Only If You Dare (Falling For A Rose Book 3)

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Only If You Dare (Falling For A Rose Book 3) Page 4

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  I rolled my eyes again. Did he seriously expect me to check in with details of our daily account like this? My hands tightened on the steering wheel, and I leaned into it pretending to bang my head against the hard metal.

  “Let me know how that conversation goes,” he said.

  “Do you want me to give you updates on every detail?”

  “Yes. Is there a problem?”

  I held back my tongue before speaking. “I’ll update you, but every detail won’t be possible if I am to write a good story. That’s what you want more than anything, right, a good story?”

  Fredrick went silent again.


  “I want a great story, Desiree. I also want details. Find a way to do them both. I’ve got an incoming call. I’ll talk to you later. And answer your phone!”

  The call dropped, and it was all I could do to keep from screaming. Why was I doing this to myself? I thought about the resignation letter. There was still plenty of time to hand it over. I mean, I hadn’t officially taken this assignment. It was forced on me.

  Yeah, like you don’t want it.

  I sighed and opened the door leaving the confines of my vehicle to head into see Dr. Bradshaw. Three and a half hours later, I came flying out shuffling my way to the Honda Accord that was the only vehicle left in the lot. I had thirty minutes to get across town, and Laney, my hairstylist, had already called to make sure I’d be there. Lord have mercy if I missed this appointment I wouldn’t be able to get another one for three weeks, and that just wouldn’t do.

  On my way, I thought about resigning again. I could just tell Julian the truth. The position at the Houston Report didn’t have my best interest at heart and yesterday when I barged in; it was to end my career there.

  But then what excuse would you use to see him again?

  From the moment I set eyes on Julian, getting to know him was something that interested me. But at what cost? I would just end up falling into my routine of backing away when I felt we were getting too close. So what was the point? Going back and forth over these ideas made me hungry, but I had no time to stop and eat. Deciding to go through with the torture of relaying our every move to Fredrick, I pressed forward pulling into the parking lot of the salon five minutes late. The doorbell chimed as I sprang through.

  “I’m here!” I said practically out of breath.

  Laney checked her watch. “You’re late.”

  “I know, but I’ve got a good excuse.”

  “If you take the time to tell me, you’ll be even later, get over here in this chair before I move on to my next client. Besides,” Laney nodded at a young woman sitting idle in a chair against the wall. “Natasha would love to take your spot.”

  “Sure would,” Natasha said, “and wouldn’t give it two thoughts.”

  The other ladies in the salon chuckled as I made my way to Laney plopping down in the chair.

  “Sorry Natasha, maybe next time,” I said.

  “Un huh,” was her response.

  I held my head back taking a closer look at Laney. “I love the pixie haircut on you,” I told her, “brings out the angles in your face.”

  She twisted her lips in a small smile. “I’m doing your hair, you don’t have to butter me up.”

  I threw my hand over my chest. “I wouldn’t dare.”

  She shook her head. “What do you want today? It doesn’t seem like your hair needs to be relaxed. Your roots are healthy.” She dug her fingers into my scalp, and the little massage made my eyes close. Instantly I imagined Julian pulling my hair to whisper something naughty in my ear.


  “Hmm?” I opened my eyes.

  “What do you want done today honey, time is of the essence.”

  “Oh sorry.”

  “What’s got you daydreaming today?”

  “Oh, nothing, just thinking about this latest assignment. Give me a wash and style. You know I like it when you give my hair that extra bump.”

  Laney pulled the plastic cape around my neck and lowered the back of my seat to wash my hair in the sink.

  “So what’s this latest assignment of yours?”

  The warm water that washed over my scalp ran into my earlobe muffling the sound of Laney’s voice.

  “It’s not breaking news; traveling to get exclusive photos from an international photo spread.”

  “Sounds like fun.”

  “I hope to have a little fun.”

  “You should find enjoyment in everything you do. Life if short, honey. If I were in your shoes, I’d ask my boss to send me traveling all the time.”

  “If only it were that easy.”

