Only If You Dare (Falling For A Rose Book 3)

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Only If You Dare (Falling For A Rose Book 3) Page 7

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Hi,” Santana held her hand out for a shake and Julian accepted it.

  “How are you,” he asked Santana.

  “As good as can be expected I suppose.”

  Julian reached out and caressed my shoulders. “Are you alright?”

  Santana looked from him to me, and she caught on to my somber expression.

  “Oh nooo,” she said. “Don’t tell me the bastard harmed Jasper!”

  “I’m afraid so,” Julian offered.

  “Oh honey,” Santana pulled me in for a hug, and I silently cried on her shoulder.

  “It was so cruel,” I sniffed out. “Drowned him in a bathtub of water.”

  Santana gasped. “Nooo!”

  “What type of sick psycho does something so disgusting?” My tears created a puddle on her shirt that soaked into her sleeve.

  “I’m so sorry, Desiree. I really am,” Santana said.

  I straightened up and tried to pull myself together.

  “What’s done is done. I’ll give him a little burial and move out.”

  “I don’t blame you for a second,” Santana said. “If it makes you feel any better I brought food.”

  I gave her a small smile. “Thanks.”

  “I’ll fix us some plates.” Santana glanced to Julian. “Would you like a plate Julian?”

  “No ma’am, I’m good. You ladies enjoy.”

  “Ma’am,” she said. “I will not be reduced to some old lady.”

  “Oh my God…” I said shaking my head at her.

  “What?” Santana replied.

  Julian chuckled. “An old lady you are not. So no worries there.”

  “That’s more like it.”

  Santana strolled away to enter the kitchenette and Julian pulled me in again. I rested my head against his broad chest, longing to stay there.

  “I’m going to leave you two alone. Does Santana have family here in Houston?”

  “Yes. Her mother and father live here.”

  “No sisters or brothers?”

  “No.” I could see the wheels turning in Julian’s head. “What are you thinking?”

  “Until this guy is caught she could use some security.”

  “Do you have someone in mind?”

  “Yeah. I think I do. Remember, if you need anything to come see me. I’m just down the hall.”

  I didn’t respond. Julian pulled back lifting my chin with his finger. “Do you hear me, Desiree?”

  “Yes, thanks for… everything.”

  “No thanks needed. I’m here whenever you need me.”

  His words shouldn’t have touched me the way they did; in a personal way that went beyond boundaries. I wouldn’t deny that I didn’t love them or the way I felt inside with every move he made to make sure I was taken care of. This was something I could get used to, but I wouldn’t. I had to keep reminding myself that men were untrustworthy, no matter what they said.

  Julian removed himself from what was now our temporary home. A whistle came from the kitchen, drawing my attention to Santana standing idle watching me.

  “No wonder you were safe. I’d feel safe to with that man around to rescue me.” I smirked and went into the kitchenette. At the sink, I washed my hands in silence and thought about Jasper. When I turned around, Santana was watching me like a hawk with a worried expression on her face.

  “I’m alright,” I said. “How are you? Your house was burglarized, too.”

  “More like trashed,” she said. “I can’t tell if the idiot took anything because the house was literally turned upside down.”

  “Who do you think it could be?” I asked.

  Santana tossed her hands up. “Who knows. The four of us have done tons of stories together.”

  “Yeah, but whoever this was felt like we ruined his life, so it must be someone who was maybe on trial or in jail possibly.”

  I was desperate to find a solution. I couldn’t continue to walk around looking over my shoulder.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” Santana said.

  “You do?”

  “Yeah, we’re all thinking the same thing. Is this bastard going to keep stalking us or was this just a one-time thing to scare us?”

  I groaned and sat down at the table, taking my fork and playing around with the Chinese food in front of me.

  “I can’t express enough how sorry I am about Jasper.”

  I waved her off. “Let’s talk about something else.”

  “Okay. Tell me, what’s going on with you and Julian?”

