me when I glanced at her before stepping away from the podium. I was midway down the corridor when Sam rushed after me and told me that Michelle wanted to speak to me. I refused without providing an explanation.

  I went to the bedroom, where there seemed to be a little peace and quietness. Raynetta wasn’t there, and this time, some of her clothes had been removed from the closet. With my suit still on, I climbed in bed, placed my hands behind my head, and stared at the ceiling. I struggled to close my eyes and go to sleep, and I was lucky to get at least three hours in.

  * * *

  Later that week, things started to simmer down. I left Washington to go survey the hurricane damage on the East Coast. To say it was one big mess was putting it mildly. Many people shared stories with me about how horrific the storm was, and so many others were just thankful to be alive. I offered my support by making a promise to the people that their government would not leave them hanging.

  “Thank you so much for coming,” the governor from North Carolina said when she greeted me at the Red Cross. She was a woman who definitely had her hands full. Everyone was counting on her to utilize the state’s emergency funds appropriately, and with money pouring in from all around the country, I was optimistic about things getting back to normal soon.

  “No need to thank me,” I said to the governor as we sat down to get a bite to eat. “I’m just glad I’m in a position to help.”

  As the governor and I ate, people took pictures with us and commended me on doing a great job. Some even offered me advice, but as I said before, no one really knew what it was like to work in the Oval Office every day. When the governor and I were in the middle of a conversation with a lady who had just lost everything, my phone kept vibrating, so I excused myself and stepped away to answer it. It was my mother. I hadn’t heard from her in several weeks. After we dug Joshua’s grave, I’d told her to take a vacation, not to disappear completely.

  “Where have you been?” I whispered into the phone.

  “I’ve been busy. I told you that the two of us needed to talk, and I hope you’re prepared for what I need to say to you.”

  “I’m always ready. I’m sure it won’t be anything different.”

  “It will be, and before I go any further, what’s up with you and Raynetta?” she quizzed. “The media is reporting that she may have left the White House. Some speculate that she’s been with Alex. The media lies so much, but is any of that true?”

  In no way would I tell my mother what was going on between Raynetta and me. “I don’t know why you would ask me anything about what the media says. Raynetta decided to take some time away from the White House to deal with Claire’s death. She took it real hard. She knows what you did, and that makes it even harder.”

  “I guess you didn’t share why I did what I did. If she knew, maybe she’d be singing a new tune. Then again, we are talking about Raynetta. She’s always looking for something to whine about. I wish she would grow the hell up, and I hate that you’re married to such a weak, whining b—”

  “Mama, I have to go,” I said, interrupting her. “If you have something that you need to speak to me about in person, you know where to find me.”

  “I do, but before you go, have you heard anything about that crazy woman who said she wants to sue me for a million dollars?”

  “That’s been settled, thanks to me. Now, I have to go. I’m in North Carolina, looking at all the damage from the storm. It’s horrific. Pray for these people, all right?”

  “You know I will. I’m going to pray for you too, because you are heading toward a storm too.”

  My mother left it at that. What she didn’t know was my storm had been brewing for a long time. I was surprised that she hadn’t mentioned Joshua—that was, indeed, strange.

  By six o’clock that evening, I was on my way back to Washington. I had been getting updates from Andrew throughout the day, and when he told me Michelle had been trying to reach me, I asked him if he knew why.

  “I didn’t inquire. She spoke to Sam, told him that it was urgent. If you would like for me to have him call you, I will.”

  “That won’t be necessary. But do me a favor, please.”

  I told Andrew what it was; he said he would get on it right away. When I returned to the White House, he was in the Oval Office waiting for me.

  “The children left with the grandmother,” he said in reference to my favor. “And Lenny will take you there whenever you’re ready. As for the other thing you requested, I’m not sure of Alex’s location. That may take more time for me to investigate. The first lady, however, has been at a nearby hotel.”

  I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. I thanked Andrew and encouraged him to continue his investigation.

  “Before you go,” I said, “I don’t want any of the facts leaked to the media. People are only speculating about Raynetta, but please continue to say that she has had a hard time with Claire’s death and is taking time for herself.”

  “I will keep everything on lock. But tell me this. Are you and the first lady on the verge of a divorce? That wouldn’t be good, Mr. President, especially if it has anything to do with Alex.”

  “I can’t answer that right now. That’s all I can say, and I don’t wish to elaborate on Alex,” I replied.

  “Okay. Have a good night, sir, and be safe.”

