Only If You Dare (Falling For A Rose Book 3)

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Only If You Dare (Falling For A Rose Book 3) Page 9

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Do you mind if I ask you some questions, Julian?”

  I folded my fingers together and stretched my legs out, crossing them at the ankles. “Not at all, ask away.”

  Desiree smiled sweetly. “What process do you take to create a photo spread? And more specifically, how do you choose your themes?”

  “My team is an essential part of my creativity. Without them, I couldn’t possibly put together an efficient photoshoot. The same crew is with me on most assignments. My assistant, Kelsey, whom you met getting on board; a casting director, fashion stylist, hair and make-up artists, photographers, a prop stylist and manicurist, and of course the models are all a part of bringing the vision to life.”

  Desiree scribbled on her notepad as I spoke.

  “Let me know if you need a minute to write this down,” I said.

  “Thank you,” she responded. “Continue.”

  “The first person I speak with is my photographer because I need him or her to have an understanding of what the theme involves. The photographer then tells the fashion stylist who then picks out the complete wardrobe for the models. The rest of the crew is briefed on the theme and ideas and planning take place. Creating a storyboard happens at this phase. For example; the theme for this spread is, ‘A day in the life of an Arabian king.’ So, throughout the photoshoot, we’ll align ourselves with different props to bring those images to life.”

  I paused to give her time to finish scribbling. Desiree nodded slowly as she jotted down what I’d said. Relaxing in her chair, she crossed her legs.

  “Earlier this week, you told me the Prime Minister had called. Did you have this theme in mind before or after that phone call was made?”

  “It was a back burner story idea, one that I hadn’t shared with my team. I was currently shooting a single spread on a newly engaged couple. You may have heard of them, Shelby Nichole Donahue and Sebastian Cartwright.”

  Desiree sat forward and pointed her ink pen. “The famous artist and photographer?”

  “Yes,” I smiled.

  “I shot a spread with Sebastian in Venice, and he and his best friend, Shelby, fell in love and are now engaged. She was eight months pregnant when I shot the pictures.”

  “Wow,” Desiree said. “This is off topic, but, do you know them well at all?”

  “I wouldn’t say I knew them well, but we’ve become acquainted enough that I received an invitation to their wedding.”

  “A royal wedding,” Desiree mused, and I chuckled.

  “Something like that.”

  “You said they fell in love. So how long had they known each other?”

  “The way it was told to me is they’ve known each other since grade school.”

  “Wow again,” Desiree said. “Sounds like a fairy tale. I didn’t know things like that happened in real life.”

  “They do,” I said.

  Desiree’s gaze wandered off as she sat in thought.

  “Do you believe in love, Desiree?”

  Bringing her eyes back to me, she shifted in her seat. “Sure.”

  I arched a brow. “Are you certain?”

  She bit her bottom lip. “Yeah, I don’t know,” she finally said. “I’m sure love exists and some people find it, but some people don’t. So I guess it would depend on who you ask.”

  “I’m asking you.”

  Desiree held her tongue before speaking again. “Sure,” she said again. “Maybe one day, maybe not.”

  We held each other in a stare down for the better part of a minute. Desiree cleared her throat.

  “So, um,” she fumbled looking for a way to change the subject. “It was a back burner idea,” she sailed back on topic with ease, “and the Prime Minister’s call gave you the opportunity to bring that idea to fruition.”


  More scribbling on her notepad. I found it interesting that she preferred pen and paper instead of a laptop.

  “So are there different brands or designers that you’re using with this particular shoot?”

  “The designers are all famously known in Dubai.” I gave Desiree a few names.

  “That’s a short list,” she said.

  “Making the brands exclusive to the designers makes the spread unique. It’s a respective way to show homage to the city of Dubai, as well.”

  “That’s an excellent way to say thank you.”

  I tilted my head in agreeance.

  “How big is your—”

  Desiree paused when she saw a smile spread across my face. Her face heated and her cheeks flamed.

  “I, um, was asking… how big is your,” she fumbled, “spread!”

  Desiree shouted the word like it held the weight of a brick. Her uncomfortableness was also interesting and comical at the same time.

  “Are you alright, Bella?”

  “I’m fine,” she quipped, but the flush over her face said otherwise.

  I decided to cut her some slack, if only for a moment.

  “It’s a ten-page double-sided spread; vertical and horizontal images. Usually, this type of spread could be done over a few days. But, because of the specialty of the shoot, we’re using actual locations with props instead of props only. So in essence, on the one hand, we could’ve brought Dubai to say, Houston Texas and cleared out a building to reconstruct the look we’re going for from the ground up. But being on location, we will shuffle from one real life scene to the next, and have a little fun as we work.”

  Desiree was back to scribbling notes again, no doubt appreciative for the reprieve.

  “Will you be using a real king in the shoot, or do you have a model set to become a king for two weeks?”

  She asked the question with her head down focused on her notes. When I didn’t respond, she peeled her eyes away from the paper to check on me. I waited for the connection before speaking again.

  “I will be portraying the king Bella. The spread is paying tribute, so a real king isn’t needed this time.”

  Desiree swept an eye over me, and a hint of a blush fell over her face. “How many models make up your team?”