  I groaned again. Her guess was as good as mine. Something was happening. I just wasn’t sure what it was so I shrugged.

  “I don’t know. Nothing officially, and everything unofficially.”

  Santana gave me a knowing look.

  “We’re leaving earlier than Friday. Julian wants to take my mind off things.”

  “How early?”

  I smirked. “Tomorrow.”

  “Well what are you going to do,” she asked.

  I threw the question right back at her. “What are you going to do? You can’t stay here alone.”

  “Why? You have to have the private code just to reach this floor. If you ask me, this is the safest place to be at this point.”

  I thought about her words.

  “Okay, so you’ll stay here, or you could go over to your parents. I’m sure they’d rather you stay with them, then here alone.”

  “And I’d rather stay here alone.”

  I cracked a smile. “Why?”

  “Because my mother will treat me like a patient, checking on me every second, and you know I can’t deal with that.”

  “Alright, fine, be my guess. But tomorrow morning, you’re going with me to the mall. I need to grab a few things and whatever business you need to handle you’ll do it before we leave. I don’t want you going places alone. I think Julian is getting you some security anyway.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He asked if you had family and thought you needed security. Said he had someone in mind.”

  “Aww, that’s so sweet. So it’ll be like having secret service detail.”

  “I don’t know about all that.”

  Santana chuckled. “What will I do until my secret service shows up?”

  I rolled my eyes and smirked. “Pair up with Gloria. I’m sure she’ll be happy to stay with you.”

  “I just might.” Santana mulled it over. “But I’d prefer to have a man like Julian protect me instead. Or better yet, whisk me away to another country. Talk about a damsel in distress.”

  I chuckled. “You never stop do you?”

  “Why should I? It’s the truth. Did you say he had other brothers?”

  I was shaking my head now.

  “What?” Santana asked.

  “Yes, he has seven brothers and triplets for sisters.”

  “If any of them look like him, stick a fork in me, I’m done.”

  I laughed again. “I’m going to bed,” I said pulling away from the table.

  “Hey, you haven’t finished your food.”

  “Put it in the refrigerator I’ll eat it tomorrow. I made a beeline straight for the shower, wishing Julian was there to keep me company.

  Chapter Eleven

  Manchester Cove Mall held the usual hustle and bustle. It was what I could expect from the midweek crowd. Santana and I were making our rounds when a text message came through my phone.

  Good morning, Bella. I was on my way to bring you breakfast when I spotted the note on my door. Under any other circumstance, I would give you an ear full about leaving without security. But since you and Santana are together, I’ll let you off the hook… This time.

  I smiled and giggled then covered my mouth. I’m a grown woman, giggling like a school girl. Get yourself together, Desiree. I was trying, but it was hard. I hit reply and texted him promptly.

  Security? I’m sorry to say I’m not in the major leagues like you, Mr. Rose. I couldn’t hire security to save my dog never
mind my life.

  He responded quicker than I expected.

  Don’t insult me.

  This brought another saccharine smile to my face.

  I’m not. I’m being so serious.

  “Are we going in this store or not,” Santana asked, stepping away from the store’s window with a hand on her hip. She took note of my smile. “Who’s that, Julian?”

  A text message came through.

  I’m all the security you’ll need, Bella. Remember that.

  My stomach churned, and my heart fluttered.

  “Why does it have to be Julian,” I said to Santana. “He’s not the only guy I know.”

  Santana sighed. “Whatever.”

  I dropped the smile from my face and gave her a blank stare.

  “Let’s go.”

  We entered a clothing store tailored to modest Muslim culture. I figured if I was to keep up with my surroundings in Dubai, I should probably look the part. I rose early that morning, eating an early breakfast on the balcony, and searching Dubai for tourist dress codes. For the most part, it seemed okay to wear whatever I wanted. Except the city had a thing about bare shoulders and knees on women. When it came to religion, I grew up a born-again Christian. If my mother saw me now, she’d probably pass out. I chuckled at the thought and glided next to Santana as I sent another text.