  I closed my eyes again as Laney massaged my scalp, but that proved to be a mistake. It was bad enough Julian had been on my mind since leaving Chicago. Now, with this new development and after yesterday’s fiasco, getting him out of my head was difficult. I needed to go out, on a date or two. Maybe it would stop me from becoming too engrossed with thoughts of him. I smiled to myself as if I’d come up with the brightest idea in the world. Then, realized quickly, that I loathed men for the womanizers they were and scowled.

  “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Laney asked.

  “Uh? Oh, nothing in particular.”

  “Sounds like you’re holding out,” Laney sang.

  It was no secret that hair salons were the bed and breakfast of gossip shops for just about everything under the sun. But I didn’t plan on making what I was thinking or feeling about Julian known.

  “Turn that TV up,” Natasha yelled.

  The ladies sitting at the front desk elevated the volume, and a picture of Julian flashed across the screen as if I’d conjured him up by just a thought. The reporter held a bright smile as she spoke into the microphone.

  “International male model and owner of A Few Good Men, Julian Alexander Rose was spotted in Houston today coming out of Dan’s barbeque on Jackson and Milling Street.”

  The reporter switched gears rolling to footage they’d recorded moments ago. A video of Julian strolling from the front door to his Bentley Bentayga played across the screen.

  “We caught up with Mr. Rose and he willingly gave us a moment of his time.”

  The camera switched to the recorded interview.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Rose. I’m Milly Washington with WGTN. What brings you to Houston today?”

  Julian slid one hand into his pocket and held the other out for a friendly shake.

  “Good afternoon, Mrs. Washington. I’ve been here for a week now, visiting a friend.”

  The timber in his voice sent chills through my spine. I resisted the urge to pull my hand up, and fanned myself as a layer of heat spread across my skin. He was just as beautiful if not more so than he was the day before. Dressed like a prep boy, Julian’s navy blue Brook Brother’s button down clung to his muscular arms and broad shoulders like it were made for him.

  “He is so fine!” Natasha said.

  “Sssh, I’m trying to hear what the man’s saying, girl,” her friend sitting next to her quipped.

  “Could there be a budding romance with this friend?”

  A slow grin spread across his amazing mouth.

  “I’m working on it.”

  He winked at the reporter and strolled away, offering a final wave as his long frame ducked off inside the car.

  “You heard it first, Houston,” she said. “Some lucky lady has the attention of the one and only Mr. Julian Alexander Rose. Maybe sooner rather than later, we’ll find out who the lucky woman is. Back to you, Sherri.”

  As much as I wanted to believe Julian was referring to me, nothing about his visit indicated such. We were working together. Besides some sexual chemistry, I wasn’t even sure Julian and I were friends. We’d been haphazardly thrown into the same world because his brother was marrying my sister. But he did come all this way to do an exclusive report with you. I invoked another image of Julian cutting his eyes at a beautiful woman dressed in so
me lingerie in the privacy of his suite. Exhaling a heavy sigh, I worked double-time to shuffle my thoughts.

  Laney blow dried my hair and added a hot oil treatment. Just as I started to imagine Julian’s lips on mine, a melodramatic scream resonated from my phone and the familiar ringtone made me cringe. That was it. I was resigning tomorrow.

  Chapter Six

  “What did Dr. Bradshaw say?”

  I exited the salon with my purse clutched underneath my arm in a rush to get some privacy before speaking to Fredrick. I’d ignored his call several times. I had no intention of having the conversation that needed to be had in front of Laney and the crew.

  “Fredrick, I need to meet with you first thing in the morning.”

  “What about?”

  “About my career at the Houston Report.”

  Fredrick fell silent. I let him take the time he needed to suck that in.

  “Come by my office after lunch.”

  I didn’t stop walking until I reached my Honda. The alarm chirped as I opened the door. Rearranging the phone, my movements paused as I caught wind of a familiar figure off in the distance. The cell phone slid from my ear as my hand gave way to the gravity holding it upright. I could hear Fredrick calling my name, but his voice sounded further and further away as I continued to stare off in disbelief at what I was seeing.

  “Desiree…” came a voice behind me, one that I could never forget.

