Only If You Dare (Falling For A Rose Book 3)

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Only If You Dare (Falling For A Rose Book 3) Page 2

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “How’d it go? It was really quiet I couldn’t hear anything.”

  Julian moved behind me, and I could feel his towering height against my back. I closed my eyes briefly and held a moan in check. Santana brightened at the sight of him, and she took a step back.

  “I, um, didn’t get a chance to tell him.”

  Her brows banged together. “What happened?”

  “I’ve got another assignment.”

  She didn’t respond right away, probably deciding that this was a conversation for a later time since we were standing in the boss’s doorway.

  “We’ll talk about it at lunch,” Santana said.

  I held my hand out to her. “About that…”

  God this is the last place I needed to be. I glanced around the large Hilton Hotel suite admiring the elegance of its interior. Sitting in a luxurious leather Barcelona chair, I pulled my leg up crossing it over my thigh and settled into the comfort of the soft material. Bringing my focus back to Julian, my limb bounced as I waited for him to answer my question.

  His dark gray eyes stilled as he followed the spring of my leg, and I hoped I was making him as uncomfortable as he made me. I had many talks with myself on the drive over, once I found out lunch would be in his suite, my belly tossed. Suddenly, I was as warm as an oven. But, I managed not to stare at his smooth-shaven face no matter how bad his enticing mouth beckoned me to.

  Straightening a bit in my seat, I reverted to my question. “I’ll take that as a no.”

  Finally, his gaze left my legs and came back to my face; but not without riding the swell of my thighs, breasts, and lips first. I made it a point not to squirm at the ripple of chills crawling up my skin.

  “No, it’s not a coincidence that I’m in Houston. Mr. Walls has been on my radar for a few years now, wanting to get first dibs on a spread.”

  Mr. Walls being my boss, Fredrick Walls the third. “So, what made you finally give in?”

  His fingers coiled together and sat in a fist on top of the table as he leaned in. “Let’s just say, I’ve been given a little motivation to help Mr. Walls out.”

  I wanted to question him further, but didn’t want to push the bounds of the professional space we were working in. He offered no more explanation, so I didn’t press him about his sudden appearance in my city.

  “Is there a problem, Ms. Stevens?”

  “Not at all,” I adjusted myself in the seat. “It’s just the last time I saw you was at Jaden and Claudia’s engagement dinner in Chicago. It seems,” I hesitated wondering if I should move forward with my thought.

  “You’re free to speak, Ms. Stevens. Tell me, what does my appearance here in Houston seem to you?”

  Exhaling lightly, I reached over to my briefcase and pulled out a note pad and ink pen.

  “I’m good,” I said. “How about you tell me where the idea of shooting a spread in Dubai resonated from.”

  His eyes fell to my notepad then back to my face. “Are you sure that’s what you want to know, Ms. Stevens?”

  “Julian…” I said. He quirked an eyebrow. “It’s okay if I call you Julian, right?”

  “I would prefer it.”

  “You don’t have to call me Ms. Stevens. We’ve been on a casual name basis since I saw you sitting next to my mother in her hospital room.”

  A wide grin trudged across his lips. “I wasn’t sure if it would be apropos in this particular situation. However, if you’re fine with it, so am I.”

  “I’m fine with it,” I quipped. I’m fine with whatever you want, I thought. When Julian pulled his lip in with his teeth, I wondered if it was for the same reason that I did - to hold back the urge to jump his bones right here and now.

  “Are you seeing someone, Desiree?”

  The question caught me off guard. “I, um, no. You do mean as in am I dating someone?” I couldn’t believe I was stuttering like a buffoon. To make matters worse, my unease amused him as his lips held a shadow of a smile.

  “Yes, that’s what I mean.”

  “I’m dating, but nothing serious at the moment.”

  So I told a small fib. I didn’t want Julian to think I had no takers. The gentle smile left, and his face became expressionless. I wondered where his mind went, then decided to play it safe and get back to business. Any more of his invasive stare and we’d use this room to do what it was meant for. I know I sound like a horny teenager, but I’d never been affected by another human being the way Julian affected me.