  Are you sure? I know you’ve been in the city visiting a friend. How might they feel if you have no more time for them because you’re too busy securing me?

  I re-read what I wrote then chickened out and backspaced, but halfway there I decided I’d send it after all. I should admit; I’ve wanted to know about the comments Julian made to the news reporter ever since I’d seen him on TV.

  “This is nice,” Santana said. “You know I’m not big on wearing dresses down to my ankles, but this looks great.”

  I took my hand up and down the Arabian dress she spoke of, admiring the solid red material with a golden neckline.

  “This is nice,” I agreed.

  “And the material is light. So you won’t burst into flames in it either.”

  We laughed. It was true, the climate in Dubai during this time of year, was beyond hot. So, I wasn’t particularly interested in something that covered me completely. As long as my shoulders and knees were covered, that was all I needed.

  I don’t think she’ll mind. What do you think? Do you mind, Desiree?

  I froze and stared at his words for a moment.

  How would I know? You should ask her.

  “Yeah, you’ll get a real good breeze in this,” Santana offered.

  “And I could wear my bathing suit underneath. Looks perfect for going to the beach,” I responded, and for reasons unknown, my heart kicked up a beat.

  I am asking her, Bella. But she won’t answer me, what do you suppose we do about that?

  A sizzling heat crawled over me, and I paused to take a breath.

  Are you saying I am her?

  I took the dress off the rack and shuffled through for others in different colors. After picking out a blue, pink, yellow, soft green, and red, I decided that was enough when it came to dresses. I needed to calm my racing heart, but these exchanges between Julian and I were becoming more personal by the minute. I wasn’t in denial as much as Santana thought. I kept it real with myself. I wanted to know more about Julian, and it had nothing to do with being an investigative reporter. But I didn’t know what kind of games Julian played, and I didn’t want to find out.

  My phone beeped again.

  You’re the only reason I’m in Houston, Bella. What you do with that information is up to you.

  My eyes traveled over the words again and again. If I had any doubts before, I didn’t now. Nevertheless, I had to know.


  My phone beeped.

  I want to know you, Desiree. In every single way. I would’ve preferred having this conversation in person and not through text.

  I was stunned; my heart doing a tap dance on my chest. What Julian said, every word of it, was how I felt. Instead of responding, I put my phone inside my purse and put my mind on what I was doing at the moment.

  I strolled through the aisle, and a mannequin caught my eye. Wrapped around the mannequins’ head was a hijab. I took another glance around the store to find mannequins that wore scarfs that gave the same cover without the religious semblance.

  They’ve got these scarfs in all colors. Maybe I’ll grab a couple.”

  Pulling the material off the figurine, I wrapped it around my head and practically covered my mouth. Doing a quick turn, I looked to Santana.

  “How do I look?” My voice came out slightly muffled from the blanket of material covering my mouth.

  “You look hot,” she said.

  I shuffled my eyes side to side. “Hot as in, I’m going to burst into flames, or hot as in sexy,” I said lowering my voice to a feminine depth.

  Santana laughed and imitated my voice. “Sexy,” she said.

  I scrunched my nose. “Really? I need a mirror.” I strolled to the counter and modeled in the mirror. “Mmm, does look alluring doesn’t it?”

  “Mmhmm,” Santana confirmed.

  “Alright, I’ll take it.”

  We both laughed and Santana shook her head.

  “What?” I said. “If I have to dress the part, I might as well look good doing it, am I right?”

  “Yes, that you are.”

  “Alright then, the scarf works.”

  I unwrapped my hair and went back to the mannequin, grabbing a few other colors including white. Back at the rack, where I found the other dresses, I scoured the stand for a white Arabian dress. When I found it, I trudged to the dressing room. I only needed to try on one to know how the rest would look and feel against my skin.