  Andrew left the Oval Office, and within the hour, so did I. It was almost one in the morning when Lenny drove me to Michelle’s place. On the drive there, my thoughts were deep. I knew that if Raynetta and I were serious about correcting our marriage, we had been going about things the wrong way. And the truth was, both of us had been unhappy with each other for a long time. She wasn’t willing to let go of certain things about me, and to some extent, I was still holding on to certain things pertaining to the past too. I hated that this was what it had come to, and after so many attempts to straighten up our acts, I had lost all faith that we could do it. Especially after what she had done with Alex. I couldn’t even imagine a day or time when I would be able to let that go. Then again, who knows? I was speaking for today. And today I wanted to be in the presence of a woman who made me feel as if I mattered.

  Lenny and I stood outside of Michelle’s door, but neither one of us knocked.

  “Open it,” I said to him.

  He used a small instrument in his hand to maneuver the lock. When the door squeaked open, he backed away.

  “I don’t need you to stay,” I said. “I’ll call you when I’m ready.”

  Without hesitation, Lenny walked away. I went inside, then locked the door behind me. The first thing I saw was the TV on in the living room area. An empty wineglass was on the coffee table, and n
ext to it was Michelle’s cell phone, a book, and several notebooks. I walked over to the coffee table, then picked up one of her notebooks. Written inside it was a list of names and phone numbers. Most of the names belonged to men; only three were women’s names. I laid the notebook on the table, then picked up her cell phone. Keeping in mind the names I had just read in the notebook, I searched through the names and numbers on her phone. I paused when I reached the tenth person, but before I got busted, I laid the phone down.

  I took my time as I made my way down the hallway, making every effort to be quiet, but my leather shoes made the hardwood floors squeak. I didn’t know if Michelle was awake or not, but when I entered her bedroom, I heard light snoring. The recessed lighting was dim, so I could see her lying in bed. She rested mostly on her stomach, with her leg lying on a pillow. The silk gown she wore clung to her sexy frame. Right next to her were several magazines and a newspaper. The front-page headline read FIRST LADY HAS LEFT THE WHITE HOOSE. I had already read the article; it had pissed me off, even though it was partially true. I figured Michelle probably hoped all of it was true, but I doubted that she would mention it.

  I moved closer to the bed, then put the magazines and the newspaper on the floor. I looked at Michelle again, wondering why a woman this beautiful, sexy, and smart was sleeping all alone. I regretted that the only option she probably thought she had was me, especially when she was capable of having so much more. I had already informed her that I could never give her what she deserved. That was still the case, and after tonight I doubted that would change.

  Making the next move, I began to remove my clothes. I slipped on a condom, and as soon as I got on the bed, I lay over her backside. My hand crept around to her mouth, only because I knew she would scream when she woke up. That she did, but the sound was muffled.

  “Shhh,” I said, whispering in her ear. “It’s me. Calm down. It’s only me.”

  She silenced herself; I felt her tense body relax. That was when I removed my hand from her mouth.

  “You . . . you scared the hell out of me, Stephen. How did you get in here?”

  “You left the door unlocked.”

  “No I didn’t.” She was still a bit startled, and she kept taking deep breaths to calm herself. “Feel how fast my heart is racing. You just don’t know how scared I was. Don’t ever do that again.”

  “I didn’t mean to scare you. Sorry, okay? But just so you know, I didn’t come here to feel your racing heart. I came to feel something else.”

  I inched her gown above her hips, then lowered my hand to her inner thighs. I massaged them for a few seconds, and then I lightly pinched her shaven, damp folds. My fingers separated her slit, which was also being toyed with by the top of my head. It was right at the entrance, throbbing and ready to break right in. I placed delicate kisses on the nape of her neck, then whispered in her ear. “What was so urgent? Tell me what you wanted.”

  She lowered her hand to show me. She grabbed my steel, then forced it inside of her. “It was urgent for me to feel this. I wanted you, all of you and every inch of this.”

  I removed my fingers so I could push my lengthy muscle farther into Michelle’s tight pocket. She gasped, and as I slow-stroked her from behind, she moved her hips to a tranquilizing rhythm, working with me. The smooth pace continued for a while.

  “Mmm, I . . . I want to tell you something,” she said, changing positions.

  She rolled on her back, and that was when I was able to remove her nightgown, which was in the way. I pressed my naked body against hers, and after going back in, I satisfied my hunger even more by sucking her firm breasts. Her legs and arms were wrapped around my back; she rubbed it so well with the tips of her fingers. I appreciated the feeling, and I dug deeper and reached her G-spot. She cried out for me to look at her, so I backed away from her breasts to do just that. I searched her eyes, which were filled with nothing but love for me. She didn’t have to say it; I could see it.