  It felt dangerous and roguish like I could marry him now and live happily ever after. Some people might call that love at first sight, but I thought it was downright looney. I wouldn’t try and explain the temerarious emotions that assaulted me. I’d just do what I do best. Ignore them. My only concern was if I could withstand a trip to Dubai with him and not give in to those carnal inhibitions. One thing was for sure; I needed a drink.

  “So, about my earlier question. What gave you the idea of shooting a spread in Dubai?”

  “Dubai is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and I’ve had the pleasure of meeting the Prime Minister. He’s invited A Few Good Men to model a catalog for their top modeling agency and when the Prime Minister calls, you answer.”

  “I see.” My cell phone rang, and we both pulled out our phones to check the screen. I silenced it then placed it back in my briefcase.

  “Is that one of your dates?” Julian asked abruptly.

  Again, he took me by surprise with his query. “Why do you want to know?”

  “The same reason I want to know why you moved to Houston and what’s keeping you here.” I raised a questionable brow. “You intrigue me, Desiree. Do you know why that is?”

  I honestly had no idea. I was just about as interesting as a singing frog. The doorbell rang, saving me momentarily. Julian rose to his feet and strolled to the door. I couldn’t help myself from undressing him with my eyes, and I wondered if he did the same to me. Julian allowed what I assumed was room service to enter with silver trays adorned with food.

  “Desiree, this is Lawrence, my personal chef. He’s endured long days and nights of me shuffling him around from city to city, and I wouldn’t give him up for the world.”

  “Oh sir, you’re too kind. I don’t mind being shuffled at all. Seeing the world while cooking your favorite dishes, who could have a problem with that, eh?”

  I smiled and shook my head in agreement. “I’m with you there. What do you have for us Lawrence? If you don’t mind me asking.”

  “Oh no, no, not at all.” Lawrence removed one of the silver tray tops and steam fled from the dish.

  “Mmmm, that smells delightful.”

  Lawrence smiled bright. “It’s shrimp fettuccini and crab cake with a side of fresh Caesar salad. Would you mind if I made you a plate?”

  “I would feel exiled if you didn’t. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until you mentioned it.”

  Julian and Lawrence chuckled. He fixed our plates, poured glasses of wine, then saw himself out.

  “I don’t know if I should be drinking in the middle of the day,” I said. I was being modest. I favored white wine, probably more than I should have.

  “You’re more than welcome to have something else. Water, lemonade, sweet tea?”

  “No it’s fine, I’m beginning to feel bossy.”

  “It would be my pleasure to serve you, Desiree.”

  A spark of heat crawled up the middle of my back and spread over my shoulders. If the hungry gaze in his eyes was an indication that Julian wanted me and not the food, I wasn’t sure how long being able to hold out would work. Then I had a thought. Why was I holding out? I hadn’t had sex in years; since that last mistake I dated. But deep inside, I knew what it was. I didn’t want to seem easy with him. For whatever reason, I wanted to make a good impression on Julian. I was still trying to figure out why I cared.

  “I’ll take sweet tea,” I said.

  He made his way to the connecting kitchen giving me an extensive loo
k at his broad back. I picked up my wine glass and took a sip anyway, but quickly put it down when the sweet alcohol raced down my throat causing more heat to stream inside me. Wrong move, I thought pushing the glass to the side. The last thing I needed was heat.

  When Julian returned, he noticed the purple lip stain on the glass and smirked but did not comment.

  “You know what, on second thought…” I lifted the glass and took a bigger sip then chased my lips. “Tell me, Julian, why’d you want to know if I’m dating anyone?”

  He sat down getting comfortable at the table in front of me.

  “Because Desiree,” he said. “I have plans for you.”

  Chapter Three

  I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face. I’m sure it was unprofessional and naughty by nature. Nevertheless, there it was; bold and daring. My reaction must have pleased Julian because his lips also spread, showing off a set of beautiful white teeth. I thought about my response before letting words fly out of my mouth. I uncrossed my legs and shifted in my seat crossing the opposite leg. His eyes followed my motion and I tried not to squirm.