  After completing my look, I stood staring at myself in the full-length mirror. My transformation stunned even me. Not only did the ankle length dress and scarf look incredible against my figure, but I was pulling off the whole Middle Eastern look as if I belonged there. My eyes traveled to my bare feet. I’d need to complete this look with sandals or wedge heels. The material was so thin I shouldn’t have a problem with the weather at all. There was a knock on the dressing room door.

  “Come on out so I can see,” Santana chimed.

  I opened the door and stepped out. When her eyes widened, I knew I had a winner.

  “That’s absolutely gorgeous on you.”

  My smile was bright, and I wiggled my eyebrows.

  “You think so?”

  Santana shifted her weight poking her hip out.

  “Yes,” she snapped. “Sister Girl, you’re wearing that dress. How does it feel?”

  I twirled. “Feels good, materials cool, thin and flowy.”

  Santana nodded. “You’ve pulled it off, and you might get the attention of some brothers.”

  I twisted my lips. “I’m not wearing this to get attention.”

  “I know it, but still,” she said steady in her admiration of the dress.

  “Okay, I’ll take them all.”

  I re-entered the dressing room and changed back into my blue jeans and belly baring halter top.

  “Oh, and another thing,” Santana said as we made our way to the register, “Spring is not upon us yet. As much as I know you’re ready for the season to change, you’ll just have to wait like the rest of us.”

  She was referring to my halter. “Hey, what can I say, I’m a warm-blooded female. It’s my way of life.”

  We left and headed for a shoe store.

  “I guess you’re not dressing the part the entire time since you only purchased enough clothes for a week,” Santana said.

  “I’ve got a few other things, but it’s my normal everyday wear. From what I’ve researched, wearing leggings or maxi dresses is good.”

  “As long as your shoulders and knees are covered. Gotcha,” Santana said.

  “I wonder why Julian didn’t tell me this,” I pondered out loud.

sp; Santana snickered. “Maybe because he doesn’t care what you wear, even if that’s nothing at all.”

  I shook my head and smiled. Santana laughed as we entered Shoe Depot.

  “Let’s try and make this quick. Our flight leaves at two.”

  “I am still so jealous,” Santana said.

  “You should’ve asked Fredrick to put you on assignment with me. He can be a bit anal, but he usually does whatever you want since he’s got this grade school crush on you.”

  “I don’t mean the assignment. I mean the man, honey.”

  She did a snap then twirl, and I laughed.

  “You are tripping me out,” I said.

  “Yeah, but you know it’s true.

  My cell buzzed. I checked my caller ID and was instantly coated with warmth.

  “Hey,” I answered.


  I stopped walking and shut my eyes, fighting hard not to be charmed by his charisma.

  “You never texted me back. Are you busy?”

  His voice sent a vibration humming through me.

  “Santana and I are making our last stop before I meet you back at the hotel.” I checked the time on my phone. It was 11:30 am. We had enough time to grab some shoes, so I set forth to the store with the phone to my ear.

  “Cameron?” I heard Santana say.

  My head snapped up, and there he was, standing in front of me like a ghost manifesting out of nowhere. Cameron reached out and grabbed my wrist, but I pulled back.

  “Cameron, what are you doing here?”

  “I need to talk to you.”

  “Have you been following me?”

  Cameron sighed. “No.”

  “Let me guess, you just happened to run into me again.” I put a hand on my hip.

  “Bella.” Julian’s voice brought me back from the anger I was about to release on Cameron.

  “Hey, I’m sorry,” I said to Julian.

  “I’m coming to you. Tell me what store you’re in.”

  “That’s not necessary.” I glanced back to Cameron, and he stood there watching me with hopeful eyes.

  “No,” I said to Cameron. “We’re not doing this again.” I rounded him, and he reached out.

  “Desiree, just hear me out.”

  “I’ve heard enough of what you have to say for a lifetime. If I see you again, I’m putting a restraining order out on you. If you don’t believe me, try me.” I retreated inside the store, and Santana hurried in behind me.


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