  “There will be thirty-two on this trip. That doesn’t include about fifteen of Dubai’s top models.”

  The jet rocked slightly hitting a patch of turbulence. Desiree’s hand flew to grip the armrest.

  “You’re okay,” I promised. “If we need to jump, I have the perfect parachute for you.”

  At the horrified expression on her face, I laughed. “Es todo diversión y juegos mi amor…”

  Desiree’s eyes faltered, and she rubbed a hand against her neck breathing evenly.

  “I don’t know what you said, but I think I’m all for it.”

  I laughed, never taking my eyes off of her.

  “Do you make it a habit agreeing to things you don’t understand?” I asked.

  “Never,” she responded. “Which is why I don’t even know why I said it.”

  I laughed again. “You can’t take it back now.”

  She kept a laser focus on me. “I hadn’t planned to.”

  Our flirtation closed in on us, and I wondered how she would respond if I pulled her into my lap to taste her mouth in detail; much like the passionate kiss we’d shared on Monday. After tasting Desiree, my libido had been painfully high. I didn’t want to rush what I was now thinking may be our destiny, but taking things slow was tearing me apart. If this is what the makings of love was, I wanted more of it every second of every moment of every day with her. And after I was done, if she didn’t believe in love then, she would later. I had no intentions of letting Desiree become familiar with another after I’d set my sights on her. She didn’t know it, but I would make this known by words and actions.

  “So what did you say?”

  I smirked. “It’s all fun and games, my love.”

  She rubbed her neck again.

  “Why must you play about parachutes while we’re flying to the Middle East?”

  I held my hands up in surrender. “You’re right, w
on’t happen again.”

  She sighed with relief. “When did you learn to speak Spanish?”

  “I learned Spanish like I learned English. Growing up in the household with our housekeeper, Norma, whose first language is Spanish, and being in attendance at private schools that taught a variety of languages, gave me the opportunity to become fluent.”

  “Are you fluent in other languages?”

  “Italian and French.”

  “Wow, quite the overachiever, aren’t you?”

  “I do what I can.”

  “That’s for sure.”

  “Would you like to get comfortable? There’s a living room area and bedroom in the back if you’d like to stretch out.”

  “Why? Are you over me asking questions?”

  “Not at all, but there will be plenty of time for that.”

  Desiree sat her notepad down and stretched. “I don’t want to get in bed, but maybe stretching out on the couch would suffice.”

  I stood and walked to her, holding my hand out. Desiree accepted and followed me to the living room that housed a sixty-inch flat screen HDTV, a sofa sleeper and sectional, that laced off one-third of the room. The luxurious amenities came furnished with the price tag on the sixty-million-dollar aircraft.

  “Sit wherever you’d like,” I offered, making my way to the cherry wood grain TV stand to retrieve the remote control. “What would you like to watch, a movie perhaps?”

  “What do you have?”

  “I’m a fan of the classics myself; Love Jones, Brown Sugar, The Best Man…”

  “Love Jones is fine,” she said. “Quite the lover, aren’t you?” She asked.

  A lazy smile pulled at my lips. “I’ve been called worse, so I won’t take that as an insult.”

  “It wasn’t meant to be one, but your movie selection says that’s your M.O. unless you just keep DVDs like that around to woo the ladies.”

  A deep laugh trod from me. “You, Desiree, are a funny woman.”

  I pressed play and strolled back to her. Taking a seat, I rested against the couch throwing my arm over the top. For a moment, Desiree looked like she wanted to shrink away, but before the thought took root, I reached for her pulling her flank against me.

  We settled into a zone and watched the movie while taking sneak peeks at one another. It had felt like light years since my interest in a woman went beyond the physical, and enjoying my time with Desiree like this made me wonder what it would be like to have someone to call my own. The thing most fascinating was the aura that warmed me, felt invasive but pure and untainted. There was no motive of wanting sexual release from her, and she held no incentive of being on the arm of what I’d been deemed, a wealthy bachelor. Instead, we were two people enjoying the company of one another; basking in a delightful friendship that began budding the moment we’d set eyes on each other in that hospital room.

  There were no promises made, no intentions sought after, no contract to be signed. It was refreshing, and the added chemistry that heated my core when we were around each other was a new edition; something I’d never experienced with anyone. When the movie ended, the disk changed and Brown Sugar came on. We were halfway through the film when Desiree fell asleep with her head resting against my chest. I held her there, but before long, she’d drifted into such a deep slumber that she spread and stretched; her head now in my lap and her legs lying languidly down the couch.

  I watched her for a long moment. The tug on my chest tussled with my mind, going back and forth, telling me I was falling for her while I denied it in the same thought. I reasoned I didn’t know her. We had only been acquainted for a few weeks. Love like this wasn’t possible. But everything I felt denied the silent rebuttal.

  “Do you need anything?”

  I glanced up to see Kelsey standing in the doorway.

  “Something to drink or eat,” she questioned. Looking down to Desiree she offered. “A blanket maybe?”

  “I’ll take a blanket and something to drink.”

  Kelsey disappeared and re-emerged moments later. She spread the dark blue blanket over Desiree and handed me a bottled water.