  “What are these plans, Julian?”

  “To be quite frank, Desiree, you’ll be touring with me overseas for several weeks. You’ll accompany me in just about every aspect of the day. I don’t know a man who would be willing to allow his lady to be escorted around town, never mind across the country with another man.

  The thought of being connected to Julian’s side for weeks teased me. That voice in the back of my head was a constant haunting; telling me I would never go that long without stepping across the professional lines. But I was set to prove it wrong; even if I lay in bed at night with wet dreams dancing through my head. There must have been a number of women in line to be at Julian’s request. I wouldn’t make myself one of them. But inwardly, I was a bit disappointed that his inquiry wasn’t for other reasons.

  “I’m not seeing anybody steady, but if I was, I’m almost certain, Fredrick would pay my boyfriend to chill out and let me go anyway.”

  A sexy rumble fled from him, and his massive manicured fingers reached for the glass of water sitting on the table top. Julian’s watchful gaze stayed with me as he sipped, and I envied the water that wet his tongue before it swiped his mouth.

  “I take it that you don’t care for your boss very much.”

  I was cautious with my words. “He’s alright.” I shrugged.

  A hearty laughed escaped Julian. “I like your honesty.”

  “Hey, if this relationship is going to work we need honesty, don’t we?” I thought about my statement and corrected myself. “Our working relationship, I mean.”

  “Every relationship needs honesty, albeit professional or not.”

  “I agree.”

  Our gazes held then Julian spoke again.

  “Do you have a passport, Desiree?”

  “Do I need one?”

  “It would be accommodating if you did, but if you don’t, we can claim a visitor visa.”

  “I have one, but I’m not sure if it’s expired since I haven’t had the chance to use it.”

  “So, you haven’t been out of the country before?”

  “Going with you will be my first.”

  An easy smile registered on him. “Hopefully there will be many more firsts with me, Desiree.”

  The atmosphere around us fused. It was as if someone lit a match and tossed it on a grill. Normally, I was pretty outspoken, but whatever this was with Julian felt like uncharted territory.

  Our conversation mellowed out as we ate our lunch, only speaking a few words here and there. I stole glances his way only to find him intently watching me. I offered up a cozy smile.

  “Why are you watching me eat?”

  He sat back in his chair. “You make it look like art.”

  Laughter tickled down my throat. “I make eating look like art?”


  “Are you serious?”

  “You can always take me at my word Bella.”

  I nodded as butterflies churned in my belly at his flattery. “I’ll make sure to remember that.”

  I continued to eat, and his heavy gaze lingered. Making a show of it, I moaned with each bite accentuating the tones in my voice as I pulled the food off of the utensil seductively. Following up with a laugh, I glanced to Julian and found that his pupils had darkened and his face grew devilishly exotic.

  I swallowed my food and attempted to get back on course.

  “Do I need any special vaccines to travel to Dubai?”

  Julian reached for his glass, this time wolfing down the rest of the H2O. I watched his broad chest rise and fall as if he lost his breath while I awaited his response.

  “There are no vaccinations required. However, you should make an appointment with your doctor to discuss anything she or he may think is important for you to have.”

  I grabbed a napkin and dabbed at my lips then sat back in my chair.

  “I would like to recommend vaccinations for Hepatitis A and B since there’s a small percentage of the population that are carriers.”

  I tipped my head. “Duly noted.”

  “Do you take any medications, Desiree? Are you allergic to anything? Is there something I need to be aware of?”

  “No,” I said. “No medication, no allergies, no pre-existing conditions.” I uncrossed and re-crossed my other leg, and it was bouncing again. “Do you need my blood type and medical records to confirm?” I was deathly serious. I needed to be mindful if there was anything else that needed to be put in place for this trip.

  Julian smirked. “I’d only request such documents from the woman that’s set to bear my children. Are you going to bear my children, Desiree?”