  Casting a glance over my shoulder revealed another surprise. Today was just becoming stranger as the hour went on.

  “I thought that was you,” he said.

  I turned full circle, coming face to face with a man I thought I’d never see again. “Good afternoon Cameron. Long time.” My voice was even, revealing nothing although my nerves were now frazzled. A smile dashed across his handsome face and memories of late night dinners, movie dates, and heavy debates marched across my mind.

  “Desiree!” My eyes snapped to the phone, and I pulled the device back to my ear.

  “I’m sorry Fredrick, Im’ma have to call you back,” I said already hanging up.

  “You’re on the phone, ah, I didn’t mean to interrupt you.”

  Sure he didn’t.

  His eyes roamed over me; an approving assessment. I studied him just the same, noting the new film of hair that clouded his jaw, trimming nicely around his face. His dark brown skin oozed out of his gray t-shirt and the toned arms I’d become accustomed to held a tighter bulge, giving me the impression that his days at the gym remained continuous.

  “You’re just as beautiful as the first day I met you,” he said.

  I folded my arms in a defiant stand. “You don’t look too bad yourself. What brings you to this side of town?”

  He rubbed the stubble on his jaw. “I get my hair cut across the street now.” He pointed to the barbershop.

  “What a coincidence it is that we’ve crossed paths,” I said wondering if he’d been stalking me.

  “Or could it be something else,” he offered.

  I arched a brow. “I’m not sure what else it could be.”

  His dazzling smile was back. “I tried contacting you a few times, but your number isn’t the same.”

  “And why exactly would you be contacting me, again?”

  The grin slowly evaporated from his face. “Desiree, I know our relationship ended on a sour note, but I’d like the chance to redeem myself.”

  I bit down on my teeth and stared at him, my thoughts; running a million miles a second. They say never to go backward, and Cameron’s betrayal made me inconsolable for weeks. It almost took therapy for me to get over him. I’d met Cameron in the second year of my stay in Houston. It was after I’d nailed my first newsworthy piece that ended up on the front pages of every major newspaper in Houston and even crossed headlines on CNN. I was elated, and my need to celebrate with someone special landed me right in Cameron’s lap. Although I can be headstrong at times, Cameron managed to breach my tough exterior. All it took was some wining and dining, and I thought I had a winner.

  But I didn’t trust him completely. I was scared, still am. I knew deep down my father’s disappearance had everything to do with why I was single most of my adult life. But Cameron changed that. His smooth words and promises of forever clogged my mind. I’d given in and let down every defense I owned. Boy, was I a fool. Our relationship lasted blissfully for about two years. At least that’s what I thought. It was our third anniversary when my life changed dramatically. I was leaving his apartment on my way to work when a brunette in a Jeep Cherokee pulled to the curb as I strolled down his walkway.

  I stopped walking as she exited her vehicle and approached.

  “You must be Desiree,” she said.

  “I’m sorry to say I don’t know who you are,” I was already feeling my gut tighten.

  “I’m Gina. Could you tell our boyfriend to stop ignoring my calls? I need money to go shopping for our son.”

  My eyes widened. “Our boyfriend? Your son?”

  “That’s what I said.” She’d put her hand to her lips. “Oh, you didn’t know? We’re having a boy.” Tangela rubbed her protruding belly and bile rose in my throat. Before I had a chance to say anything, Cameron swung open the door storming out like a raging bull.

  “You are crazy as hell coming to my house like this!”

  “I told you I would, and you tried me. There’s no use keeping us a secret any longer. We’ve got a love child on the way, and I expect to be taken care of throughout the next eighteen years, Cameron!”

  Their heated words and harsh expletives shot back and forth. As for me, I’d left this world, on a plane to the next galaxy. My life shattered, and I was seconds from a breakdown. I whipped around on Cameron, laying a firm palm across his face. Needless to say, he followed me all the way to the car, trying to explain and prove his innocence. But I knew it in my heart. Cameron was a lying, cheating, filthy excuse for a man, and even knowing all of this, I still stood there staring at him, wondering what our life would’ve been if that had never happened.