  “I don’t know what is going on with you,” she said softly. “But I’ve been watching you on TV, and I’ve heard about some of your troubles. I want you to know that I am here for you. Not just for this, but for whatever you need from me. I’m not ashamed or afraid to say that I love you. Even if it doesn’t matter, at least you know.”

  For the first time tonight, we kissed. We kissed passionately. We had sex for what seemed like hours. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, and I was willing to admit to Michelle one thing, simply because I knew I had other options.

  “I’m not solely here for convenience,” I said as she straddled the top of me. “And this could very well be a different ball game if the facts weren’t what they are. I don’t want to spell them out right now. I would rather you just keep on doing what you’re doing and send me to sleep with a smile on my face.”

  Michelle honored my wishes. And what seemed like many hours later, I woke up, squinted, and looked around the room. The curtains were closed, but a sliver of light came in from the outside. My clothes were lying neatly on a chair; the spot next to me was empty. I removed the thick blanket that covered me, and after putting on my slacks and shoes and tossing my shirt over my shoulder, I went to look for Michelle. She was in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. I smelled the maple syrup and could see her scrambling eggs. Two plates were on the marble-topped kitchen island, which stood in the center of the floor, with several stools surrounding it. Michelle’s back faced me. She was wearing a short silk robe, revealing her legs, which looked like they had been dipped in creamy milk chocolate. I crept up from behind and wrapped my arms around her waist. Yet again, she was startled.

  “You really shouldn’t do that, but I forgive you,” she told me. “Only because I’m standing here feeling so lucky that the president broke into my home and made love to me. And now I have the pleasure of cooking you breakfast. What a morning, and a good one at that.”

  With the front of Michelle’s robe being open, I could feel her nakedness. I turned her around to face me, then wrapped my arms around her again. She placed her arms on my shoulders.

  “I don’t think I’ll have time for breakfast, but thanks for being so kind. Sometimes, even kind people want something in return. I really want to know what that is, because I know there will come a time when you will refuse to go on like this,” I said.

  Before responding, Michelle leaned in to deliver a passionate kiss. She wiped her wetness from my lips and then gave me her answer.

  “Like it or not, I’m going to be real honest with you. I want you to get a divorce. Not necessarily for me, but more so for yourself. You are a gifted man, Stephen, and you have an opportunity to go on and do many great things. But something or someone is holding you back. I don’t know if that’s Raynetta, but you know better than I do. I just want the best for you, and just so you know, I don’t have any fantasies about moving myself and my children into the White House. That’s not my goal, nor is it my ambition to hurt your wife. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. I needed you just as much as you needed me. For as long as you do, I’m here, loving you from a distance, until you decide what is truly best for you.”

  I responded with a tight hug and a lengthy kiss that left her speechless. Then again, so did my next words.

  “I appreciate a woman who is honest, and I love the way you just put all of that into perspective. But if you really want to be honest, I want you to think long and hard about what I’m going to ask you. I’m sure you won’t be able to answer this right away, but give me a call later, once you’ve had time to think about it. Okay?”

  Michelle nodded while displaying a smile on her face.

  “I want to know why you’ve spoken to my mother on numerous occasions. Why is her name and home address written in your notebook? What are the two of you up to, and why in hell would you get involved with anything relating to her?”

  Michelle stood stock-still, as if cement had been poured over her. I removed her arms from my shoulders before backing away from her.
She opened her mouth, but no words came out.

  I placed my finger over my lips. “Shhh. Think before you speak, because saying the wrong thing could hurt you more than it will hurt me. Call me when you’re ready to, as you say, be honest.”

  I walked around Michelle and smacked her ass hard before exiting. I couldn’t help but think about what I’d told Raynetta about not trusting anyone. Not one single person. I could only hope that she had been paying attention like I had.

  President’s Mother,

  Teresa Jefferson

  Shit was about to hit the fan. I meant what I’d said about not wasting time and finding my grandson. And what I’d discovered over the past few weeks had led me straight to Mexico. I had disguised myself a little; therefore, Ina, her boyfriend, and, to my surprise, Levi hadn’t known who I was. I had watched them celebrating as if someone had gotten married. Drinking margaritas, sipping wine, and dancing the night away. This had all been a total shock to me, but after Joshua’s grave was dug, many things about Ina had been disturbing me.

  First of all, I wondered where she’d gotten the money to pay an attorney. I also thought about how much she had fought Stephen not to open the casket. Her crocodile tears and dramafied reaction had been a bit too much for me that day, and when that heifer had pulled up in a brand-new Mercedes, I’d had to ask myself what in the hell was going on. I had then watched her for several days. She and her boyfriend had shopped at some of the finest stores in St. Louis, had gone to exquisite restaurants, and had even gone house hunting. Not in St. Louis, but while in Mexico.


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