  “Thank you,” I said. “You’re the best.”

  She grinned. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  I chuckled.

  “Are you sure you don’t need anything else?”


  Kelsey gave me two thumbs up and left the room. I finished off the water, but my thirst was not quenched. Glancing down at Desiree, I knew within her lied my refreshment.

  “Julian, wake up.”

  My eyes opened and I stared up into Kelsey’s face. I glanced around. “Did I fall asleep?”

  “You did, and we’re getting ready to land in thirty minutes.”

  Desiree lay still across my lap. I’d never slept sitting upright unless I was dog tired, so I wondered for a moment, if relaxation had taken over. I reached down, sifting my hand under the blanket to rub Desiree across her arms. She stirred and turned her body from her side to her back to look up at me.

  “Oh my God, I fell asleep on you.” She invited me in with her soft smile.

  “Anytime Bella, anytime.”

  “What time is it? Felt like I slept for a month.”

  I chuckled. “Not quite a month. We’re getting ready to land in thirty minutes.”

  Her eyes popped. “Land? Already?”


  “So I did sleep a month!”

  This brought hearty laughter from me.

  “Oh my God,” she said again, rising to sit. She threw her legs over the sofa and stretched. “I am not good company, am I?”

  “The best.”

  She smirked. “And you’re too sweet to tell me when I suck.”

  I chuckled. “You’re being too hard on yourself.”

  “I need to freshen up. Bathroom?” She asked.

  I left the couch standing to my feet, and offered her a hand. She accepted it, and her touch warmed my palm. We walked together, making our way to the bedroom in the rear of the jet. The closer we got, the tighter her fingers closed around mine. Desiree was nervous. When I’d mentioned stretching out across the bed earlier, she’d quickly shot that notion down; opting to lay across the sofa instead. I wondered if she thought I would love her and leave her. It was not ridiculous if she did. I could admit; my expertise with women only came from the promiscuous behavior I’d promoted throughout the last decade.

  But if Desiree only knew my inner struggle, she might think differently. Inside the room, I stopped short and pointed to a door in front of us.

  “Use whatever you need. This room is yours; bathroom is through that door. I’ve already taken the initiative to place your bags there on the dresser. If you require anything…”


  “Anytime, Bella.”

  I pulled my eyes away from her and left in search of a cold shower. It was supposed to cool off the heated temperature of my skin, but I found myself assaulted with thoughts of Desiree. Standing in front of me, bare skin, droplets of water running down the plumpness of her breasts to her brown areolas. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth and held back my head allowing the exuberant force from the shower head to spray my face as if it would wash the images away. Maybe I was in over my head. What did I know about being with a single woman anyway? I had my doubts about what I was pursuing. This was unknown territory.

  I left the shower and got myself together for the day. The next time I saw Desiree, she was sashaying through the hallway quietly. When my eyes fell on her, I knew I was a goner. I loved Desiree’s beautifully feminine face, her soulful eyes, and plush mouth. Her lips held a soft shine; then she blessed me with a glowing smile.

  “Is this okay?” She asked.

  Words were lost on me as my perusal traveled over her. The white Arabian dress she wore complimented the white satin cravat that covered her hair. If my eyes were a laser, Desiree’s silhouette would be on fire.

  Her beautiful lips
moved. “I thought maybe I should dress the part,” she said. “Did I go overboard?” She twisted her lips uncertain about her decision.

  My voice was gruff when I spoke. “You’re a goddess.” I’d never felt so confident about anything in my life. Desiree blushed, and I moved wanting to be closer. I took her hand in mine and caressed the top of her skin while keeping my focus on her eyes. Her lashes fell, and she shivered; the fragrance wafting from her coated me with rouse.

  “Come with me,” I said keeping hold of her hand. I helped Desiree into the seat she claimed upon taking off and buckled her belt to prepare for landing. Whenever I had the pleasure of touching her, a surging heat wave shot through me. It happened so often it took an extraordinary effort on my part to keep from ruining her every time. Her lashes gave off a subtle flutter as she watched my every movement, and her mouth beckoned me to dip in for a succulent kiss. An overhead speaker crackled then Kelsey’s voice came through.

  “We’re minutes outside of Dubai International Airport, and we’ve been given the go ahead to land. If you haven’t already, please take your seats and get ready for this smooth landing.”

  “Thank you,” Desiree said.

  I pulled away from her and took my seat.

  “Anytime Bella,” I said. “Anytime.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  United Arab Emirates, Dubai

  1:30 pm Gulf Time


  The humidity in Dubai’s noonday sky sat dense and heavy. After we landed things began to move swiftly. Julian went from relaxed to busy, and his cell phone rang a never-ending beat as we navigated through Dubai to the port of the gulf. His stern professionalism didn’t stop him from being a complete gentleman; opening doors, and offering me breakfast although it was apparent a rigorous work day was ahead of him. I’d had a croissant and cup of lemon water as we continued to move, and now we crossed a deck to board a yacht that was the size of a football field. To say I was impressed was an understatement, but I didn’t want to bubble over in a fit of oohs and ahs, so I held my excitement in.


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