  My eyes widened as a trail of chills nestled up my collar just behind my ears. The fine hairs on my neck sat up straight, and my nipples hardened almost painfully. I recovered swiftly, deciding that if Julian wanted to play games, I would play along.

  “Hmmm,” I said sitting forward in my chair to take in his handsome face. “I do like the dimples. I can see little dimples in my baby boy’s cheeks, maybe my girl’s.” I moved out of my chair sauntering towards him. “I like your hair, too.” My fingers trailed through his waves laying a soft caress over the top of his head. “Your skin isn’t oily or dry.” My hands left his head and trailed down his neck, as I bent to scrutinize his skin. “You would make an excellent—ah!” I yelled as his strong hands sealed around my waist and my feet left the ground. Within seconds I was sitting on his lap.

  “If I were you, Desiree,” his dark voice beat through my spirit and my heart rocked against my breastbone. “I would be careful when touching me.”

  My eyes rose, and my breath hitched as my pulse knocked wildly all over my body. Julian’s grip around my waist loosened and his hand dropped to my thigh before waving down the skirt I wore. We were too close, and I didn’t trust myself, but I continued down that risky path.

  “I guess sitting in your lap like this, doesn’t bother you as much?” I wiggled a bit and watched his lids falter. Julian pulled his bottom lip through his teeth, and suddenly I felt a throbbing stab against my bottom. I jumped; almost out of his lap when it surprised me.

  “You play very dangerous games, Desiree.”

  “I only play the hand I’m dealt.”

  Julian grabbed me again, lifting me to settle on my feet as he rose to his. Towering over me, he licked his lips, and my eyes were stuck on his mouth.

  “You’re right. I started it with that comment about bearing my children.”

  I dipped my head in agreement.

  “Should I finish it?” He asked. A glimmer fled through his eyes, and we were separated by a mere inch.

  I took a half a step toward him before I realized what I’d done. My breasts brushed against his chest and then his mouth was on mine. Our lips sealed together soft and slow. Then, I felt his palm move against the skin of my neck into the strands of my hair pressurizing our
closeness. In erotic pleasure, his tongue pushed apart my lips to enter my mouth, and I let him pull me deeper.

  Right then and there we sailed on a ride to the heavens. I’d never kissed a brother so sensual; not even with my ex, Cameron, who I’d been in a relationship with for three years of my stay in Houston. A fire raged in my core that melted me instantly. The chills that were never-ending danced across my flesh, and I was desperate to separate from my clothes. His mouth tasted like peppermint mixed with cinnamon, and the sweet and spicy flavor only ballooned the fire within me.

  I don’t know when I moaned but it cruised from my throat and his grip tightened. I felt another hand on my waist before I was completely flushed against the length of his body. My arms circled his neck, and his erection bobbed against my navel. I gasped at its prodding and lifted my mouth from his to take in some air. I needed to pull away, but there was nothing that coaxed me into it. Instead, I shut my eyes as his soft lips pushed against my chin and down the side of my throat. I was breathing so rapidly I almost lost my breath. Another moan came from me, and I was seconds from kicking off my heels.


  The voice was back. It would wait until I felt deliciously sated before rearing its ugly head. I could do this. Pull away, Desiree. You are worth more than an easy one-night stand. His brawny hands explored my backside, filling his palms with my voluptuous derriere.

  “Oh…” I moaned again, trying to find the strength to pull apart from him. It wasn’t working too well. My arms fell down his chest, and my fingers opened, my palms now flat against him. “We should probably slow down.” I didn’t even recognize my voice. I pushed softly against the firm pecs in his expansive chest, and they flexed underneath my hands. The movement made me quiver and the throb between my legs thumped harder. I stepped out of his arms and turned my face from his, needing to calm my raging hormones.

  Julian reached out to tug my elbow. “Are you okay Desiree?” His voice was so thick and husky it further revved up my engine.

  I turned to him with a receding smile. “I’m fine… I just need to, um, get myself together. Do you have a restroom?”


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