  “A sour note is putting it mildly don’t you think,” I said.

  “You never gave me the chance to defend myself.”

  “Did you sleep with her?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “Then what’s there to defend?”

  “Desiree,” he moved in closer and my arms tightened across my chest. “It was a mistake. It only happened once. She was never pregnant by me. Her tactics were just a lousy way to get you to leave me and get me to be with her.”

  “Worked like a charm,” I said. I glanced at my watch. “I’ve gotta go, have a nice life, Cameron.”

  I turned. “Desiree, wait.” A warm hand touched my shoulder halting my advancement. I kept my back to him as he spoke.

  “Please, just give me a chance.” His arms circled my waist pulling me in slowly. “I miss you,” he said.

  I shut my eyes and let out a breath. It was true; I missed him, too; more than I probably should. Could you fault a girl?

  “Have dinner with me.”

  My rebuttal wasn’t coming fast enough. I opened my eyes. “Why?”

  He turned me to look at him. “I meant everything I said about wanting you in my life forever. That hasn’t changed. Your absence, if anything, has made me a better man. I don’t want to be without you girl. I don’t—”

  I moved while I still had any ounce of willpower. “I’ve gotta go.” His grip tightened, and this time I turned to glare at him. His fingers loosened, and I tugged to free myself of his remaining latch. My legs felt like they were sinking as I closed the short distance to my car. With the door still open, I held on to it needing to support myself and get a grip. I cast another glance in the distance only to find an empty sidewalk and parking meter. The image of the familiar face I’d seen minutes before was gone. With my back to Cameron, I slid inside reaching out to close the door.

  “I still love you.”

  Instantly, I froze, my hand closed around my door
handle. Cameron thought his words were pleasant. But they pulled every emotion I’d ever felt with him to the forefront. A flurry of happiness, love, sadness, and pain ricocheted through me. I dropped my hand and sat forward. Getting back out of the car, I marched back to him nostrils flaring.

  “What do you want from me, Cameron?” His eyes softened, and he moved towards me. “Don’t touch me, okay!” I held my hands up. “You don’t get to walk back into my life after everything you put me through!”

  “Baby,” he reached out, and I smacked him. I pivoted practically running back to my car. This time when I got in, I buckled my seatbelt and pulled off without sparing a look back.

  Tears created a cloud in my vision. I shot down the street trying to get as far away from him as possible.


  Pulling out my cell, I scrolled through for Julian’s number and hit send. I wiped my eyes and thought about what I needed to do. It was time to end this assignment and look forward to what my future held.

  Chapter Seven

  When Julian answered the phone, his dark imposing voice strummed across my flesh like a commanding stroke.

  “Julian,” I said my voice a bit more throaty than I’d expected. “Are you busy?”

  “Not anymore,” he said. “How are you?”

  “I’ve been better,” I paused then proceeded. “Listen, I won’t be handling this assignment anymore, and I thought it best for me to tell you first.”

  “What happened?”

  The concern in his voice was palpable.

  “Where are you,” he asked.

  “Headed home.”

  “Let me come see you.”

  Something inside me stirred. I hadn’t anticipated Julian’s response, and even if I did, this wouldn’t have been it.

  “I’m passing you right now,” I said.

  “Pull into the garage and park inside the private gate on the fifth floor.” He rattled off a few numbers to the code on the private entrance.


  I had absolutely no idea why my heart pounded, and my anticipation heightened upon entering the hotel garage. I tried to tell myself that I was just nervous about Julian taking the exclusive photos to a local competitor. But, I knew that wasn’t the case as soon as I parked and the private elevator doors opened. From behind my tinted glass, I watched in raptness as Julian stepped out; his long strides headed in my direction. My eyes traveled over him, completely turned on by the casual button down blue jean shirt with sleeves pulled past his powerful forearms. His black jeans sat against muscular thighs, and the strength in his walk spoke of male confidence and sheer determination. Within seconds he’d descended on me, reaching out to open my door. I was still stuck in a daze when he unsnapped my seatbelt, and his strong hands pulled me out of the car. Quickly, he shut the door and held me hostage between it.


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